6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 7,1991 Orono Family Heads for USA Holiday Orono News by I. Challlce Quote - "All who have meditated on the art of governing governing mankind, have been convinced that the fate of empises depends on the education education of youth" - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lowery Lowery and family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby,spent Kirby,spent last weekend visiting visiting Dayton, Ohio U.S.A. visiting visiting Doreen's sister, Allan and Dorothy Cornish and family. Mrs. Helen Foster and her daughter Jeannette, Milton, Ontario were recent visitors with her cousin, Mrs. Edith Taylor. A serious error in last weeks column - Beef Barbecue Barbecue Wednesday August 14 in Orono Park is continuously serving from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Get your tickets early! Mrs. Audrey McNaul, Oshawa and Mrs. E. Billings, Billings, Orono were last Wednesdays visitors of Mrs. Kathleen McKenzie, (Staples) (Staples) Oakville. All interested horticulturists horticulturists are invited to Orono society's society's Annual Flower and Vegetable Show, this Thursday Thursday August 8 in Main hall of Orono United Church, doors open 7 p.m. Mrs. Anna Marie Thomson Thomson and mother Mrs. Edith Taylor were Friday noon luncheon guests of Mrs. Kay Beggs, Pontvpool. Belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Velda Cowan and Mr. Bill Reid who recently celebrated special birthdays. Mrs. Nancy Heckbert, Apple River, Nova Scotia, spent several days this week visiting her grandparents, the "O. Challices". A badly needed rain last Friday evening, but more is still seriously needed in our areas. In speaking to local apple growers, a good crop prospect, but fruit is smaller than usual, due to drought. Blueberries are excellent crop. "Good Sam Club" For the past 4 or 5 years the motor homes of the "Good Sam" club, arrive here in Orono, and stay for 3 or 4 days in July or August. They park in our spacious fairgrounds. The vehicles come in assorted makes and models, some very large and some smaller. This year's club contains 70 units, with approximately approximately 140 people. Members from Niagara Falls, Mississauga, Toronto, Ottawa, Nepean, Kanata, Burlington, Montreal Montreal and some members from Missouri, Texas and other U.S.A. points. ' The club commences operation operation in May with travelling travelling and have several 'base" camps in eastern and southwestern southwestern districts. They travel travel together as a unit until on in October, and then many members travel on south to U.S.A. for Winter months. Of. local interest - The club met a travelling family in our village, who were lost, here from Germany. The lost travellers were invited to spend all night with the club and get back on the road the next morning. morning. This is an excellent example example of these "Good Samaritans", Samaritans", and this is a rule of club membership to help other motorists in trouble on our highways. (Thus their name "Good Sam") Highly organized with excellent excellent daily agenda for each day, and this particular weekend is designated "Hawaii", "Hawaii", complete with costumes, costumes, leis and menus. The Saturday evening dinner is especially catered to-our very own local catering ser vice Pat and Fred Storsber- gen. In conversation with club president Ted Lausen he game a glowing recommendation recommendation to our local fair board, for the excellent accommodations. accommodations. New fuse boxes for their hydro, newly installed washrooms, and the general friendliness of our fair community. Have a happy, safe summer's summer's travel! "Good Sam Club". Look forward to meeting meeting you again. Elizabethville News by Edna Thickson Xf# Pet of the Week "Terry," a black lab-terrier, is a friendly family dog. He's two-years-old and about medium size. Terry is quiet, well-behaved and likes people. He's obedient and sits when he's told to. Terry has had his first booster shot. If you're looking for some company this summer, then Terry is the pet for you. The Animal Control Shelter still has lots of kittens as well. Animal Shelter 623-7651 Sponsored by: THE TOWN OF me iuwin ur , ewcastlc Intended for last week Church services were held at Murray Hannah's with a good crowd attending. attending. Elaine Kellogg and Diane Fisher were the speakers. They chose as tneir scripture Ephesians 3: 14-21 The Love of Christ. A trio from Welcome with Steve at the electric organ provided music. The children's children's story was the feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes. They demonstrated by using 12 baskets to pick up what was left which was balloons that the congregation had blown up while she told about the story. Lunch was served at the close. On Thursday the Seniors held their birthday bash. Over 35 sat down to lunch. A new member, Louise Boyd joined and was celebrating her 90th birthday. Someone had donated the lovely cake, others celebrating were Bill and Edna Dean, Bertha Trew, Audrey Graham, Charlotte Thompson and Vie Harwood. Edna Dean won the draws. Euchre was played and U.N.O. winners were Ona Gardiner, Maty Brown, Bill Dean, and Bertha Bertha -Trew, and Dorothy Bell won U.N.O. Mr. aryl Mrs. M. McAllister McAllister attended the Hereford Picnic held near Blackstock at Mr. and Mrs. Coy's last Sunday. On Sunday a birthday party was held at Fowlers, when Elmer celebrated his 65th birthday, Carrie Fowler Fowler her tenth and Brittany her second birthday. Present were Garry, Helen and family, family, Raymond and Susan and family, Bruce and friend and family, Nancy and John and girls with the new baby who was eight days old. Ken, Kathy Kathy and I attended, also Mr. and Mrs. Ingram. Other callers callers were Mac and Lucy Frew, Bob and Ann and family family and Inez. Nancy had brought a large birthday cake decorated to celebrate all three birthdays. It had a colourful icing that was quite different to usual cakes, and had one veiy large candle. Clarence and Betty Mercer Mercer visited her brother John Burgess Frankfort, on Sunday. Sunday. Amy Fowler, Sterling, is spending the week at Ken and Bertha Drew's, her grandparents. Shirley and John Yarema and Adam and Justin are away this week on a camping camping trip in their motor home. Andrew and Ingrid Peacock Peacock and family are expected back from Ottawa on Tuesday. Tuesday. Beryl Dekoker and a friend, who is getting married married in Vancouver and will be staying,, are driving the car and left for Vancouver Sunday. Beryl will be flying back later in August. Suzanne and girls have one to St. Catharines to- !ay, to get an apartment for Alyson for school in September. September. Mac and Margaret Walker, Walker, David and Jennifer, spent a couple of days around Ottawa farms that had bough cattle from them and also delivered an animal animal that had been bought from them this year. Mr. and Mrs. Jiles came back with them and are spending a couple of days with them. Those asking me why they hadn't seen some items of news : that were given to me for the July 1st weekend. Apparently the news and the promise of the history of Elizabethville Church being sent and nothing appeared. I conclude the news I wrote never reached Bowmanville. I had sent to Port Hope to be mailed on Tuesday tne 2nd. I am enclosing another history history today, hoping it will make the paper. I cannot remember remember the other news items so hope this explains what happened. Family Picnic The Challice-Aiken family family picnic was held Sunday, August 4. It was originally planned for Emily Provincial Park, but due to intermittent intermittent showers, we moved over to the "Munneke" family garage in Cavan. Emily park camping grounds were filled to capacity, capacity, but the showers slowed the picnic crowd. With lots of room and plenty of tables and chairs, we all thoroughly enjoyed the Munneke hospitality. Food of all varieties, not and cold and desserts galore were quick to disappear following following Grace by Isabelle and welcomed to all. A pretty birthday cake and candles were blown out by 6 people celebrating August August birthdays, and Happy Birthday sang to all! Lots of prizes for special events. Lady from farthest away present - Nancy Heckbert, Apple River, Nova Scotia. Oldest lady present - Mrs. Aleta Olan, Millbrook. Youngest member present - 2 month old Brandon De- veaux, Oshawa. Closest Birthday to Sunday, August 4 - Kerry Lyn Challice, Pon- typool and Deanna Harmer, Oshawa. Tallest man present - Albert Munneke,. Cavan, Man with most loonies loonies - Don Challice, Oshawa. Couple with closest anniversary anniversary - Warren and Maiy Challice, Millbrook. Birthday gifts to all celebrants celebrants and to the little folk present. Guests present from Nova Scotia, Bolton, Lindsay, Lindsay, Cavan, Peterborough, Millbrook, Lakefield and Oshawa. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE Expropriations Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Minister of Transportation Transportation for approval to expropriate lands being in the Town of Newcastle, Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, for the purpose of the reconstruction of the intersection of King's Highway 35/115 and Wilcox Road and, works related thereto. thereto. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the lands described in the schedule hereto. hereto. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify 'the approving authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The Approving Authority is the Minister of Transportation, Parliament Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1Z8 Minister of Transportation Marilyn A. Moss, Conveyancing Supervisor Property Section, Central Region 1201 Wilson Avenue, Atrium Tower, 3rd Floor Downsview, Ontario, M3M 1J8 NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act provides that, (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "owner" and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as follows; follows; "owner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; "registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument instrument in the proper land registry or sheriff's office, and includes includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised revised assessment roll. 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. • SCHEDULE All right, title and Interest in the following lands: In the Town of Newcastle, In the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, being: (a) part of Lot 23, Concession 9, or the Geographic township township of Clarke, designated as PART 1 on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P-3064-64 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle as Plan 10R-3118. (b) part of Lot 23, and part of Original Road Allowance between between Lots 22 and 23, Concession 9, of the Geographic township of Clarke, designated as PART 1, and (c) part of Lot 23, Concession 9, of the Geographic Township Township of Clarke, designated os PART 2 on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P-3064- 67, deposited in the land Registry Olllco for the Registry Division of Newcastle as Plan 10R-3934. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 31st DAY OF JULY, 1991 © Ministry °» om.iho Transportation Regular or Diet COKE OR SPB 750 ml bottle .59 Plus 40' each bottle deposit Unit cost 7.9' per 100 ml 1 . LITE 2 litre bottle J49 Unit cost 7.5' per 100 ml Prices effective until Sat., Aug. 10th/91 : MIRACLE COUPON 2.00/G214/GP230 Regular or Diet Coke or Sprite case of 24 x 355 riu tins (Unit cost 7.0' per 100 nil) 5.99 WITH THIS COUPON M M Limit one coupon per customer |wll|21i"|fl Limit one case per coupon 11 „ valid Aug. 5 until Aug. lÔ'Ol roooman Special price without coupon Is 7.99 plus taxe^j Miracle Food Mart SLICED SIDE BACON Regular or Maple 500 g 179 MIRACLE GROCERY COUPON Canada Grade A Miracle Food Mart Large White Eggs ° 1 dozen carton OO .88 WITH THIS COUPON Limit one coupon per customer mmr»lo Limit one dozen per coupon ■ miOUIC Valid Aug. 5 until Aug. lO'Ol ^ foodmart Without coupon you pay regular ln-store retal^ Assorted Varieties HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 180/190 g bag .99 Frozen Concentrated Apple, Grape, Grapefruit or SUN FAC ORANGE JUICE 341 ml tin .79 MIRACLE COUPON .50 j; MIRACLE COUPON 1.01 l Assorted Flavours Fruit Bottom Nabisco Shreddies 800 g box 2.99 WITH THIS COUPON 1*1 Limit one coupon per customer Limit one box per coupon Valid Aug. 5 until Aug. 10*91 Special price without coupon is 3.49j Yoplait Yogourt 175 g tub 12/499 WITH THIS COUPON miracle Limit one coupon per customc Limit 12 tubs per coupoi Valid Aug. 5 until Aug, 10*9 Special price without coupon is 12/6.0 Product of Ontario, Canada No. 1 Grade FRESH TOMATOES 1.08 per kg per lb .49 FRESH DELI DELUXE PIZZA 3 Toppings, 10 inch-4 slice size *5.00 Product of U.S.A., No. 1 Grade GREEN OR RED FLAME SEEDLESS GRAPES 3.29 per kg per lb L49 Ground From 100% Beef LEAN GROUND BEEF Ground Fresh Daily 5.05 per kg 229 per lb CHAMPLAIN WHITE BREAD 675 g loaf .69 CORNER DELI COUPON 1.87/0200 Piping Hot BBQ'd Whole Chicken | Cookoct Fresh Dully 2.00 OFF I.Mull into coupon por cimlomor I à VcaOttlJ Valid Aug ft until Aug, 1001 ■ | ' Wllltottl coupon you pay regular retail plua taij TUB HKQULAll PUHCHAHK PRICK (INCI.UMNCl Q.S.T.) 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