l 'Fair Week' for Blackstock Lotto 6149 Ticket is Worth $33,000 This fair week will be one of much extra work, fewer hours of sleep and much fellowship fellowship for most of our community community as the many preparations preparations for the annual Blackstock Fair are underway. underway. This is why our fair is truly a community event. On Sunday evening the annual Ecumenical Church service was held in the Recreation Recreation Center with Reverend Reverend Doreen Van Camp of Val Therese, near Sudbury conducting the service. Musical Musical numbers were provided by the choirs of St. John's Anglican Church, St. Bernadettes Bernadettes Roman Catholic Church, Nestleton, Nestle- ton United and Blackstock United. Scripture was read by Agricultural Society President President Dale Van Camp. A social social time was enjoyed following following the service. Members of the Ralph and Glenn Larmer families were busy over the weekend with the 40th wedding anniversary anniversary of Harvey and Lois (Larmer) Yellowlees party on Saturday evening at the Base Line Community Center Center followed by a family gathering on Sunday at their home. A number of others from this community joined Harvey and Lois to celebrate this special event. Congratulations and best wishes, Lois and Harvey. On August 6 there were 15 tables of euchre at the Community Hall for the weekly card party with the following winners: Laurenna Bright with the fine score of 95; James Emerton, Dorothy Edwards, Ruby Smith, Charlie Campbell, Joan Bay- ley and Mary Foots. Draws were won' by Ann Taylor, Betty Burnette, Earla Hill, Mary Foots, Dorothy Ven- 1 MIDWAY DRIVE-IN FRIDAYS • SATURDAYS • SUNDAYS ONLY "FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" Showing this Weekend 2 Movies for the Price of 1 Hot Shots (PG) 2. Dutch (PG) $7.00 Admission CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 401 East to HWY. 28 Port Hope, South to Hwy. 2 East to Theatre Rd. 416-372-5833 401 EAST HWY. 2 li ning, Laurenna Bright, Murray Murray Geer and Lorn a Swain. Last week there were 12 tables with the winners as - Charlie Campbell, Ruby Smith, Mary Foots, Ruby Cochrane, Freda Ashton, Dorothy Edwards, Florence Larmer. Draws: Lorna Swain, Marion Web, Mary Foots, Harold Swain, Bernice Bernice Wells, Muriel McLeod. On Saturday evening an excellent crowd attended the Jack and Jill party in honor of Terry Taylor and Tara Bailey at the Nestleton hall. Music was provided by the Dennis Fransen Music Services. Services. On Sunday afternoon a lovely bridal shower organized organized by the community was held in honor of bride-to-be Tara Bailey. After Tara opened her many beautiful gifts she replied fittingly. A social time was enjoyed over a very tasty lunch. Glad to report that Wes Pearce is home again feeling better. This week he celebrated celebrated his 90th birthday with a family dinner at Haugens Haugens in Manchester, along with some close friends. Wes received the customary greetings on this special occasion. occasion. Following dinner everyone returned to the home of Mary Lou and George Carnochan and family. family. The family presented Wes with a chair at this time. Congratulations! Many from this area attended attended various functions at the Peterborough Exhibitions Exhibitions last week. On Friday evening difficulties were experienced experienced _ when a very heavy rain caused much flooding. The Van Camp families are busy with special activities activities prior to Bob and Marie Attfield and boys moving to British Columbia the last week of August. Congratulations Congratulations to Bod on his splendid promotion. Best wishes to this young family in their new surroundings. On Saturday evening Cindy and Dennis Werry and boys, Kedron hosted a away party in honor of lane and Bob Attfield and family. This lovely party was attended by a large number of relatives and friends to wish Marie and Bob best wishes. Blake McLaughlin was guest of honor on the occasion occasion of a family party one day last week celebrating his 50th birthday. Many happy returns, Blake. On the weekend Janet Van Camp, Mary and Mi- chael were in Meaford visiting visiting Janet's parents Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ford. While there they attended the Ford fami- ,~£r r ' Æ ■/ m " ; ' V <r*i going i Marie iicrnc. ie Pennies for the Hos- M STRANGE ALLIANCE Æ, Friday and Saturday Aug. 23rd and 24th 1 0 ?ùfittÿ 'Dutc&rtuw Liberty St. and 401 623*3373 BowmanvUlejj ly K pital for Cartwright brought in 3000 pennies tor the past month. This amount is less than last time. Let's improve improve for next month. Noreen and Neil Malcolm entertained their family on Sunday - Mary Lou and David David Kellogg, Janelle and Natalie of Welcome, Gord Malcolm, Jordan, Jeanna and Jason of Ajax, Jamie Malcolm and Brennan. Women's Institute Meeting Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the united united church. THEATRE DANCE ACADEMY • Tap • Ballet • Jazz Pointe • Theatre Dance Age 4 to Adult Performance Opportunities Competition Work and Exams REGISTRATION" Returning Students Wed., Aug. 28th 2-7 p.m. New Students Wed., Aug. 28th 7-9:30 p.m. LOCATION Bowmanville Lions Club 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION ] CALL 623-7621 Barbara Szabunia B.A.T.D., E.D.T.A. 1435-0762 or 723-0593 ilSee the "Star Dazzlers" perform at the Canadian National Exhibit! A Thursday, August 22nd Featuring authentic Greek Music with "DIMITRA" "HOLIDAY IN GREECE" BELLY DANCERS Brian Hawthorn Uckets are $25.00 per person 557 King St. E. and include Dinner and Show Oshawa Starts 7:00 p.m. _ After 10:00 p.m. Admission is FREE 0#O"O999 V Bowmanville resident, William Kerr, has won $33,025.40 in the August 10 Lotto 6/49 draw. Mr. Kerr, 53, is married with five children and six grandchildren. He and his wife, Beverly, plan to bank the money. The ticket was purchased at Jeffrey Jeffrey s Superette. Mr. Kerr's winning numbers were 7, 19, 27, 37, 45, and the bonus number 9. The Ontario government operates seven lotteries and, to date, more than $4 billion has been raised through the lotteries for distribution by the government government to a variety of projects. Couple Marks 50 Years Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Gawker Decoration Day Service A Fine Success The Nestleton United Church Special Decoration Day Service was held on Sunday, August 18 at 2:30 p.m. ' An excellent attendance attendance of folks on hand and the cordial greeters were Norm and Bernice Mairs. Our guest speaker for the day was an old friend of Nestleton in by-gone years, Reverend Hariy Atkinson, with organist Gwendolyn Malcolm. Reverend Harry took his message from "On The Moving Edge of Time" bringing to the fore the many changes, with frustrations, frustrations, etc., in our everyday living. He said we have to have change; but, we must put something back in life. Everyone has a need and learns through necessity. Practice courtesy and kindness, kindness, and be sure and have a sense of humour. The Scrip- , ture Hebrews 1: 1-14 and John 10: 1-10 - read by Robert Robert Mairs. The Snowbirds Quartet of Courti ce composed of Murray Murray Osborne, Wendell Grant, Merv Scot and Bob Lean sang unaccompanied - three numbers beautifully, with plenty of harmony, much to the enjoyment of the congregation. Warm applause applause greeted them at the close! Chairman Ralph Sadler, warmly thanked Reverend Harry Atkinson, the Snowbird Snowbird Quartet, Caretaker Arnold Arnold Williams, Gwen Malcolm Malcolm and all those who attended this special service. service. After the service - a time of visiting and reminiscing with old friends back for the day, from many places, to pay respect to the memory of their loved ones. A vote of thanks to the Cemetery Board for their splendid service and to our caretaker for being such a great custodian - the cemetery cemetery is always well kept. Family Visits Recent guests with Roy and Doris Nottingham of Caesarea, were Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Wally Halwaf of Tillsonburg. While visiting here they all attended the Midway North Florida Re-union, held at the home of Ben and Maude Rowe, Victoria Place, Bob- caygeon. Golden Anniversary Attended The Sam Cawkers of Scu- gog Point Road attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary in honour of'Bert and Grace Guthrie, held in the Masonic Temple, Whitby, on Saturday, Saturday, August 17,1991, with a large number of relatives and friends on hand to wish them the best. Lovely gifts were received and many good wishes from government government officials on this special occasion. A very delicious buffet was enjoyed after greetings were exchanged. This friendly friendly time of visiting was a great pleasure; folks we hadn't seen for some years was a highlight! Our sincere best wishes to the Guthries - a great couple - for many a year to come. -Ex ONE ' Hundreds of mammals and birds ^ 1 Entertaining, educational animal shows' 1 Free parking for cars and buses Licensed restaurant Qlft shop Elephant Conservation Center I Lodging available nearby Children's Rides 'Show times subject to change. ^" The Bowmanville Zoo was established In mig and Is Canada's oldest operating zoo. nestled 'A In a picturesque park setting, the zoo Is committed to captive conservation of endangered species. Bring the family. Bring your friends . .. and have a great day at the Bowmanville Zool A season pass Is good for unlimited zoo visits and much, much morel GOOD FOR ONE FREE ELEPHANT RIDE AT THE HOURS! May • September! 10 am • G pm: 7 days a week October: 10 am • 5 pm: Weekends only HOW TO GUT TMUKUi fn/iMihi <= 340 King Strool Cost Bowmnnvlllo, Ontario L1C 3K5 no/: liberty Sired (XIT y.; => (416) 623-5655 & lUpl.ct Sept. 30,1991 WRING IN THIS COUPON " l imit one cou|Kin per |k*ihoii. In St|-l«mlxr WttWndi Only Afternoon Unit Meets The afternoon unit of the Nestleton U.C.W. held an executive meeting on Thursday Thursday afternoon this past week, at the farm home of leader Mabel Gawker to finalize finalize plans for the wedding wedding reception to be held Saturday, August 24 at the Community Centre. Also, some planning for the General General U.C.W. meeting for September September 11 at 8 p.m. at the United Church, was on the agenda; the afternoon unit in charge of devotions, program program and lunch. After business business was concluded, a time of visiting was enjoyed over refreshments. Bridal Shower Hosted A miscellaneous shower was hosted by Merna Caw- ker of Oshawa, assisted by Eleanor Gawker, Cathy and Christine Gawker, which was most delightful with approximately approximately twenty present to honour a September bride-to-be Dr. Cheryl Caw- ker of Peterborough. After the many beautiful, useful gifts were opened and admired, admired, a delicious luncheon was enjoyed; topped off with tea or coffee to close off a pleasant afternoon. Guests were present from Owen Sound, Peterborough, Sudbury, Kitchener, Co- bourg, Courtice, Port Perry, Manchester, Oshawa, Nestleton Nestleton and other points. An Election Bit Rumor has it that our neighbour Chuck Hill ofSco- gog Point will be a candidate for Ward 4, in the fall election. election. If so, we wish Chuck the best of luck! Keep in mind our big Blackstock (Cartwright) Fair this Saturday, August 24 commencing at 9 a.m. "where all the action happens happens in the one day." Blackstock Lioness Club Plans are being finalized for the Country and Western dance to be held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre Centre on Saturday, September 21,1991. Music will be provided by the popular "Tradesmen". For information call Joan Gauthier 986-5335. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 21,1991 13 & The 126th ANNUAL ^ BLACKSTOCK FAIR DEMOLITION DERBY Friday, August 23rd, 7:00 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults $6.00 Children under 12 $2.00 Û Saturday, August 24,1991 Where all the ACTION HAPPENS THE SAME DAY tyv End your day with the Blackstock Fair Dance ^ Rec. Centre 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. u44; For Further Information Contact Tvf Mrs. G. Kelly 986-.425.7 Save Me! The proponents of the NEWCASTLE ON THE LAKE WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT invite members of the community to an , OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, August 22, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. Port Darlington Marina Hotel Port Darlington Road Bowmanville MOVING m / y ; vhT 'i v S3 \A , i ,J v.;\ 0 LiC) umi n Lu W\k\ y u w Ul it can illM 1! Bilti la ■: "\ u y j irmcu m 1:1 L/l: Sill a W-fiil B BEWF 90. Bli 11 yr/ ' \ ' We must sell off all our remaining '91 stock. WE'D RATHER SELL THEM THAN MOVE THEM n - ' : lit ■V '-\ m // / I ! \ y MANY FACTORY CASH INCENTIVES AND LOW FINANCING AVAILABLE LOW AS 5.9% ON SELECTED MODELS AND/OR ■ REBATES AS HI* I AS '1,590 OM SE We have exciting news, we are relocating and changing our name. As of Sept. 1/91 we will be called DURHAM DODGE CHRYSLER and our new address will be - 799 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. a HWY, 2 401 BLOOR ST. DURHAM DODGE CHRYSLER •n! ;;V ".. =--o i L *■ ' >' 's ' • fi W" 1 :* ' TfirLS n: a» ■ MT4B* * A * ******&+#&*U xf.;