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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1991, p. 15

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i -Community Correspondence. Luncheon Welcomes Visitor from Scotland The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 11,1991 15 Anniversary for Yelverton Church Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Luncheon Enjoyed Cliff and Chris Davis, Hyde House, Scugog Point Road, hosted a delightful luncheon at their lovely, spacious home at Friday noon, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Christina Henderson Henderson of Edinburgh, Scotland, who is spending a few weeks in Canada, visiting relatives and friends. After the luncheon, luncheon, a visit and reminiscing was a highlight. Those present for the occasion occasion were Ncta Fish, Cadmus, Russel and Edda Bowman and Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Scugog Point Road. We do thank our host and hostess for a pleasant time, and trust we'll see a lot more of Christina before before she leaves for Bonnie Scotland. Women's Institute Meets The setting for the September September meeting of Ncstlcton Branch was the Community Centre on Wednesday, September September 4 at 1:30 p.m. with Gwen Malcolm in the chair. She opened the meeting with a welcome welcome to members and several guests, and read a poem "Be a Friend". The Ode and Collect followed. The August minutes were read by Secretary-Treasurer Neta Fish and approved and a report on finances given. The second order of the book "Environmental "Environmental Friendly House hold Hints" had arrived and is selling well. Curator Gwen Malcolm has received the microfilm of our second Twccdsmuir history book, and books one and two will be given to Scugog Shores Museum on a permanent loan. Book three was displayed - an excellent record of local history. history. During correspondence an appeal for assistance re: the trip to Florida, which some residents residents at the Port Perry Nursing Nursing Home will be taking this coming spring. This letter was tabled to be dealt with later. A get well card was signed for Grace Bajcma who had a fall recently. Roll call - " A good deed done by a neighbor" - was ell answered. The motto - "All Nations Smile in the Same Language" was taken by Norma Norma Frew. P.R.O. Winnifred Davison spoke on the duties of the Public Relations Officer. The three Rs - the audience participated with Bertha McLaughlin handling the flash card - Rc-ducc, Re-use or Recycle. Recycle. Gladys King and Doris Nottingham read the paper, "We're Proud of the W.I." from the Bowmanville branch 90th anniversary party, a list of accomplishments by the Women's Women's Institutes. A contest on "Trees in Lover's Lane" was won by Doris. Gwen played for the singing singing of W.I. grace and a tasty lunch was served by Gwen, Norma and Gladys, and a social social time was enjoyed during the tea hour. Neta Fish expressed expressed the appreciation to all. Doris will host the October meeting at her Caesarea home with president Rika Wygcrde demonstrating a craft, Winnifred, Winnifred, Neta and Elsie assisting the hostess. Birthday Celebration Last Sunday evening Carol, Steven and Katie Mairs hosted a party for Rob on the occasion of his 40th birthday. Rob's family, Allan, Dianne, Julie and Jeremy Slutc, and his parents parents Norm and Bernice, Carol's Carol's parents, the Wcrrys, and a host of friends joined in the celebration. An evening of visiting and reminiscing was spent around the warmth of a camp fire in the back yard. Rob was the recipient recipient of a shower of birthday cards and some interesting and amusing gifts. The celebration ended with refreshments of hot dogs, com, birthday cake and beverage. beverage. A most enjoyable evening for everyone and a memorable milestone for Robert Mairs. Nestleton United Church At Nestleton • United Church, September 8 at 11:15 a.m. a lovely sunny day brought forth many worshippers worshippers to the church and Sunday School. John and Linda Ar- bucklc and family were the THEATRE DANCE ACADEMY Tap • Ballet • Jazz . • Pointe • Theatre Dance • Age 4 to Adult • Performance Opportunities • Competition Work and Exams To Register 1 call today 623-7621 Classes now in the Village of Newcastle Limited space. Registration Sept. 13th 4-6 pm at Newcastle Public School ★★★★★★★★★★★★ * ADULT JAZZ CLASSES* * STARTING NOW * LOCATION Bowmanville Lions Club 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville - ■ Barbara Szabunia B.A.T.D., E.D.T.A. 435-0762 or 723-0593 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG. CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS 8TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE Show-Sal». Nepean Sporteplex, 1701 weedraffe Ava., Nepean, Out, Sept. 20,2 0pm: Sept. 21, lo-/pm; sept. 22, 10-5pm, Adulte $3.50, sonie re $2. Info Bill Scott (4Q3) 271-1026, FLEA MARKETS ■ADDITIONAL AREA READY fnr fall rental. Book early. Smiths Falls Flea Market, «5 Cornelia Street East, (613) 283-8448. Every Sunday. CALABÜGIE FLEA MARKET Open Daily, Vendors Sat's, and sun's. Antiques collectibles. Indoor Outdoor vending space available. (613)752-2468. Bird Feeding Park, and plnriiu area. Fries, Ice cream. REAL ESTATE 12 UNIT MOTEL. House attached. ?? miles north of Soult Sto. Marie. Skiing, fishing, swimming, snowmobillng. $248,000, (705) 649-5571 McCauley's Motel, fin#1, Goulaic River, Ontario. P0S1É0. FOR RENT TWEED RENTAL, very large house and/nr lodge or porta thereof on ceoriic river front aurunue. Hwy. 7 and 07. Available Oct. lot. Call Kevin (519) 846-8173. FOR SALE YOUR DOC WILL STAY HOME! No leashes, chains ur fences, It's electronic. Invisible, Amazing and safe. Details: PAC, ftn#1, Bancroft, Ontario, k'nl. ICO. 1-800-NO-LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375. INVISIBLE FENCING • The original and proven dog containment system. Over 160,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and out door systems. Guaranteed. 1-800-661-6286, markets, odorless. Investment. Kumari Bait Farm, Box 69, Camden East, Ontario, K0K (613) 378-0023. HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA $$$5 CSM Gifts needs Demonstrators to sell toys and gills at Home Partioc. No investment or experience required. Established company, Call today (519)258- 7905. CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it. Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems, FREE career- guide to home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airoonditicning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical RHuretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (GA) 263 Adelaide WhsI, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: November 9-15, Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, ■ R.R.ffS, Wonristock, Ontario, N43 7V9. (519) 537-2115. SALES HELP WANTED •6-FIQURE INCOME * International Muclc and Video Company expanding into Canada. Need highly motivated commissinriHd sales people and dictri butors Part-time or full-time 1-519- 944-2800 24 hr. lino. PERSONAL WOULD-YOU LIKE to oorreepond with unallaclivd Christian people across Canada: all denominations, all nationalities, for companionship or marriage? A5HQROVE, P.0, Box 205B, Chase, B.C., VOE IM0. MORTGAGES WE LEND MONEY In small Ontario towns, Need lu pay bills, credit cords, finance a business? Call Intranaloon Financial Group tollfrsB 1-1)00-268-1429. If busy (416) 660- 9459. BUSINESS OPPS DC YOUR OWN BOSSl Grow baltworms In basement or parage. Guaranteed year-round 3TEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON END OF SUMMER Inventory of Steel Buildings. Save $$$, 20x30 32.092, 40x60 $6,117. Hioneer/Eocmnspan 1-800- 668 5422. REST BUILDING PRICES - Stool Straitwall Type - nnl quunaet - 32x48 35920; 40x64 SBÜÜ6; 50X96 $15,331; «0x120 $21,270 - non- expandable end(s), other sizes available - limited stool ■ Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800- 263-0499. BUILDINGS, Plowing Match Spedol. Ouonsets, "S" Models and Straighlwalls. Factory has allocated 29 Buildings. Various sizes. No reasonable oner retimed, call Fuluru 1 -800- 668-8663. ' QTEEL BUILDING SALE: 20X30 $2632:25X36 33762: 00X40 $5058: 40X60 $7071, Prices IncluUu Steel Endwalle and All Taxes, Priced to clear Cull 1-300-060-4336 or (416)842-2100. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space is Limited, so Call i nis Newspaper "today! BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To roach a wider market, advertise throughout tho regional membership ol the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations, Eastern Ontario 34 Newspapers $U2. for 25 words All Ontario 174 Newspapers $350. for 25 words All Canada 577 Newspapers $1054. for 25 words All fates subject lo 7% G.S.T, For further Information, please call The Canadian Statesman Classifieds 623-3303, Fax 623-6161 friendly greeters at the door. A harmonious duet was rendered rendered by Shirley Jackson and Kathy Tromans, "A Closer Walk", accompanied by Gwen Malcolm at the organ. The children's theme, many happy children were tack after the holidays and enjoyed their story story time with the minister, Reverend Reverend Dale, before retiring to the Sunday School room downstairs. downstairs. Sunday School will begin begin in earnest next Sunday. Reverend Dale Davis brought a great message with the theme "Hearing and Doing", Doing", based on Scriptures from James and Mark, read by Alison Alison Malcolm. Arthur and Ken Weir gathered gathered the offering. Service closed with Benediction and Three Fold Amen. Notice: Keep in mind the General U.C.W. meeting this Wednesday Wednesday at 8 p.m. with guest speaker speaker Marilyn Wallace who will show interesting slides of a recent recent trip to India. Everyone is welcome. Glad to hear that Henry Stainton is home after surgery in Oshawa, and doing well. Our very best wishes to Henry. Family News of Interest Neta Fish of Cadmus, hosted hosted a wonderful family birthday party on Saturday evening for those celebrating - daughter Audrey Lcishman and sons Michael Michael and Jamie of Rcaboro. The Sam Cawkers of Scugog Scugog Point Road had an enjoyable enjoyable time on Sunday afternoon when Bryan and Trish Cawker and baby Dylan of Kitchener for dinner. Later Yelverton News by Harvey Malcolm (intended for last week) This has been a rather unusual week locally as well as province-wide. Climatically, Climatically, we have witnessed a most unusual weather pattern pattern as temperatures here at Malconia has risen to 97F, with swimming pool temperatures temperatures up to 82F, suddenly to have the temperature drop outside to a more seasonal seasonal 7OF. Pretty hard to get were guests for dinner. Later °/j es metabolism adjusted Alan and Eleanor Cawker of , thi » . the <= han Be. now,,,- n,™ frtr , vi.i, ah in , T™ 3 political atmosphere has been in turmoil, with Oshawa came for a visit. All in all a great day, with family members we don't sec too often. often. Tickets arc still available for the Country Western Dance being sponsored by the Black- stock Lioness Club on Saturday, Saturday, September 21 at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. Music will be by the popular "Tradesmen". For reservations call Joan Gauthier 986-5335 or Gloria Smuck 986-5222. in both the federal govt, and the postal union sharing an equal unpopularity for withholding withholding essential service of delivering the government cheques to the needy and causing undue hardships by their actions. The Mulroney govt has reached its lowest point of popularity ever and the Posties' Parrot,, never overly popular, is more unpopular unpopular than ever. Mrs. Mary Moore has recently recently moved into her new home in Port Perry and her grandson David and wife Gloria Moore have moved into her recently vacated home. Maty has been a solid supporter of our Yelverton Church and community activities activities for many years, as well as being a popular person person in her own right. We welcome Gloria and David to our community. Last week-end, Denyse Glasbergen entertained a number of her friends to an overnight party on the occasion occasion of her 19 th Birthday - a tenting party in the backyard backyard beside the pool. Howard and Eileen Malcolm Malcolm have been assisting their daughter, Candy, in relocating relocating and decorating her newly acquired residence in the Martingrove area in Toronto. Toronto. A number of local residents residents took in a day either at the Toronto Ex or Port Perry Fair - or both. From our observation, observation, attendance at the CNE was down considera bly, particularly the day we attended. If one were to judge our citizens from the sample viewed at the Food Building, obesity is a Canadian Canadian way of life. Sympathy is extended to the family and other close relatives of Mr. Percy Van-' Camp of Blackstock who passed away this week in his 94 th year. Congratulations to Mr. Wesley Pearce, also of Blackstock, who observed* his 90th Birthday this week. Wes was well known in this area a few years back, when he operated a custom grain threshing business in this and Blackstock area. We were pleased to see a well written article by Catherine Whitnall in her column "Lifestyles" on a local local lad, David Glasbergen, acting in his capacity as Camp Counsellor for boys in the 7 and 8 year bracket. Well done! Our new minister for the Janetville United Church Charge preached his first sermon on Sunday a.m. at Yelverton. Mr. Ross Benns, M.A., M.Div. is a former school teacher with more than 30 years experience in this field, hails from the Sunderland area, has just completed three years study -in preparation for the ministry. ministry. He has been engaged to serve in this area for at least the next eight months. Mr. Benns, based on his first service, possesses a sense of humour - a necessary attribute attribute to the calling, a good voice and preached his first sermon without any reference reference to notes. We welcome him to the Charge and wish him well in his future endeavours. endeavours. He is married with three children and one grandchild. Mrs. Linda Pfoh presided at the organ for the service and contributed a fine instrumental, instrumental, "He's near, yes, ever near." Our Yelverton Church anniversary is scheduled for Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. On Sat., Aug. 31st, Mrs. Linda Pfoh was the organist at the Brear-Tripp wedding held at the home of the bride's parents, Pat and Allin Allin Brear, near Reaboro. The reception dance was held at the Wagon Wheel. »*•*•' - - - \ ' \ X - \\\ > Vv. \ x ■ OPENS ON%Wh SATURDAY! 1<0*- ■#r >ir^ 21 King St. West Bowmanville OPENING SPECIALS SATURDAY, SEPT. 14th We're open at 9:00 a.m. W Linda Lundstrom ' 0 Laparka Coats urr and Sportswear

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