» t 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 18,1991 Quote - "Let us sing a song 'of Autumn Of the Apples sweet and mellow Of the sumac on the hillside Of the goldenrod so yellow Congratulations to Alvin "and Ruth Yco (nee Gordon) ■ who on Saturday, September 14, celebrated their 25th (Silver) (Silver) wedding anniversary. A large party (165) was held in their honor in Pontypool Community Community hall Saturday evening, with their son Scott as host of party. Guests from as far away as Buffalo, U.S.A. and Sudbury, Sudbury, and friends and relatives from 6th line, C.P.R. Toronto, Memorial Hospital, Bowman- villc, Orono, Newtonville and surrounding areas. The happy couple received lovely gifts, flowers and cards. A bountiful buffet dinner, catered by Fred Storsbergens was much enjoyed, and danc- . . yjuh these hot ; liiS'S'"'" Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville ing to music of D.J. concluded the memorable evening. Mrs. Leila Wcrry and Mrs. Thelma Gilbank returned home recently from an emoyable bus trip to Gaspé and Quebec City and areas. Mrs. Jennie Bow ins spent last week visiting her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Agner, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Car- son attended a birthday party in honor of our cousin, Mrs. J. W. Bowman in Enniskillen United Church on Saturday, September 14. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard who on Saturday, September 14, celebrated celebrated their 50th (golden) wedding wedding anniversary. The reception reception was held Saturday evening in Bowmanville Recreation Complex, where a very large crowd of friends, relatives and. well wishers called. Town Hall Card Party For the first card party of fall season, Wednesday, September September 11 there were 10 tables of progressive euchre, with following following results - High Scores - Isabelle Watters 95, Bob Bradley Bradley 88, Roy Staples 87, Hilda Caswell 86,' Charles Stapleton 83. Low Scores - Art Bedwin. Lucky draws - Art Bedwin, Marion Staples, Norman Moffat, Moffat, Mary Thompson, Roy Staples. Staples. Euchre ' every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Ladies invited to please bring lunch. Leskard Card Party First one of this season held in Leskard church hall with 7 tables and following winners - High Score - May Tabb 83, Jean Allin 79, Alex Moffat 75. Low Score - Bill Grady 47, Mary Thompson 35. Lucky door prize - Ken Gim- blett. Our next Leskard card party is October 3. Thursday at 8 p.m. Antique Car Show At the recent 3rd Annual Antique show held at Orono Fair recently, there were 144 entries. This drew many interested interested viewers, and happy memories memories of bygone days! Following class of winners Class 1 Antique Car - a 1928 Model "A" Ford owned by Dave McAdams. Class 2 - "Street Rod" - '32 Ford owned by Jim Curtis. Class 3 - "Best Custom" - *58 Chevy - owned by Ed McLean Class 4 - "Classic Closed" - '57 Chevy - owned by Scott Lucy. Class 5 - "Best Commercial" Commercial" - '29 Ford Truck - Alex Johnson. Class 6 "G.M.C.. Classic Open" - *57 Chev Convertible owned by Allan Burgess. Class 7 - "Antique Truck" '1933 Chev Fire Track - Terry Hardy. Class 8 - "Rod Open" '29 Model "A" Susanne Brown. Class 9 - "Best Ford" - '61 Thunderbird - Eddie Febertfiel. Class 10 - " Best Mo-Pac" - '71 Plymouth duster - Patrick Mahoney. "President's Choice" - '37 Chrysler - Omar Shearer. "Club Choice" - '58 Chevy - Ed. McLean. Winner of free weekend in Wigamog Inn, Haliburton - B.C. Greener. Sr. C's Meeting • First fall meeting of Orono Sr. C's (Sr. Citizens) was held 11)6' A6 IV eking 6m ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZENS „.. bituu' me? Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing, " while coping with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heroism? The Ontario Community Newspapers Association with Canadian Airlines International as the patron, are looking to recognize these "good kids", the young people of our province who show a commitment to making life better for others. To nominate an individual or a group of young people, for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact your newspaper or the O.C.N.A. at (416) 844-0184. Nominations, for this year's awards, will be accepted until October 31,1991. Every nominee will receive a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $200.00 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor. NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting your Community Newspaper or O.C.N.A. (416) 844-0184. >>> /ONTARIO v ^<JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS a joint community project ol Canadian Qiniidiitn Airlines Intcrniilionttl Thursday, September 12 in the Orono I.O.O.F. hall with a good attendance. President Inez Harris welcomed welcomed everyone and read a poem "Summers End", and secretary Jean Allin read minutes minutes of • previous meeting. "Happy Birthday was sung to all birthdays celebrated thru summer and September. Progressive euchre was played in afternoon and following following winners - High Scores - Inez Harris 70, Reg Elliot 65, Myrtle Wood 64. Low Scores Tied - Ivison Tamblyn and Carlos Tamblyn. Bingo Prize - Ruth Grady. Lucky Cup - Hazel Pigott. Our grateful thanks to Mary Thompson for donating prizes. Our next meeting is Thursday, October 10 in I.O.O.F. hall and ladies to please bring lunch. T.V. in Area Orono is fast becoming a favorite area for T.V., with our recent Durham Central viewed as far away as Bolton, Peterborough Peterborough etc. and now we hear T.V., Camera Crews are busy just east of Orono, on "The Dikadel Farm", owned by Dick and Stella Morton this week. This organization "Partners film Advertising", has filmed here before, the "Country Harvest" Harvest" commercial (Old men eating bread on the verandah) and now are filming for "McDonalds" (The Golden Arches) for a new commercial, featuring potatoes! Social News Correction from last week's news (Re Baby Show at recent fair) in class B1 the first prize winner was little Miss Candace Sharpe, cute wee daughter of David and Melanie Sharpe (nee Cowan). Our sincere apologies apologies to all concerned! A reminder to all Clarke residents, of upcoming very important meeting to be held in. Bowmanville, September 23, in first (1st) Courtroom, Council Council Chambers (over Fire Hall). This is the meeting of O.M.B. (Ontario Municipal Bd.) to try to stop residential development in the areas of Ganaraska head waters. As water is our most important natural resource, it is extremely urgent for all thinking thinking residents to attend! Meeting Meeting to start 10:30 a.m. Mr. Robert Nichols arrived home last Saturday evening after after attending his son's wedding in Drayton Valley (near Edmonton, Edmonton, .."Alberta). Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wesley Nichols were married': in the United Church, with Reverend Susan Harris officiating. Unit News A good attendance at the September Wednesday 11, meeting of the ladies of unit #1 in Main hall of Orono United . Church. Dorothy Robinson welcomed everyone and read a favorite poem "September". She ■ thanked all who had worked so hard at the recent Cathy Milnes wedding. Dorothy Dorothy spent the past weekend at Quin-Mo-Lac, and reported an urgent need of updating and remodelling remodelling the camp! Quin-Mo- Lac is only a part of the immediate immediate needs of Quinte Can". The committee of Bertha White, Barbara Hannah and Edna Chapman brought an excellent excellent devotional entitled "7 gifts of The Holy Spirit" - Wisdom, Wisdom, understanding, knowledge, knowledge, counsel, power, diety and fear of Lord. Each member of Committee gave an excellent excellent elaboration of these words and this made a very interesting interesting meeting. Bertha closed with prayer. A social time closed meeting. Unit #4 Sixteen ladies of unit #4 met Tuesday evening in church hall, with committee of Ruth Grady and Marie Tamblyn in charge of devotions. Special guest was Mrs. Dorothy Dorothy Robinson, from unit #1, who recently attended the past weekend at Camp Quin-Mo- Lac. She brought an excellent view of the urgent need of refurbishing refurbishing the existing camps. Our church is presently signed up to raise funds for this need! Remainder of evening spent making "Peace Ribbons" for Korea and lunch closed meeting. meeting. Orono United Church News Two lovely pots of mums at front of church and placed in loving memory of late Howard Bellamy and placed by wife Bessie and family. A good attendance for our first Sunday back after holidays. holidays. Very lovely music greeted greeted the audience, when Carol Hooper rendered a solo "Flying "Flying Free" with flute obligato by Jennifer Easton. The opening opening hymn "Come Let us Sing Of A Wonderful Love", and the choir presentation of "Let There Be Peace on Earth" were much enjoyed by all. Carol Hooper gave a thrilling story of how this very lovely song came into being! In 1955 a group of 180 teenagers of all races and religions, meeting at a workshop, high in California Mountains, locked arms, formed a circle and sang this song of peace. This song began an amazing journey around the globe, taped, recorded, copied and printed in song books. It continues to travel heart to heart to people everywhere where people who seek understanding understanding and peace - peace for all mankind! Children's story-time given by our guest speaker Wendell White, of Quinte "Come Alive now" and he was introduced by Ed Millson, chairman of Committee. Scripture readings given by two young women who had attended Quin-Mo- Lac Camp, Cathy Millson and Kristin Plummer. Attention all parents - Sunday Sunday School has started again and the needs of your young children to attend, have never be greater! Explorer Girls - Calling all girls 8-11 years of age, grades 3-6 Wednesday 6:30 - 8 p.m. Orono United Church. Learn about Jesus, Explore Gods World, Crafts, games, singing. First meeting September 25. For further information call Mrs. Bertha White 983-5415. Reverend Fred and Marion Milnes new address - Box 108 South Mountain Ontario K0E 1W0 Up-Coming Services Sunday, September 22 - Guest Speaker Frank Stapleton Kirby 9:30 a.m. Orono 11 a.m. Horticulture Sunday. Flowers to be sent to sick and shut-ins. Sunday, September 29 - Kirby Anniversary Guest speaker Reverend Ross Mara- cle - Editor in chief of "The Flame," the official printed voice of the Native New Life outreach ministries." No 1- service at Orono, as we arc invited to attend Kirby's Anniversary. 11 a.m. - Lunch following. Belated birthday greetings to Carla Wcrry, September 14. Bd. of Stewards - Monday, September 30 - 7:30 upstairs. Session meets - Tuesday, October 1 upstairs. Special thanks to our "Quinte Can" Committee for our services. Committee members members - Dorothy Robinson, Linda Linda DeBartolocmco, Stella Car- son, Ivison Tamblyn, Orville Challicc. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Bill McNaul, Oshawa were last Thursday, night guests of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings. Walter and Jessica Sherwin, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of his grandmother, Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmer and Mr. Donald Chal- lice, Oshawa, were last Thursday Thursday evening dinner guests of their parents the "O Challiccs." Traveller Returns Home Yelverton News by H. Malcolm Sorry to report that Mr. Mil- ton Stephenson of this community community has spent the past week in Port Perry Hospital. All join in wishing Milt improved health and a speedy return to home turf. Welcome home to Mrs. Elizabeth Glasbcrgcn who has just returned home from a 3- month holiday in Europe. She was joined by her son George and his wife Debbie for a month's holiday in Hungary where she was bom and where a number of relatives reside. Ms. Denysc Glasbcrgcn re cently (Sept. 3rd) took her Government test on the practical practical end of hair styling (all to ramifications) in Toronto at the George Brown College which lasted approximately 3 hours. Those acting as guinea pigs in the operation were her grandmother grandmother Alice McGill and Dad- dy-0 Frank Glasbcrgcn. While in T.O. they enjoyed the hospitality hospitality of Aunt Velma and Uncle Uncle Murray Esson of Don Mills. A former Minister of the Janctville Charge was to be the Guest Speaker at the Yelverton United Church Anniversary on September 15th. We refer to Reverend Paul Ross and the service commences at 11 a.m. The Yelverton U.C.W. ladies ladies held their September meeting at the home of the Vice President Mrs. Hazel Gray on Lake Scugog north of Port Perry last Thursday. '• PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER © PUBLIC MEETING FOR THE DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE CAUSE EVENT The Town of Newcastle and the Bowmanville Business Centre (B.I.A.) are co-sponsoring a Community Assist Urban Study Effort (C.A.U.S.E.). Event to explore the urban design issues of Downtown Bowmanville. The C.A.U.S.E. Study Team (comprised of architects, landscape architects, architects, planners and students) is holding a public meeting concerning concerning problems and opportunities in Downtown Bowmanville in order to obtain the views of a wide variety of organizations and individuals in Bowmanville. } The public meeting will be held: , DATE: Thursday, September 26,1991 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Bowmanville Recreation Complex (northwest corner of Highway No. 2 and Regional Road 57) Bowmanville ' The C.A.U.S.E. Team will be hearing presentations from organizations organizations and any private citizens who wish to speak. For any questions related to the public meeting please contact Bob Russell, Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Telephone: 623-3379, Ext. 341. ONTARIO Date of Publication Wed., Sept. 18th and Wed., Sept. 25th, 1991 8B BOWMANVILLE lUIINUi CENTO V Moore's fiqua Pearl Gives an elegant "soft gloss finish with better washability, M.S.R. $40.70 * most colours WfiLLPfiPER! 70°/o 4>V to off Wallpaper Book Orders See oar in-stock selection for up to 50% savings. Come In and Browse! rfideafj pÙir^fcs^ Save Now On These Products From Ideal! No. 4000 Latex Velvet Finish $7Q95 ONLY iV No. 5000 Latex Semi-Gloss Finish $7795 only LL It's Not Expensive! It's Ideal! We now carry SIKKENS products ABERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER | 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville® Hours: Mon. - Thars. 8 - 6; Fri. 8 - 9; Sat. 8:30 - 5:00