i I --Community Correspondence The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, September 25,1991 17 by Isabelle Challice 983-5824 Quolc -"The gap in our economy is between what we have and what we think we ought to have - and that is a moral problem, not an economic economic one!" Mr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett have returned home after enjoying enjoying several weeks touring England, Wales and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice spent several days last week visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier, Bolton. Sincere sympathy of our community to Lyle McMahon in this sudden, tragic loss of his wife Margaret, who passed away last week! She was so well known in our areas and so well respected. Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Billings were last Saturday guests at the luncheon luncheon parly held at home of Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, Bowmanvillc, for 15 cousins. Mr. John Robinson left Sunday Sunday for Sarnia to work at power power plant there (from Darlington). Darlington). Flowers from Sunday church service were sent to sick and shut-ins in areas. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Scarborough, were Sunday callers with Mrs. Edith Taylor and all enjoyed lunch at Dutch Oven. Mrs. Kay Beggs, Ponty- pool, was last Monday visitor with Mrs. Edith Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Taggart, Agin- court and their friends "The Héritons" former Orono residents residents and now England, were in Orono last week, visiting old friends. Mr. Don Challice and Mr. Barry Challice were Sunday evening dinner guests of the O. Challiccs. Remember next Sunday, September 29, the Kirby church is celebrating their anniversary anniversary service. Special speaker is Reverend Ross Mar- acle, Editor in Chief of the "Flame", the official voice of the "Native New Life Outreach Ministries". He is a member of the Mohawk Tribe and will be bringing members of his band for a service of singing and a special message. Plan to attend and stay for lunch! Town Hall Card Party Twelve tables of progressive progressive euchre in Orono Town hall, Wednesday, September 18, and following results - High Score - Carl Gimblctt 90, Vi Hayward 84, Marion Scars and Edgar Millson tied at 82, Lena Clysdalc 81. Low Score - Aleck Moffat. Lucky draws - Carl Tabb, Thelma Vagg, Olive Little, Edgar Edgar Millson, Marg Todd. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Ladies to please bring lunch. Orono United Church News Lovely flowers graced the altars at Orono United Church for the horticulture Annual service, service, Sunday morning September September 22. Mrs. Donna Hutton, President of Orono Horticulture Horticulture Society, conducted the service, service, and opening hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth". An encouraging report from the Pastoral Relations Committee Committee given by Gordon Worry, and children's story given by Donna Hutton. Scripture lessons were variations variations of Psalm 23, (taken from "Patchwork Pieces". Readers - Donna Hutton, Andrea Etman- ski, Isabelle Challice and Shelley Shelley Etmanski. Special music by Choir "Bloom Where You arc Planted". Planted". Our guest speaker Mr. Frank Stapleton was introduced introduced by Donna and as usual gave a very delightful presentation presentation on the Biblical "Beatitudes, "Beatitudes, and went on to tell us todays todays world should be renamed the "Mc-Attitudcs", as we have become the me, me world! Our greeters at doors - Mrs. Shelley Etmanski and daughter and son. Happy Birthday greetings to - Lome Hardy Sr. September 24, Carlos Tamblyn September 23, Brad Copping September 24, Alvin Yco September 27, Isabelle Challice September 29. The birthday greetings arc a project of the M & S Committee. Committee. If you would like to have your name printed, there is a sheet to sign at the front doors or phone Marlene Risebrough 983-5702. There is a birthday cake at front doors, where you may make a donation:to M & S, when your name is printed. Food Banks! - Don't forget your donations to the Food bank. Donations may be left in box at front doors. They arc then taken to Salvation Army for distribution in our area. Orono - Charge Official Bd., - Meets Thursday, September September 26 at 7:30 p.m. Orono Church. For all members, session, session, trustees, stewards, Sunday Sunday School, Manse, Ministry and Personnel, M&S, U.C.W. etc. Following this meeting the Orono Congregational Bd. will meet. Explorers - Begins this Wednesday, September 25 at 6:30 p.m. -8 p.m. Orono Bd. of Stewards - Meets Monday, September 30, at 7:30 p.m. Orono U.C.W. meets Monday 9:30 a.m. Friendship Room. Reverend GRAND OPENING October 3rd CRYSTAL PAGES 983-6150 We buy and sell 1st and 2nd time around BOOKS, CRYSTALS, CD'S. STONES, GREETING CARDS AND BOOKS-ON-TAPE 5367 Main St., Orono 9k uAhhuaC Sento/t CoSouA 0OU/1 SUNDAY, OCT. 6TH Buses will leave at 1:00 from the Nightingale Centennial Temple Those who wish to be picked up and taken to the bus, please call: McGregor Drugs- 623-5792 Pres. Wayne Hodge - 623-5258 Leave name and address Sponsored by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club Resident Celebrates 80th Birthday Enniskillen News by Betty Wright Fred and Marion Milnes new address is Box 108, South Mountain, Ontario K0E 1W0 Durham Central News The Durham Central Fair Board arc busy preparing for their gigantic flew market, Saturday, Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be over 30 booths, filled with crafts, porcelain, porcelain, musical dolls, antiques, collectables, fruits, eggs, baseball baseball cards, and yard sale items. The winner of the "Clown Contest" will be announced, and our Fair Queen Miss Kelly Hentig will draw the winner of the Patio Draw, 200 ft. of interlocking interlocking brick, plus Tctc-a-Tcte with 2 lawn chairs and the "Water Colour by Donald Staples, Staples, entitled "Summer Evenings". Evenings". The draw will take place 3:30 p.m. More Fair News At our recent Durham Central Central Fair, a local family Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson, "Little Valley Farms", picked up Grand Champion Reserve prize for their herd sire, "Mar- macs Majestic". They arc raising raising the very large, attractive Blonde D'Aquitanc cattle and arc busy showing at many local local fairs, Fcnclon Falls, Black- stock and winning many prizes. prizes. Also at Port Hope last week and this week at Lindsay exhibition. exhibition. Future plans also include include Royal Winter fair, Toronto. Toronto. The Robinsons grandson Nicholas Boyd, has also been busy showing at local fairs in the Jr. Showmanship classes. The Blonde D'Aquitanc Breeders Breeders had 6 exhibitors at Orono Fair with 55 cattle in competition. competition. News from Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm One of our local Yelverton ' gals is putting our hamlet on Front Page by winning the title of Miss Lindsay Fair at the competition of comely colleens at the fair on Wednesday. We refer to Ms. Karen Prouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prousc who live on the Yelverton Yelverton Road south of Yelverton. Karen will be extremely active in her new position with extensive extensive duties during the fair. Hearty congratulations to Karen. Karen. Our community and residents residents of Manvers Twsp. were shocked to hear of the sudden passing of a former resident of the Fleetwood area Mrsi Margaret Margaret (Shea) McMahon of Bowmanvillc this week. She appeared to be in excellent health when we saw her and her husband at the dance Saturday Saturday evening at the 40th wedding wedding anniversary observation of her sister Helen and brother- in-law Jim McGill. Deepest sympathy to her husband Lyle, her mother Mrs. May Shea, Helen and Jim all of Bowmanville Bowmanville and sister Annie May Brown of Fleetwood area and other close relatives and friends. Mrs. Len Stainton and Mrs. Linda Cryderman were Thurs. evening dinner guests of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Wilfrid Bowman. Celebrating Margaret's birthday. Happy Birthday Margaret. Mrs. Joanne (Nimigon) Os- trowski, Mississauga, held a baby shower Sunday afternoon in honor of her cousin, Mrs. Lori (Penfound) Stach, and her new baby son, Alexander, of Whitby. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Lois Nimigon Nimigon with 21 guests attending. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill visited Mr. Fred Billctt, Scarborough Scarborough on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Columbus entertained entertained Mrs. Isobcl Dixon, Ashburn and Ella to a birthday luncheon at Amadeus Restaurant Restaurant on Monday and they also attended the Alzheimer's Friendship Group Annual Picnic, Picnic, LakeView Park. Mr. Andre Corncllicr was in a Public Safety Booth at the International International Plowing Match for Ontario Hydro at Pctrolia near Samia from Tuesday until Saturday. Saturday. A wonderful day was enjoyed enjoyed by all who attended the fun day at the Conservation area on Sunday. Mr. Ron Somberger spent the weekend at the cottage, Bancroft. Mr. Murray Sanderson, Raglan was a recent caller of the Edgar Wright's. Mrs. Len Stainton and family family attended the Willis- Cryderman wedding and reception reception at Camp Samac on Saturday. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tamblyn, Tamblyn, Stoncy Creek were over- i night guests of Mrs. Wilfrid j Bowman and Miss Myrtle I Tamblyn and took Myrtle and 1 Ella north to see the leaves and they visited with Mr. and Mrs. liBBier Lloyd Smith at West Guilford. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Errol Groves attended attended the Oldies Dance to support the Daily Bread Food Bank at the Regal Constellation. A surprise surprise to the Lidston family was their Mam Mastel from Sask. in attendance at the dance. She is staying for a week with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ramphal and Durcll, Oshawa were Sunday visitors of the Groves. Sunday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Howe and family, family, Saintficld were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe celebrating Krista's third birthday. Happy 80th birthday goes to Norma Ormiston (Aunt Norma) Norma) who hosted a Come and Go tea from two until four and seven until nine at Kingsview United Church on September 21st. Family members enjoyed a buffet supper at the South China Restaurant Oshawa. This week's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leadbeater, Leadbeater, Ryan and Kathryn, Bal timore, Rev. Bonnie Kelly, Newcastle was a luncheon guest on Tuesday and Miss Lori Leadbeater, Oshawa visited visited with her Grandma and Grandpa on Wednesday evening. evening. Church News I) October 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall a bridal shower will be held for Carl Chambers and Dolores Stevens. Stevens. South Group in charge for lunch. II) October 6th is Communion Communion Sunday. III) October 13lh - Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Sunday. IV) November 2nd - Guiding Guiding Craft, Bake and Yard Sale will be held at the Enniskillen United Church from 9:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Tables available from Lois Alloway at 263- 2393 at a cost of $15:00 per table. table. Girl Guide Calendars are now available for S2.50 per calendar. Contact Lois Alloway Alloway to get your Girl Guide calendar. calendar. Leaders arc still needed in the units. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF 1 NEWCASTLE PROCLAMATION IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED THAT THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 6TH-13TH WILL BE OBSERVED AS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Marie Hubbard Mayor Town of Newcastle pà Jp --".'i'/v ■v;f ph w m ^ Md X ■ ' TU T Ê ) uèêT à & A ,,V : Y, I f) n jf * T 1 iSlï Ni o / (\ % n V NX Thanks to You, here we Come and join us at our m ajl n 1L.-.j J _ i Lu.Uj t' ■tyfA a Çy A. m LJ V'* ticA l/ Uxl olOlli- oF&wj Mis 1 • IO IBM 8 1 ! ) ) ; ; i'Ds I'CBl jgM Saturday, September 28th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. njoy a Hamburger and Drink or an Oktoberfest Sausage on a bun and Drink for any donation over $1.00 All money will be donated to the Ileitis & Colitis Foundation SPECIAL OFFER: Saturday BBQ Day Only if REE Apple Pie with any purchase No coupon necessary Not valid with any other coupons meat shop* Thaw 'n* Serve Pumpkin Pie ^8"-20 oz. pie each m Stuffed - Boneless Turkey Breast Roast Solid turkey breast filled with old country style bread stuffing. ^Approximately 2 to 3 lb. roast. C49 lb. m Authentic - Precooked Oktoberfest* Sausage v A 3.31b. ease It is the official "Oktoberfest Sausage". ^Approximately 18 Pieces. Scum i di tt5 Our #1 Selling Burger Skinless Boneless Chicken, . Breasts Tender, juicy and ^wholesomoApprmdmat^^ NEW Old Style - Smoked Hams , W lb ' One half or whole. Qi/ ^Produced by J.M. Schneider. 5E Heat 'n* Serve Garlic Bread As served in the finest restaurants. .10 oz. loaf. -£ti Tasty* Q99 Burgers O case Produced exclusively (or M & M Meat Shops ^by J.M. Schneider. 20 x 3.2 oz. burgers ^ Sale Ends October 13th, 1991 8 .5 1 | $ 3 HWY.40I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. - 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Wed. 9 a.m - 6 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. r chefIÎ Soups francixd Microwaveable - Frozent Old Fashion Chicken Noodle Lumber Jack Vegetable | I Boston Clam Chowder lib. • tub lib. • tub Cream of Broccoli z p 49 Z/ lib. tub tub tissa S m 0 vw NTEST - WIN ... Win a festive Weekend for 4 at the 1991 Kitchener Waterloo Oktoberfest. GRAND PRIZE: • 2 nights accommodation for 4 (double occupancy) • Passes for area festivities • $200 spending money • Contest closes Sept, 29th • No purchase necessary • Complete details In store ALSO: Come In to any M & M Meat Shop during the week of Sept. 23rd to 28th and you could win* ^^^^tmOktoberfcsUesUvrdsnmplcr^^^^ 133 King Street East, Bowmanville 697-1202 i , 1 ...-- - -■ .vGŒiL. . I*..,.. v