16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday. October 2,1991 . Young Gardeners Take Part in Show A multitude of Junior Gardeners swamped the Newcastle Village United Church Hall on Saturday morning. The children were participating in the "Friends of Nature" exhibit and show. Miranda Eastabrook, of Orono, competed in several categories including Decorated Bottle with Natural Materials. Her well-decorated bottle is shown here. The exhibition was openéd by Mayor Marie Hubbard and Durham East MPP Gord Mills. Tyrone 4-H club met at the ■Tyrone Sunday School room I',on September 16th with five girls present. Our next meeting will be September 23rd from 7-9. Our leaders are Ann Plea- sance, Betty Pascoe. Our club Executives are President - Mis ty Carr, Treasurer - Misty Carr, Press Reporter - Tammy Barrett, Barrett, Secretary - Jancy Knowl- ton. Our dues will be $2.00 for the six weeks. We discussed milk - why we need it and at this meeting, we cooked "Nachos". They tasted excellent. We need to discuss a club name at the next meeting. The leaders discussed the experiment experiment of the chicken bones set in vinegar for 5 days. Also os- teoporsis was discussed. Misty adjourned the meeting meeting at 9 p.m. Announcement DR. JAMES STEVENSON Optometrist Our office is now located in THE LIBERTY HEALTH CENTRE 60 Liberty Street South, Bowmanvillc Telephone 623-6110 ■ ■■ ■■ maw.V.MAWAW.VAW.'.'AW.W.WiV.Vi'i'AViW.'W.'.'.W.V»'VN^V^V^VA^VA^VA'iViVyW ♦ g» irV ■ ■ ■*■'■*■*■■ ■ » aiVriViViViVi iiruVuV ■« ■ ■ ■ •••• iri ■ i ■ 1 I Owi lo The 2nd Annual Fall Craft and Country Collectables Show and Sale OVER 40 QUALITY EXHIBITORS Scents for Your Home, Quilting, Wreaths and Arrangements, Stained glass, Wicker, Wooden Collectables and Much, Much More! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1991 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX IIWY112 (KING STREET) AND UWY#57 (MARTIN ROAD) BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ADMISSION: $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12: FREE SNACK BAR DOOR PRIZES For Information Call: 985-0572 or 985-1616 v. I I I I I g 3 1 ft ft Quote - "There is only one thing for a man to do, who is married to a woman who enjoys enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy earning it." Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Armstrong, on the safe arrival of their new baby son, bom September 23. Proud grandparents Bill and June Armstrong and great grandma Mrs. Velma Armstrong. Mrs. Glady Greenwood and Mrs. Inez Harris have arrived home, after enjoying a bus trip to Agawa Canyon last weekend. weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland Sutherland have arrived home after enjoying several days last week visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bell and family in Ottawa. Ottawa. Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Lynn Kimmctt, Lindsay, spent several days last week, visiting Mrs. Bailey's sister-in- law, Mrs. Georgina Beaton, North Bay. Mrs. Adclc McGill spent Sunday visiting relatives and friends in Peterborough. Another large crowd at Sunday's Sunday's Auction Sale in arena, with many interesting items. Quite a few interested patrons viewed the sale items on Saturday, Saturday, while attending the flea market. Orono is becoming the Auction sale capital of this area, with sales at Reid Auction Auction barns Wednesday nights and Orono on Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, Morton, Kendal and Mrs. Inez Harris Harris attended the 50th (golden) wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper Oshawa, at the residence of their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cooper, Oshawa. His many friends in Orono wish a speedy recovery to Keith Wood, son of Wesley and Myrtle Wood of Orono, who suffered a very painful accident accident last week, breaking his hip and ribs. Town Hall Card Party Thirteen tables of progressive progressive euchre at the weekly euchre euchre party held Wednesday, September 25 in Orono Town Hall and following winners. High Scores - Walter Mitchell 83, Ken Gimblctt 83, Bob Bradley 81, Doreen Green and Wanda McNeil tied at 79. Low Score - Ed Skinner. Lucky draw - Charles Stapleton, Stapleton, Charles Campbell, Wally Boughcn, Bessie Stephenson, Stephenson, Marie Couroux, Marion Marion Staples. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. in town hall and ladies please bring lunch. 4T Club Meeting An excellent attendance at the September regular monthly meeting at the Srs. Complex hall on Station Street. As usual, usual, a delicious pot-luck dinner enjoyed by all and we welcomed welcomed 6 brand new members, namely Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Schocnmaker, Mrs. Inez Harris and Mrs. Thelma Gilbank. Happy birthday was sung to following September birthdays - Jim Woodward, Jack Miller, Gladys Ogden, Art Clough, Charlie Stapleton, Ed Cousins, Harry Wade, Isabelle Challice. Video tapes were shown downstairs downstairs to close another good evening together. Orono and Kirby Church News On Sunday, September 29, the congregation of Kirby and Orono joined together for the Kirby church Anniversary service. service. Organist at Kirby is Mrs. Arlene Bolton and special guest speaker Reverend Ross Marachc, who is a member of the Mohawk Tribe and he brought members of his band to present a special service of music. The crowd stayed following following service for a time of food and fellowship. The choir presented "This is the Day" for this special event of the church in Kirby. Supply Minister - The Orono charge Official Bd. has accepted the call of Reverend Fred Clappison, beginning beginning October 1 (subject to acceptance by Oshawa Presbytery). Presbytery). We ask God's Blessing upon Reverend Clappison and his wife Mina, and our congregations congregations as wc worship together in the months ahead. The Kirby congregation were privileged to hear our now pastor Sunday, September 8 as a guest speaker. Pastoral Relations - Each family in Orono-Kirby charge will be receiving a newsletter and survey in the mail sometime sometime next week, Wc would ask you to fill out the survey and return it as soon as possible. possible. Film Committee Meeting - Meets October 7 Monday in Kirby Church. If you arc interested interested in this committee, please attend, Newsletter - We would appreciate appreciate your help in filling envelopes envelopes (newsletters), If you can spare an hour, please come to Orono United Church Thursday Thursday afternoon 1:30 p.m. October October 3. All welcome! Our newsy letters from former former Camp Quin-Mo-Lac guests are in each week's bulletin bulletin and we appreciate the young peoples time and effort. Last weeks letter was from Ellen Ellen Trafford (Millson) now living living in Kitchener and this week Anthony DiBartolomeo. Food Banks - Don't forget our food banks. Donations to be left at front doors! They arc then taken to Salvation Army, Bowmanvillc for distribution throughout our areas. Upcoming Scrvices- Sunday, October 6 - World Wide Communion. Kirby 9:30 a.m. - Orono 11 a.m. Sunday, October 13 - Thanksgiving Service. Sunday, October 20 - Kirby 9:30 a.m. and Orono 11 a.m. Sunday, October 27 - Anniversary Anniversary Service Orono 11 a.m. Special Speaker - Reverend Bill Randall. Birthday Greetings - I. Challice September 29, Todd Hutton September 29, Orville Challice October 1, Everett Brown October 2, Clifford Terrill Terrill October 3. Explorers group - Meet Wednesday, October 2 at 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. in Upper C.E. hall of Orono United church. For all girls 8-11 years of age, grades 3-6. For more information information please call Bertha White 983-5415. Please reserve Wednesday October 23 for Orono United Church annual Turkey dinner. 2 sittings (more information later). District Horticulture Meeting District #17 Ontario Horticulture Horticulture Jr. fall meeting was held in Newcastle United Church on Saturday, September September 28, with approximately 50 Jr. members in attendance. Mayor Hubbard from region brought greetings and also Mr. Gordon Mills M.P.P.; District director Miss Anne Bourke, Oshawa and Mrs. Vicki Lës- nick asst, director also brought greetings and encouragement to children and leaders. The day's agenda got off to an exciting-'start with a two hour visit to Bowmanvillc Zoo, and of course this is always a popular place for young folks. Excellent competitions and lots of entries in all age categories! categories! Miss Andrea Etmanski brought the trophy home again (2 yrs. in a row) for the 9-12 years group. Our gracious thanks to Newcastle for hosting this annual annual event! St. Saviour's Church News Following the Sunday morning service, a walk-a-thon was enjoyed by church members members and many had pledged support for walkers. Lunch was served to members, following following the walk. Next weeks service at St. Saviour's - 9:30 a.m. Communion Communion Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, October 10, at 8:30 p.m. in Parish hall. Thanksgiving - The services of thanksgiving will be celebrated celebrated on Sunday, October 13. Gifts of fruit, vegetables and flowers will be needed to decorate decorate the church. Contact Dorothy Dorothy Hester. Open House - New Rectory - Sunday, October 20, 1991 (2 p.m. - 4 p.m.) The Rector and Wife Cordially invite all members members of St. Saviour's to an open house at the Rectory, 9 Stanford Stanford Crescent, Newcastle Village. Village. Come along and tour the new Rectory and enjoy fellowship fellowship and refreshments - all welcome. welcome. Successful Flea Market Orono fair board hosted a very successful flea market on Saturday, September 28 in Orono Fair grounds, with approximately approximately 38 vendors participating! participating! Despite a very cold day, many eager shoppers attended, attended, and sure enjoyed the wide variety of wares. The lucky winner of the lovely painting donated by Donald Staples was Ray Brown, Orono. Orono. Winner of the cute clown - E. Pcnwarden, Bowmanvillc. Patio set and Blocks - Mark Bragg, R. R. #4, Bowmanvillc, The winner of "Name The Clown" was Tyler Wilkinson R.R. #1, Woolcr, Ontario who wins $10.00 prize money and free passport to 1992 fair. Our thanks to all vendors and folks who helped out. Social News Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice attended attended a family birthday party, in their honour, on Sunday, at the residence of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough. Peterborough. If you readers arc interested in a colour tour of our areas, try the Hwy 115 east, or Hwy 35 north of here! The Autumn colours arc at their glorious best. Down in Peterborough areas, areas, again beautiful! Treat yourself to this annual color- fest! Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shcrwin and Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Wood arrived home safely safely on Saturday afternoon, after enjoying two weeks holidays in Austria and Switzerland, after after arriving in Frankfort, Germany. Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckett, Tamara and Tanycc, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thomson, Thomson, Whitby, were Sunday evening evening dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor. I HARRY 13th BIRTHDAY* BUSTER'S Presents 1SW The Ultimate Tribute to Def Leppard Saturday, October 5th $6.00 cover charge MIDWAY DRIVE-IN FRIDAYS • SATURDAYS • SUNDAYS ONLY "FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY" Showing this Weekend 2 Movies for the Price of 1 11. Doc Hollywood (pg) . Robin Hood (AA) am FAST $7.00 Admission CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE 401 East to HWY. 28 Port Hope, South to Hwy. 2 East to Theatre Rd. HWY. 2 416-372-5833 An Open Letter to All Canadians. Tuesday, September 24,1991 My fellow Canadians: Today in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister is putting forward proposals to renew the Canadian federation. The proposals are not fixed or final. They are a basis for discussion. Canadians are encouraged to debate them vigorously and openly and suggest how they can be improved so that every Canadian can feel welcome, understood and respected in our own land. A Special Joint Committee of the House of Commons and Senate will seek the views of Canadians on these proposals. Please participate actively in the Committee's work. It's an opportunity to forge the kind of Canada that can best serve the interests of Canadians now and in the future. The process of renewing the Canadian partnership will not be easy. Canada was born and built because previous generations understood that unity is the key to prosperity and that the keys to unity are tolerance, compromise and goodwill. In difficult times, these characteristics are often in short supply but that is when we need them most. Canadians have the opportunity as never before to create a Canada in which all Canadians can feel at home. Together, we have the opportunity to strengthen this country to make it more prosperous and more responsive to the aspirations of all its people. I urge you to take part in renewing Canada. It's our country that's at stake. The Right Honourable Joe Clark, President of the Privy Council and Minister Responsible for Constitutional Affairs. Ca nada