22 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 16,1991 Ribboti Cutting Officially Opens Parkette in Newtonville \ Church Services Held in Welcome Wesleyville News by Edna BarrowclouRh It was not for people who felt that they would melt in the rain. On Friday afternoon, Oct. 4, the Ina Brown Parkette in Newtonville was officially opened by Town of Newcastle Mayor Marie Hubbard and members of Ina Brown's family. Mrs. Brown had been a well-known and beloved school teacher in the Town of Newcastle. The parkette was named in her memory. It has a sandy play area consisting of two slides, two sets of swings, spring bucking bronco animals, monkey bars, a set of teeter- totters and a large, grassy area. Couple Marks 45th Anniversary Yelvertoii News by Harvey Malcolm Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson of Lotus who observed their 45th wedding anniversary with a festive evening in Pontypool last Saturday evening. A good time was reported by those in attendance. Welcome home to Ms. Candy Candy Malcolm who returned home this week from a 3-week working-holiday in Australia as a sales representative of Jo- nik Tours of T.O. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Mrs. Harold Harold Green of Bethany who passed away this week following following a lengthy illness. It was unfortunate unfortunate that her passing coincided coincided with the 25th wedding anniversary of her daughter Pat and son-in-law Ross Neals and cast a shadow on an otherwise happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm Malcolm hosted a dinner and social social evening for his fellow Fanners Mutual Directors and their wives who were in attendance attendance at the Clarence and Myra Page festival in Yelver- ton church hall on Saturday afternoon. afternoon. On Saturday afternoon some 150 well wishers congregated congregated at Yclvcrton church hall to pay tribute to Myra and Clarence Page on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary anniversary (October 11/41). The hall was tastefully decorated in the purple motif for the occasion and the bride and groom of yesteryear were resplendent, in their finery for this special occasion. occasion. Among the many guests was a contingent of Farmers Beekeepers Swarmed by Changes to Ont. Policy A $10 million honey and wax industry, a $65 million harvested pollinated agricultural agricultural crop industry, and vast benefits benefits to the environment and society arc in jeopardy. Three serious pests threaten the Ontario Beekeeping Indus- . try: Honeybee Tracheal Mites, Varroa Mites, and Africanized (Killer) Bees. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food announced announced that they arc suspending suspending the Apiculture Inspection Program which has for seven years protected honeybee pollination pollination from mite infestations from Now York and Michigan. U.S. Beekeepers arc experiencing experiencing 50 to 80% losses due to these pests in some areas, and pollination shortages arc becoming becoming evident. The same fate faces Ontario Beekeepers. The Ontario Beekeepers' Association met with O.M.A.F. Minister, Elmer Buchanan. Buchanan. They were told that not only is his government unwilling unwilling to support the O.B.A. Industry Plan, but that the Apiculture Apiculture Inspection Program will not continue. The timing is critical. Work to. finish this year's inspection must begin immediately to be completed in lime to properly assess the situation for next year. A seven year effort of leading edge technology is about to be wasted. Ontario's 5000 beekeepers, operating over 100,000 honeybee honeybee colonics, need help to continue continue to provide wholesome honey and essential pollination services to the citizens of Ontario. Ontario. Mutual Directors and their wives. Clarence was a former Director and past President of this group for many years. Also present were former colleagues colleagues of Clarences when he was employed with the former Warren Paving Co. Among those ladies who presided at the tea table were Mrs. Vera Page, Mrs. Preston •Neals, (Myra's sister), Mrs. Viola Viola Thomdyke, Mrs. Robert Sisson. The Yelverton U.C.W. ladies ladies provided the afternoon lunch and evening lunch. The immediate family were dinner guests of the Page's following the afternoon festivities. In the evening the Page's also held open house for relatives and friends at their Lindsay residence. residence. The Page's were the recipients recipients of many plaques and congratulatory congratulatory messages from many dignitaries. Prime Minis- ■ E ter Brian Mulroncy of Federal Government, Premier Bob Rac via MPP Dennis Drainvillc from Ontario Government, the Governor General of Canada to name just a few. It was a pleasure to renew acquaintance with their son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Ion Page. and family of Western Ontario who were present for the occasion. Guests were -present from Lindsay, Peterborough, Peterborough, Woodstock, Toronto as well as many other local communities. communities. Last weekend Gerald and Dorothy Bristow and Mrs. Bristow of Bethany attended the wedding of their nephew and grandson - Jim, son of Mrs. Gail (Bristow) O Greyzek at Kingston. Also in attendance were Gary and Kathy Bristow and Mrs. Cathy Bristow at this colourful wedding. The newlyweds newlyweds Jim and Kim will be living living in Mississauga. On Saturday, Mona and Ronnie Sharman motored to St. Thomas to attend the .wedding .wedding of a former Kitchener University girl friend Miss Kim Hclmer and Michael Collier. Collier. This was held at the Sparta Sparta United Church at the Saxo- nian Hotel in Aylmer Ontario. Get well wishes are extended extended to Mr. Walter Kerr and Mr. Maurice Nesbitt, both of whom are in hospital at time of writing. writing. We understand Walter observed observed his 85th birthday while confined. Among the many festive events that took place this weekend there was one of little significance except of course to your Yelverton scribe and family. We refer to the unsolicited unsolicited attention we received on having attained another "Birth" milestone. On Saturday evening evening we enjoyed dinner out at the Krebs in Whitby and on Sunday all our family members gathered here at Malconia to "honour" (?) the "Head" (?) of the household with a birthday dinner and a collection of insulting insulting Birthday Cards. Retribution Retribution I guess! Ed's note: Many happy returns returns old fellow. Keep dancing. Church service at Welcome was conducted by Reverend W. Sedgwick on Sunday, October October 6 and most people who come to worship were happy with the mild weather and with the rain, which is very welcome welcome to fill empty wells. Communion Communion was observed with elders elders Mary and Lloyd Kellogg, Chris Beatty, John Groenevcld, Glen Thompson, Allin Osborne, Osborne, Arnold Thomdyke and Tom Wilson assisting. The sermon sermon was tilled, The Creator's Intention - Human Wholeness," Wholeness," and was a plea for family family life as we interpret God's plan. The choir's anthem, Holy, Holy, Holy was good to hear as always even if several members could not be present. The floral offering was a change of colour, a bouquet of deep maroon and white mums. The regular offering was received received by Dan MacDonald and Glen Thompson, and an offering offering for the Benevolent fund is left at the door as the congregation congregation leaves. During the service Peggie Graham explained a new Sunday School project which involves a pen pal arrangement arrangement with adults which sounds interesting. Decorating for the Thanksgiving service will be done at six p.m. on Saturday, Saturday, October 12, after a wed- Openings in Y Programs If you are a creative person person who enjoys working with your hands, you'll be glad to know that the YWCA still has vacancies in some of its fall adult workshops. You can join the YWCA classes in: Porcelain Flower Workshop, Workshop, Sculptured Lamp Shades, French Heirloom Sewing, Decorative Picture Frames or Gardening with Perennials. For exact dates, times, and locations, call the YWCA at 623-9922 or drop in for a visit visit on 133 Church St., Bow- manville. Natalie Manders, the Program Program Co-ordinator and staff would like to hear from you. ding being held in the afternoon. afternoon. People in the area of the Wesleyville hydro's access road were notified of power suspension for several hours on Wednesday and Thursday, October October 2 and 3, while workers would be putting wiring in place on the new high poles on the road. Ever since hydro purchased the Tufford farm, the bam there has been disintegrating, with boards gradually disappearing. disappearing. Now it has been purchased purchased and lumber will be removed removed for re-use. This is good to hear, there are many bams in the area looking sad indeed, when active farming has ceased there. We are glad to report that Percy Hoskin's therapy is continuing continuing with improvement, even if slow. He is still in Toronto. Toronto. Mrs. Gloria Young and daughters Allyson and Catherine Catherine of Toronto spent Sunday with Carroll and June Nichols. Sharon Edey, husband Brian and children of Bow- .manville area, spent Sunday with Arnold and Kay Thomdyke. Thomdyke. We are glad to know that . Sharon is finding some relief from her severe attack of sciatica, sciatica, and we hope she will soon be back at her teaching position. position. For many years Elden and Carole Johnson of Bedford, Michigan, have been coming to the house tour in Port Hope and each year call at this house. The anticipation and the visit brings much pleasure each year. Elden's family came to Hope Township in 1803 and settled in the Canton area. One of the daughters married Timothy Timothy Haskill and lived on the farm with him most of her married married life, and died in Port Hope in 1898 at the age of 106 years. We will look for them again in 1992. The view from the west window is a colourful picture these days and good to store on memory's wall for white land-. scapes to come. The bright sumac sumac across the road and a bank of them north by the railroad are the brightest but the wooded wooded area farther west is a mix ture of many shades of red, copper and gold. Lining the driveway, the. locusts, scotch pine, walnut, cut leaf maple, hard maple and oak arc colourful colourful with scotch pine and red cedar cedar for contrast. The Manitoba Maples arc naked, with their yellow leaves carpeting the deck and lawn. On Saturday evening, October October 5th, Arnold and Kay Thomdyke attended the banquet banquet for Arnold's bowling team in Port Hope. This was the lawn bowling banquet and held at the Dragon Bridge restaurant. restaurant. 1 Tom and Christine Wilson spent the weekend in Toronto where they enjoyed seeing the presentation of the Magic Flute. 50 years ago: Since Wcslcy- villc people have been scattered scattered in the surrounding community community there arc no local affairs to report and we can tell only of those with which the different families are involved, in other places. But 50 years ago it was a busy community. In October of that year, "Helen Snell accepted a position in town and she will be missed from choir and other activities. At the first fall meeting of the YPU represented Clarence Nichols reporting all offices open. In the absence of Reverend Reverend Elliott through illness, E. Barrowclough conducted the election, which resulted in Pres. Carroll Nichols, Vice President Clarence Nichols, fellowship convenor, Kathleen Brimacombe, Citizenship, Murray Payne, Missionary, Orald Tufford, Christian culture, culture, Arnold Thomdyke, Secretary Secretary Dorothy Mason, treas. Kathleen Hale, recreation Eleanor Eleanor Rctallick and Olive Mason. Mason. . NO P®g? T n NO INTEREST TIL 1993 ïir\ &Ë&/ < rvVinX'.VZi iV.v'a.ViLr.^^d UNBELIEVABLE! No ptyaeots ud no iottmt 'SI Jaunty 2nd, 1993* with the purchase of a COMPLETE York High Efficiency Heating and Cooling system. No payments and no iottmt 'SI Septeabir 1st. 1992" with the purchase of a York Stellar Plus" High Efficiency Gas Furnace OR York Stellar 2000" High Efficiency Air Conditioning, Call today...we'll make you feel good inside! 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