t i Education U Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wedn^gy October 23 1991 7 i Share the Haiyest" Food Drive Collects ^j^^ems Busy Time for Everyone at St. Stephen's Well, the second month of school is in full swing, and St. Stephen's, staff and students arc very busy. The grade nines went to Northern Lights for yet another successful camp retreat. As usual, a good time was had by all. Plans arc in the works for the rest of the grade retreats this coming year. Fr. Bill, busy man that he is, also involved in countless other other things, St. Stephen's first ever hot clog day among them. "Get you red-hots", could be heard all over campus. And get them we did! Keep cookin' Fr. Bill. On the athletic front, we St. Stephcnitcs arc going full tilt ahead. On October 9th the cross country running team was racing in Belleville. Fr. Bill took two tryouts to decide on the St. Stephen's Royals hockey team, which looks promising; lots of young talent. Good luck guys! On October 7th the Midget Girls basketball team played against Cobourg East, and then on the 10th both the Midget and Junior Girls Basketball teams played in Port Hope. Also on October 10th, the Senior and Junior Boys soccer teams played Cobourg East. The Juniors won 4 to 1. Franco Scanga scored two goals and Mike Talotti and Duncan Ram- jass each scored one. The Senior Senior team pummelled their opponents opponents 8 to 0. Way to go guys! Scorers included Mervin Beausoleil, Andrew Daccy and Rob Iantomassi. Honourable mentions go to Tony Joyce and Jason Nynof for their strong play. Congratulations to the Waverley P.S. Celebrates Events at Thanksgiving The students at Waverley looked forward to the Thanksgiving Thanksgiving weekend. The children in the Kindergarten class went to a farm market to look at and buy fruit and vegetables. They made chicken rice soup and a fruit salad. On Tuesday, October 8, it was Open House at Waverley. Open House is when the students students go to' their classrooms and parents talk to the teachers. teachers. Lots of people were there. 4 MORE llpimBmamiBB Colortron ALL VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOW AVAILABLE III: •Traditional While 'Oxford Blue 'Avocado Green «Sandstone -Dove Grey -Deep Bronze -Almond •Choose easement, double hung, side slider or halliound styles, each custom crafted lo (il your window replacement project. Easy-lo-cloan *No maintenance fl Rrçitiwod If JtJonurk eZ DaViwood Indusliot L'mlled"' Titdiruit penrtng WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE dEDASHWODD* L 1200 Phillip Murray Avc., Oshawa, 436-1344 550 Lansdowne SI. W., Peterborough, 745-2223 Directory ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King'St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 SUTHERLAND, HOBB and PARTNERS Peter A. Hobb, C.A. ! y/ilmar J. Bakker, C.A. / Chartered Accountant» 118 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-9461 N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanville 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 511 Bond St. W„ (Bond St. at Stevenson Rd.) Oshawa, Ontario LU 2M2 Phone 576-4619 HOME SERVICE BARINA J£x. HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Chècklng - Wedding Day Gilt Sitting Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 BONDED LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St., Suite 202 Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4444 SERVICES Grundy's Country Upholstery Studio CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 983-9874 "HELPING ^ HAND" ■ Home Maintenance Spring and Summer Clean Up Wallpapering, painting and housecloaning NO JOBS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL 20% off for Senior Citizens Phone Perry or Lori at 623-7984 MASSAGE THERAPY MASSAGE TREATMENTS By Kim Tougas, H.B.Sc. Registered Massage Therapist Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist 168 Church St., Bowmanville Clinic for Natural Health 623-8170 for appointment YOU COULD ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE! »CALL 623-3303 ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE Bragg Health Services Anna Bragg, R.N. Cert, Ref. Nurse Consultant Stress Management Alternative Health Care "Reflexology" R.R. 4, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K5 Phone 623-9198 By appointment Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre : Renée Bos Cert. Reflexologist Iridologist Member of the Red. Assoc, of Canada 43 Ontario Street, Bowmanville Phone 623-8388 "REFLEXOLOGY" : oot Reflection By Shirley Colt R.N.A., Cert. Ref. Member ol Reflexology Association of Canada 2 Frederick Ave., Bowmanville Phone 623-4690 for appointment Mon than ]uat atreaa Management "VIRGINIA LYLE" "ENERGY WORK II' Private Sessions Group Seminars (416) 623-9251 NEWCASTLE/ HOME CARE OXYGEN CENTRE 24 Hour (j$jUf Phone Sen/ice (416) 436-0985 We put tha meaning back Into the word 'can'. CHIROPRACTIC Bowmanville Chiropractic Naturopathic Clinic John W. Hawrylak, D.C., N.D. Doctor of Chiropractic and Naturopathy 168 Church St., Bowmanville (416) 623-4004 Spinal And Narva Cara Nutrition Hair Mineral And Vitamin Analysis Acupuncture ^*oodlntolarancaTastlnr) Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Centre Kathlynn M. Hoch d.c., s.i.a.c.a. Doctor of Chiropractic and Laser Acupuncturist 623-8388 43 Ontario St.. Bowmanville DR. LAURENCE A. GREY D.C., N.D. Chiropractic, Naturopathic and Homeopathic Clinic 243 King St. E. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1C5 725-7000 COMPUTER SERVICES ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC Cuslom Designed Software / lo solve YOUR problems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control ■ Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables . • General Ledger Complete liter Sales Service and bslnxlcn Computer Sales, Services, Maintenance and Supplies Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maple Grove Rd., Bowmanville It was so packed you could hardly find a parking spot. It was a very successful Open House. Waverley has a House League Dodgcball this fall. They play during lunch. Mrs. LaChansc is in charge of the schedule. Wavcrley's soccer team has won one out of three games. The players are; Chris Peldiak, captain, Lisa Lindbcrg, cocaptain, cocaptain, Chris Watson, Jonathan Jonathan Hutchinson, Jessica Andrews, Andrews, Walter McCrindle, Robin Middleton, Stephen Proctor, Kristin Gifford, Lucas Leskiw, Alissa Burtch, Todd Bumstead, Paula Campell and Jason Stcger. These arc the B team players: Julie Elliott, Winston Mathews, Jennifer Burley, Chris Mann, Nancy Seto, Jason McCrindle and Keren McCaughtric. The coaches are Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Peldiak. Peldiak. There is a 40 kilometer Club this fall at Waverley. It is run by Ms. Porter. To become a member you need to run 80 laps. Madame Bridal now has her own portable for French classes. classes. Wednesday October 16, was the first time the Primary Choir got together. Students from grades one, two and three may participate in choir activities. activities. Mrs. Perry is the leader ■ and Mrs. Moore is the pianist. . All the students are getting ready for Hallowe'en and are making decorations for their classes. There are witches, ghouls, ghosts, spiders and other other creepy stuff. One of the grade six classes is having a Weird Day on Hallowe'en. One Kindergarten class is doing doing Hallowe'en centres and is having a special 'Hat' Day. They are dressing up for a Hallowe'en Hallowe'en Party. Many classes have taken trips. Mrs. LaChanse's class and Miss Pichcr's class went to Orono Jungle Cat World on October 17. It's been a busy fall here at Waverley. By: Rob Carter Andrew Cook Jennifer Johnston Tyler Lane Teachers Will "Think Green" At Meeting On October 25 "If we hope to prepare our students to meet successfully the challenges of today and of the future, we must continue to familiarize ourselves with the most current teaching techniques techniques and technologies", states Director of Education, Peter Roach for the local Separate Separate School Board. On Friday, October 25, 1991 over 900 staff members from the Peterborough, Victoria, Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Separate School Board will participate in a Professional Professional Activity Day featuring workshops workshops presented by leading environmentalists and educators. educators. 'Green Side Up' enables staff as provider of information and models for students, to semtinize their own beliefs, expand expand their knowledge and reflect reflect on their roles to ensure their own planet will be preserved. preserved. 'Ecology of the Great Lakes, the Case Against Nuclear Nuclear Power, Your Classroom May BE A Health Risk, Wildlife Wildlife Conservation, Rainforest Simulation Game, Guppy Moth Control, From Garbage to Art, Environmental Leadership Leadership and The Consequences of Waste', arc a few of the 62 workshops planned for the October October 25, 1991 Professional Activity Day, Dr. Bill Andrews, Environmental Environmental Sciences Professor from the University of Toronto, Toronto, will give the keynote address address at 9:00 a.m. Author of thirty-one books on environmental environmental issues, Dr, Andrews has toured the world speaking on the theme 'Green Side Up', coaches and the players! Go Royals, make us proud! In other extra curricular activities: activities: musically St. Stephen's Stephen's is "swingin'". Miss Harrison and the Band arc working hard and sounding good! We're looking forward to our next dance on the 24th of October. And of course, everyone everyone has to go to practice for the upcoming dancc-a-thon! Come on everybody, let's dance! Last but not least: the Music Ministry made Mr. T. Hunt proud last Tuesday the 8th at our first school mass. To round off the mass, the choir sang a rousing rendition of the Carole King/James Taylor classic: "You've got a friend" and are now considering naming naming themselves "Tony and the Heartbeats" and embarking on a world tour, if Mr. Nolan gives permission. Last minute notes: the Walk-a-thon is over, and although although the participants returned returned to school soggy, they were happy to have helped a worthwhile cause like the United United Way. Math competitions and the Yearbook committee have embarked on their year of hard word; intense practices for the OAC Drama class cabaret cabaret scheduled for November 14th and 15th continue mercilessly. mercilessly. And somewhere in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, bustle, we're getting our education and having a good time with our friends. Amazing how we manage to juggle it all! Well, seeing as there are so many things going on, I must sign off, I'm sure I'm late for something! something! So, 'til the next St. Stephen's Stephen's update: keep smilin' Bowmanville. Robin Carrey. sr * h -.J, Over 400 food items were collected by St. Francis of Assisi Separate School students during their 'Share the Harvest' drive just before Thanksgiving weekend. The food was donated to the St. Vincent Kitchen, operated by $ the selection the Oshawa Food Bank. Last Friday, Jerry Sabourin, the school's custodian (left), delivered the food, after Adam Cartier and Amy Lywak, helped him load the truck. the w ôHT SERVICE • • • xhe wont SAVINGS • • • IGA SOFT MARGARINE 1 -lb. tubs a a ll Hometown 'proud! YOPLAIT YOGURT 12/, Assorted Varieties, Fruit on the 1 Bottom Style .49 CAMPDELL'S TOMATO SOUP Condensed 10-oz. tin IGA PLU 2706 VALUE 1.00 + .07 GST ORIGINAL TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT^ FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON$5.991^5*1X41 6L BOX OR ASSORTED VARIETIES ULTRA TIDE 4 L IGA POTATO CHIPS Assorted Varieties 160 - 190 g bog IGA PLU 2702 VALUE 1.00 + .07 GST FACELLE ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE WHITE ONLY, 2 PLY CASE OF 24 ROLLS FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $6.99 CASE OF 24 ROLLS OCEAN'S RED SOCKEYE SALMON Or Solid White Tuna 196 - 213 g tin 750 mL RET. DTL. n/VvV, w | IGA PLU 2716 VALUE 1.00 + .07 GST I I ASSORTED VARIETIES, REGULAR OR DIET FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $6.99 I LIMIT ONE CASE PER COUPON. UMIT ONE' COUPON PER FAMILYPUACHAS VALID FROM MON., OCT. 21 UNTIL CLOSING SAT., OCT. 26, 1991. CASE OF 24 x 355 mL TINS UNIT COST 7.0< PER 100 ml FRESH! LOIN PORK CHOPS 7 Chop Economy Pock, 3 Rib, 3 Centre, 1 Tenderloin Portion, lb. 3.73 kg IGA PLU 2753 VALUE .50 SCHNEIDERS DACOI 'SLICED, SIDE | FEATURE PRICE . WITHOUT COUPON I $2.49. • limit on# pkg. ptr I coupon. Valid from • Mon., Oct. 21 until dosing I Sol., Oct 26, 1991. , A.C. NIELSEN, I DOX 3000, , ST. JOHN. N.D, IE2L 41/ PKG. ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS Cut From Canada Grade A Beef, Boneless Outside lb. 6.15 kg MAPLE LEAF ROAST DEEF "'W9 SHOPSY'S MACARONI OR POTATO SALAD or Coleslaw ,35 100 g Æ lâ fil •©P 1 ». 1 PRODUCE mcintosh, RED DELICIOUS, EMPIRE, SPARTAN OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS 1.30 RHI EC PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA FANCY », S kg Mcintosh, RED DELICIOUS OR EMPIRE 2.27 kg 5-lb. bag mcintosh, RED DELICIOUS OR EMPIRE 4.54 kg 10-lb. bag DAGELS Don't Forget The Cream Cheese of 12 ONION ROLLS Great Beginning For Sandwiches HEAD LETTUCE Product of U.S.A., No. 1 Grade ea. PUMPKINS Product of Ontario ea. LOOK FOH THIS SYMIOL FOODS TO fft TOW UFBTYU. PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26,1991. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. REDUCE ? v o5r HG ; WASTE " i GRAHAM'S IGA MARKET 225 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8 a.m. to 9 p.rn. Thursday and Friday - b a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 5% Senior Citizens' Discount - Wednesday Only