) The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 30,1991 11 by Lloyd Scott Have you ever noticed that a drink with dinner after a tiring tiring day may make you sleepy? However, three or four drinks at a party after an equally tiring day and you're likely to be full of energy. Docs the explanation lie only in the number of drinks? Or docs it have something to do with the setting? Something tq do with the differences between between being at home and at a party? One early study investigating investigating the effects of alcohol con sumption showed that drinkers, with each additional drink, tended to become more depressed depressed and confused, and eventually more unfriendly and angry. However, the study's one clear error was in conducting conducting the experiment in a bleak hospital room, beginning at 9 a.m. Later, it was recognized that the uncongenial setting had had a strong influence on the results. Until recently, the one important important factor that's been given too little attention in research into drinking is the setting: where is the drinking taking place? with whom? following what incidents? Another study examined how people arc influenced by. what they think they're drinking. drinking. It compared their behavior when they were drinking liquor (vodka and tonic), but believed they were drinking only tonic, ' with their behavior when they were in fact drinking only tonic, tonic, but believed they were drinking liquor. Among the results: men bc- by Cord Mills, M.P.P., Durham East Last week in the Legislature, Legislature, the Minister of the Environment Environment introduced a Bill to create the Waste Management Act, This Bill has been evolving evolving since last November when the Minister announced she was suspending environmental assessment exemptions announced announced by the previous government government on two interim waste sites in the G.T.A. This Bill also gives the Ontario Ontario Government the authority to speed up waste reduction efforts efforts across the province. The new legislation enables the Minister of the Environment to introduce regulations to achieve at least a 25 per cent cut in the production of waste in 1992 and by up to 50 per cent by the year 2000. Last week, the Attorney General announced that he will send a directive to all Crown Attorneys across Ontario intended intended to assist them in ensuring ensuring that women who are victims victims of sexual assault arc treated fairly on the witness stand, and that such trials arc conducted in a sexist-free environment. environment. This directive is part of the Ontario Government's effort to protect women in the wake of the Supreme Court decision to strike down "Rape Shield" provisions in the Criminal Code. On another note, a group of 42 business associations Pet of the Week Jack's inventory of tricks includes: sit, stay, roll over and sit pretty. This curly, black Spaniel mix is My house-trained and fully-grown at 10 pounds. The staff at Newcastle Animal Shelter invites the public to consider giving Jack the home he deserves. deserves. The shelter has many kittens, too. Animal Shelter 623-7651 Sponsored by: THE TOWN OF known as the "All Business Coalition" have released a report report that allege that changes to the Ontario Labour Relations Act will threaten as many as 480,000 jobs. This group based its views on a report of the labour labour representations on the Burkett Committee. This report is not government policy, and their survey is based upon responses responses to a number of issues that are both highly symbolic from management's perspective perspective and arc simply not being considered by the government, On resumption of debate by the Justice Committee on Monday Monday afternoon, following Question Question Period, I will bring forward forward an amendment to the Common Pause Day legislation, legislation, Bill 115. The amendment will allow retailers to open on Sundays in December prior to Christmas. December accounts for at least one quarter of total annual sales for many retailers - and often makes the difference between between a profit and a loss of the year's business. This past Friday, in addition to my regular constituency day, I went to Manvers Town Hall in the late afternoon, to condùct a constituency clinic for people unable to get into Bowmanville. On Saturday afternoon, afternoon, I did the same thing in Port Perry. I intend to meet with constituents at, these two locations on a regular basis. In addition to these two locations,. I intend to expand my accessibility accessibility to everyone further. I will be conducting constituency constituency meetings in Brooklin and in* Ashbum as a part of my outreach outreach program to serve everyone everyone better. Notification for all meetings, including the times and dates, will come to those living in the areas through regular regular mail. On Friday night, I was pleased to attend the Commencement Commencement at Bowmanville High School, to present Ontario Ontario Scholarship awards on behalf behalf of the Minister of Education. Education. It really is wonderful to see such super student development development through our school system. system. The staff are to be commended commended for their personal dedication in furthering first class education. On Sunday afternoon, I had the pleasure of presenting a Commemorative Scroll to Mr. Oscar Wollstcin, from the Premier Premier of Ontario, on the occasion occasion of Mr. Wollstein's 90th Birthday. Until next week - please be kind to each other and feel better better for it. MIDWAY 6i i MOTORS r\ NISSAN HARDBODY PICKUPS KING CAB 5 SPEED $ 12,275 CLEAROUT PRICED FROMONLY 10,587 PLUS FREIGHT, PDI ($590), ACCESSORIES, TAXES, LICENCE MIDWAY MOTORS ^ 1300 DUNDAS ST. E., ^ B WHITBY 668-6828 w1 - OUR VOLUME SELLING MEANS YOU SAVE - CUSTOMER FIRST If you are new to Bowmanville... would like to call on you with Housewarming Gifts and information about your new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Mrs. Audrey Kehoe at 623-0395 Elderly Thankful for Foot Care Clinic 3 % ■ t: navea more ocngcrcnuy wnen they believed they were drinking drinking liquor than when they got the real thing but believed it was only tonic. Both men and women reported feeling sexually sexually aroused when under the influence influence of believing they were high from alcohol. Known alcoholics alcoholics in this study developed developed a typical alcoholic's craving craving for more - after they'd had a couple of tonics without liquor. liquor. According to this research, what one thinks may be more important that what one drinks, in explaining behavior related to drinking. It's common knowledge that violent crimes arc often committed and marital quarrels frequently occur when individuals individuals have been drinking. Therefore, we tend to assume that alcohol is the chief explanation explanation for the anger and hostility. hostility. And while newspaper accounts accounts tend to keep this stereotype alive, they seldom print stories about the many other people who drink to avoid or forget their anger, rather than as an excuse for expressing expressing it. And in many circumstances, circumstances, that's what alcohol provides: provides: an excuse. For example, to some people alcohol gives a kind of permission to gain personal personal payoffs.' Someone who's already angry may decide to have a drink or two before facing facing another person whom they've already designated as an adversary. In such a ease, alcohol is used deliberately to support and sanction anger and aggressive behavior. Obviously, another consideration consideration that's often neglected in the study of drinking is the mood people are already in before before they start their first drink. That mood plus alcohol may create a dangerous mix. The drinker's behavior isn't explained explained merely by saying that he or she "had a couple too many". Vitally important in understanding understanding any behavior, whether alcohol-related or not, arc the many factors that make up the context in which the behavior occurs. "If you drink, don't drive," is excellent advice. "If you drink be careful where, with whom and in what mood you do it," is also worth think- ing about. . ): ..„i„ . „,. Vli Lloyd Scott is a marriage and family counsellor in private private practice in Oshawa and in the Orono Medical Centre. He welcomes letters from readers. Write to him in confidence at this newspaper, The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K9. by Lorraine Manfredo 10 years. She prefers, instead, Barbara Montague has to continue tending to the been turning down higher foot care problems of the eld- paying nursing positions for crly and the handicapped via the Newcastle Community Care Foot Care Clinic. "I wouldn't be doing this wasn't needed,' Montague said from her temporary temporary quarters at a seniors' residence, in Bowmanville, last week. The Foot Care Clinic travels travels a circuit throughout the Town of Ncwcasdc, stopping at regular locations in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Village of Newcastle, Newcastle, Orono, and Wilmot Creek. "We like to have the people people in once every 6-8 weeks," said the registered nurse. One of the patients at last week's clinic was Jeanette Welsh, who feared the condition condition of her feet was worsening. worsening. "I haven't been able to exercise lately," said Ms. Welsh, while soaking her feet in salt-water. "It looks like I've developed a callous." Ms. Montague tends to the callouses, corns, and ingrown or thickening nails, as well as performing fool massages and basic maintenance for her clients. Many of the elderly are not limber enough to tend to these essentials, she says. Untreated Untreated foot ailments can severely severely limit their mobility. Mr. Boyle is another regular regular client of die Fool Clinic. He suffers recurring corns on the soles of his feet. After his appointment | widi nurse Montague, Mr,, i Boyle joked with volunteers,' ! Greta Brown and Helen Dc-; : vitt, claiming the nurse had; | healed him forever. "I'm not. ; even aware of the corns- now," he said. Clinic volunteers, all ! along the route, greet clients j and help them with dicir j shoes and socks. They also i provide reminder phone calls. ! to clients earlier on clinic ! day. ! Cost is $5 a Visit ■ ; At Foot Clinic i j "Clinic volunteers are val- i ued highly," Ms. Montague j says. "They help us keep it to ; the fee." Clients arc charged. ; $5.00 per visit to the Foot * Care Clinic. . ! Volunteers also check up ; on regular clients who miss j appointments, and will help j arrange for further communi-1 ly care, such as Meals on ! Wheels, if the need is sensed. ! "We use the clinic as a re- ! ferrai system also," said Ms. j Montague. "It's more than • just foot care." j \ ! / : ! ,7 FREE Barbara Montague is a registered nurse who brings a travelling foot care clinic to people across the Town of Newcastle. Bi-monthly clinics are held in several locations, expressly for the benefit of group home residents, the elderly, and those whose disabilities prohibit them from caring for their own feet. Wë 'hàrltilë your insurance claims and WE PAY YOUR $50.00 DEDUCTIBLE on windshield replacements. Have your windshield replaced at WORK or AT HOME FREE MOBILE or PICK UP SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER CONVENIENCE MOST JOBS DONE IN ONE HOUR OR LESS 157 Baseline Rd. E., Unit 2 Bowmanville can 697-1221 Locally owned and operated by Glen Morris 24 HOURS Brandom Kitchen Centre REGISTER TODAY! 90 MINUTE SLIDE PRESENTATION INCLUDES: • The basics of Kitchen Design ■ Why a kitchen is a good investment • How to maximize space • Choice of appliances and countertops • Innovative designs • Trends in Kitchens DATE LOCATION Wed., November 6-7 p.m., Oshawa Wed., November 13-7 p.m., Scarborough Thurs., November 14-7 p.m., Scarborough Register Now if you are planning a Kitchen Renovation. CALL 432-3300 or 750-3295 Brandom Kitchen Centre SERVING THE DURHAM REGION SINCE 1960 BAKE AND CRAFT SALE Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st 6-9 p.m. Nov. 2nd 9 a.m. -9 p.m. 23 Cloverfield St., Courtico 723-1638 44-1SN THE APPLE BIN will close for the season on Sat., Nov. 2nd. (at 5 p.m.) "YOU ARE INVITED" Missionary to France - Coming - Sun., Nov. 3rd 10:30 a.m. Newcastle Pentecostal Church Town Hall, Newcastle Village 987-3569 tor moro Information American Express Visa - MasterCard 49 King SI. Wi Bowmanvi Telephone 623-5f