I I i Quote - "A man who deals in sunshine, is the man who wins the crowds. He docs a lot more business than the man who peddles clouds." Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Berry who were married September 28 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Lindsay. The bride was former Connie Grills, and the groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry, Orono. Mrs. Kim Cardno, Barrie spent several days recently visiting visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sherwin and her grandmother Mrs. Vilda Cowan Cowan and Mrs. Edith Taylor, celebrating celebrating her birthday. Mrs. Donna Warren, Amanda Amanda and Corey, Peterborough DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES CORPORATION TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BOWMANVILLE RECREATION COMPLEX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 ST 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. UP TO 13 YEARS OF AGE PRIZE FOR THE BEST FEMALE AND BEST MALE COSTUME ADMISSION $5.00 AT THE DOOR FOR INFORMATION CALL THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Date of Publication DEPARTMENT 623-3379 Oct. 16,1991 BUSTER'S Presents FELONY" Friday and Saturday Nov. 1st and 2nd $4.00 cover charge Watch for upcoming: "TINE NICHE 1 November 8th and 9th BUSTER'S ROADHOUSE & TAVERN 45 KING ST. W„ NEWCASTLE 987-4442 spent the past weekend with her parents, the O. Challiccs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chapman who were married in Orono United Church Saturday, October 26. The bride is the former Susan Elliot and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Orono. Reverend Don Stiles officiating. Congratulations to Mrs. Pat Irwin Lycclt, who held her official official opening of her new business business "Crystal Pages", on Main St. Many complimentary comments comments from visitors who enjoyed enjoyed the new store. A delicious delicious lunch served to all. Miss Bonnie Rahm spent Thanksgiving weekend with her father, Mr. Clem Rahm, Madoc. Mr. David Rccsor, Bow- manvillc was last Thursday visitor with his aunt Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland Sutherland have returned home after enjoying holidays with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bell and family, Ottawa. Many out of town visitors in attendance at our recent turkey turkey supper. Especially glad to welcome Mrs. Nellie Baird, Toronto. Other guests from Oshawa, Bowmanvillc, Newton Newton ville, Newcastle and one guest all the way from Calgary, Alberta. Pleased to have Reverend Reverend and Mrs. Donald Stiles with us from Newcastle. Town Hall Card Party Thirteen tables of euchre at Orono Town hall Wednesday October 23 with following winners. High Scores - Eva Smith 86, Inez Boughen 83, Velma Jakeman and Roy Hayward tied at 78, Helen Couroux 77. Low score - Vi Hayward. Lucky Draws - Norma Moffat, Moffat, Harvey Partner, Marie Couroux, Myrtle Aldread, Aleck Moffat, Gladys Greenwood. Greenwood. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and ladies invited to please bring lunch. Successful Dinner A sell-out crowd at the recent recent turkey dinner, held last Wednesday night October 23, in main hall of Orono United Church. The successful event was sponsored by the Orono Bd. of Stewards of Orono United United Church, and congratulations to Marie Tamblyn who so completely convened the event. Many compliments from visitors as to the full course turkey dinner, topped off with loads of assorted pies and ice cream. Our new minister Reverend Reverend Fred Clappison gave the blessing and was seen by many in so many working capacities later in the evening. There is nothing better than a good dinner to bring out the entire community and the fun and fellowship (as well as the work) was shared by so many! A special thanks to our hard working Girl Guides who really really pitched in! St. Saviour's Church News Next week's service No- «'7 ; tj if you mei HALLOWE'EN COSTUME PARTY! Friday, November 1st Win accomodation for two Waikiki, Reno or Los Angeles 3 days 2 nights Appearing Live Frl. and Sat. Strange Alliance | ij A , » < *,d I LIGHTHOUSE 1 ji • to THE HOTEL Liberty St. and 401 623-3373 vember 3, 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon at St. Saviour's Church. Plan to attend. attend. Club Z - The A.C.W. has an opportunity to help purchase new kitchen supplies, by using a special community Club Z card issued to A.C.W. Anyone interested can be given this special card, so that Z. points at "Zellers" can be used towards towards new kitchen supplies for the church. St. Saviour's A.C.W. will again be holding their Christmas Christmas Bazaar, Saturday November November 16, 1991 at 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. in Parish Hall. Note to Envelope holders - To all who contribute to "Missions "Missions Memorials or Special funds, you will have your contribution contribution included in the year end Tax receipts. Building fund donations are issued separate separate tax receipts. From Bulletin - During his "Children's Sermon" on Easter morning, the minister asked "What is different about the church today "Kids"? Following a short pause, the ministers own daughter, throwing throwing her hands in the air, replied "It's full Dad"! St. Saviour's Church Rectors Rectors - Rector's - Bob Nichols, People's - Charlotte Anderson, Deputy - Terry Riggers. United Church Anniversary An excellent attendance at the Anniversary of Orono United United Church on Sunday, October 27. Reverend Clappison gave the welcome and announcements. announcements. Marie Tamblyn introduced introduced us to our special guest speaker. Reverend William Randall who was bom in Black's Harbour, New Brunswick. Brunswick. He is a ministers son and educated at Harvard; Emmanuel Emmanuel College; Cambridge University; University; and Princeton Seminary. Seminary. He was ordained to United United Church in 1976. Reverend Randall is also an author of "Who has Seen the Wind", (16 sermons from St. Paul's). Presently Presently his is teaching at Seneca College, as well as being in the final stage of his doctoral thesis. thesis. Reverend Randall was highly recommended to us by old friends and former Orono- Ites the "Gerritt DeJonge family", family", now in Brighton area. We were happy to have Gerritt, Nies, Geke and son Harry all with us at Sunday service. Our call to worship - John Finlay. Call to Confession - David Staples. , Special Music- Choir Anthem Anthem "I Lift up mine Eyes" with excellent accompaniment by flute player Tina Irwin and oboe player Charlyn Tillcock. Prayers for our Anniversary Service - Mark Plummer. Offeratory Invitation by Bertha White, and special music music "From a Distance" by Bette Midler, rendered on piano by Katrina Kent, during offering. Following the service an excellent excellent luncheon and time of fellowship was enjoyed downstairs. downstairs. Our greeters Sunday, Rick and Debbie Copping and family- family- Ushers Sunday - Judy Plummer, Mark Plummer, Lawrence and Glenda Sherwin. Newcastle United Church Turkey Supper - Saturday, November November 2. Sittings 4:30 p.m.; 5:45 p.m., or 7 p.m. For tickets call 987-4628 or 987-4269. ONTARIO COMPUTER FAIR Over 50 exhibitors offering savings and selection in computers, software, games, related products, computer clubs. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Adults $5.00 Children 10 and under free For more Information call 416-535-3761 Sunday, November 3 Bowmanvllle Rec Complex Hwy. 57 and Hwy. 2 FAREWELL TOUR FOR CASEY & FINNEGAN MR. DRESSUP CASEY & FINNEGAN IN CONCERT SUNDAY, NOV., 10th 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Tickets: $8.00 Incl. GST At Stedman's and In Newcastle at Newcastle Junior Y and Hope's Video "Sponsored by The Newcastle Junior Y" The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 30,1991 15 --Community Correspondence-- Hallowe'en in Hampton Happenings in Hampton by Michelle Balson Yelverton News by Harvey Malcolm While discussing our brilliant brilliant ideas for costumes with some mother's, it was mentioned mentioned that why don't we have Hallowe'en earlier in the year? It always seems to rain on this particular day. With the fast moving times, the true meaning meaning has gotten lost, so let me refresh your memory. Hallowe'en isn't a day just for trick or treating, it is actually actually the day before a holy day, All Saints Day. This holy day was once called All Hallows or Hallowmas, because hallow meant "Saint". Therefore, Hallowe'en Hallowe'en means the eve (night before) All Hallows Day. The legend of Hallowe'en is that the evil spirits and witches go out and celebrate this particular night because the next day, when the saints are honoured, they had better be in hiding. Now, on some up to date topics, the Euchre Card Party results: Leona Wright was Wednesday's first place winner winner with a score of 86. She also had the Most Lone Hands. Doug Renton was second with 84. Marion Arlym was third with 79. Ruby Smith and Helen Helen Gilroy tied for fourth with a score of 79. The Most Honest Player was Carl Todd. Muriel Budson won the Special. Draw winners were Barb Cochrane, Vi Ashton, Ailccn Turner and Ruby Cochrane. The Women's Institute District District Annual Fun Fair was the place to be on Thursday afternoon. afternoon. Over one hundred women women attended! Hampton's W.I. president, Jane Smith welcomed welcomed everyone. Jane noted that the last time the Fun Fair was held in Hampton was in the late 70's. Jane contributed a poem to all Institute members. members. District President Lov- Iene Cathcart was then introduced. introduced. Lovlene spoke to us briefly. Entertainment was next on the agenda. W.I. members from Ncstlcton, Newtonvillc, Providence Shaw and Solina delighted us with their poems and skits. I must admit, we had quite a few laughs. Lovlene thanked the ladies. Draw prizes were distributed to the lucky winners. Environmental bags were won by Marilyn Dow, and W.I. member who brought a guest and also fellow journalist journalist and guest Elizabeth Bateman. Bateman. Buttons were given to the two longest members present. The country store and bake sale tables didn't take too long to clear. Some of the delicious items were still warm from the oven. Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch. Thursday evening the Guides had planned a walk to the Enniskillen Conservation Area. However, they cancelled because of the threat of rain. It will take place another day in the near future. The Hampton Community Association has asked me to remind you of the guest speaker speaker Pearl Gabona, from the Durham Durham Regional Police Force and Community Services Division. All kids arc welcome and parents parents are encouraged to come. Admission is free. Hope to see you there, this Saturday at one in the afternoon at the Hampton Hampton Hall on Old Scugog Rd. The United Churches Cook Books, "Lets Bake Bread Together" Together" arc now on sale from the Hampton U.C.W. Contact Karen Dair at 263-8886. Residents Jane Smith and Francine Newton were honoured honoured for their fifteen years service with the Canadian National National Institute for the Blind. The ladies were bestowed a gift at the Appreciation Dinner held last month. Christmas- cakes are now available through the C.N.I.B. All proceedings proceedings to the telephone information information line. You can obtain these scrumptious cakes from Jane at 263-2092. The Hampton's Women's Institute will be having Reverend Reverend Kelly as a guest speaker at their next meeting. It is Tuesday Tuesday November 5 th at 1:30 p.m. in the C.E. Wing of the United Church. Any ladies interested may attend. Reverend Kelly's talk will be about a recent trip to Newfoundland. Don't be shy, come on out. One final note. The Hampton Hampton Community Association will be holding its Annual Meeting and elections on Tuesday, Tuesday, November 19th at 8 p.m. sharp. All residents arc encouraged encouraged to come, it will be held at the Hampton Hall of course. Well, until next week, have a safe and haunting Hallowe'en. Wedding bells have been dingling this past weekend. Of special interest to our family circle was the wedding of our niece, Miss Elizabeth Nasato to Mr. Roy Munden at Mca- dowdale United Church (near Brampton) on Saturday, October October 19. Following the wedding, the reception was held at the Boaden Place on the Queensway Queensway in Mississauga. The seven course meal (Italian style) was a culinary delight. The bride and her attendants were very attractively attired for the occasion. occasion. Among the 125 plus guests in attendance were the Roy Worrys and family members members from Sudbury and our own Malcolm family contingent contingent from the local communities. communities. Both groups spent one or two evenings in Mississauga. It was our pleasure to play a very small part in the reception program program no, not as table dance! Here at Yelverton another wedding of local interest took place with the marriage in the Anglican Church in Port Perry on Saturday, October 19 when Miss Rachcllc Kaas daughter of Bill and Irene Kaas who lives cast of Yelverton and Darren Shaw Crouch were united in marriage. The reception reception was held in the Yelverton Churcli Hall which was tastefully tastefully decorated for the occasion. occasion. A sumptuous buffet dinner dinner was served and dancing enjoyed by the 65 guests present. The bride was lovely in her white bridal gown. The bride was honoured earlier with two miscellaneous showers. showers. On Sunday, Mrs. Elsie Fisher Fisher of Tulsa, Oklahoma, visited a gathering of her Page cousins held at the home of Floyd Stinson Stinson and was one of a group of dimicr guests present for the occasion. A pleasant social afternoon afternoon and evening was enjoyed enjoyed by all present. BRIDES-TO-BE ... If your wedding is three months or more away, you will want to attend. BRIDAL PARTY Admission is FREE, but by invitation only. To obtain your personal invitation for you and your mother or guest, please give us a call. Phone: 623-5873 Place: Bowman ville Lions Centre Time: 7 p.m. Date: Monday, November 4th Look what WELCOME WAGON has in store for you ... • Exciting Gifts for Every Bride • Demonstrations ^ SSL • Numerous Door Prizes tWwliC} Pll 2nd ANNUAL OLDE TYME FIDDLE CONTEST The fun begins on Friday night, November 1st with the FOOT N' FIDDLE JAMBOREE and on Saturday, November 2nd the FIDDLE CONTEST runs from noon til 6pm. So come on down and stomp along with us! OSHAWA