18' ThcCanadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 30,1991 Auxiliary Member Receives Merit Award Price - "We mast dear hundreds of items from oar inventory to make room for incoming fall inventory." TED PENNY, PRESIDENT VT F350 Video Cassette Recorder Hi-Fi stereo sound brings out the full dynamic sound of the original performance. Only $489 95 TN 77902 29" Monitor Style Colour Television ■ 600 line horizontal resolution ■ Full function direct access remote control ■ MTS stereo and surround sound Only $789 " CT139414" Monitor Style Colour Television ■ 181 channel cable compatible tuner ■ 24 function random access remote control ■ On screen picture controls Only $329" VM E10 Emm Video Camcorder fl real winner! Ultra light, weighs only 1.74 lbs. (790 g) without battery. Only $999 95 Price - Selection - Satisfaction It's all at Bowmanvillc fieldio - Vision ^Hitachi Authorized Sales and Service 58 King St. W. Telephone 623-2312 Guest Speaker to Detail Sinking of Famous "Speedy" f Weekend eucsls of John 1991, flowers Bracing the sane- 107 cm Tnhn Mcfincv 179. A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago -- 987-4201 At the recent Legion Ladies Auxiliary birthday party, ^resident Doreen ram called Doris Ormiston, right, to the front where she was presented with a Certificate Certificate of Merit award for her many years of distinguished service to the group. Last Sunday Wilda and Phil Williams attended the Doll Show in Cobourg. They also attended a recent doll show in Ottawa where they visited with Phil's sister and husband. Mr. Floyd Coulter and son Kevin, of Campbcllvillc, visited visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell. On Wednesday afternoon executive members of the Newcastle Horticultural Society Society met at the home of Youth- Leader Narda Hoogkamp. Assessments Assessments were made of the Junior Day hosted by Newcastle Newcastle on September 28. President Vicki Lesnick announced that members arc invited to Ncstlc- ton on Saturday, November 9. Flower arranging will be shown in the morning. Each attending attending member is to take a pretty box lundi. A container and oasis etc. for. doing an arrangement arrangement in the afternoon is also a requirement. Secretary Hazel reported that thank you letters were sent to contributors of Youth Day. On Wednesday evening the High School Reunion committee committee met once again at the home of Maurice and Marie Pcdwcll. More names and addresses arc being researched. Members arc pleased that answers are being received from out-of-town former former students and are looking forward to hearing from the locals. locals. The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society meets on Monday evening November November 4 at 7:30 in the Lions Room of Newcastle Community Community Hall. Guest speaker will be Mr. Brendan O'Brien, Q.G., who has been researching the sinking of the Speedy (which never reached the then Newcastle Newcastle in October 1807). Mr. O'Brien will be publishing a book on this topic shortly. Do come and enjoy an interesting evening. Last week Brcnton and Jean Rickard returned from a ten thousand mile motor trip which they accomplished in five weeks. They had only one day of rain in Tennessee at the beginning beginning of their holiday. They spent one weekend in Phoenix, Arizona, with Jean's sister, Barbara, and her husband Glenn Kirk. One of the highlights highlights of their vacation was the Lions' Forum at Salt Lake City, Utah. Twenty-six Lions from A3 district attended this convention where on Thursday evening they were entertained by the Mormon Choir at their Tabernacle. Since Brcnton observed observed his birthday at this time lie was given a celebration with birthday cake and trimmings. trimmings. The costal drive of California California was much enjoyed, visiting visiting Hcarst Castle, at San Simeon, Redwood National Park, San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge, Napa Valley wine country, Santa Rosa. On through Oregon to Port Angeles, Washington, where huge logging trucks transforming to a smaller size was interesting to the travellers. travellers. From Port Angeles, the ferry was taken to Victoria where the Rickards visited with cousin Charles Clémence and his wife. In British Columbia Columbia they toured Vancouver, Langley and the lovely Minton Gardens near Chilliwack. Thanksgiving was enjoyed in St. Albert, Alberta, with daughter Janice Mills, her husband husband David and children Laura and Jeff. At Drumbcller the Dinosaur Dinosaur Museum was visited, on the Regina Saskatchewan and Assiniboia where the afternoon afternoon was spent with friends. Back in the U.S.A. they motored motored through North Dakota, Rapid City, South Dakota, the Badlands, saw a herd of buffalo, buffalo, visited South Wall Drug Store with its animated cowboy cowboy singers and free ice cold water. At the community village village of Am ana, Iowa, looms were working at the woollen mill, furniture factories etc. were seen. On their homeward trip they travelled through the mid-west's largest city, Chicago, Chicago, Illinois before they completed completed this great motor trip, happy to be residents of beautiful beautiful Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck- ley, Willowdalc, were Wednesday Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. We arc pleased to report that Mr. George Walton has relumed relumed home from hospital. We wish him continued good health. Mrs. Bernice Hall and friend Belleville, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harry Wade. Many Newcastle friends attended attended the golden wedding anniversary anniversary reception in honour of Charlotte and John Rickard, Woodvillc, on Sunday afternoon, afternoon, October 27. We extend heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Forty Year Pins for Auxiliary Members President Park also honored the 40 year members with their pins, 1-r, Helene Wallis, Dorothy Richards, Georgina Carter and Margaret Perris. Weekend guests of John and Wilma Scott were his sister sister Dorothy and her husband Ken Newton, of Hamilton. Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Cindy and Ken Morrow and girls, Millbrook. Last Wednesday Mrs. Pauline Pauline Storks attended a Children's Children's Aid Society meeting in Oshawa. On Thursday morning Pauline Pauline attended a Newcastle Hydro Hydro meeting. On Saturday evening Mr. George Buckley attended the 83rd Battery Army Reunion in Hamilton., On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley attended the 90th birthday party in honour of Oscar Wollstcin, Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc. Birthday greetings to Greg Wade and a special one to his grandmother Mabel Wade, Also to Margery Frecthy, Marilyn Marilyn Walton, Stanley Powell and daughter Dale Hunt, Zory Allan Lcsnick, Linda Woolncr, and Jessica Caswell. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited her sister- in-law Mrs. Dick Haskill in Peterborough Peterborough Hospital. St. George's Anglican Church Due to the illness of the Rector, the Reverend D.W. Hall, Mr. Oakley Peters, the Lay Reader, conducted the Service Service of Morning Prayer at eleven. eleven. Early Service was cancelled. cancelled. The flowers above the altar were given by Myrtle Finley Finley in memory of her husband, Cecil. The lessons were read by Cathie Moulton and Carol Jones. The sidesmen were Sierd and Jackie DcJong. On Saturday this week the annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale will be held in the Parish Hall between 11 a.m; and one p.m. There is also a draw for a Food Hamper and other prizes. Tickets for the draw arc already being sold by members of the A.C.W. The event always attracts a crowd of church members and villagers and it is expected that this year will be no exception. It is anticipated that the Rector will be back next week for Holy Communion at eight arid eleven. St. Francis of Assisi Sunday, October 27, at St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Catholic Church was designated WRAP Sunday, WRAP stands for White Ribbon Against Pornography. Pornography. At each Mass, special special attention was given to WRAP. Father Dick focussed his Homily on pornography. Members of the CWL gave a talk on the background of this movement with suggestions which Christian citizens and parents could do to combat this growing concern in our communities. communities. People were presented presented with small white ribbons which emphasizes this movement movement and they will be worn all week as a sign against pornography. pornography. The Church was also decorated with white ribbons. Ünited Church On Sunday, October 27, 1991, flowers gracing the sanctuary sanctuary of Newcastle United Church were placed in loving memory of Mr. Chris Barchard by his wife granddaughter, Lyda Head. Children dressed in Hallowe'en costumes went throughout the congregation collecting money for UNICEF. Reverend Donald Stiles preached the sermon I Saw A New Heaven and A New Earth. The choir sang the Quaker Hymn, Simple Gifts. Lay Reader was Mr. John Vooys. Congratulations to Mr. Fred Kimball Graham on the receiving receiving of Doctor of Philosophy Degree at the Fall Convocation of Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. Dr. Graham is the son of Lena and the late Alfred Graham of Newcastle. Fred is consultant for Congregational Worship for the United Church of Canada. Coffee hour was enjoyed following the service on Sunday. Sunday. Tickets arc still available for the turkey supper November November 2nd. Anniversary Sunday is November 10th. Official Board meets on Tuesday, November 5 at 8 o'clock. On Saturday, October 26, Reverend Donald Stiles officiated officiated at the wedding of Susan Shields, Oshawa, and Kenneth Chapman, Orono, in Orono United Church. Newcastle Village Community Bowling Ladies League Nancy Bell 228,181, 194, Bernice Henderson 185, 206, 178, Loma Crockett 212, 180, 246, Nancy Picrik 195, 237, Shelly Rivers 177, Linda Nor- rish 277, 196, 185, Melody Chapman 177, Marilyn Kent 228, 181, Lynne Holmes 180, Betty Major 272, Norma Mof- fatt 179, Cindy Poirier 191. Newcastle Village Seniors Marion Allin 231, Lonn Pardy 151, 151, Stan Powell 203, Albert Pearce 161, Eleanor Eleanor Perrin 183, , 168, Loma Crockett 157, 181, Vance Cooper 183, 166, Art Compton 175, Stan Allin 150,167. Thursday Night Mixed League Dorella Chard 203, 191, Fac Forget 175, 259, B. Forget 197, K. Jury 204, 280, 181, Jean Hall 207, 196, 188, Bill Brown 209, 220, 205, Rick Murphy 192, Joe Forget 219, 227, 204, Wes Forget 298, 187, 203, John McGucy 179, 181, Betty Richards 176, 177, 194, Kathryn Brown 241, Sharon Sharon Saxby 188, Ted Ritchie 182, 292, Joe Mcndonca 188, 210, 222, B. Forget 231, 211, 186, Jackie Kindratiuk 180, 201, 184, Lyn Murphy 230, Donna Mcndonca 221, Ken Boyd 266, 238, 177, Garry Saxby 183, Tom Kindratiuk 252. Newcastle Village Youth Bowling Seniors Chris Mathias 203, 162, Kristi Brown 109, Richard Martin 118, 140, Laura Wood 120, 136, Ashley Poirier 107, Sherry Foster 156, 174, Amanda Amanda Galea 105, 133, Nick Brown 180, 178, Lindsey Holmes 106, Jenna Higgins 103, Brent Roozcnboom 114, Nicole Norton 119, Leigh Wood 158, 129, Nathan Coyle 136, 102, Jason Noble 191, 135, Vincent Norton 109, Doug McCurdy 132,149. Intermediates Shannon Saxby 126, 110, Brett Griffin 81, 84, Ben Kos- lik 109, 87, Julie Brown 122, 108, Jennifer Wilson 108, Jeff Giles 102, 95, Cheryl Perkins 103, 131, Julian Norton 103, 94, Mary arme Marcotte 95, Scan Higgins 86, 88, Melissa Carroll 133, 102, Peter Marcotte Marcotte 84, 83, Jessica Henderson ; 121, 94, Brian TroHman 85, 89, Lori Giles 133, 127, Robert Walton 256, 112, Sara Castellano Castellano 103,119, Adam Stripp 93, 77, Shannon Couch 82, Ryan McCracken 92. Juniors Oliver Koslik 77, Matthew, Schroor 66, Jillian Bugdcn 75, ; Darryl Lucyk 62, Michael In- hoff 111, Caitlin Laing 62, Ja-• son Griffin 75, Paul Shkordoff 56, Lara Shkordoff 66, Sara Whyte 74, Lisa Welsh 115, Joshua Landry 69. The Canadian Statesman Complete coverage of all your Community events. SPORTS•LOCAL NEWS•PHOTOS • EDITORIALS. FEATURES • COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENTS • COMPREHENSIVE CLASSIFIED and REAL ESTATE SECTION "77t<* Stuti-snian - It's Vom Community Svuspupvr" TRUST COMPANY G.I.C.'S I2YR.1 WILLIS FINANCIAL 243 King St. E., Bowmanville Mall 623-6957 85 Kent St. W., Lindsay (705) 324-2572 Rates subject to change M«M meat shops •tm Microwave or Boil in Bag Dry Garlic Ribs 6 49 L5 lb ' b *s Fully prepared. Pork spare riBs in an Oriental dry garlic sauce. Approx. 21 pieces.,.,- Pineapple Chicken uTsib. Fully prepared. Tender pieces o( breaded bag chicken breasts In a cherry flavoured pineapple ^auce^ggrox^iyileces^^^^^^^^^^^V^ Microwave or Boil in Bag Chicken Fried Rice 2?s tb. t»i Fully prepared. Oriental style rice with cracker and vegetables. Serves approx. 4 _ Diced Almond Chicken 5 W Fully prepared. Pieces o( chicken with almonds and vegetables in an authentic Chinese sauce. Serves approx. 4.1,5 lb. bag. u JBBH* Bottled Juice A99 ■■ case Available in Apple. Orange, and Fruit .Punch. 12 x300 ml. bottles. d Plain and Blueberry Aunt Jemima Pancakes 8 packages of 9 - 72 pancakes. Compare at regular ^Supermarket price of $14.32, 10 :99 Heat 'n' Serve Best Price of the Year \ r A» tV f Chicken -j ^>90 StripS -U - " Lightly breaded. 100% solid white meat. Approximately 32 pieces. Heat 'n' Serve Cabbage Q99 RoUs 7 Deluxe Trim Best Price of the Year <> 4.5 lb. tray Home made quality without the work. Approximately 21 rolls. CAVENDISH Boneless Pork Chops 14 99 case 14x 4 oz. pork chops. m Skinless <> French Fries Crinkle cut. Oven Heat Only 394 per pound 1 95 51b. Ready To Bake Save $1.00 Boneless Turkey Breasts Turkey .tenderloin. 18 3 case M«M meal shops NEW Microwave or Oven Heat Apple Fie 8 inch - 24 oz. 1 79 each Boneless - Skinless Thaw 'n' Serve 9" Pepperoni Pizza J^99 Incredible Value! each m Heat 'n' Serve Veal Cutlettes a la Suisse F case Orange Roughy Fillets 14?9 rom Now < 2.21b. A mild tasting fish fromDow casc Zoaland. Approximately 10 pieces, A SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 3, 1991 133 King St. E., Bowmanvillc 697-1202 ms. Shrimp £99 Ring _ Approximately 20 pieces. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. - 12 p.m, - 5 p.m, Mon. - Wed. 9 a.m - 6 p.m. Thurs. - Frl. 9 a.m, - 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. m Thaw 'n' Serve <> Chopped Veal; filled with Swiss cheese and ham. 8x5 oz. servings Nanaimo 099 8" x 12" Bars 'my Real custard filling on a coconut graham cracker crumb crust and topped with rich dark chocolate, Skinless < Boneless Chicken 49 31b. Breasts Tender juicy and wholesome. Approx. 10 pieces.. 16 -5 5 W'-Js 3 Jr' EBg HWV.4D1 BBQ Ready Looks and Cooks much like ajilet. Bacon Wrapped Texas Beef Burger QO Loan ground chuck wrapped with bacon, 6 x 4 oz. portions, tray