t V Valedictorian Addresses Fellow Students at Graduation Ceremonies Commencement Held at Clarke H.S. By Andy Rorabcck There arc many things I could say tonight - of the time we've been here together, of memories and reminiscing - but reminiscing, for the most part, takes too much time to create a picture - and the picture picture it tends to create usually glows far brighter than the reality reality it was part of, a delusion of that from which it was bom. Rather than create some incomplete incomplete summary for everyone everyone here to sift through tonight, tonight, I want to find some common thread that most people, people, when brought to ternis with it, can relate to in some way - something that may mean more than an episode of pictures. For some reason, I was chosen chosen to represent this class to everyone. That is a strange Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, October 30,1991 7 Education thing, really - that one person is expected to be able to sum up the views and experiences of many people - strange, because because 1 can't. I'm sure everyone everyone has a slightly different opinion; for some, this is a happy occasion; for others, it is one of placid acceptance - regardless, regardless, however, of the personal personal thoughts, we arc all here, and we are all moving on to somewhere else. I suppose that is one link between us - for whether we like it or not, we arc all linked together, as a class, and as people people - we have all cither been refined refined or enlarged by our experience experience here, somewhat prepared for where it is we will be when we leave tonight. How we get beyond that "somewhere else" is up to each of us - how we will end up 1 anywhere in life is largely because because of, or results from, the choices we've made. Choices, to some, arc the ideas that determine determine our outcomes; while to others, they arc objects to be taken without thought, by any . favourable (or unfavourable) means that chances to come into mind. Someday, however, many find that the choices they make actually begin to determine determine what their choosers arc, and the being that reality may portray may not be the one that has deluded its sholl for so long. I say this because this may be the last time some of us come in contact with each other other for awhile. Some of us will lose contact, and never be seen again; some of us will remain in touch for a long, long time. Andy Rorabeck was the valedictorian for the graduating class at Clarke High School this year. The valedictorian is shown above as Hugh Hubbs, principal of Clarke, welcomes him back to the school The annual Clarke Commencement was held on Friday evening, October 18, with 86 students receiving Ontario Secondary Secondary School Diplomas. Ken Verwoert won the Governor General's Award for highest standing in the Ontario Academic Credits (OAC). CHOOS THEBE IN HOME COMFORT WIN to $1,000 in Home Comfort Cash or up to $800 in instant rebates! > Now you can choose the home comfort deal you want with the Lennox Best Choice Bonus Card. Scratch and save with instant rebates or Home Comfort Cash on dependable, high efficiency Lennox heating and air conditioning. Or you can defer payment until May '92...it's your choice! Call your local participating Lennox dealer for details, but hurry -- offer ends November 16,1991. Limcan Heating & Air Conditioning 330 Marwood Dr., Unit 8 Oshawa 579-6616 Cannot be combined with any other Lennox offer. Deferred payment subject to credit approval. Must be a ' LENNOX Ain CONDITIONING • HEATING Lennox Is A Proud Sponsor Of The CBC Olympic Winter Games Telecast COME IN FOR A PLEASANTLY SURPRISING DEAL! 1992 Plymouth Sundance Lr 1* For I complete FI • Factoiy financing 48 montr over is Cash to you terms anu conditions - see your dealer. Oldest Established Chiysler Dealer In Durham Region MACINTOSH CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LTD. 331 PARK RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. □ -- no NO 51 - a ----KINO SI -- ui f-1nit pi Lilli l) 3 ■ C 401 9 « I •a ■a A few of us may come back here someday, while others will forget and never give it a second thought. What I'm saying is that wc arc here tonight, for the most part, to say "see you later" to an establishment that has occupied occupied the last five years (more or less) of our lives; and when wc say "see you later" to this establishment, wc arc also saying saying "goodbye" to the people who have helped influence the way some of us are. It's somewhat of a milestone, milestone, 1 guess; no doubt many of us will have many more to celebrate, and celebrate them wc will. This may seem a small marker for some, maybe seem non-existent to others; but it still was an experience, a space of years that sometime wc will account for - and what will any of us remember? Grade Nine? Classes? People? Regardless, we will remember something, whether it was a blur or an epic - a hello or a goodbye. These years were supposed to be, remember, the most tumultuous tumultuous times of our lives, times of self-realization, in which wc made many choices; and life, I have heard, is always always tumultuous in its ebb, that the choices do not stop here - neither, then, docs what wc were taught here - it continues continues with what wc learn. Wc were, educationally and humanistically, humanistically, shaped and prepared prepared here - whether wc think our shaping good or bad (or whether wc think of it at all), wc are the way we arc, to some extent, because of the people and staff wc called Clarke. Anyway, I won't prolong this speech. Wc arc now beyond beyond this part of our lives - wc learned what wc chose to, and now we're here to say goodbye - but not to forget that it was here that wc finished our first, and maybe for some, our final stage of secondary education. What wc do now is up to us; in fact, most of us arc farther towards towards where it is wc want to end up. Our reasons for going there arc varied, no doubt; it is up to us to decide (or ignore) if our reasons and methods are of lasting substance; one will only receive from life what they put into it. The "basics", however, finished here; now we must move on with what each of us has learned, accomplished, and given each other by being a pat of this, the 1990-1991 graduating graduating class of Clarke High School; and keep moving on, for as long as each desires. Spirit is Goal of BHS Student Council BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS HIGH k wJSCHOOL School spirit, contrary to what many think, is not a small, gnomc-likc creature that haunts the halls and classrooms of BHS and is responsible for the theft of overdue homework. homework. Rather, school spirit is a feeling, a force if you will, that is meant to make those long, dreary days of high school, a little more tolerable. One of the student council's prime directives is to promote school spirit. Our best weapon in attacking the drudgery of everyday schoolwork is Spirit Weeks. Four school weeks have been set aside throughout the year during which the students students dress up for a different theme every day and take part in fun-filled lunchtime activities. activities. Recently, the first of these spirit weeks tore through the norm of BHS life. Because of Thanksgiving, there were only four days in which to show spirit. Tuesday started off the week backwards. Everyone showed up at school wearing their shirts inside-out and their underwear on the outside. At lunch, to coincide with inside out day, the gym was filled with pulsating music as forty to fifty spirit-filled students raced backwards around a row of chairs in the first ever backwards backwards musical chairs competition. competition. The winners were awarded awarded free milks and free passes to Friday night's dance. Wednesday was Dairy Farm Day, to promote the great milk race that is now on at BHS. People came dressed as farmers, farmers, cows or even milk. The auditorium auditorium was shaking with laughter after only 10 minutes of our cow call competition. There was a tie for first place and all winners received free milk and of course admission to the dance. Dairy Farm Day gave way to by far the easiest day to dress up or should I say dress down for. It was "Come as you wake up" day, and everyone did just that. The halls were crawling with pyjamas; housecoats housecoats and unbmshcd hair. But the real fun was in the cafeteria ' at lunch when nine teams went head to head in a breakfast eating eating contest. Chocolate milk, corn flakes and muffins were devoured in seconds until finally finally one team was triumphant and was given the traditional milk and dance pass. The final day of the week was, of course, Hallowe'en Day. Obviously, everyone came dressed in a costume of some sort, or wc settled for black and orange attire in some extreme cases. The last day being being Friday, the true action came at night when all kinds of grotesque creatures and monsters monsters slithered and slimed through the halls until they reached, the PSYCHO dance in the gym. Some people came as monsters, others as lunatics from horror movies. I myself took the form of Alfred Hitchcock, Hitchcock, the original creator of the movie that was the dance's namesake. All in all I have to say that the week was a success. The next spirit week occurs in December. December. Wc arc always looking looking for new and interesting themes and ideas for spirit weeks and dances. If any of you can remember any such ideas from your school days I am always open for suggestions. suggestions. You can always address any suggestions to Jeremy Rosenberg Rosenberg at Bowmanvillc High School. Jeremy Rosenberg School Board Stats Show Enrolment is Up by 1,000 Enrollment in the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education has climbed by almost almost 1,000 students this year. Official enrollment figures figures for the public school board's 58 schools and five centres for individual studies were presented last week at a meeting of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. Education. Chief Superintendent Grant Yeo stated in his report that 23,278 stu dents were enrolled in the school system as of September 30. This compares with an enrollment of 22,281 at the same time last year. Locally, almost all schools in the Town of Newcastle posted an increase increase in enrollment. There were 4,553 students students registered in Bow- manville/Courtice elementary elementary schools this year. That's up from 4,293 one year ago. Enrollment among Clarke elementary schools climbed from 1,200 to 1,299. Enrollment was up at Bowman ville High School, Courtice Secondary Secondary School and Clarke High School. As of September September 30, Clarke had 527 students, Courtice. had 971 and Bowman- ville had 1,221. The Centres for Individual Individual Studies all reported reported growth in attendance. The Bowmanville campus had 288 students for 1991. That's an increase from 203 in 1990. SPECIAL PICK-UP YARD WASTE AND LEAF PICK-UP The Town of Newcastle will collect YARD WASTES AND LEAVES (plants, grass, brush, etc.) in CLEAR PLASTIC BAGS commencing Monday, October 28,1991. Yard waste and leaves may be placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m. on the following days: Monday, October 28 Monday, November 4 Monday, November 11 Monday, November 18 Monday, November 25 Prior to October 28th, leaves must be stored by the householder. Do not put leaves out with other refuse for collection. Yard waste and leaves placed with regular refuse will not be collected. For further information, contact the Public Works Department at 623-3379. Date of Publication: October 23,1991 -il NOW, for this limited time offer, when you choose a suit, you'll get the second suit at the same or lesser value, absolutely free. It's not just two suits for one. It's two beautiful suits at a ridiculously low price. Don't pass it up! Buy 1 Suit For «195.00 And Get The » 2nd Suit FREE! Buy 1 Suit For «295.00 And Get The 2nd Suit FREE! Buy 1 Suit For «395.00 And Get The 2nd Suit FREE! AT THE SAME OR LESSER VALUE!! "RTCOATL *92$* Men's Arrow Dress SHIRTS Long Sleeve Buy 1 Get 1 FREE! At The Same or Lesser Value! £P0RTC0AU/ 1/2 price y M95 00 ...now $ 97 51 Z* 150 ...NOW 75° MIN'S TIES ^ MEN'S SHOES Florsholm, Nunn Bush Values Up To $125,00 * tin roe iViev man tout Wc Carry Suit Sizes from 34 to : 2. /now s 69 95 i "A4wM l<~-i Buy 1 Pant CW For s 40.00 Y And Get The 2nd Pant FREE1 Buy 1 Pant For s 50.00 And Get The 2nd Pant FREE! 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