i 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, December 4,1991 OSHAWA--A trustee with the Durham separate school board is angry with the board's chair and director of education for holding an in-camera meeting on wage increases for 10 senior administrators. Fred Jones said a three per cent interim wage increase for the board's senior staff was approved last Monday, Nov. 24. Mr. Jones, who attended the meeting after being called and urged to go, said the 90-minute closed-door meeting was one of the most incredible he had ever attended. He said there was screaming, hollering and cursing as tmstees debated the issue. They were discussing a motion which called for a 4.5 per cent interim wage increase. After debate, the number was dropped to three per cent, retroactive to Sept. 1. A further wage increase for the senior staff will be set after a contract agreement is negotiated with high school teachers. The senior administration staff salaries now range from $82,000 per year to $114,000. PORT PERRY--The Reform Party of Canada has gained a new member and the Federal Durham Liberal Party has lost one. Paul Pagnuelo, who was ousted as the vice-president of the federal riding recently during a controversial election has resigned from the party, states a report from the Port Perry Star. Mr. Pagnuelo claims that most of . the newly-recruited members who attended the November meeting of the party in Columbus had a pro-life slant. "I'm not going to be a member of a party whose focus is one issue," he said. He stated that he believes a party should not restrict itself to one issue, but focus on a number of important ones. OSHAWA--What holds 900 people at a time, has washrooms for men and women, a popcorn machine and has seen lots of Hollywood types come and go? It's the Regent Theatre in Oshawa. And it is for sale. The Sutton Group Status Realty has put up a "For Sale" sign and is waiting for the best offer. The building, which will see visitors on Dec. 18 during an open house, is currently owned by a Toronto investment firm. The firm, which bought the ornate building constructed in the 1920s, is asking for $3 million. However, said realtor Ross Jones, that price is negotiable. Newly-elected mayor, Nancy Diamond, who expressed an interest in the building during this year's municipal election campaign, said she does not want to see money from the public purse spent on the old theatre. However, she would like to see, eventually, a community fund raising drive to set up an arts centre for the city of Oshawa. Mr. Jones said the building needs "a little tidying'up," to put it back in order. The Week in Review. New Look for Newcastle Town Council JP 1 The newly swom-in Town of Newcastle local and regional councillors and the mayor pose for an official photo before joining their families and friends during a social hour after their inaugural meeting on Monday Monday evening, Dec. 2. The inaugural meeting was held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall. On hand were Local Councilors David Scott (Ward Three), John O'Toole (Ward Two), and Mary Novak (Ward One). Seated'is Her Worship Mayor Diane Hamre. Standing to the right in this photo are Regional Regional Councillors Ann Dreslinski (Ward Three), Ken Hooper (Ward Two) and Larry Hannah (Ward One). Durham Regional Police Report Many Break-Ins Investigated Thank You! A sincere "Thank You" to all those who supported me in the election for School Board Trustee. I'll continue to serve you to the best of my ability. Let's continue to work together as a community for a successful education system. Please call me with your concerns at 786-2963. Debbie Nowlan On Dec. 3, Guardian Drugs, located at 50 Mill St., Newcastle Village, was the victim of a break-in. Several cartons of cigarettes had been removed, although some were located at the front of the store in a black garbage bag. The unknown suspects gained entry through a smashed window, f *** On Dec. 2, Ontario Hydrd Lakeshore located at 445 Scugog St., Bowmanvillc, reported reported a theft of copper wires and tools from a fenced-in location location *** On Dec. 2, a house owned by Norcliffe Homes, located at 15 Hemmingway Drive, Courtice, was broken into. However, nothing was taken. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC MEETING COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT POLICIES FOR THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Notice is hereby given of a Public Meeting to be held on Monday, January 6, 1992, with respect to proposed Community Improvement Policies for the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. The Community Improvement Policies for the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle, once approved by the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, will .form part of the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle. Community Improvement refers to activities (private and public sector) which rehabilitate or redevelop existing neighbourhoods to accommodate the social and economic priorities of the Town. Community improvement policies integrate many activities with the overall community planning process. Within the Town of Newcastle, the following areas are proposed as community improvement improvement areas: 1) portions of the Bowmanville Urban Area and the Port Darlington Area, 2) portions of the Newcastle Village Urban area and the Bondhead Area, and 3) the Hamlets of: Orono, Burketon, Newtonville, Leskard, Mitchell's Corners, Kendal, Haydon, Enniskillen and Hampton. The Public Meeting for the community Improvement Policies, as required pursuant to Section Section 17 of the Planning Act, will be held as follows: DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 6,1992 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The meeting shall be open to the public and any person who attends shall be afforded an opportunity to make representation in respect of the proposed Community Improvement Policies. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Bob Russell Russell at 623-3379. DATED AT THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THIS 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1991 On Dec. 2, Town of Newcastle Newcastle Fire Hall Number Four responded to a fire between Courtice Secondary School and Courtice North Public School. The fire had been set by unknown suspecl(s) who had put lunch bags under two old, rotten trees, states the police police report. Also, in the report, report, it is stated that the area between the schools is "very dry and fire will spread quickly." On Dec. 2, the Two For One Subs, located at 110 Wa- verlcy Road, Bowmanville, was the scene of an attempted robbery. The suspect involved involved in the incident has been described as thin, white male about 20 years of age. He has acne on his face, blonde hair, stands about five feet, 10 inches tall and was wearing a black leather jacket, jacket, dark shirt. He was last seen south bound on Wavcr- ley Road, heading towards Baseline Road. *** On Dec. 1, an Oshawa resident resident reported that someone had entered his toolshcd on property on West Beach Road, Bowmanville. Tools with an estimated value of 51,300 ing. were reported miss- *** An 8th Concession Road, Clarke, resident reported on Dec. 1 that an unknown suspect suspect smashed a mail box with a blunt object. *** On Nov. 29, a Queen Street, Bowmanville, resident 7 \ Thank You! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to every member of my campaign team for their sincerity, commitment, and tireless effort extended to me throughout the recent mayoralty campaign. May I also take this opportunity to thank all those who supported my candidacy. To Mayor Diane, I extend congratulations, and wish her well in her new role as Mayor. Sincerely, Ann Cowman. , < tfCÎOWNOf y /"■ Newcastle b= ^^^/'""oniario Date of Publication: Wednesday, December 4,1991 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C3A6 PLANNING FILE: OPA 92-N/001 CLERK'S FILE: D09.0PA.92.001 from Panasonic. PV1TK Video Palmcorder *899.95 Available from Bowmanville Audio-Vision 58 King St. W. Telephone 623-231Z "Bowmanville's Complete Electronic Headquarters" First Meeting for Council From page 1 and Ward Two Councillor John O'Toole. The council also voted on the schedule schedule which determines when members of council will be required to serve as acting acting mayor in the next three years. Two other by-laws were passed by the new councillors during their inaugural inaugural meeting. The first one appoints a striking committee to make appoint- New Chairman To be Elected Durham's regional council votes today, December 4, on its regional chairman for the upcoming term. Thus far, incumbent chairman chairman Gary Herrema seems to be the only candidate in the running and he is expected to be acclaimed to the post at the inaugural meeting of Durham's Durham's regional council. Mr. Herrema has been the Durham Region's top official for the past 11 years. ments to various boards, commissions, and committees. The final by-law confirmed confirmed the proceedings of the council meeting. Afterwards, during a reception, the councillors and mayor met with members members of the public, friends, family for conversation and celebrations. The next regularly-scheduled com-' mittcc and council sessions will take place in the new year. T1UJST COMPANY G.I.CAS 1 YR. 2YR. I3/4YR. 5YR. 55+ WILLIS FINANCIAL 243 King St. E., Bowmanville Mall 623-6957 85 Kent St. W., Lindsay (705) 324-2572 Rales subject to change reported unknown youths broke a window at her home. *** On Nov. 30, a Tooley Road, Courtice, resident reported reported to Durham Regional Police that unknown persons have been dumping garbage on township property and also on his own. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that makes up our community. Category 1 Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will bo given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman Category 2 Subscribers within the town limits of Bowmanvillc who receive the Statesman by paper carrier ... NO CHANGE Category 3 Subscribers in Bowmanvillc Rural Routes, Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Kendal, Pontypool, Hampton, Blackstock, Janetville, andNestleton Category 4 Subscribers in Oshawa, Whitby, Bethany, Campbcllcroft, Cavan, Millbrook and Brooklin Category 5 Subscribers outside of the Town of Newcastle excluding Sub. Delivery G.S.T. Total ( $19 0 $1.33 $20.33 v $19 $3 $1.54 $23.64 3 '! -.** *» fk- ! . $19 $10 $2.03 $31.03 •hi «ft I "fi .$19 $17 $2.62 $38.52 .$19 $28 $3.29 $50.29 ■7*1 vi *ri J. Subscription Order Form Name: Address: New Q or * Renewal Q I Postal Code: Telephone No.: Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. VISA/MC Number: ' Expiry Date:. ■ V- 'sjit Canadian ~àtat*imâü P.O. Box 190, 62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mail Permit No. 1561 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS As the result of amendments to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act enacted by the Provincial Government on June 27, 1991, Regional Council is no longer responsible for adopting local official plans and amendments. It is now the responsibility of Newcastle Council to pass by-laws to adopt amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. A total of six applications to amend the Town's Olficial Plan have previously been recommended for approval by Town Council, but now must be adopted by by-law by Town Council. Although Public Meetings were held on these applications previously, Section 17 of the Planning Act requires Council to again hold a Public Meeting to consider the six proposed Official Plan Amendments. THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Newcastle General Purpose and Administration Committee Committee will hold a Public Meeting to consider the following amendments to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle: 1 ) Amendment No. 42 which permits the lands at 15 Church Street, Bowmanville to be used as a parking lot in association with an office/commercial building on adjacent lands (Applicant: United Counties Holdings; File: OPA 89-69/N); 2) Amendment No. 43 which introduces a 'High Density' symbol on lands at the southwest corner of Green Road and Highway No. 2 in the Bowmanville Urban Area (Applicant: Carnovale Construction Construction Limited; File: OPA 90-46/N); 3) Amendment No. 44 which extends the boundaries of the Newcastle Village Main Central Area to include the rear portions of the lands at 106 and.118 King Street East, and redesignates same from 'Low Density Residential' to 'Commercial' (Applicant: Lloyd Stephenson; File : OPA 91-6/ N); 4) Amendment No. 45, being the Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Orono (File: OPA 90-59/N); 5) Amendment No. 46, being the Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Maple Grove (File: OPA 91-13/ N): 6) Amendment No. 47 relating to the Courtice West Neighbourhood, specifically the road network, population distribution, the location of Neighbourhood Parks, and the public acquisition of valley- lands within the Harmony Creek system (File: OPA 90-89/N). ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan Amendments. DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 6,1992 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Subsequently, Town Council will consider the proposed amendments at the following meeting: DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 13,1992 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Requests to make a presentation at the Council Meeting must be forwarded to Mrs. Patti Barrie, Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, and must be received by 12:00 Noon of Wednesday, Wednesday, January 8,1992. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan is available for Inspection botwoon 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m, at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Janice Szwarz at 623-3379, DATED AT THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THIS 22nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1991 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P, Director of Planning and Development Town of Nowcastlo 40Tomporanco Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 * 1t« IOW* Of y y* Newcastle ONIARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, December 4,1991