t t I 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, December 11,1991 Section Two by Ross Stevenson, M.P., Durham For Your Information For many Canadians, the amount we pay in taxes is the most obvious effect of government government and how it influences our lives. Taxes paid to federal, provincial provincial and municipal governments governments have a considerable impact impact on our personal affairs - how much we have left for living living costs and any extras. The amount collected in taxes also determines how much governments governments can spend on essential services, and on vital programs such as health care and supporting supporting those needing special assistance. From conversations with all the people I meet each week, I'd estimate at least nine out of ten believe they're paying too much in taxes. So far as the federal government ' is concerned, concerned, I'd have to agree that we arc paying much more than would have been necessary if Ottawa had taken a different course over the past 20 years, and not gone so deeply into deficit financing. More was spent back then on programs and services than was collected in taxes. We're paying heavily for that now. Realistically, a balanced federal budget will not be achieved for at least another three or four years, no matter what the political stripe of the government. I'm definitely no happier about present tax levels levels than any other Canadian. When expressing our frustration frustration or anger about taxes, we sometimes lose focus on why all this money is needed and where it goes. A surprising number of Canadians Canadians have the idea that they're taxed much more heavily heavily than residents of other countries. While we may have the highest personal income tax among the leading industrial industrial nations - the so-called G-7 - that ignores the social security security taxes also charged to residents residents of those other countries. Report Say Recovery is Happening, But Slowly Royal Bank's Trendicator, released last month, has increased increased for the second quarter in a row, supporting the view that Canada's economic recovery recovery will continue, albeit slowly- slowly- "The pace of recovery slackened significantly during the July-Septcmbcr period," said Assistant Chief Economist Earl Sweet, "following a 4.9 per cent jump in real gross domestic domestic product during the second second quarter. On balance, we're expecting economic conditions to remain weak and unsettled during the remainder of this year and the first half of next, before firming up later in 1992." Trendicator is Royal Bank's composite leading indicator designed designed to foreshadow changes in the economy's momentum. It increased at an estimated annual annual rate of 3.9 per cent during the third quarter, after rebounding rebounding an upwardly-revised 5.1 per cent during the second quarter. The index now stands at 102.12(1971 = 100). Six out of Trcndicator's seven component indicators registered increases during the quarter. For the second consecutive consecutive quarter, The Toronto Stock Exchange pricc/eamings ratio posted the most impressive impressive gain and large advances were registered for the primary steel production and residential construction indicators. Meanwhile, more moderate increases were recorded for the inflation-adjusted money supply supply and the components measuring measuring the new-orders/inventory ratios in consumer durables and export-oriented industries. The average length .of the manufacturing work-week was the only Trendicator component component to record a decline during the third quarter. For. further information, pleases contact: Earl Sweet, Economics Department Montreal (514) 874-5207 Chris Anderson Public Relations Toronto (416)974-4796 According to a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - an independent research group based in Paris - the average average Canadian production worker worker in 1989 paid less in federal and provincial income tax and social security contributions than the workers in 18 other countries, including the U.S., France, Britain, or Germany. Only in Japan did workers pay less than Canadians. The independent OECD study shows that in each of the G-7 nations during 1989, the income tax and social security contributions for a one-earner couple with two children, as a percentage of the worker's gross earnings, averaged out as follows: Germany 26.6%, United Kingdom 24.0%, Italy 23.3%, United States 19.0% France 18.0%, Canada 14.6%, Japan 8.9%. When Canadians compare their taxes with the apparently much lower rates in some parts of the U.S., they frequently overlook that our taxes include the cost of a health care system which many Americans envy. To buy equivalent private health coverage, U.S. residents have to pay $350 to $400 or more each month. When you look at the broad picture, total tax revenues for our federal, provincial and local local governments equal about one-third of the value of what our country produces each year. Again, that puts us in a better situation than France, Germany, Italy or the United Kingdom. And our tax system is becoming becoming fairer. Those earning les than $15,000 pay only ;8 per cent of total personal income income tax. More high-income Canadians are paying tax than ever before. And some 300,000 senior citizens have been relieved relieved from tax on their incomes. incomes. Last year corporation income tax revenue was 60 per cent higher than for 1984, even though corporate profits were 10 per cent lower. While none of us enjoy paying paying taxes - me included - compared compared to elsewhere we're not doing as badly as many Canadians Canadians believe. HowToTake Control of Your Winter Heating Bills Don't neglect your heating system. Before the heating season starts have your furnace serviced. In addition, check your filters frequently and replace them when clogged. A clogged filter means your system has to work that much harder and therefore uses more energy. Set your thermostat lower. When you are away, or at night when you are asleep, lower your thermostat a few degrees. You'll be just as comfortable and you'll save energy. Police Ask for Help to Solve Series of Break and Enters Across Durham Region Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police arc continuing to ask the Public's help in solving Break, Enter' and Thefts which are occurring throughout our Region. On February 9th this year at 2:30 in the morning the Liquor Control Board store at 1251 Simcoc Street North in Oshawa was broken into. Three suspects smashed the front window of the store and then grabbed several bottles of liquor placing the stolen property property into-green garbage bags. During their escape the bags broke and several bottles smashed and others were left behind at the scene. The suspects suspects were last seen running eastbound from the scene. Theft and damage costs are estimated estimated at $600. During the late evening hours of the 10th of September or early morning of the 11th the Zellers store at 1300 King Street East Oshawa was. also victimized. Entry was gained into the store by smashing an cast front 6' x 4' window. Suspect Suspect (s) stole a large quantity of cigarettes and men's jeans. Break, Enter and Thefts arc costing Thousands of Dollars every year and arc an ongoing problem throughout our Region. Region. Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1000 for information leading leading to the arrest of the people responsible. If you suspect that a person has committed a Break and Enter or is in pos session of Stolen properly, call us. As a caller you will never have to give your name or appear appear in Court. The Crime Stoppers phone number is: 436-8477 that's 436-TIPS , Insulate and weatherstrip your home. A well-insulated home helps keep the heat out in summer and in during winter. If you are thinking of changing your heating system, why not consider a heat pump? A heat pump is the most energy efficient home heating there is-reducing your heating costs considerably in the winter and giving you the added bonus of air conditioning in the summer! HOROSCOPES December 8-14 ARIES - March 21/April 2 Don't be afraid to push yourself this week, because you'll find people willing willing to go along with your plans and ideas. Financially, you ought to be more cautious than usual. Try to concentrate concentrate on long range matters where money is concerned. It could be that a few penny-pinching ideas now will keep your finances intact later. TAURUS -April 21/May 21 There is a pretty hectic week in store for you. You're going to be very much in demand by people around you, who'll expect you to take the lead in a special project you've been working on. Your social life is going to be busier than usual, so try to find time during the weekend for a family family get together, GEMINI-May 22/June 21 Some unexpected news gels you on the move this week, and you might find that it prevents you from taking care of some chores you'd intended to tackle. If you have any doubts about a particular investment, don't be persuaded by even the people who claim to be experts. CANCER-June 22/July 22 You're going to gel a call for assistance assistance from friends with tricky personal personal problem this week; don't be reluctant to help, but do tic very cautious cautious about direct intervention. LEO-July 23/Aug 23 . You arc going to be kept quite busy organizing other people's activities this week; you arc probably not relishing relishing the prospect but you will find events go olT well if you remember to keep a cool head. Friday could be a romantic high-spot especially if you arc already involved with someone. VIRGO-Aug 24/Scpt 22 You should slick to your guns, and don't be brow-beaten into giving up what you consider to be important principles. Your judgement is clear at the moment and you shouldn't tiave any difficulty in rallying support from friends. LIBRA-Sept 23/Oct 23 You have probably been feeling rather tired lately. Perhaps now is the time to slow down a bit and restrict your activities. If you rest now you should manage to nip any illness in the bud. There's some good news on the way about a little investment, but you'd be well advised not to be too carefree witli the proceeds. Give us a call, we would be pleased to provide you with any additional information information or advice you may need to "take control of your winter heating bills". Ontario Hydro Scugog Rd., Bowmanville Cathy Olmstead - Energy Management Rep. 1 -800-263-8028 (416) 623-2561 a member of EnorMark The Electricity People SCORPIO-Oct 24/Nov 22 Several new faces arc going to add a bit of spice to your life in the next few days. This could well lead to some interesting changes, so don't be too cautious when new proposals arc pul to you. Your work routine, which lias probably been getting you down lately, will pick up soon, so try to stick it out a bit longer. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dcc 21 You might run up against some minor complications in your day-to- day dealings with friends and colleagues. colleagues. Try not to get loo involved in pointless quarrels; instead, concentrate concentrate on domestic activities where you'll find you've got more control over events. A party invitation may be on its way to you. CAPRICORN - Dee 22/Jan 20 It's going to be a rather quiet week for you which will be a pleasant change from the recent hectic time you've been having. Be careful that all this doesn't disrupt your family life loo much. Think about planning a weekend vacation within the next few months either alone or with someone you love. AQUARIUS-Jan 21/Fcb 18 You'll bump into someone this week who'll be able to help you a lot with a problem that's been troubling you. It could be that you make a useful connection this week, and you can leant many things from this person if you listen well. PISCES-Feb 19/March 20 This is a good time to make important important decisions, especially if they're connected with the home. You'll find home life very enjoyable right now, and that prospect seems more interesting than it normally docs. You ought to get out and enjoy yourself yourself more than you have been, or you will create unnecessary stress. YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK The ncxfl2 months Don't allow your male to influence you; keep ill mind your values and beliefs before you met this person. Try not to take your family for granted and brush off their concern lor you; they arc only trying to help, so it would be wise to appreciate them. You're savings account could be nice and fat if you put small amounts in it each week, and seeing the account grow will make you less apt to spend. 3 4 I ■ 12 ■ ■ ■ ■ 21 22 ■ 129 26 CLUES ACROSS I. Desire (4) _ 3. Local inn (3) 5. Extol (4) 7. Distorted (9) 9. Precede (4) 10. Stumble (4) It. Hibernian (5) 14. Harvest (5) 15. Shun (5) 17. Awake (5) 18. Feeble minded person (5) 19. Reverie (5) 20. Before a due dale (5) 23. Hasty (4) 25. Twilight (4) 27. Funny (9) 28. Expectation (4) 29. Attempt (3) 30. Thin (4) CLUES DOWN I • Cry (4) 2. Drove (4) 3. Father [English] (5) 4. Foundation (5) 5. Clod (4) 6. Overflow (4) 7. Attend uninvited (4-5) 8. Incorrect (9) It. Silly (5) 12. Bury (5) 13. Robust (5) 14. Jewel (3) 16. Obscure (3) 21. Bide (5) 22. Laymen (5) 23. Wealthy (4) 24. Charter (4) 25. Fonnal combat (4) 26. Oven (4) Last Week's Solutions ACROSS I. Recur 5.Puree 8. Annul 9.Trend 10. Ample It. Irony 12. Diet 15. Lustre 17. Naval 18. Defeat 2(1. High 25. Grave 26. Troth 27. Bland 28. Twice 29. Rusty 30. Leery DOWN 1. Retard 2. Create 3. Radio 4. Snoop 5. Playful 6. Repeat 7. Emerge 13. Ice 14. Hat 15. Lax 16. Rug 17. Naughty 18. Doctor 19. Famous 21. Insane 22. Hardly 23. Habit 24. Rebel ForYour by Dr. Janice Aluin and Dr. Everett Turner Holiday Hazards Santa has arrived at the local mall, sounds of Christmas carols carols fill the air and all the Christmas decorations have been retrieved retrieved frçm that hiding place under the stairs. Christmas is a very festive time of the year but there arc certain traditions that could be hazardous or fatal to your pet. The Christmas tree appeals to children and cats alike. Tills giant scratching post provides a great perch from which to view the family and their company. Make sure that the tree is well secured and not likely to fall over if your feline decides to climb it. Decorations and tinsel on the tree arc especially dan- , gerous. Glass ornaments not only make a mess when broken, they can also cause serious internal damage if they are eaten. Cats love to leap at the tinsel on the tree and then chew on it - once they have knocked it down. Tinsel can sometimes cause a blockage in the intestines that may require major surgery to repair. repair. If your cat is a playful puss, stick with heavier garlands and forget the tinsel. Be especially careful also with light cords. Puppies love to chew anything and everything that isn't nailed down and electric shocks can cause serious injuries to your pet. , When you arc entertaining and perhaps overindulging,' please don't share these caloric laden goodies with your pet. Dogs and cats do best on their regular diet with no added treats. Rich or fatty meats or sauces may cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Chocolate in even very small amounts can be toxic for a small dog. Watch your drinks - there may be a small figure figure behind the chair, just waiting for a change to taste the rum- nog! A previous article discussed winter hazards. These same hazards apply to the Christinas i season also. Beware of anti- ■ freeze poisoning. This sweet liquid is appealing to animals and • even a small amount may be fatal. Icy snowy roads present dangers to pets since drivers have greater difficulty stopping. Please keep your pet in your yard or under control on the ■ street. When you put tire pup outside for toilet duty, remember to stand and wait for him because car tips and feet can become frostbitten quite quickly. , The subject for another article is giving a pet for Christmas. There arc bumper stickers that say "A pet is for life, not just for Christmas". We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season , with their families, including their four-legged friends. Dr. Aluin and Dr. Turner are veterinarians with the Durham Veterinary Clinic. Please address all questions to them in care of The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K9 For Better or For Worse® 1 S-'V by Lynn Johnston CAM 3ÏÏLL SEE SOME yiSHADOU PNDLIP- IdK.PLEASE.WASri i OTHm KIDS MV fV3E WEAR) MFhW-WHycpNTirjL James Publishing Company Limited We can handle all of your printing needs From business cards to full colour brochures and newspapers Same day Quick Print service available 62 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-3303 ALL WHEEL DRIVE ONLY 'M.US FREIGHT, POE, TAXES SLIC. •4 DOOR •AM/FM STEREO SPLIT FOLD DOWN REAR SEAT AND MUCH MORE ON Ity R AGAIN! HURRY! SUPPLIES A LIMITED c&c MOTORS SUBARU] 430-6666 1705 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY (HWY. 12, BETWEEN WHITBY S AJAX)