[i The Week in Review. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, January 8,1992 3 Arsonist Keeps Police and Firefighters Busy Delay in Review of Town's Official Plan by Laura J. Richards The review of the Town of Ncwcasde's Official Plan has been delayed for two weeks. This means the review will once again appear on the General Purpose & Administration Administration (GP&A) committee agenda on Jan. 20. v However, changes in the plan were discussed by a number of representatives from different citizen and development development groups on Monday. Monday. The goal of the review -process is to develop a long- range vision for future land uses in the town of Newcastle. Newcastle. • Katherine Gusellc from ■'SAGA (Save the Ganaraska (Again) was at bat on Monday morning at the first General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting in 1992. She spoke about the ecosystem ecosystem approach to planning. "Environmental planning on a watershed basis makes sense because of the way everything inter-relates in a watershed, and because of the long-range importance of water water to our communities," Ms Guselle said. "Basically,. watershed plans determine the sustainable sustainable development capacity of the watershed, and allocate that capacity among the developable developable properties. Simply speaking, this means you find out what you've got. where you've got it, how it acts, and then decide how you're going to live with it." Another woman who added added her name to the delegation list at the GP&A meeting was Ruth Hinklcy of the Wilmol Creek Homeowners' Association. Association. Ms Hinklcy asked committee committee members to keep in mind that the owners of Wil- mot Creek, Rice Capital, will be affected by Official Plan ' recommendations. "We see a need for more immediate action on the applications applications concerning llic closure closure of the unopened road allowance allowance and rezoning to permit the building of a retirement retirement residence," said Ms Hinkley. "The need for such ;BIA Winners Receive $1,000 in Christmas Draw .. ;vf . V a facility increases daily." However, Ms Hinklcy said, those arc not the only items Wilmot Creek residents arc thinking about. The proposed pedestrian trail is seen as "a high security security risk" for residents of Wilmot Wilmot Creek and they would like it to be built along the northern boundary, "reducing somewhat the security risks." Ms Hinkley also asked committee members to consider consider the fact that when the association made its previous submission they "were made with the assumption that Wilmot Wilmot Creek had a 'rural' designation. designation. We have since learned that the new Durham Regional Official Plan designates designates Wilmot Creek as 'urban.'" 'urban.'" The association, she said, questions the designation "since neither the Town nor the Region provides to Wilmot Wilmot Creek the services which other urban communities receive." receive." In addition to these particular particular concerns, Ms Hinkley also said the association does think about the Town's economic economic base, transportation and the rcsidcntial/industrial/ commercial balance. Kevin Tunney, who represented represented Stolp (Newcastle) Inc., at Monday morning's meeting, wanted the committee committee members to put the review review on hold while he talked with the Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food. Mayor Diane Hamre told Mr. Tunney that the development development of agricultural land is "a sensitive question," and the government of Ontario is supporting "people's views on land encroachment." Devon Biddle, another representative of several other other development interests, said he wanted these particular applicants applicants to be processed for their own merits. The companies companies he represents do not want to have to wait until the end of the review. As it is, the review recommends recommends development applications applications in urban areas that do not require an Official Plan amendment be processed in the usual manner. However, if "the application application is considered to have implications implications on the preparation of the new Official Plan and would prejudice the review, staff will not bring forward a recommendation," said the staff report. "The preparation of a new Official Plan can be considered considered as the most important task ever undertaken by the Town," states a staff report. "It requires a concentrated effort effort of staff and Council in order to accomplish the task on a timely basis." To comply with wishes to have the plan completed internally, internally, "there will be inevitable inevitable delay resulting in longer processing time to review development development applications." The process will see meetings meetings with various interest groups and organizations as well as public information centres. The Official Plan will be completed in five phases. According to the Official Plan Preparation Schedule, the review is to be completed by March 1994. Walter and Hilda Love were all smiles after receiving $1000 in BIA dollars from Ruth Nunn (left) the Public Relations Chairperson of the Bowmanvillc Business Improvement Area. Their name was drawn in the organization's annual Christmas draw. The presentation was made at Ru- thie's.Nail Care Centre on Monday, December 23. Senior citizens and physically disabled disabled individuals living in single-family dwellings may find an additional service from the Town of Newcastle at their disposal disposal this year. The Town of Newcastle General Purpose Purpose & Administration Committee has recommended that the town's 1992 budget budget include a snow clearing service for this particular group of citizens. Public Works Department staff contacted contacted the City of Oshawa regarding the feasibility of a service to clear snow for seniors and disabled individuals. In Oshawa, some citizens have sidewalks and/or the ends of driveways are cleared by the municipality. To be eligible, "applicants must be 65 years of age or older or be physically disabled, occupy a single family dwelling dwelling which fronts onto a city street and have no able bodied person under the age of 65 years residing on the property." property." The service in Oshawa amounts to $49.95 per year per property serviced in this manner. The cost includes the plowing plowing of sidewalks at $32.50 and the plowing plowing of driveway windrows at $17.45 per year. "Based on the City of Oshawa experience, experience, the Town could expect to have . about 600 eligible applicants for the plowing of sidewalks and 700 eligible applicants for the plowing of driveway windrows," states the staff report. The idea for such services appeared in a letter dated Nov. 5, 1990 from Rox- ann Brown, the past Chairman of the local local advisory committee for Town of , Newcastle Community Care. -- j, r A suspect is in police custody following this early morning blaze at 1456 King Street East in Courtice last Sunday. The abandoned house was deliberately set on fire at approximately four a.m. Another fire which is believed to have been deliberately set on the same stretch of highway occurred occurred just hours before, on Saturday, January 4th at 9:23 p.m. A suspect was apprehended after trying to escape through a basement window in another another nearby abandoned building where a forced entry had been discovered discovered and a third fire had been attempted. Gunmen Fire Shot In Orono Pharmacy On Jan. 3, two suspects entered Stutt's Pharmacy, 5344 Main Street, Orono, wearing masks. One of the suspects had a handgun while the other had a knife. One shot was fired in the incident but no one was injured and nothing was taken. Sikkens Translucent Interior Finishes CetolTS Interior Satin CetolTS Interior Gloss Central Paint and Wallpaper 295 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 434-3939 Want to lower your Electric Heating Bill and add Air Conditioning? Consider a Heat Pump. z V / /I kJ m If your home is heated electrically, electrically, and you're thinking of adding air conditioning, take a look at heat pumps. Many people have heard of heat pumps but aren't quite sure what they are or what they do. Quite simply, heat pumps use the same kind of technology as refrigerators. A fridge doesn't make cold air. It pumps out the warm air, leaving the inside of the fridge cool. A heat pump works the same way. 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