Engagement Announced The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc. Wednesday, January 22,1992 7 Phil and Biola d'Entremont, of Bowmanville, and Ron and Carrol Clemens, of Hampton, are pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Chantal to Bradford. Wedding to take place May, 1993. 'Ttecvell - SWfet *Weddùtÿ Bowmanville Baptist Church Third concession west of Liberty Street PASTOR: Roger Fellows 9:45 a.m. Sunday School - all ages - 11:00 a.m. 1 Team from Toronto 6:30 p.m. J Baptist Seminary Tuesday: 6:45 p.m. FAMILY NIGHT Nursery open at all services For further information call 623-3000 or 623-9235 The Salvation Army . Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES 9:30 a.m. - Family Christian Education (Sunday School) 11:00 a.m. - Holiness Worship 6:30 p.m. - Praise Service Come and join us at a Community Church where Christ makes the difference. For more information call 623-3761 B Corps Officers/Pastors: Captain and Mrs. G. Cooper $t. Kn&ttfo's fcrtsbpttrtait Cfturtft Temperance and Church St., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1992 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Lunch and Annual Congregational Meeting following the service. Sunday School and Nursery during Morning Service Come and celebrate. 159 Years of Community Service §>t. John's Snalitatt C&urtl) Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario SUNDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1992 EPIPHANY III 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Rector's Report to Vestry • Courtice Secondary School: HkOO aan. Holy Communion and Sunday School Each Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying-On-Of-Hands for Healing Rector --The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. bm Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley Ml Assoc. -- The Honorary Asst. The Rev. C. Evans KM &t. Haiti's fltmttfr CJntrcl) Minister: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1992 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sunday School for all ages NURSERY CARE FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN EVERY SUNDAY If you're now to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div,, M.Th. SUNDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 1992 10:30 a.m. "God's Strange Ways with Us: The Exodus" 5:30 p.m. Annual Pot Luck Supper and Congregational Meeting Church School for all ages. Nursery Available Ej On Friday, November 8, 1991, at 2:30 p.m. in Oshawa, Helen Boulter, and Kevin Newell Newell were united in marriage. The bride's parents arc Bryn and Jeanette Boulter, 76 Trudeau Drive, Bowmanville, and the groom's are Chuck and Dorothy Newell, 65 Foxhun- trail, Oshawa. Wearing a grown of white moire taffeta, handmade by the bride's sister-in-law, Sandra Boulter, the gown featured pearls and sequins. A cascade bouquet of purple roses and carnations with white lilies and baby's breath complemented the gown. The maid of honor was Chantal d'Entremont who wore a black velvet and purple taffeta gown. The groom, wearing a black tuxedo with black moire taffeta cummerbund was attended by ; the best man Ken Newell, who wore a black tuxedo with a purple cummerbund. Following a reception held, at the Bowmanvillc Golf and Country Club, the happy couple left for a honeymoon in Nassau, Bahamas. They now reside in Bowmanvillc. Forthcoming Marriage Announced Jack and Shirley Locke of Bowmanville are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, daughter, Nancy, to Gerry, son of Ted and Ellen Gough of Peterborough. The marriage will take place in February, February, 1992, in Courtice. OBITUARY M. Rose Dickinson A well known citizen of the area, M. Rose Dickinson died in Bowmanvillc, on Friday, January 10, 1992. In her 80th year, she had been ill six weeks. Bom and educated in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roland Roland Bate, Sr., she was married to the late Norman F. Dickinson Dickinson on August 4,1962. A resident at 46 Concession Street, Bowmanville, 29 years, she had previously resided at 60 Brown Street. An employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. for twenty-two twenty-two and a half years she was also a member of St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville Bowmanville where she sang in the choir for many years. She was also a charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Legion, Branch 178, a member of the Memorial Park Association, Association, the Companions of the Forest Lodge, and the Goodyear Goodyear Girls Retirement Club. "Rosie" as she was known to all was in England when war broke out in 1939, and had a difficult time getting back to Canada. She also attended the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Left to mourn her passing are Robert Roland and Murray, Shirley (Mrs. Robert Bickle), Bowmanville, Donald, Peterborough Peterborough and many nieces and nephews. She was also predeceased predeceased by Wilfred. The Reverend Byron Yates officiated at the funeral services services held on Monday, at the Morris Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvillc. Bowmanvillc. Pallbearers were Robert Bickle Jr., David Patterson, Jeffrey Bate, Pat Finnigan, Ted Bate and Terry Deviit. Beautiful floral tributes were received in her memory from the Seniors Bridge Club, Memorial Park Association, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Goodyear Canada, and Goodyear Goodyear Girls Retirees. Interment Bowmanvillc Cemetery. Cemetery. -Religion and Worship U.C.W. Members Attend Workshop CHRISTIAN MINI-BOOKSHOP! Bibles Novels Devotionals Cards Individual and Boxed ■ Instructional 1 Video rentals ■ Video machine rentals ■ Tapes, CD's and Song books Durham T.V. and Antenna 623-9955 151 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville Seventy-five women attended attended a workshop at Kingsview United Church on January 13, 1992. Singing was led by Eileen Eileen Burgess, Hampton, accompanied accompanied at the piano by Joyce Taylor, Ekiad. Past President President Jacqulin Guthrie, Audlcy, presided over the day's events and opened with a brief worship worship period. President Betty Turcott, Trinity Church in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, reminded us about some important coming events. On February 9 at 2:30 p.m. at Centennial Centennial United Church, Oshawa, U.C.W. is hosting a Hymnfcst to which everyone is invited, Oshawa Prcsbyterial U.C.W. Annual Meeting takes place on March 3 at Harmony Church. We will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of U.C.W. beginning at 1 p.m. until until 5 p.m. with a special dinner at 6 p.m. (Tickets for dinner cost $10 and arc available from any executive member of Prcs- bytcrial.) Maple Grove UCW Meets In January Maple Grove UCW met at 8:00 p.m. on January 16 in the C.E. Hall. Pres. Dorothy McIntyre McIntyre welcomed the 11 attending members with a poem called January First, after which we repeated the Purpose and Lord's Prayer. Minutes were read and approved. approved. Correspondence was read and the Treasurer's Report Report was given. Various plans were discussed for a World Day of Prayer service that Maple Maple Grove UCW will be hosting hosting on March 6. Following other other Business, the offering was taken and dedicated with prayer. Muriel Johnson, Belt Snowden Snowden and Ruth Gcddes led the Worship and Program which followed this year's World Day of Prayer theme "Living Wisely With Creation." Ruth Gcddes opened with a Call to Worship reminding us that the Earth is a living thing and we should treat. it as such. We joined to sing, a Hymn "Christ has called us td;:new visions." The Scripture'"was'taken from Psalm 104 and then we joined in reading a responsive Meditation Meditation encouraging us to take better better care of our world. Muriel Johnson then placed a Stone symbolizing our concerns, confessions confessions and intercessions in a bowl with a Green Leaf symbolizing symbolizing Thanksgiving and hope. This was followed by the singing of "From All That Dwell Below the Skies Let the Creator's Praise Arise." Ruth Gcddes led us in a Benediction asking each to help lake care of our bruised world. Muriel Johnson opened the Program by explaining the various various meanings of the World Day of Prayer Symbol. Then Betty Snowden outlined some background information on the countries that have written this year's World Day of Prayer service... Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Ruth Gcddes showed us some slides from these countries showing the destruction destruction of war, the progression progression into industrialized nations and then the surfacing of environmental environmental issues... such as the Chernobyl disaster and acid rain. These countries share our same concern for Earth and urge us to care for it wisely. We closed with the Mizpah Benediction and enjoyed sandwiches sandwiches during our social time. Press Sect. Kathy Makxam CA$H BACK HSR BLOCK Why wait for your tax refund when you could get Cash Back fast? If you qualify you can get a cheque for 85% of the first $300 of your tax refund and 95% of the rest. Plus your tax return will be accurately prepared at no extra charge. So why wait for the refund cheque to arrive by mail? Ask about Cash Back at H&R Block, and get your refund fast. BOWMANVILLE MALL 243 King Street E. Bowmanville 623-6957 85 Kent Street W Lindsay (705) 324-2572 The evening segment begins begins at 7 p.m. with Dr. Anne Squire former Moderator of the United Street United Church, as the guest speaker. Another celebration will be the Bay of Quinte Conference Annual Meeting on April 7 and 8 at Cambridge Street United in Lindsay. The theme will be "Let us Celebrate, Rejoice, and Press On" and the guest speaker speaker is Dr. Gordon Hunter. An Ecumenical Event is planned for April 28 at St. Margaret's Anglican Church, Kingston with the topic "Circles "Circles of Life: Roots, Journeys, Stories". The Waterloo Event for women on June 11,12 13, has for its theme "Woman Wisdom". Looking ahead to November 1992 the mid-week event will be held at Brooklin United Church and the Annual Meeting in March 1993 will be hosted by Pickering Church at which time Pat Beach of Greenwood United will be serving as Conference U.C.W. President. Greta Down, Ebenezer, explained explained the purpose and format of the Bridgehead Trading program. program. Groups can sell products such as lea, coffee, spices, cashews, jewellery, bags, ceramic ceramic pitchers produced iit Third World countries and all monies are returned to those countries. At this time Jackie Guthrie directed everyone to their respective respective workshop. "Meeting the Needs of Women in Changing Times" was the title of one session which was led by Shelley Wright, Kedron, and Gloria Jackson, Brooklin. We were advised, through a pantomime on video, not to get too overburdened with accepting accepting too many jobs within our church. We tend to get set in our ways and don't easily accept accept changes suggested by others. others. One idea to attract new members was to circulate newsletter informing all women women what U.C.W. is, what it does, what it supports, and extend extend a welcome to every meeting. meeting. A second workshop, led by Jackie Guthrie and Bessie Va- neyk, Tyrone, dealt with "How to Develop Your own Worship." Worship." Through the use of chart paper and members' responses worship was divided into three main areas: opening, the Word, the response, with suggested ideas for each topic. The ladies were divided into groups of three or four and began to prepare prepare a suitable worship service. A wide range of topics were chosen - New Year, Lent, Love, Building and Breaking Walls, Feet, Touching and Caring, Caring, Preparing the Seed. "Celebrations for the 30th Anniversary" was the title of the third workshop and it was led by Leone Fisher, Harmony,. and Betty Turcott, Trinity. We shared a few moments looking back to 1962 - where we were, what we were doing, offices we held in our churches. Leone shared some of the newspaper headlines of the year. Many ideas were offered for symbols to be used on a banner to be created by Becky Harper. Each of the seven Prcsbytcrials have been invited to send in ideas for this banner which is to be unveiled at the Conference Annual Annual Meeting in April. Many ideas were shared as to ways in which local groups could celebrate celebrate the anniversary. At 11:30 the whole assembly assembly gathered for a presentation by Reverend Phil Whitney, Chaplain at Oshawa General Hospital. Introduced by June Tink, Simcoc St. United, he spoke about the close pamter- ship in participation, prayers, and funding which exists between between the Chaplaincy and community community churches. We watched a short video, recently produced, produced, explaining the work of the chaplaincy and its importance importance in the hospital community. community. There are six copies of this video which are available for use in area churches. Reverend George Van Arragon, Assistant Chaplain, spoke briefly about the program for Lay Pastoral Visitors for churches. He stressed that 30% of the popple who have taken any of the three levels of learning have come from the United Churches Churches in Oshawa area. Eileen Down, Ebenezer, graciously thanked our guests. A worship service which had been planned during a morning workshop was led by Margaret Ann Lamb, Margaret Down, Marilyn Wicks, and Eileen Eileen Down played for the hymns. Everyone enjoyed the Opportunity Opportunity for socializing during ■the brown-bag lunch and an opportunity to browse through and make purchases in the book room. We began the afternoon afternoon portion with a singsong singsong led by Betty Hicks, Kingsview, after which we were directed to our workshops. workshops. Following the last workshop workshop we re-gathered for the closing session. Betty Turcott and Shelley Wright explained the reason for the following Notice of Motion which will be presented and voted on at the Annual Meeting in March. The Notice of Motion says: For duties which can be given to various churches such as courtesies, thank you, appreciations, appreciations, worship, in memoriam, will be assigned to U.C.W. and it will be their responsibility to acquire someone to do it if they can't. The closing worship as prepared prepared in the last workshop was led t?y Willi Nesbitt, Marg Simpson, Gwen Taylor, and Rita Storie. Among those present were eight Past Presidents of Prcsbyterial Prcsbyterial and thirty women who were charter members in 1962. Let's Celebrate, Rejoice and Press On in '92! Eileen Burgess Press Secretary Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. Third Birthday Celebrated Congratulations are extended to Cory Darroch Warren, son of Mrs. Denise Warren (Challice), Peterborough Peterborough and grandson of Orville and Isabelle Challice of Orono, who celebrated his third birthday on Monday, Monday, January 20th, 1992. THE ALIGNMENT STARTS H 4-Wheel Alignment, for just PARTS g *Frée tire rotation with this offer SERVICE WQU/CK 0PEN SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. ÏÏSERV/CE QUICK LUBE and LIGHT REPAIRS The expert choice. t E, BUSINESS HOURS: Mon, - Fri, 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday -- _ ■■ wammm AAA maim 8:00a.m.-1:00p.m. CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC DDO e 4U44 B8URSE