--Clubs and Organizations Toastmasters Mark Country's Birthday The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, April 8,1992 13 Top Bowlers Rewarded for Efforts Canada's 125th birthday on July 1 was celebrated in advance by Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc Toastmasters Club at its March 31 meeting with a speech contest, contest, using the theme "Happy 125th Birthday Canada." Five contestants participated, with Toastmaster Sher Lectoozc emerging as the winner. Similar contests are being held in Toastmaster clubs all over Canada, and by the process of elimination at the higher levels of geographical districts, districts, one person will emerge as the overall winner. That person will have the, privilege of addressing the crowd on Parliament Hill July 1 observing the country's 125th birthday. In her address, Lectoozc painted vivid word pictures of our native land. For example: "O Canada, from sea to shining sea thei beauty of your landscape fills me with awe. The ruggedness of your eastern frontier; the boldness of your barren granite shield; the streams that chuckle in your lush valleys; your plains that spread to eternity, and the majesty of the mountains that hold tight to your westernmost shore. "You have given high hopes to millions, hope for a better future, freedom freedom from tyranny and oppression, and a place to call .their own. Your peace, your dignity, your grandeur uplift uplift our spirits in the face of adversity. "We celebrate your 125 th birthday even though you are forever timeless. In those 125 years you have asked only one duty of us - to live in harmony harmony with one another with open hearts and open minds toward one another and to accept into your fold those who need you." Using the theme of Canada coming of age, Toastmaster Nancy Barnes B&P Club Members Learn Intricacies of Insurance Industry The Business and Professional Women's Club of Bowmanville held its regular monthly meeting at the Port Darlington Marina on Thursday evening evening March-19th. Guest speakers-were Club members, the staff of Matthews and Associates Insurance Brokers (Newcastle) Ltd. Vice-President, Pauline Mote began began the presentation with an explanation explanation of the history of insurance and discussed her visit to famous Lloyds of London and compared the different operating methods from those of Canadian Canadian insurance companies. Geri Bailey, one of Matthews staff Brokers and Assistant to Pauline, explained explained the basics of property insurance insurance citing some examples of risks which are covered in some types of home insurance and of which some policyholders may be unaware. Maureen Mumford, another of the staff Brokers, oùtlined the main points concerning automobile insurance, in particular, the fairly new "No fault auto insurance". Good, humoured discussion centred around the fact that some people are under the misconception that "no fault" has a literal application and that no one is to blame when there is an accident. This of course, is not the case at all. By the end of the evening, the group were certainly more enlightened enlightened with respect to the insurance business. The Club's next meeting is at the Port Darlington Marina on Thursday, April 16th, 1992. This is a regular meeting to discuss any resolutions to be presented at the National convention. convention. Social hour 6:00 p.m. Dinner at 6:45 p.m. Anyone wishing any information information about the club may call Roxy Barnes at 623-2288 or Helen Devitt at 623-3915. On Thursday, April 30th, 1992, at the Baseline Community Centre, Bowmanville, we will host a special event, the proceeds of which will go to the Club's bursary fund. Our guest speaker is Erin Davis, the popular radio radio personality on CHFIFM. The topic topic of Ms. Davis's address will be "Partnerships and Relationships." The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $15.00 - Refreshments included, Tickets are available from the Coronation Coronation Restaurant, Community Care and Matthews Insurance in Newcastle. Janice Slocombe, Public Relations Assitant. Y Offers Workshop On Decorating Your Children's Bedroom Attention Moms and Dads! Are you thinking about decorating or : redecorating your child(rcn)'s room? Attend the YWCA Workshop on "Decorating your Child's Room," to be held on April 15, 1992 at Dr. Emily Stowe Public School in Cour- ticc. There is a registration fee. If you arc looking for new and fresh ideas, or just some inexpensive shortcuts, this workshop is ideal for y0 phonc 623-9922 (YWCA) for more details and registration, won second place for her speech. In coming of age, she said, Canada has been faced with an identity crisis and had experienced difficulty resolving its cultural, social and economic challenges. challenges. While controversy swirls around Canada's bilingualism policy, with many opposing it, she maintained that being competent in two or more languages languages is an asset in a period of increasing increasing international communication. The problems arising from Canada's Canada's diverse cultures must be dealt with and resolved in a way that will strengthen the country, not weaken it, Barnes said. "We have laboured hard for 125 years for what we have today. This is no time to throw in the towel and go our separate cultural, social and economic economic ways. We all stand to lose too much." She stressed it is time for Canada to come of age; to mature at a time when the majority of Canadians want bona fide unity, social and cultural fairness and a return to prosperity, all of which will require time, effort and money. "We must...become a practical, positive, powerful force as a unified country in the world - a country that will contribute to resolving global issues issues at the international level. This is what the maturing of Canada is all about." Winner of third place in the contest was Toastmaster George McKcssock, who also chose unity as the core of his speech. Likening unity, to a marriage, he said: "A marriage is not an ownership ownership or a dictatorship, it is a union where people come together in harmony harmony to further their common goals. "When a group of musicians unite to make an orchestra they create a new sound with a richness and beauty far greater than each member of the group could achieve on his own. A marriage of more than 26 million people people is no different. "As Canada has grown, it has developed developed new goals that are being experimented experimented with and implemented. These growing numbers of common goals are the essence of what Canada is all about, a marriage of individuals committed to the common betterment of the whole. "As Canadian politicians tackle the constitutional issues of the country they should focus on our common aspects, aspects, not our individual aspects," asserted asserted McKcssock, who also won the Sparkplug Award for contributing the most to the business section of the meeting. In a brief ceremony following the speeches, Sher Lectoozc was presented presented with a certificate attesting to her first place standing, Nancy Barnes to her second and George McKcssock to third. Also presented certificates for their excellent contributions to the contest were Toastmasters Joe Christl and Jon Sigurdson. Bowmanville Toastmasters Club meets each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall of St. John's Anglican Church, Temperance St., just south of King St. Visitors and those interested in becoming becoming efficient public speakers are always welcome. Further information can be obtained from any club meeting meeting or from Toastmaster Connie Nelson Nelson at 623-2243; Toastmaster Joe Christl at 436-2306, or Toastmaster Irene Konzclmann at 983-9423. The Big Brothers Association rewarded these two local youngsters with ghetto blasters in recognition of their contributions to the Bowl for Millions drive during February. Michael Hossack (left), was the top pledge collector with his list of over 60 Big Brother supporters. Kim Hcllam won the draw for the second radio/tape deck. Bowl for Millions chairman, Tom Gatchell, made the presentations Saturday, at the Liberty Bowl in Bowmanville. GM ^ r ~ lx.-. I I -S&o GM TS'C. 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