i l Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, April 8,1992 9 New Season for Orono Jr. Gardeners r~ D ûîifirt frnm OrAnn IV v|Jl/111 HI 111 UIUIIU 1 ~ M Isabelle Challice - 983-5824 Quote - "When you arc angry for ■one minute, you lose 60 seconds of happiness," Sympathy of community to the families of the late Mrs. Iona Forrester, Forrester, who passed away Wed., April 1st, and was buried from Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Saturday, April 4th. Sympathy to daughter daughter Jeanne Staples, sons Roy, Orono and John, Fcnclon Falls. Mrs. D. Bailey and sister Mrs. E. Billings attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Webster, Bowmanville, in honour of their cousins, cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding, here from England. Mr. Douglas Ferrier, Bolton, was Tuesday overnight guest of his grandparents, grandparents, the O. Challiccs. Our community was shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden passing passing of Mr. Leslie Reid on Saturday. He had suffered a severe hip fracture as a result of a fall, earlier, but passed away Sat., April 4th. Funeral service was held Tuesday, April 7, from Orono Orono United Church. Mrs. Glady Greenwood and Mrs. Inez Harris returned home Thursday Reunion to Mark 75th Anniversary GLEDHILL PUBLIC SCHOOL, located at 2 Glcdhill Ave., Toronto M4C 5K6 Phnc 393-9092 in thé cast end of Toronto, is celebrating its 75th Anniversary, this year. Plans arc underway for the week long celebration, which will culminate in an Open House on Saturday, May 9,1992, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. In order to make this event a success, success, we arc trying to locate all former students and teachers and ask them to contact the school at the above address. address. We feel that many of these people we arc trying to find have moved out of the Toronto area, and it will be through your help that we will be able to locate them. Yours very truly, Arthur B. Kelly, George Baker, Publicity Chairmen. night, after enjoying a bus trip to Boston, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Congratulations to Orono Jr. Gardeners Gardeners who held their first meeting of season 31st March in hall in Orono United Church. Twenty-three new members signed up and congrats to new leader, Mrs. Dorothy Rice and Mrs. Loma Atkins, of Sr. Horticulture, Horticulture, for assisting in inaugural meeting. meeting. April is, of course, "Cancer Month," please support your canvassers canvassers cheerfully, as they arc all volunteers. volunteers. We arc sorry to report Mrs. Francis Sutton is a patient in hospital, but glad to sec Alfred Johnston home safely after after his bout in hospital. Leskard Card Party A good crowd at the monthly card party held Thursday, April 2, in Lcs- kard Church Hall with the following results: High scores - 1) Aleck Moffat 83, 2) John Moffat and 3) Marie Cou- roux tied at 77,4) Bernice Moffat 75. Low score - Rick Simpson. Lucky door prize- Aleck Lamourc. Next euchre party Thurs., May 9 at 8 p.m Leskard Hall. Town Hall Card Party Sixteen and a half tables of progressive progressive euchre at the weekly euchre party held Wed. night, April 1 with following winners: . High scores - 1) Helen Couroux 93, 2) Edgar Meulman and Bill Grady Grady tied at .90, 3) Leta McAllister and Walter Murphy tied at 87. Low score - Gladys Ogden. Lucky draws - Marg Todd, Hazel Murphy, Gladys Ogden. Stella Dennis, Dennis, Harvey Partner, Charles Staple- ton, Ivison Tamblyn, Velma Jakeman. Euchre every Wed. night 8 p.m. and ladies to please bring lunch. Horticulture Fund Night A large crowd of interested horticulture horticulture folks, in attendance at the first fund-raising event for Orono Horticulture Horticulture Society, held Thursday evening, April 12, in Orono United Church main hall. Guests were present from Ajax, Oshawa, Pine Ridge, Bowman- vile, Newcastle, Whitby and Cobourg. The guests were comfortably seated at long tables decorated with fresh, spring flowers. President Loma Atkins welcomed TALK TO US ABOUT LENNOX YOU M AY NOT 11 AY I TO PAY ANOTHER IIOMI EN E ROY HI EE UNTIE 2 00 1 ! very Lennox air cohditioning and heat pump system keeps the cost of the energy it saves in its owner's pocket. In fact, every ' model meets or exceeds 1992 Energy Efficiency Standards. None of that is news. What is news is that, until June 20, 1992, you can share in some substantial extra Lennox savings as well. From now 'til then, every new Lennox air conditioner or heat pump buyer will get back the value of from one to twelve months' worth of home energy bills*. If you dçcide to get in on the Bonanza, you'll also be eligible for an additional nine years' worth of savings that could cover .your energy bills to the year 2001! We're a participating dealer in the Lennox Energy Saver's Bonanza, so give us a call now, before the hot weather hits. / dk 11 Think how comfortable life would be with a super-efficient Lennox system in your home. And a chance to win more than 100 months worth of energy savings! 'Baud on Statistics Canada average montbiy costs and paid by Lennox as an instant credit on equipment purchased. You may instead choose to defer payment until January '93, O.A.C. Cannot he combined u itb any other Lennox offer. Hut Ur LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING • HEATING Lenriox is a registered trademark ol Lennox Industries Inc. Ramnor Heating & Air Conditioning Bowmanville/Newcastle 623-0877 r 10% OFF everyone and thanked them for their interest in this first fund-raising event for our society. We were happy to welcome our district director, Miss Anne Bourke of Whitby, Our prizes were on view on the stage, our lovely quilt, plate, Loon and pretty wreath. Many took advantage to purchase tickets and this draw will be May 14. Minnie Zegers introduced our special guest speaker, Miss Marjorie Marjorie Mason-Hogue, who in her delightful delightful manner, presented a colorful and educational slide presentation, "A Bevy of. Blossoms." Just everything you could imagine from "Bulbs," Perennials, Perennials, Annuals and trees, shrubs and vines. It's really a miracle how we gardeners gardeners control our gardening urges, when we see all this beautiful growth on films! Our guest speaker was thanked and answered many problems, by Isabelle Challice. Many lucky draw winners of flowers flowers and gifts, and then our crowd arrived arrived at the three long tables full of the most delicious eye-catching desserts, desserts, evetything from fruit floss, cheese cakes, (cherry & blueberry), tarts, pies, cakes. We wish to thank all who by their presence, made this a very successful event. We received more than $200 for our Cenotaph fund and to top it all off, gained 16 new members! Surprise Party Mr. Francis Cowan was pleasantly surprised last Sunday, March 29, when a large group of families and close friends gathered at the Durham Sr. Citizens Complex hall. The happy event was for Francis' 60th birthday and he received showers of good wishes and gifts. A very humorous poem was read out to Francis by his brother-in-law, -Paul Jones and this caused much merriment. A good time spent reminiscing over "old times," was enjoyed by all present. Belated "Best Wishes," Francis. St. Saviour's Church News Jamie Shetlcr was server at Sunday morning communionn at St. Saviour's Saviour's service. Sunday, April 5, is "Passion Sunday." Sunday." It marks the beginning of the last two weeks of Lent, known as "Passiontide." Traditionally, it was a time to commemorate Christ's Passion or suffering. (The word passion is derived derived from the Latin word "To Suffer." Suffer." Next week's service 9:30 a.m. at ' St. Saviour's and is "Palm Sunday." A.C.W. meeting - Tuesday., April 7, at 7:15 p.m. at the home of Betty Ann Wood. Hosted by Geri Bailey (983-9295) and Betty Ann Wood (983-5329). Anyone wishing to make a donation donation toward Easter flowers, please contact Dorothy Hester, Bowmanville. Advisory Bd. meeting - Thursday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Parish Hall. Orono United Church News The beautiful flowers in church Sunday morning, placed in loving memory of late Mrs. Forrester and placed by familiy. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey gave call to worship and the reading of scriptures and psalms. Rev. Clappison gave the children's story and choir rendered "A Carol for Lent" with flute obligato by Laura Lynn Plummer. Birthday greetings to - Jake Vand- er Schee, April 5, Jim Hutton, April 10. Greeters at doors - John and Janet Standeven and family. Ushers - Lynn Rodd, Loma Atkins, Doreen Wood and Kevin Scott. Upcoming services - Palm Sunday, April 12 - Kirby 9:30 a.m., Orono 11 a.m. At Orono, Sunday School will present special music. Good Friday services - April 17. Our annual walk from Newcastle. United Church to Newtonvillle United Church, beginning at 1 p.m. Sponsored Sponsored by Bowmanville Ministerial Association. Association. ' Services at Orono United, Good Friday - 7 p.m. Easter Sunday - April 19, Kirby Church 9:30 a.m. - Orono 11 a.m. Plan on joining Kirby congregation for a delicious Easter breakfast at 8 a.m. Baptism, please phone - Orono - Marie Tamblyn 983-5550 or Kirby - Brian Colville-983-9473. Easter lilies - Anyone who wishes to donate Easter lilies for the Easter season, please contact Donna Scott (983-5026). She would like them in time for Palm Sunday, April 12th. Tapes of Sunday Services are (with coupon) ANY REFRIGERATOR, STOVE, WASHER OR DRYER NEW or RECONDITIONED RH#l, Hampton (3 ml. oast ot UCourttca) Court ice Rd. made for shut-ins. If you know of anyone anyone wishing to use this service, please call office 983-5502. Variety Concert- On Saturdau, May 9 at 7:30 p.m., the Orono-Kirby Choirs and the Quinte "Can" Committee Committee are sponsoring a "Variety Concert." Concert." This is a benefit show for the camps and retreat centres in our Conference Conference area. The show features local talents. Tickets are available from choir and committee members. We are pleased to have so much interest interest in camps this year, and so far a good list of applicants. At the Sunday morning service a special presentation of well over $200 to the M & S Committee from Pam Werry, Sunday School to Willis Bar- raballM&S Committee. This amount from last week's Sunday Brunch. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott arrived home recently, after enjoying two weeks in Florida. While there, they visited Alfs sister Mrs. Dolly Harris and his niece Norma Ford at Lakeland. Lakeland. Mrs. Kay Beggs, Pontypool, was a recent guest of Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fay and Glory Adams, Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Pigott attended a dinner party in honor of Donald Adams' Adams' birthday on Sunday. April 5, at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challice, Millbrook, were Sat., evening callers at O. Challices. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmer, Oshawa, were last Wed, afternoon visitors visitors with O. Challices. Many local people called into Rolph's Hardware store Thursday, April 7th to enjoy coffee and muffins to celebrate the grand opening of new Sears office. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott were last Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les. Alldread, Oshawa. The weather is still, chilly, with cold winds every day. Nevertheless, the trout are starting to run, so surely spring will surprise us, one of these days. "Musical Concert" Kirby United Church presented "Eric Lambier in Concert" Sunday evening, in Orono United Church. Eric is son of Lucien Lambier and Mrs. Iris Lambier, Kendal, and well- known to many in our areas. A very talented young man, holding many medals in wrestling, holds Canadian record for high jumping. He broke the world record while in Italy a few years ago, and had the honor of shaking shaking hands with the Pope. As a Young Achiever, he represented represented this area, in Ottawa and shook hands with the Queen, and had several minutes visit with her. He graduated from W. Ross McDonald School for handicapped, in Brantford. Added to all his sports laurels, as we all witnessed Sunday evening, he's a real virtuoso in music. He presented a varied program of modem and classical classical music which was much enjoyed by all present. This musical genius rendered everything from Kenny Rogers Rogers to "Music Box Dancer;" and a beautiful song he sang to his mother, Mrs. Iris Lambier, "You are the Wind Beneath My Wings," truly a great tribute. tribute. An excellent medley from the Fifties. Fifties. The closing selection was "How Great Thou Art," and all joined in singing. Many excellent remarks from the appreciative audience and a terrific, large crowd in attendance! Another successful event in our little town! & Radio Personality Visits Horticulturists Popular radio show host and commercial greenhouse grower, Marjorie Marjorie Mason Hogue (at right), was the featured guest at the Orono Horticultural Society last Thursday night. Club president, Loma Atkins, Atkins, helped Ms Mason Hogue set up a display of ornamental potted geraniums before* the guest delivered her slide presentation. Avid gardeners from as far away as Ajax and Cobourg attended the meeting. meeting. * Gays & Gals welcomes Handy Mandy says: "I'll give 10% off all my services end I'll pay the GST." Call 623-1341 Guys & Gals Hairstyling 28 Division St. Bowmanville n BRANDOM QUALITY KITCHENS FOR THIRTY FIVE YEARS 35th Anniversay Sale Bonus: 35% Discount For a Limited Time Only. VALUE ADDED FEATURES • Solid hardwood throughout • Sturdy dovetail drawer fronts • Traditional and contemporary designs • Beautifully hand finished • Three year warranty • Easy-care, wipe clean cabinet interiors E 1732 Baseline Rd. (Courtice Rd. exit at Hwy 401) Courticc, Ont. Mon.-Tucs. 9-5 Wcd-Thurs. 9-8 Fri.9-5 Sun. 12-4 BBANDQM ffhe'3otter C/wtoo Call for an in-home, no obligation estimate 432-3300