I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, June 24,1992 17 Bowmanville Lions and Lioness Clubs Install New Executive Officers A new slate of officers for the Bowmanville Lions Club was formally sworn in on Monday, June 15th. Pictured left to right in the front row are: 3rd vice-president, Mel Putnam; 1st vice-president, Blair McEwen; Bowmanville Lion president, Jim Lachance; past-president, Elmer Banting; and 2nd vice- president, Kirk Kemp. In the back row, from left, are: secretary, Bradd Anderson; Lion Tamer, Bob Simpson; directors, Art Short and Ron White; Lion Tail Twister, Merv English; membership chairman, Doug Kemp; and Lion Don Marsden, who led the swearing in ceremony. Absent from photo are treasurer, treasurer, Roy Moore, and Lions Bruce Lush and Ed Ewert. In a ceremony at the Lions Centre on June 15th, the Bowmanville Lioness Club congratulated their new executive and wished them well in the coming 92/93 year. The newly elected executive members are (in no particular order): Lioness Tamer, Sheila Roche; Tail Twister, Nan Foote; Lioness directors, Myrtle Marsden; Dianne Short; Shirley Lachance; Mildred Virtue; second vice-president, Joan Putnam; first vice-president, Colleen Lush (absent from photo); secretary, Doreen Cripps; treasurer, Doris Fair; Bowmanville Lioness president, Trisha Eyman; and past-president, Ann Hilbom. Durham College Governor Named The Ontario Council of Regents recently recently announced the appointment of two new members to the Board of Governors of Durham College. Betty Ann Craig, hn external Governor, Governor, is Vice Principal of St. Monica Catholic School in Pickering. Craig is also currently serving as a member of Police and Community Race Relation Committee in Durham Region and has been involved with the Multicultural Council of Oshawa and District, Club Carib, Durham Ethnic Parents Committee, Committee, Congress of Black Women. Bonnie Gintcr Brown js an internally internally elected Governor representing the Administration of the College. Gintcr-Brown is Director of Counselling Counselling and Health Services at Durham College. The Durham College Board of Governors is made up of community representatives as well as representatives'from representatives'from students, faculty, support staff and administration at the college. Rebekahs Attend Ontario Sessions : On Sunday, June 14th five members members of Beehive Rebekah Lodge joined by one member from Oshawa #3 Lodge left Whitby Go-Station to travel to the Royal York Hotel in Toronto Toronto where they would attend the annual annual Assembly of Ontario Sessions for four consecutive days. Here they mingled mingled with four hundred and sixty-nine other- Rebekahs including visitors from Alberta, Quebec, Massachusets and Michigan. The program for the Assembly included included a Church service, Opening ceremony,- ceremony,- Memorial ceremony for members members deceased during the past year, Initiation ceremony, Installation of .New Officers, reports of twenty-four committees, and business items. Crammed around these were trips to nearby stores, visits with members we had not seen for a year (or more), meeting new people, meals (breakfast at seven a.m. or earlier) and "gab" sessions. sessions. And who were these people? Our two representatives were Maty Viokle and Shirley Severn. The other three who travelled this annual trip were Marjorie Palmer, Grace Murdoch and Doris Wollstcin. Ann Jones of Oshawa #3 is also an associate member member of Beehive Lodge. This annual Assembly is eagerly looked forward to year after year. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT There are still openings in the following SUMMER DAY CAMP programs. Don't let your children miss'out on this opportunity to have fun and make new friends this summer. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL JULY 6-10 SOLINA COMMUNITY CENTRE JULY 13-17 EMILY STOWE PUBLIC SCHOOL JULY 20-24 FEE; $70.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW TO REGISTER PLEASE CONTACT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT 623-3379. CS-NI 4286 .'jpiri : ; -■ ■ SC 1 1 8 v Ü n n il 1 ■ Ê u * ■ si w 1|| i 1 I ' mm VB ÉB39 CHEVROLET • GEO • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC LTD. Red, auto, 27,000 km. $6,995. Grey, V6, air, auto, 37,000 km., mint: $13,900. 1989 Chevrolet Sprint Grey, auto, 28,000 km. $5,995. 1991 Cavalier 1991 Ciera Red, auto, air, mint, 22,000 km. Blue, V6, loaded, 19,000 km. $10.295. $19,900. 1991 Lumina Maroon, V6, air, 28,000 km. $15,900. 1987 Honda Civic Black, 5 sp., air. $5,995. i» i rmg/.?»?!'-*™** w 1991 Cavalier R/S Red, auto, air. $9,995. < V \-v .... . - 1991 Corsica Maroon, V6, auto, air. $11,500. 1991 Olds 98 Elite Blue or White $25,900. X 1989 Cutlass SL Silver, V6, loaded, 60,000 km. $11,500. HG3S3K 1 . \ ' 1987 Dodge Omni Maroon, standard. $7,995. 1991 Cavalier 1990 Corsica LT Grey, auto, air, 18,000 km. Maroon, V6, loaded, 43,000 km. $10,295. $10,995. SBKssaasiata ' X.: ' ' ; 1988 Pontiac 6000 SE Blue, V6, loaded, mint. $10,590. 1989 Toronado White, V6, loaded, slider, 40,000 km. $19,900. 1990 Sunbird Silver, auto, air. $7,995. 1989 Cavaiier 1988 Corsica Red, auto, air. Brown, V6, auto. $6,995. $6,995. •UUl • 1988 Beretta Maroon; V6, auto, air. $6,995. 1987 Bonneville White, V6, loaded. $7,995. 'v : 1 " i"T'\ " r i " ' SSâüVJS 1 1990 Sunbird 1989 Formula , Blue, 5 sp., 54,000 km. Black, V8, T-Roof, loaded, sharp, $7,995. eo.oookm. ■ $12,900. 1981 Monte Carlo T-Roof, V8, auto, blue. $3,995 1987 Caprice Classic Maroon, V8, loaded, mint, $8,995. i- asm ® ' HH --*■------ 1 j, 1990 Sunbird GT Turbo 1988 Pontiac 6000 Wagon Blue, 5 sp„ air. Blue, V6, loaded, $11,590. $9,995. .«sge 1991 Cutlass Int. Red, V6, loaded, 24,000 km. $20,900. 1981 Trans Am 1990 Cavalier Wagon Black, T-roof, auto, Blue, V6, air, auto, 60,000 km. V8, loaded $4,995. $9,995. 1989 Celebrity Wagon Brown, V6, auto, 55,000 km. $9,500. •* 1992 Safari Ext. 1991 Blazer 4x4 Blue, V6, loaded, 8,000 km. Blue, V6, loaded, sharp, 18,000 km. $22,500. $21,500. -- ' 1991 Olds 88 Blue, V6, air. ' $19,995. --!• tT? m _ BBS 1990S-10 Ext. Cab 1990 Silverado 4x4 White, V6, air, cap. -Brown, V8, loaded, cap. $13,900. $16,900. 1991 Safari 1989 GMC Jimmy 4x4 Red, V6, loaded, : Red, loaded, mint. $17,995. $15,500. fmBÈËÊi '££à 1991 Lumina APV V6, auto, loaded, 24,000 km. $18,500. ■■ 1989GMCS-15 1990GMC4X4 Grey, V6, auto. Red, V8, loaded, sharp, 28,000 km. $9,995. $16,900. 1989 Blazer Blue, loaded. $10,900. 1988 S-10 Blue, V6, auto. $6,500. 1990 Tracker Blue, 5 sp„ mint. $10,500. •5*1 J Ffl ' - ■ : ■-■■■ ■■ ■ ' Hwy. #2 East End of Port Hope Telephone: 885-4575 Mon.-Thurs. 9:00 a.m.-8d)0 p.m. SALES HOURS Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pw>'i ~i ^ i aWifiiHgillMSM'MB lUga 1990 Pontiac Firefly 1991 Cavalier Z24 1992 Mustang 1991 Buick Grand Sport 1992 Olds 88 Black, V8, auto, loaded, Blue, 3,800, loaded, sharp, Maroon, V6, loaded, 11,000 km. $15,900. 22,000 km $20,995. $24,900. 1991 Park Avenue Grey, V6, loaded, 16,000 km. $25,900. 1990 Olds Grey, V6, loaded,.50,000 km. $19,900. « I Si 1991 Olds White, V6, loaded. special $23,900. 1989 Corvette Maroon, loaded, 21,000 km. $29,900. 1988 Mazda Gold, V6, loaded. $13,900. 1991 Ext. Cab Grey, V8, auto, air. $17,900. se, m 1989 Ford Grey, VS, auto. $9,500. I' wi 1986 GMC Rod, V8, cap, $6,995. v;