I WMgggagsg We Asked and You Said Insight on Small Business Community Correspondence Wednesday, June 24,1992 6. : . t»y JLaura J. Richards berry pie contest. This was in The whipped cream topped lieu of a Strawberry Princess Pa- more than one serving of straw- géant which was held in previous berry shortcake this past Satur- years, day afternoon, June 20. . B„L5 c c=„mAss B ocTatioThad e Ex P ert Taste Buds S£g CSSS? SS Pick Award Winning oûhSnpiï Gmeral Managcr Strawberry Pies "The strawberries were brought in from Guelph by Ted Although 18 pies were entered Watson Farms," said Mr. Gilpin there were onl y three winners: on Saturday afternoon after the the 8 rand prize winner of $200 first real glut of people had gone went t0 Junia Carnegie, the sec- by the voucher taking booth. ond prize of $ 180 went to Made- During Strawberry Festival Iine Dow and. the third prize of Days, June 15 to June 20, partici- $130 went to Beth Anderson. 1t To aid the judging by such es- voucher teemed judges as Dr. Howard , - paling merchants in the down- town had handed out a 1 with each purchase made. Five Rund l e > "Garnet Rickard and Lee ^ Ah yes, the judging of the strawberry pies. Hmm, they sure looked vouchers entitled a person to one McIntyre and to help the diges- j| delicious. With 18. pies to check out, the judges had a tasty time try- heaping serving of strawberry tion of sweet treats the award u jr ing to figure out which pies were the best of the bunch. Winners of shortcake. winning Wilmot Creek Choir the prizes were: First Prize of $200 went to The Statesman's own Ju- There was a limit of two serv-. provided entertainment akin to : nia Carnegie for her glazed fresh strawberry pie. The Second Prize ings per person. that found at fairs in the earlier winner of $180 went to Madeline Dow and the Third Prize of $130- T h e tasty white cake on whiclv part of this century, went to Beth Anderson. cfrn,„h 0 rri 0 c A selection of vintage antique ' cars were on display for those wanting to harken back to the good old days when cars had ; P chrome and weren't fuel effi- ; cient. ' Car owner Dell Tmdeau was more than a little willing to bend I an ear or two while he talked about his 1929 Dodge Five Window Window Coupe. rj All the events took place at wer ' the Town of Newcastle town res j square in Bowmanville between eno v 1? noon to 3 p.m. h un v • r : : . ' Photos Stories Laura J. Richards igHigplBinalTl Seven more containers filled with sweet luscious strawberries were delivered to the dole-out tent during the Bowmanville Business Centre's Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 20 on Temperance Street. St. John Church volunteer Roy Anger slipped the goodies in the back of the tent as quickly as he could. BOWMANVILLE MfSINESS CENTRE The Wilmot Creek Choir was on hand to present some songs that never go out of style. The award winning choir dressed in their red and white outfits added a few classy notes to the afternoon's activities at the Strawbeny Festival. The choir presented their music in the main tent where people were feasting on freshly made strawberry shortcake. . : j KING'S. #LK gi > <. ■ Hmm-hmm-good! That was the all round compliment heard at the Strawberry Festival tent on Satur- UHKlliil::. . s__ day afternoon. Everyone who was able to gel a piece of the strawberry shortcake enjoyed it. Of course, This burgundy colored 1929 Dodge Five Window Coupe was one of four antique cars on display at the strawberry shortcake wasn't the only attraction at the Strawberry Festival--there was plenty of ac- the Strawberry Festival on Saturday afternoon. Owner Dell Trudeau (not in nhoto) was on hand to talk linn nmitn/l Ihf> nip HicnlllV !R* illfhîPO mimnlm/l ilmn< unui llimimli Man ImoIp InoMmr 1a ominnn an/1 ntinmnnn nKnuf l ' k 4 WïÊmrn.