1 Wanted to Buy BAGPIPES wanted. Phone Heather 697-3092. WANTED: old painted wood farm furniture, old pressed glass knick-knacks. Phone Al. 623- 3688. , FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS _____ Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44-tfS Services "TOUCH of Dutch" "Homecleaning". "Homecleaning". Single quality cleaning cleaning at affordable prices. Diane Merklev, phone 623-0569, CREDIT Counseling: Feeling trapped by financial problems? Dignified and responsible' solutions solutions available. Free consultation: consultation: 987-3574. Weekend and evening appointments available. available. Professional Lawn Care Full Season Programs Weed Control x Crabgrass Chinch Bug Control Fertilizing Insect Spraying Plug Coraeration 623-4597 983-5598 Bowmanville Courtice Orono Newcastle 33-tfSN FASHIONS BY JUDITH Alterations & dressmaking in home service. Senior discounts 987-3873 34-1SN GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers Green Cleaning of Residences and Officesr Our ladies are criminally checked through the police. Bonded and insured. Chamber member. KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF SERVICE!! 725-9177 (24 Hr. Answering) 34-fSN PRIVATE Mortgages - The place to go when your bank says Nol Anubis Investments, (416)668- 7200, 110 Green Street, Whit- by, Ontario.• . WOULD you like to see your name in print? It's easy - Just drop intorthe Canadian Statesman Statesman office, 62 King St. W.,. Bowmanville, to order business cards or your own personalized address cards. For more information information phone 623-3303. ROYAL BANK MARLENE R. JOBS Account Manager Residential Mortgages 24 Hour Approval Appointments arranged at home or place of business. Evening and Weekend appointments available. BUS: (416) 432-0840 RES: (416) 571-2168 Messages Toll Free Pager 1 (416) 551-7695 34-5W Instructions BRING the joy of music into your home. Piano lessons for . beginners, any age, contemporary contemporary or classical. Phone An- drew Moriarity at 623-0125, FALL openings for flute, recorder, theory and history. Phone Lynda Shewchuk, 6. Mus., B. Ed., 623-5927, 1-705- 656-1654. WOOD CARVING CLASSES (Beginners only please) Sept. 19th - Nov. 21st Sat. mornings (9-12) $95.00 For more information please , contact: Jan (416) 623-2318 or Mort (416)987-0584 34-2SN ANNOUNCEMENT Rebecca Helsdon is now accepting students for voice, piano and theory. For more information phone , Scugog School of Music, Blackstock, Ontario 986-4395 34-2SN CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET Open Sat-Sun 10- 5. Antiques, crafts, collectibles, bakery, meat market, roadhouse, tries, Ice cream, nature trails and bird park. Vendors welcome. (613) 752-2468. CAREER-TRAINING- .-.LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School ol Auctioneering. Next Class: Nov. 21- 27. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School ol Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Income tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondence. Free Brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services Ltd. 1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2B6,1-B00-665-S144. VACATION/TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH RESORT vacation reniais. Oceanlront condos, housekeeping provided, many amenities, Fall rates from S327/week. Goll packages and winter rentals available, FREE BROCHURE: 1-B00-448-5653. TRAVEL SMART. For business or personal travel, Receive discounts on airfare, hotels, cruises and more, For Iree Information, call Cancan Enterprises 1-600-667-4687 and save HELP WANTEQ We need you to sell toys & gilts lor C & M Gifts. NO INVESTMENT, NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Call 519-258-7905 or lax 519-258- 0707 lor free Into. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Revolutionary 80- channel mini-dish satellite system will rapidly expand home entertainment and communications industry. Network Marketing, No Inventory, No Investment. Call 416.622-1510 anytime, EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baltworms In your basement or garage, Odorless operation. Low Investment. Market guaranteed! Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.4M, Smllhvllle, Ontario, LOR 2A0, (416) 643-4252, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE BROKER or teal estate broker to act as mortgage agent In this area, Call Intransicon Financial Group 1-800- ,266-1429. Ask 1er 'J.R.' EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES LOG BUILDING CAREER. Pal Wolle Log Building School career courses beginning September 21 si, Ten-week $2200, tour-week $1100, one-weok $350, 613-253-0631, Ottawa ares, BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) tor your naw or existing small business. Intormatlon (514) 937-2422 ext. 96, MORTGAGES •MORTGAGE,MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay oft bills, credit bads! Start new business. Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $100,00 monthly. No qualifying hassles. Intransicon Financial, Toll-free 1-B00-26B-1429. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straltwall Type • not quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10,276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22,972 • other sizes available - Final summer clearance - Paragon • 24 Hours 1-800-263-B499. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison . Is what It takes to pick out the best and lowest.,.we're all lor it. Now for a limited lime • Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Example 25 X 30 Value 52,749. now $2,244,40 X 60 Value $8,073. now $6,188. Many sizes and types available. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Why settle lor second best when you can buy the very best lor the same money. For all your building needs, call FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS 1-600-B66-B653. COMPANIONS INTRODUCTIONS BY MAIL (all ages, areas). Friendship, dating, marriage. 25 years' successful experience! Proven system. Don't be alonel Confidential, 6021 Yonge Street, *502, Toronto M2M 3W2. INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. Only people Irom small towns understand the Importance ol Investing In small communities, 11-1/2% to 13-1/4% returns. Call Intranslcon loll-lie» 1-800-26B-1429. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low ae $100. BMWs, Cadillacs, Chevs, Fords, Mercedes, Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing Iree 24-hr. recording reveals how. 1-416-631-4666, MISCELLANEOUS POETS NEEDED: Send your non-publlshed poetry to licenced, registered publication company lor Iree review. Zebra Publication Company, P.O, Box 1324, Lethbridge AB TtJ ONO, t 1 DON'T THROW THEM AWAY I Too-rlpa cucumbers turn Into sweet, spicy pickles, Reel: evallable. For Inlormatfon, write H.O.kt. Gratis, P.O, Box 1213, Brockvllle, Ontario K6V5W2. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province, Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Todayl Notices The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, August 26,1992 19 COMMUNITY CARE HOME SUPPORTAND COPE OFFICE IS MOVING August 28th New Address 98 King St. W. (corner of King & Scugog, Bowmanville, Ontario) Office will be closed on Friday, August 28th. Our new offices are located on the ground floor of the building and the new location has ample parking off Scugog Sf. and King St. We have access for the handicapped handicapped off the King St. Parking lot. 34-1SN THE BAHA'I FAITH FROM A-Z Oneness The entire human race is one family. Our differences of race, culture, nationality, religion, religion, class or personality are sources not of apprehension apprehension or suspicion, but of beauty, appreciation and enjoyment. For more information please call: Local: 623-2936 Tor.: 889-8168 34-is BUILDING TOMORROW ...TODAY Please contribute to: I iQrS 56spARKs I OTTAWA Canada IK1P5B1 TEL: (613)234-6827 FAX: (613)234-6842 DURHAM DODGE CHRYSLER 799 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA 404-0525 NO GIMMICKS On Wednesday evening, August 19, the Orono and District Fiddle Club attracted attracted a capacity crowd to their entertainment entertainment at Newcastle Community Hall. A quartet of local doggers appeared appeared for the first time and were well received. On Sunday, Jack and Hazel spent the afternoon at the Canadian National .Exhibition. The Toronto Mounted Police Police performed a musical ride to the music of the pipes and drums of the Police Band - worth the price of admission! admission! The weather was ideal also! Hawaiian entertainment for seniors in the Music Building, beautiful quilts in the arts and crafts building - displayed by several qùiltcrs' guilds. A piece of A&P pie in the Food Building for fifty cents. Hungary is featured in the Automotive Automotive Building. Square dancers at many pavilions. Congratulations to Terri St. Pierre and Garry Campbell who were married on Saturday afternoon, August 22 at Newcastle United Church. Rev. Donald Donald Stiles officiated. On Friday evening, August 21, 1992 at Newcastle United Church Kristen Leigh Hamel, daughter of Raymond Raymond and Edna Hamel, and Randy Alan Reid, son of Robert and Bonnie Reid were united in marriage by Rev. Donald Stiles. Birthday greetings to Debbie Pruner Colder, Murry Jose, Russell Powell, and Pauline Storks. Congratulations and best wishes to Sharon and Barry Head and Robin and Wendy Trinecr Rickard who observe August wedding anniversaries. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quinney and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited Evelyn and Tracy Em- bley.'Fenelon Falls. Miss Pat Belsey, Oshawa, visited last week with her aunt, Loma Adair, Who is wearing a cast on her arm. We wish her well soon. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were grandsons Adrien and Grayden Hunt, of Pontypool. On Saturday evening at Port Hope Legion Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Stanely Powell attended the wedding dance for Terri and Garry Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoff and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were among the many who attended the golden wedding anniversary party on Saturday night at the Moose Hall, Oshawa, in honour of Lloyd and Thelma Thelma Flintoff. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard enjoyed enjoyed the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Doug Galt at the Galt cottage near Kal- adar. ; A lovely miscellaneous shower in honour of Johnna Lynn Chard was held at the Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall on Sunday, August August 23. Delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Mrs. Margaret Bourne who passed away recently. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storkes were Mr. and Mrs. John Lefcv- re, Montreal. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a Hydro finance meeting meeting in Toronto. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Storks attended attended a Ganaraska meeting in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Scott were Friday overnight guests of daughter Cathy, Toronto. On Sunday Miss Judy Powell, Bow- manvillc, hosted a family picnic attended attended by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and other family members. members. Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. W. Vooys and Mr. Mike Vooys, High River, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Blakely, Brighton, Brighton, visited on Sunday evening with Harry and Mabel Wade. Last Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Gladys Wood were son Harold and his wife Shirley, Oshawa. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood of Newtonvillc to Claremont where the George Felgates had a family get together. together. St. George's Anglican Church At eleven o'clock on Sunday, August August 23, Holy Communion was celebrated celebrated at St. George's Anglican Church by the Rev. Cliff Evan. On Sunday, August 30, 1992, the rector, the Rev. D.W. Hall will be returning returning from holidays and "will celebrate celebrate Holy Communion at eight o'clock and Morning Prayer at eleven o'clock. United Church On Sunday, August 23, 1992, at Newcastle -United Church, the sacra-: ment of Holy Baptism was celebrated when Rebecca Lynn Ataman, daughter of Gary and Heather (Darlington) Ataman, Ataman, Whitby, was christened. Guest soloist was Mr. Rowland Coombes and Lay Reader was Mr. Tim Campbell. Rev. Donald Stiles preached the third in the scries on Joseph - Dream Interpreter. Interpreter. Flowers gracing the sanctuary were placed by the Atamans. Hampton V by Michelle Balson - 263-2240 The Hampton Sea Scouts were grateful for the beautiful weather this past weekend. The troop was camping near Cameron Lake thanks to a generous generous Scout family. The young men were there for some fun in the sun. They enjoyed sailboarding, water- skiing, sled-skiing and some tubing. They even built an outdoor shelter for shade. All had a great time and. arrived arrived home Sunday. Speaking of Sunday how many of us notice the beautiful Sunshine Girl in the Sunday Sun? Yes it was none other than Angie, a bom and raised Hamptonite. What a pleasure to see a real country girl grace this wildly looked at page. This certainly is a first for Hampton. I'm sure I'm not speaking speaking for just myself when I say how proud we are of her. Way to go Angie!! Angie!! The High Score at Wednesday's Euchre Card Party was better this week. Loma Swain took first place honors with a score of 94. Marian Ar- tym was second with 83. In third place was Bill Woolley with 81. Tied for fourth was Muriel Butson and Walter Murphy. Loma Swain also won the Most Lone Hands with five. No one won the Special again. Boy, that pot must really be building. The Draw winners were Clarence Bray, Ruby Cochrane, Walter Murphy, Carl Ferguson, Steve Artym and Roy Wood. Please take note that the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be having their registration on Monday, September 14th, at 7 p.m. sharp. This is to take place in the C.E. wing of the Hampton United Church. Parents must accompany accompany their boys in order to register. Leaders could always be had for the Beavers or Cubs. The Beavers meet on Mondays at 6:30 in the Church. The cubs also meet on Mondays, but at the school at 6:30. The Scouts meet Thursdays at seven at the Hampton Community center. Well, that's all she wrote, folks. Until next week, stay safe and enjoy. ,J.t> "Sho/fcT ! : ..TOtOKÏ It) :Vr '■ .■ ■ ' !>?<;•>■" i. ;!■; :: ■ pjjpBMii MOOUWDOD exterior stains , Moore A, PAINTS Quality protection Scnatuial beauty masks wood grain, enhances texture resists cracking, peeling, blistering for shakes, smooth siding, saw-textured lumber, fencing solid color exterior stain 95* 1 Reg. 32.4$ 4 LITRES WALLPAPER! 20°°' to 40°°" off WflLLPfiPER BOOK ORDERS See our In-stock selection for up to SO%* Savings y * off book price Our complete line-up of Moorwood Decking steins, dearwood finish and semi transparent stains is now on SOMMER SfiLE! sikkens Products MOW IN STOCK at fiBERNETHY'S ideal] paints^ Save Now On These Products From Ideal! No. 4100 m QC* No. 5000 > Zi| y9 Now Only Your choice of latex eggshell or semi-gloss finish. No. 3600 $1K95* Now Only I ^ Latex Ceiling Flat It's Not Expensive. It's Ideal * most colours ('ohm Latex House Paint •*•**« I itwfm i*"' 1 " Moore Colors that last and go on fast! ■ fade-resistant white and colors for wood, brick, concrete and metal ■ quick drying, easy latex application and cleanup, 4 J_ .20 MoorëA, Paints most colours fiBERNETHY'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 1 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville H Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8-6; Fri. 8 - 9; Sat. 8:30 - 5:00 ~ t.