14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 4,1992 Work Wanted Auction Sales Auction Sales Auctions Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293, 983-6221 26-tlSN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville 1-tfS LARRY QUINNEY PAINTING and DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 15 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 50-tfS CARPET and VINYL RESTRETCHES, REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Competitive Rates 623-5248 44-1S ' HOLROYD'S HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL-GAS-ELECTRIC Installations-Service Cleaning - Parts Plans HAMPTON 263-8501 16-tfSN LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING • Pump repairs & installation • New work • Repairs • Furnace Cleaning • Free Estimates for Friendly Expert Service Call 983-6214 24-tfN CB BARR'S (416) 987-1445 986-4277 Roofing • Sheet Metal • Skylights FLAT ROOFS • SHINGLES • PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING • SOFFIT • TROUGH • SUNROOMS • SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience Collect Calls Accepted 28-tlSN DAVID HILLS BUILDING SERVICES 1 DESIGN • DRAFTING • CONSTRUCTION TEL: (416) 786-2393 New Homes Additions Garages Barns •Sunrooms ►Decks ► Brick/BIk • Siding Framing Excavation Concrete Roofing 43-tfSN CaA Brink BUILDER OF FINE HOMES • Additions & • Renovations 987-4818 Newcastle, Ontario 1 44-1SNW- Auction Sales THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH 5:30 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES ' lUction Sale of Furniture & Antiques for Mrs. Anna Knight, Uxbridge, elling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including Oak side y side china cabinet, 9 pc. Dining Room Suite, hall table with rolled aet, pump organ, china & glassware. See last week's paper for full de- ails. 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH 5:30 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction Sale of Furniture & Antiques for John Rodick, Markham, selling it the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont., including RCA Colour TV, 6 ^ I r-» • • . . r-- « n. .U-- r-1 „s «Unxf Orx/M-tl hûH UUQC itand IG VV1IDUM 'jaico niona, ivyw, w...,, ~ , V Maple Dining Room Suite, Bonnet chest, Spool side bed, wash- l, Pine flat back cupboard, Oak rocker, round Oak parlour table, 1 u t --v-.^knric Q rlmuuor nrPRÇPf anu, rilio lldl UdUFX UUjJUvai v, van I vxyixxji, iww r-" J ' lesterfield, 4 Oak chairs, commode, twin beds, 9 drawer dresser, ne table, pine blanket box, cedar chest, Oak library desk, Philco radio 920's), Oak arm chair, tables, wooden chairs, coffee & end tables, tchen suite, frames, lamps, china & glassware, cups & saucers, gra- teware. Also GE freezer, Coldspot Fridge, Kenmore Stove, dresser ith bevelled mirror, chest of drawers, linen, Deutz-Allis 612 Riding iwn Mower, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Limited R.R. #2, UXBRIDGE, ONT. (416) 852-3524 (416) 852-9755 44-1S FALL SALE CALENDAR LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD. R.R.#2, LINDSAY, K9V 4R2 705-324-2774 STOCKER SALES Peterborough - Victoria Cattlemen's Association Northern Sales Network Wed., Oct. 28th: All Yearlings 10 AM Wed., Nov. 4th: Vaccinated Calves & Precon Calves 10 AM Wed., Nov. 11th: Yearlings & Calves 10 AM ANY PRODUCER INVITED TO CONSIGN Advance consignments mandatory. Consign to Wayne Telford, Bridgenorth 705-292-9531 43 . 2S AUCTION SALE LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE • BOWMANVILLE SATURDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 7TH 26 BEECH AVE. (LIBERTY ST., TO CONCESSION ST. W„ 2ND ST. TO BEECH AVE.) VIEW 6 P.M. SALE 7 P.M. OVER $150,000 WORTH IN MERCHANDISE, BANKRUPT STOCKS, REPOS, REPOS, UNCLAIMED GOODS, END OF LINES, SAMPLES ETC. WILL BE OFFERED OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION SALE. PARTIAL LIST: Jowolloiy, diamond rings, clusters, solitaires, pearls, gold chains, bracelets, gold walchos, diamonds, name watches, porcelain dolls and vases, Doullon S Rockwell ligurinos, collectors framed Canadian nickel & quarter coin, porlumos, cordless phonos & screw drivers, answering machines,CD machines,CD stereos, lypowrilors, 20" lo 29" TVS, VCRs, microwaves, Canon & Yashlca, cameras,! camcordors, household Items, 120 pc, mechanical tool sols, A.J. Casson prints, colloo, console, curio, lablos, roll top desks, end labiés, labiés, jowoll 8 cuilory boxes, bronze cutlery 6 place sot, total body & deluxe ski machines, chess sols, well clocks, copper, stool & enamel cookware, strollers, colling Ians, lamps, toys, knives, leisure suites, bomber jackets, rabbit lur coats, lire place screens solid brass, air bods, door chimes, antique replica radio radio cassoiio, food processors, doop Iryors, log lights, Yamaha keyboards, mini sowing machlnos, crystals, bowls, pltchors, salad sots, decanter & glass sols. Lots more Items nol listed,Terms: Cash, VISA, WC, cheques with VISA only, Auctioneers Nolo: This will bo iho last sale lor 1992 In Bowmanville Area wo have good variety lor Christmas Shopping ready lo gilt wrap, Try not to miss this sale, , 44-tSN GLOBAL AUCTIONS 475-3793 Sat., Nov. 7,6:30 p.m. "Saturday's Auction Action" at the Pethlck Auction Barn Haydon, 8 Mi. N. of Bowmanville, East Off Durham #57 at the 8th Con. of Newcastle This week we have the contents of a local home to include an' upright piano (mfg. in Bowmanville), Bowmanville), dining room suite, living living room suites, bedroom furniture, furniture, fridge, ' freezer, lots of small home related items, qu. of old tools, oak machinests tool chest, cedar chest, Ltd. edition prints, plus lots more interesting interesting and unusual items, large sale, open for viewing at 5 p.m. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa. For more information call 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K'. Powell Auctions, Member of Ontario Auctioneers' Assoc. Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 8 1 p.m. Riverside Auction Hall Front St. West, Hastings Complete Household Contents New almond frost free fridge, new almond 7.5 cu. ft. apt. size chest freezer, 4 burner range, beige sofa bed, glass door stereo/bookcase, B&W port. TV, microwave stand, swivel rocker, padded armchair, chrome suite, asst'd pots, pans, dishes, small hand appliances, appliances, single bed, fancy Mission Mission oak dresser w/swivel mirror, mirror, wringer washer, bedding, linens, blankets, glass, china, sea chest, ladder, wheelbarrow, small hand . tools, 6 drawer chest, small china cabinet, old fridge, wooden chairs, weed eater, gas lavyn mower, dehumidifier, dehumidifier, asst'd. pictures and prints, wall mirror, end tables, square oak table, hat rack, plus mise, household goods. Terms: Cash, Visa, MC. Les and Shawn Brittan, Auctioneers, Hastings 705-696-2196, Cobourg 416- .373-7255. Members of National Auctioneers' Assoc. Call now to book vour auction. Sat., Nov. 7,11 a.m. Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Machinery Some Furniture The property of John McKeen, Lot 23, Con. 8, Hope Twp., 1 1/2 miles west of Garden Hill on County Rd. or 10 miles east of Kirby. Int. 1256 Turbo diesel tractor with cab, 18.4 x 38 tires with duals; Int. 624 tractor, diesel, p.s.; MF 65 diesel tractor, tractor, p.s.; Int. Farmall H gas tractor; tractor; Case tractor loader back- hoe 350 with 410 loader; 2D Case antique gas tractors; MF 410 self-propelled combine, 14' grain head, 4R 30" corn head; Morridge 270 bus. corn dryer; Overum 5 - 16's -semi-mount spring reset plough; Ford 3 - 16's trip beam plough, 3 pt.; Ford 4 -16's trip beam plough, 3 pt.; Krausse 12' trail disc; MF 10' disc; 19' S tang cultivator with wings, 3 pt.; MF 10' cultivator; cultivator; 3 pt., 4 row corn souffler; 2 - 140 bus. grain boxes with gearing; 2 - 200 bus. grain boxes with gearing; John Deere .1240 corn planter; Oliver 16 disc combination seed drill; New Holland liquid manure spreader;- 1965 Çhev. 3 ton truck with good hoist; John Deere 7' power mower, 3 pt.; 3 pt. Fergùson rake; tube elevator; quantity of useable scrap pipe, channel iron, square tubing, some lumber, lumber, many other items. Beau- mark 12 cu. ft. frost free refrigerator; refrigerator; 2 window air conditioners; conditioners; dehumidifier, bedroom suite, suite, many other items. Lunch available. Terms: Cash. No reserve. reserve. Furniture sale at 11:00 a.m. Machine sale at 11:30 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324-9959, mobile 705- 749-7084. Sat., Nov. 7,10 a.m. Excellent Furniture Antiques, Glassware Rare Collectables at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay Property of Merv and Eleanor Bunker, long time collectors and contents of large Victorian Bobcaygeon farmhouse. Gorgeous Gorgeous 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, carved oak 9 pc, diner, Ige. oak bow front china cabinet claw feet, beautiful 3 pc. walnut bedroom suites, gorgeous marble marble top walnut buffet, beautiful ash and oak sideboards, walnut round center pedestal table, pr. arrow back chairs, rare handmade handmade chestnut chest, gorgeous oak side-by-side, oak S roll top desk, walnut chest porcelain pulls, marble top dresser, hall tree, pine cupboard, c1856 antique antique pine store counter, beautiful beautiful carved settee with serpentine serpentine front, mens and ladies Victorian chairs, Victorian platform platform rocker, carved upright piano,, fancy carved tables, pine blanket box, antique dentist dentist chair, Edison gramophone, Victrola gramophone, 2 antique wall telephones, interesting TTC baggage wagon, bear traps, cast Iron seats, 1910 1 1/2hp. International engine, 7' carved oak bed, 12' antique wood lathe, excellent Molfat auto, washer and matching dryer, 3 pc, wicker sot, 6 pc, rattan set, mantel clocks, approx, 30 old collectable sealers, Mickey Mouse wrlstwatch, wrist and pocket watches, jewellery, oil lamps, excellent glass and china, china, Royal Doullon figurines, R.S. Prussia, R.S, Gorman, carnival tumblers with butterfly pattern, carnival glass, oyster shell, copper lustre, Bavaria, Chez,, Moorecraf.t, Bridal Rose, Cosmos glass, opalescent, Nippon, shaving and moustache moustache mugs, granltowaro, crocks, Igo, qty. primitives, hundreds of Interesting and hard to find colloctnblo Items, Partial list, Orval McLean Auctions. Auctions. (705) 324-2783 Lindsay, Orval and Barry McLean Auctioneers. Auctioneers. No Auction This Friday at the Newtonvllle Auction Centre Sale Resume* on Friday, Nov. 13,1992 With a good selection of household articles. New apartment apartment size washer and dryer, captain's bed, used occasionally, occasionally, apt. size freezer, new hand tools, Marvel comics, Blue Jays World Series Collectables, collector's plates from Mainland China, Greece, USSR, Norman Rockwell. Plus breeding cock- atiels, budgies and white doves. Watch next week's paper for full listings then come out and have some fun. New number for Auction Centre, 786- 3151. Consignments welcome. Auctioneers Jim Couch 987- 1548, Dale Smith 723-7938, Sat., Nov. 14,1 p.m. Auction Sale of Registered Polled Hereford Cattle at Hickson Sales Arena R.R.2, Lindsay, Ontario "62" lots of functional Herefords AUCTIONEER Don Stephenson Phone 623-1726 Estates, farms and all consignments wanted. 45-lfS Sat., Nov. 7,10 a.m. at Warner's Auction Hall 1/4 Ml. W. of Colborne on Hwy.#2 Selling the contents of 10 room century farm home from Wooler area. The property of Mrs. Mildred Hurly and the late Mr. Hurly, an interesting sale with primitives, tools, Victorian furniture, furniture, etc. Everything original some pcs. needing refln., fancy burled walnut cabinet grand piano with bench, Boston rocker rocker w/original stenciling on back, unusual carved walnut side table, wicker fernery, solid walnut Victorian sideboard w/tear drop pulls, solid walnut ledroom suite with Victorian bedroom suite fancy high head and foot board, iuia ui lunvuvua,. dresser with candle holders and f u ror " 12 of lhe pr ?- vl !] c ® s matching washstand, all original herds. An outstanding oppor- suite, solid oak hiah bov shortwave, old 6 board dove tailed blanket box 1 full of old bedding, quilts, etc., quantity linens, large quantity old books, set of old chairs, modern bed, modern bunk beds and baby crib, old small tables from basement, carved East l j » ... maicntng wasnsianu, an ungincii herds. An outstanding oppor- a rare su j to| solid oak high boy tumty for the commercial or chest w /b e velled mirror, 1/4 cut purebred cattleman to buy re- oa ^ s j deboard with curved front placement stock to suit any and , daw feet _ child's Vic- beef operation. Blood lines from. tor j an rocker, matching ladies' ASB Ret Butler, Raceway, High rocker, child's hoop back Noon and Stick, etc. Sale time, highchair, rare fancy carved 1 p.m. For information or cata- Qibbard so |id walnut gate leg iogues contact Car Hickson, , ab | e (needs refin.), old cup- Auctioneer, 705-324-9959 or boards so | id w | anut spinnet Doug Armstrong Sale Manager desk 0 | d Grundig cabinet radio and Auctioneer 705-748-3604, wkb shortwave, old 6 board or Sales Arena 705-324-8311. Sat., Nov. 14,10 a.m. Auction sale of furniture and antiques antiques for the property of Wes Pearce of Blackstock, selling at the property across from Trewin Farm Equipment. To include: ,-- --- - - Immaculate round oak table, 6 T- Lake doll's seat, old signed back chairs, matching oak buf-, bisque doll, oak double pedes- fet, drop leaf table, bake table, tal desk, small oak plant stand, oak dresser w/mirror, matching oak parlour table, qty. old tools chest and dresser, hall tree, including old band saw, old drill Kenmore apartment size fridge press, old anvils, small primitive (white, 2 yrs. old), sewing ma- tools, old wooden planes, pine chine, gramophone, irons, carpenter's chest, old trunk, old humpback trunk, ant. Philco buttons, post cards, comic radio in original box, mantel books, old pictures and frames, clock, finger lamp, wood box, cast iron kettles, other cast iron linen, pictures, hat box, lantern, pcs., cast iron bank date 1885, cheese box, cross-cut saw, cast iron boot scraper, old tins, white rose sprayer, bake board, rare old Ltd. Edition 22 rifle with razors, shuttle, candy tins, 500 rounds of open ammo, a Concertina in original b.ox (ex.), real collector's gun, old wooden ; Glassware including: Depres- butter bowls, rare cobalt , blue sion, Carnival, crystal, Nori- miniature oil lamp, Austrian take, 4 Fiesta bowls, wringer vase, old copper pcs., 2 skat- washer, hand tools, garden er's lamps, metal toy train, tools, wooden wheelbarrow, turkey ft., rose bowl, Victorian. Note: Mr.'Pearce has been a cruet in stand, glass compote, long time resident of Black- qty. cups and saucers, unusual stock. He is giving up his super pewter self pouring tea pot quality antiques, furniture and dated 1886, qty. hall marked collectables, as his home is flatware, 2 old sugar shakers, sold. Sale sold and managed by sailers, fancy silver serving Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 985- pcs., partial set old blue and " AAO white china, oil lamps, old pitch er and bowl set with bucket and lid, old metal lamp, fancy old mantel clock dated 1883 (signed), brass candle holders, pair signed Moorcroft vases, Queen Victoria glasses, 2 Qurmper plates, Stirling pcs., Hummel figurines, small ornate brass clock, Royal Doulton cream and sugar, R.S. Prussia 1068. Sat., Nov. 7,10 a.m. Large Auction Sale 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby We are clearing out a restaurant, restaurant, deli, fabric, office supplies and furniture including, 2 door glass cooler j'ÿ3 deli counters, slicers, Neaii- cooler, scales, store shéliWfll). office supplies, Thurs., Nov. 5,6 p.m. Forced Sale at Warner's Auction Hall Hwy. #2, Colborne Financial problems have forced the sale of entire contents of Cobourg home, including appliances, appliances, VCR, furniture, 4 guns all never fired, household articles, articles, etc. Partial list consists of white 2 dr. F.F. fridge, 30" stove, portable colour TV, auto, washer, dryer, chrome suite, wooden table and chairs, small kitchen appliances, two 3 pc. sola, chair and loveseats, 2 exceptionally nice chaise lounge recliner chairs, love- seat, coffee and end tables, telephone table, VCR, trunks, knick knacks, dishes, lamps, pictures, solid wooden rocking chair, dressers, chests of drawers, small quant, mise, hand tools. Guns include lever action 30-30 Winchester, Mos. 20 ga. pump shotgun, 2 Mos. 12 ga. pump shotguns, ant. ext. table with 6 oak T-back chairs, 2 wing back chairs in excell, cond. plus numerous other household articles too many to list. An interesting sale with something for everyone. Plan to attend early. Sale starts 6:00 p.m. Terms: Cash,' cheque, Visa, MC. No reserves, Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355-2106. Estate Sales Thurs. Nov. 12th and Sat., Nov. 14th Selling an estate from Colborne and an estate from Baltimore. Watch next week's paper for listing on these two good sales., Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 355- 2106. Frl., Nov. 6,6 p.m. Cornell's Auction Barn 3 Ml. E. of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The estate of the late Leander Vradenburg of Cannington plus other consignors, antique oak dresser and washstand, antique antique bull's eye double bed, washstands, maple office desk, 6 pc. modern maple dinette suite, suite, chesterfield and chair, 5 wooden kitchen chairs, swing mirror, Whirlpool automatic washer and dryer, 15 cu. ft. chest freezer, upright freezer, antique chests of drawers, new brass bed, Electrolux vacuum, blanket box, lazy boy chair, wooden rocking chair, antique chest of drawers, refinished bonnet chest, refinished blan- ■ ket boxes, butternut bonnet, chest, refinished open face bookcase, 2 Victorian chairs, 18 lip. Cub Cadet hydrastatic lawn tractor with 50 in. mower, 48 in. snowblower with cab, chains, and wheel weights (150 hours in excellent condition), 1974 Dodge Coronet in good condition, plus a quantity of china, glass, small electrical • appliances and household items. Don and Greg Cornell, Auctioneers, R.R.#1, Little Britain, Britain, Phone or Fax 705-786- 2183. Auction Sale! "Kahn Country Auction»" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 Miles North of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wed. an excellent excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, collectables, primitives and the unu- suals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's Ontario's "True" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consignment "Consignment and estate selling our specialty". Phone us today. Preview from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services, 416-683- 0041, Thurs., Nov. 12,5 p.m. at the Islander Banquet Hall 150 Percy Créa, on Scugog Island Small good estate with dining room suite, maple desk, china cabinet, writing desks, wash- stands, wardrobe, sofabeds, small appliances, beds, dressers, dressers, small doll collection, old cradle, freezer, water pumps, air compressor, woodstoves, Harlequin book collection, teapots, teapots, mantel clocks, plus much more. Viewing from 2 p.m., 985- 9807 or Pearce Auction Services, Services, 655-8073. THE FIVE BASIC STEPS OF f .., CPR Call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number. If unconscious, tilt head back and lift chin until teeth almost touch. Tilt head,lift chin: check breathing. If not breadline normally, pinch nose, and cover mouth. Give two full breaths. ■ Give two breaths. Feel for a pulse at the neck. Place fingertips in groove of neck next to windpipe. ________ If you cant feel the Check pulse. S^mmeonto the next step. Position your hands in the center of the chest between the nipples. Place one hand on top of the other. Push down fabric, fridges, stoves, meat opiate, Royal Bayreuth tea set, & . ... ..... . -- j us numerous other collectâ tes, tools, household articles. Two auctioneers to sell this large sale selling in two rooms, plan to attend early and stay late. All to be sold with no reserves. reserves. Sale starts 10 a.m. Viewing from 8 a.m. day of sale. Lunch and coffee available all day. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, MC. Gary Warner, D. Denny. Auctioneers, 355-2106. grinder; chest freezers, con vection oven, 6 burner gas range with Salamander, dishwashers, dishwashers, cold tables, draft fridge, steam tables, large quantity of plates, glasses and small items from restaurant, coffee machine, fudge machine, microwave ovens, gas almond stove, computers, • glass showcases, reception unit, 9 pc. white modern bedroom suite, suite, 5 pc. rattan kitchen suite (glass top), sectionals, sofas, new Rainbow vac (1,500 new), wall unit, 5 table and chair sets, piano, organ, curio cabinet, king size bed, round oak table and 6 chairs, many smalls, washer, washer/dryer combo, (new), warehouse racking, 50 office dividers, dividers, 83 Yamaha 650 Maxima bike, 89 and 90 Astro van, 90 Cavalier wagon, 91 Firefly, 75 Corvette, 86 Cadillac, 45 ft. trailer and 66 yard truck, 90 Dodge 4X4 extend-a-cab plus much more! Note time: 10 a.m. Restaurant equip, first. Furniture Furniture at 1 p.m. Viewing: Fri. 1 - . 6 p.m. McLean Auctions and Liquidations, 686-3291 or 576- 7550.; Sun., Nov. 8,11 a.m. Auction Sale of Sports Cards & Memorabilia at the Pethlck Auction Barn Haydon, 8 Ml. N. of Bowmanville, East off Durahm #57 at 8th Con. of Newcastle This sale is a store closeout for Clarks Cards & Memorabilia, Colborne to include hockey card singles - 1986 Mario Lemieux, Lemieux, 87 Adam Oates, 84 Cam Neely, 84 Steve Yzerman, 87 Luc Robitalle, 81 Jari Kurri, 80- SI-8 2-83-84-85-8 6-8 7-88 Gretzky, Gordie Howe's, Bobby Orr, Andy Moog, Brett Hull, several Lindros cards, signed factory Classic Draft pick cards, signed factory Traks cards, 90 - 91 Pro sets, Pro set Platinum w/letter of authenticity, authenticity, 92 Fleer Ultra and many more. Ball cards to include Frank Thomas, Jose Concaco, Ken Griffy Junior, Mike Shmedt, Ricky Henderson, Mark McGwire, McGwire, 68 Nolan Ryan rookie card, 91 Stan Musial signed,. approx, 100 sets of cards, 50 boxes single cards, job lots, signed baseballs, box lots of money cards, lots of rookie cards, memorabilia and lots more. Large sale, something for everyone, viewing from 10 a.m. Terms are cash, cheque or Visa, For more information call 1-416-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions, Auction Sale Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 6 p.m. at Myles King Auctions 33 Hall St., Oshawa All consignments welcome. Estate Estate sales, etc. Est. in 1967. Myles King, Auctioneer 725-5751 Pump 15 times. Sit times. Continue with two breaths and 15 pumps until help arrives. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION Contact your local Heart and Stroke Foundation for information on CPR courses in your area. MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES Estates, Consignments, Households, Bankruptcies, Forms Sold at your location or ours. Mike MacGregor (416) 987-5402 Junior West (416)983-5556 10-tfSN CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST-ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. COMING EVENTS BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW. November 13, 14, 15. Brantford Civic Centre. Exhibits, equipment, crafts, seminars, prizes, carving competition. Friday: 4-9 p.m., Sunday: 10-5 p.m. Admission $5. Exhibitor info:,(519) 449- 2444. General inquiries 1-800-563-6858. FLEA MARKETS SMITHS FALLS. ABSOLUTELY a real flea market. Every Sunday year-round. Collectibles, crafts, antiques and nearly new. Dealers welcome. 65 Cornelia Street East. (613) 283- 8448, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as $100. BMWs, Cadillacs, Chevs, Fords, Mercedes, ' Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing free 24-hr. recording reveals how. 1-416-631-4666. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) for your new or existing small business. Information (416) 596-7521 ext. 98. GREAT PERMANENT, HISTORICAL/ record/resource. This newspaper and most of Ontario's weekly newspapers reproduced regularly in microfiche form. Duplicate copies available by calling OCNA, (416) 844-0184. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or tlmeshare? We'll take it! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baltworms In your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low Investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#1, Smithvllle, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Distributors lor hlgh-volume household item. Small investment for stock. Info, write: Double D Enterprises, 1148 Queen St. Kincardine, Ontario N2Z1G5. HELP WANTED COMMISSIONED EXPERIENCED salespeople salespeople lor floor and window coverings. Also floor covering Installers. Health and denial benefits available. Own transportation required, Fax resume to (604) 287-3007. POETRY POETRY CONTEST $12,000 In prizes. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less to: National Library Ol Poetry, Box 704-NC Owlngs Mills, Md 21117. FOR SALE NEW CATALOGUE! Uncommon B.C. products - many handcrafted. Gifts' goods, jewellery, crafts, toys, art, cards, more! $3 ($5 off order). Sergeant's, Box 2188, Vancouver, BO, V6B 3V7. BARN REMOVAL BARN REMOVAL. Everything from lowering old barns to ground level, to complete site clean-up. Some jobs free in exchange for salvage. Dan (416) 957-1015, Gene (416) 957- 0417. CAREER TRAINING LEARN . AUCTIONEERING at .the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next' Class: Nov. 21-27. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FREE CAREER GUIDE to home-study correspondence Diploma courses. Accounting, Air conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton, (5A)- 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES SINCE 1986, WE HAVE BEEN CANADA'S #1 display merchandising co. Our busiest season is the next 2 months. If you need to make $1,000, then call us today! 1-416-398-0919,1- 416-398-0924. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straltwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10,276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes available - Final summer clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Buildings winter special. Keep the factory busy during the winter months and take delivery In the Spring. Save up to 25%, Call toll-free 1-800- 668-8653, ' MEN'S HEALTH \ \ MALE POTENCY PROBLEMS? - Free , product Information on safe, drug-free, non- Invasive strategy. Guaranteed success. Wrlte/call: Performance Medical, P.O, Box 1273, Brandon, MB., R7A 6K4, toll-free 1-800- \ 663-0121. FOR RENT FLORIDA 4-STAR RESORT. Furnished, 2 baths, laundry, heated' pool, spa, golf, shopping, Minutes Djsney/Epcot, Sea-World, Universal, beautiful area, dinner shows. Weekly, Monthly. Phone (613) 646-2030. Your ad could appear In community newspapers In Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today) '•hi. -Ï V