2 The Canadian Statesman TVte^cmUx., Bowmanville, Saturday, November 14,1992 BAS. Presents Award to Outstanding Technical Students New "Green" Policy for Board Environmental Policy: Trustees with The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education approved approved a new environmental policy for the board and its schools on Thursday, Thursday, Nov. 5. "The board expects that environmental environmental impact will be considered carefully carefully in the decision-making and that concern for the quality of the natural environment will be reflected in the daily activities and decision making of staff and students," the policy states. The new policy deals with curricu- Drama Workshop Presents Dickens' "Christmas Carol" A group of local students has formed a youth drama group so they can remain active in theatre between their schools' presentations. It is their hope to produce and present a show next summer. In the meantime, meantime, they are working very closely with the Bowmahville Drama Workshop Workshop on our latest show, Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." which will be in production Decembers, Decembers, 4 and 5. The students are visible on stage and many others have teamed up with the Drama Workshop production production crew in first-hand training behind behind the scenes. They range in age from 8 to 17 years and number 22 in the cast and 16 on crew. Having all these excellent kids around with their infectious energy has added a spirit and excitement to otherwise mundane rehearsals and hard work. However, Director Bob Sheridan has been overheard more than once, mumbling something about his reason reason for retiring early from teaching being teenagers! A.C.T.S. stands for Association of Community Thespian Students -- - a new dramatic arts group with desire desire and enthusiasm. With "A Christmas Carol" only four weeks away, ticket sales have started. And, while there are no "bad" seats at the high school theatre, theatre, the "best" seats, as usual, are selling first. So, call today to reserve your seats at this year's family Christmas show. Tickets are only $6 ' for adults and $4 for students and seniors for the evening performances performances and all tickets are $4 for the matinee. matinee. Call 623-3588 or drop into "The White Rabbit" at 19 Scugog St. --Submitted by Jane Vatcher P.S. Watch for our float in the Santa Claus Parade. Yuletide at the November 20-22 . •. ' • . . I : .V . ■ The Visual Arts Centre is once again busy preparing for its annual Yuletide at the Mill November 20 to 22. This year's events feature a draw for prizes which include original original art and a sleigh and two reindeer, reindeer, especially painted for Yuletide by Rowena Bridger and Sean McQuay. In addition, we are taking this opportunity opportunity to make a special presentation presentation to Elfried.e Haunsberger on Friday, Friday, November 20, at 7 p.m. in recognition of her importance in the development of the VAC. Entertainment throughout the weekend includes an excerpt from "A Christmas Carol" performed by the Bowmanville Drama Workshop. Music will be provided by Mike Cowles, Murray Kendrick, Gregory Ward, and Ken Dykeman and a children's children's activity centre. Treat yourself to scrumptious holiday refreshments such as hot cider, cider, cookies and fudge. Holiday shoppers will find a wide array of handcrafted items, and a special shopping room for children. This year's art show, entitled "100 Small Paintings" offers collectors collectors a wide choice of works priced under $200. For those in attendance on Friday night, all artwork is discounted discounted by 10 per cent and many of the artists will be present. lum, purchasing and day-to-day practices. practices. For example, in purchasing, the board will purchase "whenever possible" possible" environmentally sound products, "consider paying a marginal premium for proven environmentally sound products," and investigate joint purchases purchases of "environmentally friendly" products with such groups as The Trent Valley Educators. The policy covers energy conservation, conservation, and the use, where possible, of non-toxic, non-polluting, biodegradable biodegradable cleaning products. It deals with indoor air. quality, pest control, and groundscare. The policy also calls for the incorporation incorporation of environmental education into the "content and methodology" of the instructional program and says that "specialized courses in environment environment education shall be developed." Summer School: The Northumberland and Newcas- Five Bowmanville High School students received their just rewards recently in the form of plaques tie Board of Education will hold ele- and trophies from the school. The top student in Grade 12 Woodworking is Jim Ovenden. The Grade 9 mentary summer school again in Basic Homecare Top Student is Dave Bristow; Grade 10 Electrical Top Student is Ian Gunter; Grade 9 p' , • . , . , Best Over All and Electrical Top Student is Bill Harford while the Grade 9 Drafting Award was re- been growing Tteadily 1 moving 0 from ce * vec * by Brandon Bowler. Technical Director Frank Varga joined the Technical Department's award- 787 students in 1985 to 1034 students winnin g students and offered his congratulations to them for winning the top awards out of the 50 prein prein 1991. sented to technical students at B.H.S. mm mm 12Ç U(iny tSbiEsi Eaii ■ !Bo wmanudï.E 623-8100 cotdiatty InoltEi. you to join, witfi tu on. - ^Dkwi6,day,dAfotj. 12 ^Jtlday, <^Nou. 13 <£atwiday, cdVov.iq, 10 a.m. -- 5:30 10 a.m. -- 7 ji.m. 10 a.m. -- 5 ji.m. # <24. WE OtlEt OUA, <( ' . » ■ y uLdlaz lading ± and alio, 15% H$L±count on û,lon,£ mviohccndi^E, (IknitittioA. Il^Edoiatloni. -- ÏJdlcfzEM. dfEtitayE O/lflayE and many Exaillny yijt y winy u(.Ea4. (iauE alt (jEEn aiEatEd and dli.jilay Ed jot y out dfixiiimai. dPltaWiXE, SM ÿ:2jj