16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 9,1992 Section Two Happenings in Elizabethville New Slate of Officers for Eastern Star- By Edna Thickson Church services were very well attended. attended. The committee that met Thursday had put up a tree and decorated decorated the church altar and windows, beautifully. Reverend Sedgwick opened the service and took as the first lesson Matthew 24: 3644 about the coining of the son of man. No one knows the day or hour. Andrea Wood sang a solo. Announcements Decern-.' ber 13 th: Annual White Gift serviceJ Garden Hill Christmas Concert De-f comber 20 at 5 p.m. and Elizabethville Concert December 13th at 7:30 p.m. Expression of Worship Faye Ken-j nedy lead us in an action song. Chil-I drens minute was lighting of the first] Advent Candle. Joanna Embury read the introduction to the Candle Lighting. Lighting. The small children had woode images of shephards, animals, etc.l which they placed on the table for al picture of the manger scene they arej building for Christmas. The second] lesson was from Romans 13: 11-146 about how the Christian life should be| lived. His sermon was, "Floods, Absences, Absences, and Burglaries". Telling about, the end of the present age arid thel coming of the Kingdom of God. Cof-f fee was served at the close of the ser- sented Ireland, England, Scotland, U.S.A. and others which she would place on different members heads and if it was Scottish we would sing two Scots songs etc. After there were about a dozen with the various hats • and they had to parade around then some took pictures of them. These hats were very out landish so everyone everyone had a good laugh anyway. Most of the officers for the coming, year were re-elected. The December birthday birthday pot luck will be the 17th and no. meetings until January 7th. Durham Chapter No. 181, Order of the Eastern Star, held its annual Installation Installation of Officers for the Northern Tranquility year (1992-1993) at the Nightingale Centennial Temple, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, October 27, 1992. The evening began with the custo mary meeting, followed by the Installation Installation ceremonies. Our Worthy Matron, Matron, Mrs. Freida Solima and her father, Mr. Fred West, were assisted by the Installing Officers for the evening, evening, Mrs. Annis Bunting, P.G.M. and the Installing Marshall, Mrs. Audrey Martin, P.G.M. The Installing Chap lain was Mrs. Greta Brown, P.M. and Installing Organist, Mrs. Grace Hunt, P.M. Solos were sung by Mrs. Lynda Clements, P.M. and Mr. Roy Taylor. The Worthy Matron's Project this year will be Denise House. Refreshments followed downstairs. A lovely evening evening was had by all. vice. On Sunday afternoon an eighteenth! nie's home at Garden Hill. I was mi' able to attend. June Moore Stayner spent the weekend with E. Thickson. voiy (Muldrew) were welcoming us. birthdays. A dainty lunch was served b; ladies of the church. About o'clock Don Whitbred, a gran and wife Marilyn read stories and in- I cidents that had happened over the years. A great_ grandson-in-law also spoke. Elva made a short reply. They had many pictures on display of times that use to be. I Last Saturday David Austin, James! Burton and Jeremy Guest competed in I the Community Quiz at Peterborough! Radio Station CHEX and won fori North Hope Public School. Their op-1 ponents were from Roseneath School. I Irene Beatty returned home Satur-1 day after spending 3 weeks with her! daughter and family. Doris and An-1 drew brought her from the airport. I Shane and Sophia Toronto and two I friends of theirs with 2 children from ! Peterborough were with Jackson and | Susan Peacock on Sunday. On Thursday "our Seniors club cele-1 brated Christmas with a hot turkey and ham dinner put on by Diane Ther- tell and husband which we did enjoy. We had a Christmas tree and decorations. decorations. We also celebrated the month's birthdays which were Charley Finnic, Jack Barkwell, and Bill Graham, with Charley winning the draw. Everyone had been asked to bring a gift and Fare Share donations. Fern Thertell president, presided, several gifts were donated to those that had helped to make our club a success. We didn't ] play cards but had a group, Jeanie, Bonnie and Bruce from Wilmot Creek, who played on the organ and a dmm and sang. Bonnie was the leader and had many fancy hats that repre- Yelverton News By Harvey Malcolm On Sunday morning Ross Benns presided at the Holy Communion at Yelverton United Church and was assisted assisted by Elder Mrs. Ann Hurren. This was the first lime that Mr. Benns had conducted a Communion Service with full authority to do so without assistance, assistance, he did a fine job of it too, Also assisting in the service were Mrs. Darlene Malcolm and her two oldest sons who lit the first Advent Candle "Hope" - with explanation of its significance. Mrs. Hazel Gray presided presided at the piano. The Yelverton U.C.W. arc scheduled scheduled to hold their Christmas meeting with a luncheon at the Greystone restaurant restaurant on Thursday a.m. December 3rd. Mr. Howard Malcoltn flew to Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan this week to attend attend the Outlook Conference, sponsored sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, with around 650 individuals individuals in attendance. , The Convention was looking for a day of sunshine in the otherwise bleak economic future of our country. Perhaps Perhaps they should rename it the Optimist Optimist Club. The only solution we can sec is to have a federal election and replace the bunch of "Duds" who currently currently hold office with someone (or anyone) who has a clue as to how to rectify our current economic plight. On Saturday, Corric and I enjoyed a special occasion by attending a 90th birthday party for Mrs. Elizabeth Georgina (Pankc) Downing at Tcston United Church - which is located near King City Ontario, not far from Wonderland. Wonderland. Mrs. Downing (then Mrs. Pankc) lived for several years in the Nesllcton area and taught school at the old Ccdardalc School. On the premature premature death of her first husband, she with her 4 young children Bclford, Barbara, Marilyn and Raymond, moved to Nesllcton from Maple Grove where she raised her family under under adverse conditions, It was our personal personal pleasure to he asked to read all the various congratulatory messages from the federal, provincial and local municipal governments. We were delighted delighted to provide a congratulatory poetic (?) address of our own conco- lion to the Guest of Honour as well. t IVrVjil ^ -- ip ■ ' i ' ; . m | MAXWELL H HOUSE §5 GROUND B COFFEE B fi k9 Case ol 24 x 355 mL cans 4 Sclnveppcs _ --\ GINGERALE OR TONIC WATER r^oV OlCl \ ■ REG. OR DIET, SODA WATER OR \ RASPBERRY GINGERALE \ -REG. 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