re section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Wednesday, December 16,1992 3 inion and Comments courses The second session of the 35th Par- ciai assistance recipients have taken liament of the Ontario Legislature pre-employment January through until March, including wrapped up late last Thursday evening many of them for their first job. P Env -Board Act'^he Long Temi'care'Law of comprehensivTpl^ 'ofïvÏT Sm "L this P ro 8 ramof - Statute Act, the Insurance Act and cer- While the holiday season is woven ment legislation P 8 m fu» h f n 6,00 °h nCW icm S ^ ta,n other acts relating to Auto Insu- around a wealth of traditions that we I must say that the drive back home l,200had ten ptSiy'" and the Pay Equity Act ^KS'lblZ.'ih^ later that night, proved to be quite an employed Ontarians. Projects financed My column next week may be rath- lh erm st^nd oüt^n iïl V„ nîr adventure. The snow fall created traffic by JobsOntario Capital put 'at least er dry to some of my readers. Howev- mcmor ; cs This nriv verv well he nnn snarls en-route from Queen's Park to 3,000 people'back to work. er, I will give you the complete list of suc i 1 chriqtrmc ^ ^ Orono the likes of which haven't been Th „ -, legislation passed during the Fall Ses- In the Stcvenson hous ehold, our by Ross Stevenson, M.P., seen since the early '50's. The government also continued This government, like all other gov- with . its reform-minded agenda this uw J( emments, has faced tough economic session. Reforms ranged from legisla- fl times this session. We've had increased tion that expanded the political rights uecl demands because of the recession, and .? wn employees to legislation to we've had fewer dollars with which to P r ™ d . e Clvi1 immunity to voluntary address these demands. But we have hrctighters. . continued to work on real issues that " e ? re a s ? committed to expand will help the people of this province. P ay c 9 u, ty to 420,000 more women in We brought forward legislation that "* 1S P rovince as well as legislative ef- will invest in training to get people * or ^ s protect patients from sexual ha- sion. In the following week's column, ,. ,, e inno T „ ,, • two youngest have been away attend- the last for 1992, I will attempt to re- ing univcrsity at Halifax ai f d King „ . u P° n the year that has passed so ston, so that Elaine and I are very quickly. much looking forward to having them for a good old-fashioned white Christmas, Christmas, with lots of snow to cover the ground. When I was a youngster that meant thcre'd be skating on the pond, and tobogganing on the nearest large hill. For the younger generation today, the skating's more likely to be done indoors at an arena, and snowmobiles arc the favoured means of zooming , about outdoors. One thing that's unfortunately very different this year for most of those in rural areas is the sad state of the field crops. Despite the snow, I expect many farmers - myself included - will spend some of the festive season try- w working again in jobs that make sense in our new economy, through introduction introduction of the Ontario Training and Adjustment Adjustment Board Act. We launched a major reform of long term care in this province. And we passed legislation that will give vulnerable people more power and protection protection through advocacy legislation. JobsOntario, which was announced rassment. The third session of the 35th Parliament Parliament will begin next spring with a Speech from the Throne. During the intersession, I will not be on holiday, with the exception of the Christmas break, and a few days in March, when hopefully I will see the Blue Jays at their Spring Training Camp. ■ T „.:i . v ' , back home with us again. Untd next week - remember The At the time this was written, it ap- hcart that loves ,s always young." pcarcd [ha[ wc might wc „ be ^ -- -- --oywivj aumv ui mu jubiivv suasun iry MRP Gord Mills Announces Funding for Local Libraries ing to salvage what should have been last fall's harvest. On the Stevenson farm I fully anticipate anticipate that the com dryer will be running running throughout Christmas Day. That's a very definite first - and I hope last - among such family holiday experiences. Economically, this past year hasn't been all that good for most Canadians. We're not alone in that respect. Most parts of the world are affected by the lingering recession, with money and good jobs harder to come by. Thankfully, we now are seeing some strong indications that this will improve during 1993. For those involved involved in businesses and industries geared to export markets, it could well be a record year. Whatever our personal circumstances, circumstances, during this season all of us in Canada have much to be grateful for, especially when we think of what Christmas will be like for those in so tees, many troubled parts of the world. For MPP Gord Mills (Durham East) to- contain the bibliographical information ter Haslam. "The INFO grant will give P 1056 un ^ ortunatc souls, bare survival The Legislature's all-party commit- day announced, on behalf of Ontario about six million books, records, and these libraries the potential to link the is a struggle forced upon . 1T s, which I am a member of, will be Minister of Culture and Communica- audio and video tapes held in 120 pub- library with other information centres thcm by P C0 P le and situations which m the April 30 budget, is on track. Un- considering a number of key pieces of lions Karen Haslem, grants totalling He and county libraries, Utlas Interna- such as schools, community colleges' they cannot contr ol. der this training, more than 1,UUU so- government legislation commencing in $6,000 to two area libraries. The Infor- tional of Toronto, in cooperation with university and special libraries and Dunn S Christmas, at the very least mation Network (INFO) grants will Auto-Graphics, is producing the data- other information providers " ' • we can share our thoughts and prayers help these libraries upgrade their com- base. with them, and with the valiant Cana- puters and participate in the new prov- The Information Network for Onta- The Metropolitan Toronto Refer- dian Forces personnel who will spend ince-wide resource-sharing informa- rio (INFO) will help build the provin- ence Library, the Ontario Library Ser- the holiday season trying to bring tion network to operational in 1993. cial information system described in v i ce North, the Soutem Ontario Li- peace to these troubled areas, far away The grant recipients are: Scugog the Ontario Library Strategic Plan, One brary Service and Utlas worked in from their own homes and loved Public Library ($3,000) and Newcastle Place to Look. The plan's purpose is partnership with the ministry to make ones. Public Library ($3,000). r. " develop more equitable, efficient, this project possible. w The library community is enthusias- effective programmes, collections and tic about the Information network," services for a diverse public facing the These grants will help the libraries said Mills." "Through the Information changing social, political, economic com Plf t£_tiie first phase of this multt- ACCOUNTANCY WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE NEWCASTLE. HOME CAM CENTRE HOBB GILLIES BAKKER Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Robert L. Gillies, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. 118 King St. E., Bowmanviile 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND| Chartered Accountant 200 Bond Street West, Suite 211 Oshawa, Ontario LU 2L7 Business (416)721-8600 Fax (416)721-8604 N. L. WOODHOUSE & Assoc. Certified General Accountant NewViews and bedford Installations and Support 8 Holgate Cres., Bowmanviile 623-9650 DOUGLAS R. FREEMAN B.A., C.A. Chartered Accountant 511 Bond St. W„ (Bond St: at Stevenson Rd.) Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2M2 Phone 576-4619 LEGAL SERVICES MERVYN KELLY LAW OFFICE 41 Temperance St., Suite 202 Bowmanviile, Ontario Phone 623-4444 124 Hour {MM Phone I | Service ^ (416) 436-09851 We put the meaning back Into the word 'care'. CHIROPRACTIC DR. LAURENCE A. GREY D.C., N.D. Chiropractic, Naturopathic and Homeopathic Clinic 243 King St. E. Oshawa, Ont. L1H1C5 725-7000 Bowmanviile Family Chiropractic Centre Kathlynn M. Hoch p.c. Katherine A. Wood, b.Sc. d.c. Renee Boa, Certified Reflexologist Bonnie Hoch-Mclnall, Certified Reflexologist I • Chiropractic and Sports Injuries • Laser Acupuncture • Foot Ortholics ■ Reflexology/Aliergy Testing • Massage Therapy • Stress Management 1623-8388 43 Ontario St. | Bowmanviile Chiropractic Naturopathic Clinic John W. Hawrylak, D.C., N.D.. Licensed Naturopath 168 Church St., Bowmanviile (416) 623-4004 Spinal And Nerve Care ■ Nutrition Hair Mineral and Vitamin Analysis Acupuncture Food Intolerance Testing HOME SERVICE We each may have our own particular particular creed or beliefs, but the original Christmas message of peace through understanding has a meaning for eve- "^uiv iiuvnuiauuu O b ouviuij ^wmivui, wviiuilliv . txTTTA • . T)t_ 1 • . 1 o O v network Scugog Public Library and and personal demands of life into the . g ® rlv: C T , asc \A S ttle P(°" ryonc, and should be a predominant -- . } vincial CD-ROM database. Phase 2 m- r -- c -- -• Newcastle Public Library now new_century, cess to the provinces's pool of informa tion.' During the recession, it is vital for volves a telecommunications delivery feature of our lives. My own strongest personal wish is communities to have ready access to s y stem which will help users access that each and every one of you will The provincial database will bc'in new information and ideas so that we 'dcntified through the enjoy the merriest possible Christmas, multi-disc CD-ROM format and will can create a better future," said Minis- system. and that 1993 will be a year of happi ness and fulfillment. LAW OFFICE P. Heslin LL.B. Family Law Real Estate 38 King Street East, Bowmanviile, Ontario L1C 1N2 (416) 623-5554 1-800-465-2605 SERVICES BARINA | HOME CHECK - Vacation Home Checking - Wedding Day Gilt Silting Barb Shetler -- Ina Cox Newtonville 786-2996 BONDED COMPUTER SERVICES Modern Detention Centre To Replace County Jails Landed Immigrant from Thailand Hits the Headlines The snnounccment by Allan Grossman, minister of reform I Mlllbrook Reformatory for use Institutions, that the Mlllbrook |as the maximum security unit Reformatory will be the home of the centre, The centre's of the Kawartha Regional Dc-! facilities will be completely tentlon Centre means that five [separate from the reformatory counties In the district will be and there will be no Inter- Grundy's Country Upholstery Studio CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 983-9874 THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME INTERIOR DESIGN 2020 Hwy. #2, Bowmanviile 623-7483 Margaret Coombes Gloria Brooks • In-Home Consultations • Window Treatments • Colour Co-ordination Portfolios • Furniture • Wallcoverings • Room Accessorizing 18 Years Experience ANDELWOOD HOMES Custom Homes Additions and Renovations . For Free Design Consultation and Estimates Phone 623-6786 - 985-8696 (Ev.) DON'S COMPRESSOR SERVICE > Service • Overhauls • Maintenance Parts for most major makes and models | Portable, Stationary and Gas Driven (416) 623-7226 J. C. OFFICE SERVICES Secretarial and Bookkeeping WP 5.1 Instruction (416) 623-2076 ANDY'S SOFTWARE INC Custom Designed Software lo solve YOUR problems. SPECIALIZING IN INTEGRATED ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS • Inventory Control • Sales Tracking • Receivables • Payables • General Ledger Complete alter Sales Service and Instruction Computer Seles, Services, Melntenance and Supplies Amortization Schedules 623-2375 2538 Maple Grove Rd„ Bowmanviile INVESTMENTS LLOYD M. METCALF RRSPs • GICs • Mutual Funds • Stocks thr proposed Institution. I tion centre will also be built. The minister said* U I» pro-1 Work on the new facilities Salvation Army Helps More Than 72 Families I Ï- Enjoy Christmas ore than 72 homes In the Baskets for large families •rea were gladdened by a each contained a whole tuN Christmas box from the Sal-|key, medium size familles de- vatlon Army, which adheres pending on the sges of the to Its tradition of giving help children received a half tur- to the needy In the spirit of key or a whole one, and small Christmas. The 72 Christmas'families a quarter of a tur- baskets made all the difference key, to the parents, and children In' Each basket also contained these families, and turned; .turn to paoe two what could have been a sadj inddreary day Into happiness.! uTT irlday afternoon, start- isfd to adapt part of the will dejend on the progress msde oz other features of the departmint's Integration plans. The nimi "Mlllbrook Reforma- tory wll be dispensed with snd the mtlre complex wll! be known is the Ksw.rtha Regional Jetentlon Centre. It had teen ortglnslly planned planned to contruct ■ regional jail, near Petenorough, , to serve the countlesof Durham. North- umberland, Peterborough, Vic- torla and Ialtburton. Land was purchasd and plsnnlng wss under wy. The estimât- ed cost of th orlglnil centre, which was to -eplace the sglng county jails, xes $1,819,000. It Is estlmabd that $100.000 has been ipen by the board on land acqulstjon, architect's fees and well digging. The minister sa Id '.he detention centre board wuld be relm- burned for all It expenses. Based on the origins! estimates, estimates, the Unite* Counties of Durham and Nothumberland would have paid 3.33 per cent 0 < i 0, i ot pnstructlon, with Victoria and Hallburton Counties paying 18pe r cent of he cost of constrctlon. and Peterborough counk and city '50.84 per cent l at the Salvation Army Citadel, Division Street, for their Christmas baskets, On' Katurdiy morning, Captain] Herbert Fraser was asslstedi by several men from his con. gregatlon In distributing bas. fcets to other homes. Local 'Go-Go Dancers Perform at C.W.L.'i V Party for Christma; An amazing, amount of. pi vifcion appoarancei^photoi <n^l' _ Including tele- - ---- .. -, --j- stories, followed the arrival by BOAC plane last week of this native Rough Yi Popular Mayorj of Thailand, a 500-nound baby elephant The young lady, about a ytartitd, spent' LVrftfmis her^Todgtf* in Bowmanviile Zoo, along with the man 1 * ' ' was one of the best Christmas presents they have ever recHfetl. TbayX* been working for several year* tzy- lng to arrange delivery of an elephant and were idJghted when this one arrived. Mr 'ihowti'above'fmling the* [. Whei TRAGEDY -- A comparatively new Bowmanviile family suffered, a tragedy last Wednesday, when Courtney Stanton, 33, of 5 Mill Lane was killed in a two-vehicle accident near Cheraw, South Carolina. Mrs. Stanton and her three young children children are now in South Carolina, for the funeral. Mr. Stanton had returned to South Carolina to bring back their furniture after they had decided to stay in Canada. No further details were available, t t t t t WONDERING •-- This item was sent In from Tyrone, Mrs, Sid Cornish of Tyrone advises that her Muscovy ducks have layed several eggs this past week. She is wondering what has caused this. Could it be the unseasonable weather or the Impact caused by the contemplated pass- ing of Darlington's restrictive zoning by-laws pertaining to agriculture.'Her husband says no one should count their ducklings before they are hatched. t t t t t BUSINESS An advertisement in this edition advises that Ginny and Audrey Osmond have opened a hair-styling business at 24 Division St., where Huyck's Hairstyling was. This daughter and mother combination is quite popular and their many friends will wish them well with the venture. t t t t t MOVING The whole Goheen family have been busy this week carting merchsndise from their present handy store location, King SL, West, to the former Carnation Flower Shop just west of Marris Jewellery. The move should be completed by the end of the week, just in time to start 1968. in their new quarters.. No information is available on possible occupants of their former store. t t t t t THANKS -- Sincere appreciation is expressed to . ' The catholic Women's Lea-. Newcastle).- With humr m «owmanvuie ^ 00 . along With the many A^r tnr;l u . e . h n ld ,i , y rce =. ,ul , chrl îV|thtery goodwill SantsC!ausl kies and olhcr animals that spend the win Caf tOrim*« Party In St. Joiephs.distributed the sifts, os frJShe suffered no annarent ill pffnrt* fmn Auditorium on s recent even-'everybody present Ina which was well attended; Mrs. Rletmutlcr 'c ■ n . d . much enjoyed. The pre- excellent program 0I sidcnl, Mrs. R. Vcnasie, wel- tslnment by reading ; rnmrrl th* mxmtixri anri #Li .... . Of Pori Hope'iS lhe m ' mb, '"" d , ti«iri^'-hV^n^"çhrîAm«î-.V' 1 ' On the stage a tall Christ- birds, mon- ,u,, ni - - - --r---- --- -.nter indoors. f 0r She suffered no apparent ill effects from the piano trip although with the other passengers, she was held ilr l u P al M° ntrca l due to fog conditions at Toronto. For ,m mo owners, Keith and Barbara Connell, her arrival ^ _ i--. In. Connell is r rtove ïseding the-yornigiteriWlo*' faltn Inter-' 1st in life Is eating. When The Statesman photographer irrived at the zoo, the Connell's stove was covered vlth huge buckets of special food for the elephant. It be fed with a bottle topped by a king size lipple. Miss Thailand will not be on public display mtll the zoo reopens jicxt spring, Irweitmirt advisoti to Cmadtm entaui* «a intsrpnung Cwaàant 12 King St. E„ Oshawa L1H7M9 434-6161 tt . . . vii ii-Kx I 1*11 vilil. Sadness rtm« fnr Perl jmas tree surmounted with . Hopei Ms y or Michael I silver star glowed with col- ÎV. ,d î k '. w , hoie V hr . r llk ? I 0rcd Hehts rc'.ected on many (Alee) died on Monday at attractive ornaments. Holly Oshawa General lloipllal. wreaths and large red bells Anxiety alio rame for the enhanced the background. FINANCIAL SERVICES ^^"TîîëmîTTëmTînsürâncë™ - ™™ • RRSPs - RRIFs • Annuities • GICs • Disability and Group JOHN WILLOUGHBY 623-4038 623-3108 Th* Mutual Group mayor during this trying period, when hla son Daniel underwent a kidney stone . tiiieiitlon In a Peterborough hospital, It has been a rough year ror the mayor, whoie wife Mary alto was sent to hot. vital earlier In thr year. Both hit son and wife are home and well now. Let ui hope the family are over the rough waters and will have smooth tailing jn the coming year,--Kxam- Centennial Year now draw * c '°. ,e ;.* h ? P° ln, f<J out. A Rhythmic Dance gri fully performed by Mrs, ITUHN TO PAGE T*0> The spacious hall wn bright with Yuletlde decora, lions. Christmas centrepieces effectively adorned the tables which were lighted with tall red tapers In crystal candle- sticks. A delicious pot luck supper wns scrvrd. Afterwards, the entertainment entertainment convenor Mrs. Egon Rletmuller. who Is an accomplished accomplished pianist. played a medley medley ot ChrUtmas music which was climaxed with "Jingle Bells" for the arrival *' Santa Claus ^Magnificent Performance Staged by Dance Group a\ INSTALLS RECEPTACLE! Many favorable commenta e _ 4-fSïïES Recreation Dept. Concert JPo^rionK Bowmanviile main- " ':The Baton, Ballet and Tap The younger sallorettes per* " knclng Concert by pupils of j? rmed „ well_ In the Cadet i W \ ,l f r . F . renk ' e Estate colorful Insignia are reproduc- td on the side of the most attractive metal refuse collect- It Is hoped that more people _ will use the receptacles Instead ie arrival of of cluttering up the streets (John Matsrr.'wtth their garbage. S-s Irenle Harvey Avler, wai held Tyn Hall audltoi Winesday evening :v and Mrs. id In the auditorium last inesday evening under the ibices of the Bowmanviile Department and tint the auditorium almoit to caputy. Present Service Pins to Hospital Empleyees Licensed with Mutual Life of Cnn.tda LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St. W., Bowmanviile Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589| Employoo Group Bonotits (Minimum 2 Employees) Lifo Insuranco - Porsonal and Corporalo Bosl Intorost Ralos • RRSP's • RRIF's • Annulllosl Incomo Roplacomonl lor Disability COULD ADVERTISE IN I» THIS SPACE 1 1 CALL - DRAFTING The irmed well In the Cadet Corps Fancy Drill. Those tak- ng part were the "leader, Kathy Blake, and Jill Stocker, Janet Lovekln. Carla Phillips, Nancy Rletmuller, Sharon Far- row. Sharon Piper. Barbara Hrnnlng, Sherry Cox. Michelle Lament. . ,T}ny Jota Ballet was delightful. The little dancers Denise Fisk, Jennifer Pettit, Leslie King,.Judy Ko- vaci and Louise Kovacs. Much applause also awarded awarded the young dancers In the Pre-Primary Ballet. Amy Chow, Ldwlna Scto, Carol Trolley. Andrea Ward, Mel- anle Ward. Louise Purdy, Pamela Cattran. Sally Brad- ley and Marlon Van Henlgan. The Primary Ballet wns danced with grace In perfect 1TU6N TO PAUE 1WOI HOCKEY TOURNAMENT On Friday and Saturday of this week, there should be some excellent hockey gamea at the Memorial Arena during the big Midget • Juvenile tournament. Games will continue throughout the two deys. For more details, check the ad- vertlaement on the sporia page. the many correspondents and other news gatherers who took the time late last week and early this wick to send in stories items for ?Qs.issue. Next week'will also be a short one : wi!h L'cw'YevXY Day on Monday, so co-operation is again requested to have the news and advertising in as early as possible. t t t t t BOOKS *-- If the Editor Isn't around as much in,the next few days as usual, don't be alarmed. ! Santa Claus brought him several books that he's ' most anxious to read at the earliest opportunity. So far, there hasn't been time available to get at them. He'll probably hibernate this week- , end, behind locked doors. t t t ft THAT'S LIFE -- Charlie Dickie, Concession St. East, quit smoking last week with sad results. His Christmas presents included a new pipe, probably the best he'll ever own, two tins of pipe tobacco and a humidor with 25 cigars. That's the way the mop flops, as they say. 8FUKRED INTEREST lope and Cored Cored Incentive Recently. Port Hoi bourg were declared areas by the Ontario government government which means that ani Industries locating there wll receive special tax copsldera- One local teal estate man, with connections In that area, has Informed The Statesman that the new category for the two caitern towns has itlrred up considerable Interest with enquiries being received from tries" * ,CW pro,pectlve lndu *' Possibly, Bowminvtlle's new town council might be well advised to check Into the de- tails to. determine tf this municipality might alio le de. dared an Incentive area. We certainly could use some additional additional Industry. Downsview Man Wins Kinsmen Ski-Doo At Reasonable Rates Residential Commercial 4 Industrial ABBOTT GIBSON TECHNICAL GROUP 571-5580 RUSS 0IBS0N . * l IUlV I'liinvyvcx n 1 HUIT, in l|i, low. Ini Inu Am Jiime * li'ilM'll til In . hill . 'liiiilil Vlililllllllll MnMIi nr.v ,i i' I-, i • A Ml; Mi <- '1,1111', | low I I Mm, ,f i - I'liis writ 1 MH'hi'iiU'i! «o tlm following I 'll P in. ni. Wnlni'Mlnv, 2nt|i Dm'inbvr, ■"j "li'ilrmi'ii. Iv'lllt W. .Iik'Ihih: Buck i 'll .o'UPi'ii Wiiuiit'Hi' illniiM-limi. '" u, |iz. liiiMiui,. IMiilnli- A, vil; Awl-dillll Hin t ini' n| Nllmlnu • V V||, iM.iiiHi'i.iuiiv - A yin lii oh xv .link- I I fN'VlhOlti • -it. Mi., Xn.liry mm. Wiililmimlir i MUMim • A MM The Bowmanviile Klnimen Club'a annual Tour ot Christ- mas Lights wss greatly enjoyed enjoyed by more than flu Renlor Clllreni on i recent Sunday evening. The Kinsmen catted for their elderly guests with their cars, end during a drive ' ,-ns-r Tobacco Sales Mr,^(ivMriulc llnljmnn (Lv.imlry - 3 yr)ie„|,| ^OWR Slightly n™i row, loll tô ViùhtVM,». Mabel Wllllamiiiou,,. kcrptiiil • A vr>; Mrs, (lluilys illitszczyk (l)l« rv . g, auction market are dawn Ml; M t h i llilil.i Slnmlrk (l)lvlnry • A yr); Mtflclenl lll,hlllr boni lut year, (Itoliam (NuraliU! • 10 yr); Mr* Nlonivii Gray i.uiin.i * V ,8 MaturUar. when the Ihrrtinx • A vr). HUiktl rleaed for a tne- ■' ' | weeks fhrtilmai reeeii, AIi.ncmi - Mi* Ell/,tIn-Hi llani'H (Lmmiliy A vr. *oMr-| 3* 1 p7r W <fnt hl of ^iha Over 90 Sr. Citizens Enjoy Tour of Lights Under Kin Auspices i-ili; Mn., Until Italy (Nunlng Jiiliimm (.Niiihinij . X vr), HI M); Mr*, ifinil t°*«t rr#n- •Xviraie price was SMI of more thin en hour gave tiie r gurils opnorlunlty to really observe the beautiful Chris mai decorative lights outside houses and In the groundi of homes throughout ireis° Wn lntl ln nele,|borln < .. Tony Molloy, Chairman of me Klnimen'i Community Service Committee was in charge of arrangements for the event. He wai mined hy Kinsmen President Roy Wood- ward and a tipeclsl Commit- l? f 0 '"!' 0 "'! of Ktnette 1st Vice President Connie Wise- man, Klnette Treasurer Ruby Woodward, end Kinsmen Coni- munlty Service Committee member* Oordon Wllco* and Wayne Theitell, After the drive was complet- rd the Senior Cltliena were hrought hy their Kinsmen hosts to Memorial Park Club nere a delltloui tunch .... - .House where. l'liotOtirj]ili by Ailui buiilio, Bowmii|||,; j", 1 Tie u,"" iif, 111 l wll "imN , » , Mi On Silurilay «llcrnoon, tin winner ol Ihe Dowmanvllle Klnimm Club'a SM-lton draw apiwatcil xt K'n- Ilrookm- Snnerleit elation In collect hi, |ir w, Larry Msnlelly, 17. of 300 Orend lUylne, Dowmvlcw, Is shown here on hlsew.rd, with Kin President Hoy Wootlward, kit, <md Drew Chalrmnn Uvorge Mutton In tin b#ck|(round.