8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 16.1992 Section Two VI Isabelle Challice Community Correspondence 3 Quote - "A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is no longer indispcnsible." Well dear readers, of course our favourite favourite topic this week, is the "Big Storm". In discussions with others, many of us "oldtimers" remember many bad ones, but most agreed 1944 was a rough one! Many in the country were isolated from main roads, mail, etc. for well over one week! I remember remember one winter our country road between between Pontypool and Millbrook was partly closed (Carscaddens hills) school house - for. six weeks! There was only a walking trail down the middle of the road, over to Manvers Station. I road horseback down to neighbors to get milk and friend hubby hubby carried our other groceries home from Norman Porters store! Really this storm was a "badie", and caused hydro off in many areas and lots late for work or better still a day off! Mrs. Jennie Bowins was among guests at her daughters party held in Oshawa Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmcr and baby granddaughter Corinne from Montreal, were last Tuesday evening dinner guests of the 0. Challices. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Shawn and Tim, Miss Tracy Kelly, Newcastle were Sunday evening dinner dinner guests of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Billings, Durham Srs. Complex. Mrs. Kay Bcggs, Pontypool, Mrs. Anna Marie Thomson Oshawa, were last Monday noon luncheon guests of Mrs. Edith Taylor. Eighteen members of unit #4 of Ororio U.C.W. enjoyed their Christmas Christmas party recently at Darlington Marina. Marina. Mrs. Janette Beckett, Oshawa, was last Wednesday luncheon guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and Adam Febbrini, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Inez Harris. Orono Town Hall Party Thirteen tables of progressive euchre euchre at the weekly card party in Orono Town Hall Wednesday December 9 and following winners: Robin Alldread Alldread 90, George Mercer 87, Allan Downes 81, Marie Couroux 80, Jean Allen 78. Low score Myrtle Alldread. Draws Clara Meulman, Olive Little, Little, Marg Todd, Walt Mitchell, Ed Couroux, Carl Todd. Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. except this week December 16 when euchre party is in Oddfellows hall. Ladies invited to please bring lunch. Sr. C's Meeting Held Thursday, December 10 in I.O.O.F. halls in form of a delicious pot-luck dinner. Following the dinner a short business period. Brand new 1993 memberships were handed out. Happy Birthday celebrated included - Marjorie Best, Stella Carson, Minnie Taylor and George Dunlop and one anniversary Edgar and Clara Meulman. Meulman. Euchre was enjoyed and following scores - High scores Hazel Pigott 71, Marjorie Best 68, Inez Harris 63. Low score Mary Tamblyn. Bingo Prize Charles Stapleton. We send Seasons greetings to all our members and seniors in our community community and a happy new year! Sr. Saviour's Church News Candle Light Service of nine lessons lessons and carols, Sunday December 20 at 7 p.m. St. George's church, Newcastle Newcastle for St. Saviour's congregation too. A service of Carols and Candlelight Candlelight as practiced in Kings College, University of .Cambridge, England, for over 80 years. Refreshments of warm mince tarts and hot mulled cider, cider, served in Parish hall after service. Anyone interested, in donating Christmas flowers, please contact Mrs. Dorothy Hester 623-0945. Kindly taken from St. Saviour's church bulletin. 12 Days = $15,321.72 (U.S. funds) (not inch GST & PST) The Complete Catalog of gifts in the old Christmas carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas, today would cost you a total of $15,231.72 (U.S. Funds). The Provident Provident National Bank in Philadelphia PA. supplies the following: One Partridge Partridge in a Pear Tree, $27.48..._2 Turtle Turtle Doves, $50.00...3 French Hens, $15.00...74 Calling Birds, $280...5 Gold Rings, $600...6 Geese-a-laying, $150...7 Swans-a-swimming, $7,000...8 Maids-a-milking, $30.40...9 Ladies dancing $2,417.90...10 Lords-a-lcaping, $2,686.56... 11 Pipers piping, $947.70...12 Drummers drumming,' $1,026.68. Via The Joyful Noiselettcr. Orono church welcomed a very good attendance of brave souls who had shovelled their way out, and gave a very cheerful appearance of Christmas Christmas Tree alight and many pots of lovely poinsettias. The church Christmas Christmas decorations were courtesy of our busy and dedicated choir members. Also in choir news, our choir this year made a generous donation to Salvation Salvation Army, Christmas Appeal. The lighting of Third Advent Candle Candle on Sunday morning was given by the John and Lynn Finlay family. The children's story was given by Mrs. Donna Morrison and we adults enjoy this portion of service as well as young folks. Willis Barraball gave "A Minute for Mission" and told us of the "Peace Pilgrimage" of groups who walk for 7 days from Queens University University to Ottawa to bring attention to the needs of others, and our M&S departments departments share in this project. Our Sunday greeters were Jake and Wilda Middleton and our ushers were A1 Plummer, Kevin McCartney, Don Lycett and Bill Hannah. Upcoming Services Christmas Eve Services December 24: Leskard Church 7 p.m., Orono United Church 8 p.m. Sunday, December 20 Orono United United Church 11 a.m. "A Ceremony of Carols" by choir. Our regular choir practice is again Wednesday night 7 p.m. and anyone who wishes to help us with our Special Special Christmas Carols Service, please feel free to join us! Speaking of Music, plan to attend the grand opening of our brand new "Clarington Band and Orchestra" who will be in "Concert" this coming Thursday night December 17 in Orono Orono Town Hall. Sunday Night Film Night, December December 13. If you are new to Bowmanville... WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with Housewarming Gifts and Information about your new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Mrs. Audrey Kehoc at 623-0395 Two films "The City That forgot Christmas", and second feature "The Fight Before Christinas" were excellent excellent and much enjoyed by all present. Good crowd of children really enjoyed enjoyed the last one, and it of course contained some of todays world of violence, violence, but story ended on a happy note. Last Sunday evening Kirby Church held their annual supper. A delicious pot luck supper and over 60 in attendance. attendance. Carol singing and children enjoyed enjoyed presents. Altogether an excellent excellent time of fun and fellowship. United Church News Christmas flowers donated to Orono Orono United Church. In memory of Rena Tamblyn placed by her family. In memory of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken placed by Isabelle and Orville Challice. In memory of the MacDonald and Rolph families placed by Barb and Bill Carman. In memory of Carl Billings placed by his wife Eileen Billings. In memory of Hilda and Hcsper Dean placed by their daughter Lois Cox and family, In memory of Aunt Dora Plain placed by her niece Lois Cox and family. family. In memory of Vilda and Brooks Cowan placed by their daughter Glenda Glenda and Laurence Shcrwin. In memory of Mrytle Reid placed by her husband Bill and daughters Elva Reid and Joan Kennedy. In memory of her mother Margaret. Chapin placed by Carol and Grant Yeo. In memory of her Dad placed by Donna and Don Scott and family. In memory of Harold and May Allin Allin placed by Florence and Doug Allin. Allin. In memory of Ed Graham placed by his wife Rosclla Graham. In memory of Aunt Marie Welch. In memory of Chauncy Tuck, Frank Hooper and Carl Creamer. Orono Horticulture Poinsettias in loving memory of departed members. Elizabethville News by Edna Thickson-797-2619 Last Friday evening, the senior Historical Researchers of the East Durham Historical Society held the book Launching of "Hope and its Ports" two centuries of change at Port Hope United Church. The programme Introduction by M. Kenton Chairperson. Chairperson. Welcome Reverend David Potter and Rolf Kenton, President. Michael Wladyka introduced the committee. In Memorium Norman Thomas. Long; James Patrick Sinnott and Dedication of Book to Edna Barrowclough followed. followed. Greets from Professor Craig Heron, Heron, Vice Chairman of the Ontario Heritage Heritage Foundation, Allan Holdaway, Deputy Reeve of Hope Township, Elizabeth Collins, Mayor of Port Hope, Joan Chalovich, Warden of County of Northumberland, Joan Fawcett Fawcett M.P.P. Northumberland and Christine Stewart M.P, of Northumberland, Northumberland, spoke. Edna Barrowclough was presented • with Canada's 125th Commemorative Medal by M.P. Christine Stewart. Songs of Golden Age were sung by Blair and Dcanne McFadden. Jackson Peacock explained directions for Book Pick-ups. Refreshments were served at the close. The seniors researchers researchers were Margaret Bailey, Edna Barrowclough, Betty Elliott, Richard Gardiner, Marjorie Kenton, Rolf Kenton, Kenton, Joseph Kowal, Tom Long, Mary Mack, Jackson Peacock, Art Reed, Jean Retallick, Pat Sinnot, Donna Strong, Jean White, with assistance from Rob Dcmill. A good crowd attended attended the event. Books can be obtained obtained at Randall's, Port Hope and Township building at Canton. About thirty attended the senior's afternoon last week at Canton. Church services were veiy well attended, attended, especially the children had turn out. Reverend Sedgwick took as his first lesson Matthew 3:1-12 about the ministry of John the Baptist. He told the Pharisees and Sadducces who came to be baptized not to think they could fool God and don't think you are a descendant of Abraham. Expressions Expressions of Worship was lead by Faye Kennedy and she read a short story and the children sang and played bells. Children's minute was taken up by lighting the second candle and reviewing reviewing a verse from the bible that we arc learning. Second lesson was from Isaiah 11: 1-10 about the peaceful Kingdom The Royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down but just as new branches sprout from a stump so a new king will arise from among David's David's discendants. His sermon was "A good ancestor isn't enough." R. Smith and J. Taylor took up the offering and coffee was served at the close. Elizabethville Sunday school will have a concert next Sunday December 13th at 7:30 p.m., no doubt there were other events that I have missed but will leave for next time. The Elizabethville Women's Institute On Tuesday the ladies met at Vivian Vivian and' Howard Quantrill's home, lourtcen attended. The roll call was name a local industry and the motto was It is not luck but pluck that weaves the web of our work. The minutes minutes of the last meeting were read and the financial report was given. Betty Elliott who had attended the area convention convention had an interesting- report on plans for a new head quarters as we arc asked to give up the Guelph one, and other changes that we have been asked to sec it we could find another place for our convention. As there wasn't much business we turned the meeting over to Vivian Quantrill our Canadian Industries convenor. She had engaged Evonne Maitland of Orono Orono to demonstrate making a Christmas Centre piece made from a pine holly, flowers, a candle which produce a very nice center piece. For Christmas we had a draw and Lottie While won 1 the centre piece. We all had brought a small gift and had a gift draw celebrating celebrating our Christmas. Lunch was served at the end of the meeting by Mac Mul- drew and Leta McAllister who had treated us to a tray of sweets to celebrate celebrate Christmas. Next meeting January January 6 under Betty Mercer's leadership. PM.O. E. Thickson THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DURHAM HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The OSHAWA, CARTWRIGHT AND SCUGOG TRANSFER STATIONS will be closed on Thursday, December 24 at 12:00 noon; Friday, December 25; Saturday, December 26 and Monday, December 28, 1992 for the Christmas Holiday. Normal operations will resume on Tuesday, December 29,1992. These sites will close again on Thursday, December 31, 1992 at 12:00 noon; Friday, January 1 and Saturday, January 2,1993, for the New Year's Day and will re-open on Monday, January 4,1993. V. A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. 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