) Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, January 27,1993 Quote - "Here it is the end of January, January, and we're still cleaning up from Christmas! Last week, we cleaned out our chequing account, and this week our savings account" - Author Unknown. Unknown. Congratulations to our good friend Bertha Barnes, who again won a highly highly prized recognition, for her dedication dedication and love of gladiolus! Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challicc, Millbrook, were Saturday evening dinner guests of his brother Orville and Isabelle Challicc. ». Mrs. Jennie Bowins returned home Saturday after spending 12 days visiting visiting relatives in Woodstock. Her neph- , ew Mr. and Mrs. Barry Agner, Wood- ; stock, brought her home. Speedy get-well wishes to Mrs. Marion Kilpatrick, who is recuperating recuperating at her sisters in Bowmanville after suffering a painful fall. To Mrs. Hattie .Wilson, Durham Complex, who is also a patient in Bowmanville hospi- tal. I Mr. John Robinson spent past " weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott and . Mrs. Glory Adams were luncheon • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldrcad, v Oshawa, last Thursday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. . Lawrence Staples, included Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bultar, Plainville; Mr. and ,i Mrs. Ken Savingy, Peterborough, Mr. , and Mrs. Arthur Rowan, Yelverton. Again our poor I.G.A. has been ."' broken into and robbed, but surprise! „ The robbers arc reported to have been caught, so that's a pleasant surprise. We have received several com- ... plaints of cars being robbed, so be ex- „ Ira careful and remove your keys and lock the doors. Better still do not leave valuables in your car, to tempt the thieves! Horticultural Annual The pot-luck dinner and annual meeting of Orono Horticultural Society Society was held Thursday, January 21, in Orono United Church main hall. Despite Despite wet weather conditions a goodly attendance of interested members, sat down to a delicious pot-luck dinner. Grace was sung and everyone welcomed welcomed by president Loma Atkins; and head table introduced. Mr. and Mrs. John Finley, Dept, of Agricultural, Mayor Diane Hamre, Miss Anne Bourke, Dist. Director for dist. #17, President Loma Atkins, secretary secretary Adcle McGill, Treasurer Flo Sharpe. Mayor Hamre brought greetings and congratulated the horticulture societies societies in our area. A special mention to Orono, on their successful "Cenotaph" "Cenotaph" project of 1992. She invites our societies to beautify the entrances to our towns and villages, to attract others! others! John Finley told us of the poor road conditions here coming from Guelph, with many accidents. He congratulated congratulated our society for our special 1992 project, landscaping our cenotaph, cenotaph, and our very excellent flower shows. Anne Bourke brought greetings and news from O.H.A. and informed us, that "only by working together", can we hope to be successful, and invited invited us to "become more visible in our communities". Our 1993 O.H.A. Convention, held this year in Chatham, will be a "Convention "Convention with a difference", and theme "This Land Our Legacy". Our director is running for office of 2nd Vice President! President! Again of local interest, Mr. Douglas Douglas Lycett, Orono is one of the guest speakers at Convention, this year 1993, on his favorite topic "Day Lilies". Lilies". Ho Sharpe read correspondence of invitation to golden wedding February 20. A thank you from Salvation Army for Christmas donations of mittens and groceries. Adelc McGill, presented a very excellent excellent financial report. We. must remind everyone, that Bowmanville Society will host our District #17 Convention this April 17 and will supply lunch, and you are to bring "your mug". There will be a decorated Easter hat competition and theme "Growing To-gether". Keep this date for an interesting get together. together. President Loma told us of an excellent excellent award to Mrs. Bertha Barnes, from North American Gladiolus Council, and card to be sent to her, from our society. She thanked all who made our recent "Cenotaph project", so successful with work and donations. donations. Isabelle Challicc read the proposed list of officers for 1993. Miss Anne Bourke conducted the installations of the following slate of officers who were duly installed: Past President - Loma Atkins, President - Miss Shelley Elmanskie, Secretary - Mrs..Ho, Sharpe, Treasurer - Mrs. Adele McGill, Directors for 1 year - June Heard, Cor. Mostcrt, Eleanor and Cliff Terrill, Thelma Vagg, Directors for 2 years - Inez Harris, Thelma Gil- bank, Lawrence and Vera Staples, Minnie Zegers and Orville Challicc. The entertainment was provided by Bonnie Cowle and friends from Bowmanville, Bowmanville, and introduced by Isabelle ' and thanked by Shelley. Shelley thanked Loma for all her work and presented her with gift of appreciation. Howers on table were all won by lucky members. - 1992 Activity Report In 1992 our membership was 171. We held 6 meetings with 5 shows. Guest speakers' topics were 'How Gardeners Can Help The Environment', Environment', 'Eating Off The Land' and 'Propagation of Geraniums'. As. well, an informative talk and slide presentation presentation of Longwood Gardens and Ro- dale Research Centre. In- 1992 oitr project was the relandscaping relandscaping of the Orono Cenotaph. This involved much planning and of course fund-raising. With the assistance assistance of local organizations and citizens citizens of the community, this project was completed in May 1992. Our society society is very proud of this project and it certainly- enhances the cenotaph area. We held 3 fund-raising events - an evening meeting with Marjorie Mason Mason Hogue speaking on a variety of garden plants 'A Bevy of Blossoms' - A Buffet Luncheon - and a quilt draw which was held in May. Several members attended the Dis trict 17 OHA annual meeting hosted by Ajax Garden Club. In June, 3 members attended the OHA Convention which was held in London. The OHA Service Certificate was awarded to Yvonne Trafford. An interesting tour of the Darlington Darlington Mushroom Farm was enjoyed by many members. A dedication service was held at the Orono Cenotaph commemorating the recent landscaping. This service was well attended and lunch followed at the Oddfellows Hall. Once again in December we donated donated mittens and non-perishable foods to the Salvation Army. Poinsettia plants were donated to the following churches - St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Kirby United Church and Orono United Church. 1992 was a very busy and a rewarding rewarding year for Orono Horticultural Society. ' Flora Sharpe, Secretary 1992 Show Committee Report The Show Committee was busy as usual this past year. We had five shows through the year. April exhibitors were 11 with 48 entries. May exhibitors were 13 with 102 entries. The special competition in July had 14 exhibitors with 32 entries. In August we had 25 exhibitors with 221 entries. In October we had 22 exhibitors with 130 entries and for the December Christmas Show there were 8 exhibitors exhibitors with 38 entries. The total for the year being 93 with 571 entries. All the exhibitors need to be congratulated congratulated for entering, as it was a rather hard year with so much wet weather. We hope everyone will continue continue to show. I would like to thank all the Show Committee for being there to give a helping hand. It certainly docs help . when you fill out your own entry cards. Thank you and the best of luck in 1993. Show Chairperson Doreen Lowery 1992 Beautification Committee Report Many hours were spent beautifying Urono village by planning and pruning, pruning, planting and weeding the Horticultural Horticultural flower beds. Very little time was spent in watering since we did get an overabundance of rain to keep evciything soaked. One of our main projects in 1992 was the re-land- scaping at the Orono Cenotaph. The paving stone walk, the 3 Colorado blue spruce, 16 goldcn-fiamed spirea, 3 Hick's yews, 2 clipped-cone Japanese Japanese yews. 6 blue rugged juniper, 2 burning bushes, 16 peach coloured geraniums geraniums made the area very attractive. Blue salvia, dusty miller and Iavat- era were planted at the Station Street bed. Red geraniums were planted at the lumberyard bed and fire hall. The beds at the library were graced with a beautiful show of impatiens. The cemetery bed was planted with a variety of annuals. Many favorable remarks were given given on the attractive plantings. As Beautification chairperson, I would like to thank everyone who has donated plant material or time in maintaining the horticultural flower beds. Thank you Cor Mostert Orono United Church News The beautiful basket of fresh flowers flowers at front of church were placed in loving memory of late Mrs. Marjorie Patterson McGee formerly a long time resident of Orono, and more recently living in Oshawa. Children's time was again capably taken by Bob O'Neil and much enjoyed enjoyed by all, with children's hymn "Jesus Bids Us Shine", joined in by congregation. Thelma Vagg gave "Minutes for Mission." Birthday greetings - Patti Reid January January 28, Kirby, Julie Risebrough January January 29, Kirby, Tanya Allin January 26, Orono. Food Banks - "Please Remember" our food banks, as the need is very much with us! Donations at back of church boxes. Then sent into Salvation Salvation Army, Bowmanville, for distribution distribution throughout our areas. Bulletins - Please call Donna Scott 983-5026 with your news for bulletins by Thursday evening. Call Marlene for bookings for church 983-5702.. Greeters on Sunday morning - Carol Carol and Wayne Bailey. Ushers on Sunday morning - June and Laveme Heard, Terry Weeks and Donald Scott. Orono choir Practice - Wednesday, January 27, at 7 p.m. in lower C.E. hall. Quite a number of choir members members journeyed to Bowmanville on Sunday afternoon and also concert in evening. Congratulations to the supply department, department, who last Wednesday afternoon afternoon "tied" three quilts, and these are then sent on to "Denise House" in Oshawa, Remember our Annual church meetings: Kirby -Thursday, January 28, at 6 p.m. dinner, - meeting 7:30 p.m. Orono - Thursday, February 11, at 6:30 p.m. dinner- meeting 7:30 p.m. Pancake Supper - "Something to look forward to", a real fun evening, to be held Orono United Church, main hall, Tuesday, February 23rd. Check church calendar for prices! Ladies to please bring apples or a cake. All welcome! Sunday School - A sleigh ride to Mr. Allan Downes Farm in Kendal, Sunday, February 7. Leaving Church promptly at 10:30 a.m. and returning 12 p.m. We will be going by bus. We will need volunteers to help out! Sunday School Teachers Seminar - Monday, February 15. Time - 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. in Newcastle United Church. Topic "Teaching Methods". Reverend Don Stiles will give a short presentation on Lent and Easter Theology. Theology. For further information call Cathy Cathy Ewert, Newcastle. St. Saviour's Church News Excerpts from Rector's Report at Vestry Meeting, January 24/93. St. Saviour's church has been an example .of Christian understanding. The way the people have worked together and. in doing so, accomplished a great deal in this church. Painting the building, shrubs at entrance, entrance, maintenance of the building, sacistry, pulpit, predue desks, sanctuary sanctuary lamp; Processional Cross; Altar rail; re-wired lighting, rebuilding the east wall of the church; brick repairs, new furnace, new church sign; Auctions, Auctions, kitchen cupboards, new refrigerator. refrigerator. VARIETY NIGHT BENEFITS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - The Auxiliary Auxiliary to Memorial Hospital Bowmanville will be presenting their annual Variety Variety Night at Bowmanville High School Wednesday, February 3. The concert concert begins at 8 p.m. and will feature performers such as Allanah Coles, the Bowmanville High School Dancers, The Orono and District Fiddle Club and The Kimberleys. Ross Metcalf is the'Master of Ceremonies. Tickets are available at the hospital gift shop or by telephoning 623-4243 or 987-4817. . •••••■••mm COÜRTICE FUND-RAISERS NEEDED -- Volunteers are required for the Courtice Community Complex Fund-raising Committee which is organizing organizing a golf tournament for June 12, The tournament will be held at the Bowmanville Golf Club. Volunteers are needed both to assist with planning or to help on the day of the event. For further details, please call Jim at 436- 2499 or Janine 436-2644. v ORGANIC GROWERS MEET - The Durham Canadian Organic Growers will be meeting tonight (Wednesday, January 27) for a seed exchange and discussion of gardening experiences. They meet at 7:30 p m in the Durham Regional Headquarters on Rossland Rd. Everyone is welcome. For information, call 434-6231. The group's next meeting will be February 24, at which time David Pelly will discuss the nature of soil and plant health. OPTIMIST CLUB SPONSORS SKATING - The'Newcaslle Village Optimist Optimist Club will be sponsoring free skating at the Newcastle Village Memorial Memorial Arena every Wednesday from now until February 17. The skating, which is geared to parents and tots, Lakes place each Wednesday from 11 a.m. to noon. iMiMimt. BETTER BREATHING -- Do yoü suffer from emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchitis, or asthma? If so, the Durham Region Lung Association may be able to help. Beginning Wednesday, February 24, the local Christmas Seal organization organization will hold a Better Breathing Class for adults with respiratory disease. disease. This course will run for six sessions on Wednesday afternoons in the meeting room at Oshawa Senior Citizens' Centre on John St., Oshawa. It's offered free of charge. Course members will be taught breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and simple tolerance exercises. Medical professionals will be on hand to answer questions on medications, diet and the overall management of lung disease. If you wish to register or learn more about the course, please call the Lung Association at 436-1046. HORSE-DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES AT ENNISKILLEN - The popular horse-drawn sleigh rides will be resuming at the Enniskillen Conservation Area on Sunday, January 31. They'll continue February 7, 14, and 21, with hours of operation from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tickets cost $1.75 per ride. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority advises us that a wagon will be substituted if there isn't sufficient snow. And, visitors might also want to bring their skates, toboggans and cross country skis for extra fun. For details, details, contact the Conservation Authority af579-0411.' ' BLOOD DONORS WELCOME -- The next Bowmanville area Red Cross blood donor clinic is set for Wednesday, February 3, at the Bowmanville Lions Lions Centre. The clinic runs from noon to eight p.m. Donors are also reminded reminded to bring with them some form of identification. New donors are welcome. welcome. FINANCIAL ADVICE -- Are you trying to make sense of budgeting, investments, investments, RRSP's and taxes? Then come to the Bowmanville branch of the Newcastle Public Library for a three-part financial planning series beginning Thursday, January 28. Sandra Sherk, Executive Director of the Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service, and Lynn Pilkington, a financial planner with The Investors Group will show you how to get the most out of your hard-earned dollars. QUILTERS' GUILD - The Durham Trillium Quitters' Guild will meet February 2 at Faith Place, in Oshawa, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Failli Place is at 44 William St. Bill Filches, a well-known fabric artist from Oshawa, will be the guest speaker. For information, call 728-3629 or 263-2138. MERVYNB. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor Serving Bowmanville and area residents since 1968. REAL ESTATE • COURT • WILLS ESTATES • MORTGAGES INCORPORATIONS • FAMILY LAW 41 Ttemperance St. Bus.: 623-4444 \Bowmanville Res.: 623-9161 BIRD REHABILITATION COURSE -- The Bowmanvillc-bascd Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre is presenting a course called "Aspects of Wild Bird Rehabilitation II. It's designed for the general public and Avicare volunteers. volunteers. This six-lecture program will be held'in Whitby from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. February 3 and 17; Mardi 3 and 17 and April 1 and 14. To register register or obtain more details, please contact Cathy at 430-3019. Topics will include: include: the care of young songbirds, cage design, basic wild bird emergency kit, anatomy, infectious diseases, parasites, zoonotic diseases, and necropsy. MORE CPR COURSES -- Durham Savc-a-Heart is offering a number of cardiopulmonary resuscitotion courses at Bowmanville High School during February and March. These include not only the basic rescuer course but also the infant/child CPR course, the "heart-saver" and infant program and the basic rescuer recertification. For details, call Durham Save-a-Heart at 666-0995. NEW DIRECTIONS IN EDUCATION - In response to concerns over the educational system and the challenge of "de-streaming" in the secondary schools, the Durham East Liberal Association is pleased to announce a public public forum next month. Everyone is welcome to attend the discussion which takes place at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10, at the Newcastle Community Community Hall in Newcastle Village. The speaker will be Charles Beer, MPP for North York. HEART SAVER COURSE IN BOWMANVILLE - Durham Save-a- Heart is offering a Heart Saver CPR Course in Bowmanville during February, February, which has been designated as Heart Month. The course is being provided provided at a special rate of S22 and is Liking place Saturday, Fcbraary 20, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Trinity United Church, Teaching facilities for the course have been generously donated by Trinity. Advance registration is required. To register, call Durham Savc-a-Heart at 666-0995. WE SPECIALIZE IN: • Air Conditioning and Heating Sales and Service • Residential Plumbing Service • Well Pumps • Emergency Service h BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 263-2650 CHARITY AUCTION - The Oshawa Deaf Centre will benefit from an auction taking place at Durham College on February 6. There will be a preview preview between 1 p.m, and 2 p.m., with die auction commencing at 2 p.m. Donations would be appreciated. For further details, please call 579-3328, EPILEPSY ONTARIO - The monthly meeting of Epilepsy (Ontario) Oshawa and Area Chapter will take place Tuesday, February 9, at the Kinsmen Kinsmen Centre, 109 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker Nancy Mutch will discuss the topic of how to deal with or avoid a crisis. New members and visitors arc always welcome. For further details, call 666-9926. Blessings Travel Centre Cancun 32°C Jamaica 30°C Aruba 29°C Bowmanville 2°C IF HOT IS WHAT YOU WANT 623-0005 116 King St. W. at Scugog (Vanstone Mill) Bowmanville ;5r NOTICE Canguard Tax Service 15 Fourth Street - Bowmanville ... continuing to provide you with the same excellent service. Personal Tax Preparation Marg Lingard Marg Conway Bill Cancilla 623-4217 623-1656 434-8087 Bowmanville Bowmanville Oshawa LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOC. MEETS - The regular monthly meeting of the Oshawa Chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association will occur on Thursday, January 28, at the Grandview Treatment Centre, 600 Townlinc Rd, S„ Oshawa, at 7:30 p.m. Brad Cruxton, the special education education consultant for the Durham Board of Education, will speak on the topic topic of "Reorganization of the Special Education Department." Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no charge. For further information, call 436- 7706 or 623-4934. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 623-6477 SOME EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1M0 (416) 983-5115 FAX (416) 983-8228 Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday 1 COWAN PONTIAC -- QUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE -- ONI 166 King Street East Telephone 623-3396