Education The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 10.1993 1 Top Winners in National Math Contest Happenings at Bowmanville H.S. Feminist Is Not A Dirty Word! All too often radical spokespersons can destroy the meaning of very important important terminology by giving it negative negative connotations. Such is the case with the term "feminist". Feminists define themselves as those who believe believe in equal and individual rights for all women and men and who also believe believe that women's rights have been (and to some extent are still being) denied. denied. Many-people, male and female, fall into this category. The dictionary definition of feminism states that it is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of equality of the sexes. It i is hoped that all people would support feminism On the basis of these defini : lions. Unfortunately though, in an informal informal survey taken at Bowmanville High School last week, it was shown that the student population in general does not proclaim itself feminist. A fandom selection of an equal number of students from each grade and gender gender were asked if they considered themselves feminists or not. Only 41% said "yes". But when these same Students were asked if 'they believed in equality of the sexes and that women women havé been oppressed sometime in the past, only 6% said "no". While 53% of females said they considered themselves feminists, a full 97% believed believed in equality of the sexes. Only 30% of males considered themselves feminist, but 91% believed women had been oppressed. Most of those who did declare themselves. as feminists feminists showed some hesitation, and Over half added the clause "but not a radical one." Why is it that most of these people believe in the basic principles principles of feminism and yet they do not News and Events ; At Ontario P.S. BIG NEWS ' Hello again, from Ontario Street' P.S. In this newsletter we have plenty in store for you and we hope yoif enjoy enjoy it. We have everything from sports to hot lunch. The Christmas Concert was held at the Bowmanville High School, on December December 17. Everybody loved the concert. concert. Each class performed either a song or a play. On January 20, a puppet group called "The Kids on The Block" came to our school. Their plays were about children who are blind and children whose parents are divorced. It was fun for everyone. ip Young Authors at our school was held on January 21. All the children ■ prepare and share a story or a drawing with a group of other students. Young Authors is training for the students to speak in front of an audience. On Tuesday, January 26, there was a French Public Speaking contest in the gym. Two finalists from each junior junior class read their speech. The speech was to be between two and four minutes minutes long. The students were marked and the first, second and third place students received a book. The first place student will then go on to the Board finals. Hello everyone, my name is John Shrives. I am the new member of the newsteam. I think it.will be exciting doing the news. • On January 28, our school had a hot lunch. It was pizza. The boys' and girls' Volleyball try-outs were held the first week of January. The girls' team is coached by Mme Adamek and Miss Siberry. The boys' team is coached by Mme Turcotte and Mme Damccour. Thanks to everyone who tried out. !■ The,final girls' team members are: Dana Sutherland, Andra Kent, Tanya Hill, Lindsey O'Brien, Nichole Pot, Carly Sanders, Cheryl Perkins, Natalie Natalie Stewart, Melonie Allin, Elcni Kou- kidis, Kate Boothman, Sarah Roberts, Brooke Pakosta, Pippa Boothman, Michelle Michelle Richard and Lindsey Fortier. ■[ The boys' team finalists arc: Jamie Emond, Stephen Hoar, Chris Stephenson, Stephenson, Chris Wcbdcn, Chris Welsh, Paul Ricketts, Jared Greening, Tommy Jennings, Jennings, Mark Hoar, Mark Choi, Jason McCulloch, Clay Westwood and Steven Steven Whalley. • ; Good luck to both teams! !■ Hope you all enjoyed our newsletter newsletter from all of us at Ontario P.S. See you next time. Victoria Grabowski, Michelle \ Richard, Emily MacLeod, Stephen ! Hoar, Steven Shallcy.John Shrives, i Melinda Tait. School Board Briefs r Cost Saving Projects J On Jan. 28, trustees approved a suggestion box plan for employees, It will be specifically designed for, suggestions suggestions from employees on "cost saving saving measures for the Board." Transportation • A request from the Ottawa Board ôf Education dealing with transportation transportation was referred to the Operations and Finance Committee. The Ottawa Board is asking the Ministry of Education Education to consider safety as well as distance as a criteria for landing transportation, transportation, The Ottawa Board has also asked die ministry to "allow.,,boards to charge parents for the service." Principal Appointed : The Board, on Thursday night, Jan. 28, approved the appointment of Janice Janice Gallagher as principal of Newton- ville Public School. Ms Gallagher is currently vice-principal at Stockdalo Public School, wish to be known as a feminist? Vice-principal Rick Essex offers a possible defence of the males' low feminist numbers. "I don't believe a male could be a feminist. I think that's contradictory." Perhaps, but if women are ever to gain complete equality shouldn't all members of their society support the cause? Mr. Essex himself holds many feminist views, and that in itself is encouraging. He takes a matter matter of fact standpoint in saying that we, as a society, can't afford to waste education when both sexes get the same schooling and then women are denied first-rate jobs. He believes that we are not getting the best people for certain jobs if we arc ignoring half of the population. Within the school environment, environment, he hopes that a community is created where positive attitudes toward toward women are developed by peer pressure (...and good examples from the role models too.) Unfortunately, this environment does not appear to have been created. It is not uncommon to hear demeaning jokes and comments about women when walking down the halls of Bowmanville Bowmanville High School. Neither is it uncommon to see pictures in lockers or on T-shirts of scantily clad women portrayed as sex objects. Granted the occasional underdressed male turns up too and men also have a right to be offended offended when they are treated as sex objects, but considering the fact that it is one in every four women, not men, who will be sexually assaulted in this country how can we put up with such things that encourage the viewing of women not as people but as things to be manipulated for one's own pleasure? pleasure? . It has been 30 years since the publication publication of the first feminist writings that initiated the women's movement. Many improvements have been made to the condition of women in our society. society. While many people feel that the thers watch . the news" (quoted in Maclean's magazine). We also have not achieved a society where women are valued. Women are still being raped, assaulted, kidnapped and abused by men. These, conditions illustrate why young people reluctance to proclaim themselves as feminists is so scary. If we hope to create a society where positive positive attitudes are enforced by peer pressure, we still have a lot of work to do. The only way for our society to include include every member as an individual is to stop the quieter abuse of women such as that which is going on in our own school. Although we have the positive examples of an egalitarian administration administration which includes both fe- pp m movement should be over, all its goals male and male department heads and have not yet been accomplished - of women teaching non-traditional things are not yet equal for women subjects, attitudes are hard to change, and men today. Arpi, Hamalian, prin- But these negative attitudes toward cipal at the Institute for Women's women arc the driving force behind Studies in Montreal, advises: "We have not yet produced a generation which has seen that women can be equal without paying a price. Kids still sec parents coming home from high-pressure jobs and watch their mothers cook dinner while their fa- the oppression and violence. Let us all, male and female, call ourselves feminists with pride and "make this world and our school, a better place for everybody. Written by * Lisa Bryn Rundle saatssE These three students achieved the best scores at St. Francis of Assisi Assisi school in a recently-held National Math Competition. Students in grades 7 and 8 from all across the country were encouraged to enter the contest. Andrew Ramjass (right), got the school's best mark for grade seven, and Christina Ryckman and Adam Cartier both tied for first place in grade eight. Highly commendable scores were also earned by Sherri Blacklaw, Rachel Armstrong, Justin Baksh, and John Line in grade 7, and by Steve Kraayvanger, Krista Humphrey, and Anthony Tuccitto of grade 8. All the above-mentioned students received certificates from the Canadian National Mathematics League for their excellent math scores. wjgssjiKf-; *■ H E H GM 2728 OOURTIOE RD. COURTIOE ■■ TEL. 436-2222 TORONTO LINE 427-4444 Oldsmobile FAX: (416) 436-2028 Slimlet 92GMC V-l bed stock no. P2073A j995^ 92 OLDS 98 4-DR Loaded ' V)C QAA. stock no. 921145A VV 92APVCL w Loaded, i 7 Passenger 1 stock no. 921166A 92 CORSICA ÏÏT' 6 ' >134951 stock no. P2068A -1^ ytSlJ ~ -jET-v ftp . >1r~-,v ' 4 * p\ : lW .5». 92 LUMINA 4-DR Euro. Loaded, * Power seat * stock no. 930210A 16^ i" "*«■ je#: 3 92 LUMINA 4-DR tos aut0 ". air ' $K ÛÛÇOO stock no. P2066A -I- J W j>2 REGAL GS Pot=, L 2=r d ' hi) Q05" stock no. 93018BA 1 \ 7m V 92 ASTRO EXT. Loaded, stock no. 930311A 19,995* 92 TRANSPORTS! 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