16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 24,1993 News and Views from Courtice S.S. Education Courtice Has Spirit...And Promise by Marlon Wurmitzer quarterfinals by over 40 points. This S oa l when we first began was to make year, we were sure that revenge would it to the finals and we have a legitimate be in our hands. We had previously shot at it. „ lost to them in a Bowmanville tourna- ht the other two games on Wednes- No school has spirit like Courtice m çnt by a mere four points, but what da y. the Junior Boys Basketball team Secondary School. In the past, the Stu- W as important was that we came back ended its league play with a win over dents' Council had complained about f rom a 20 point deficit to make it Central, by 12 points. After this victo- the lack of school spirit among the stu- c i 0S e. This time, the game would be ry, the Juniors promised that they dents. This year is a different story. 0 urs...or at least until we gave up a would take it alL.LOSSA and DYS- With all the new executives taking n j nc point lead with two minutes left in SA. With their undefeated record of 8 charge, this year has become one of the ^ g ame i wins and 0 losses, they will play Gen- most enthusiastic years that I have en- Somehow, the Chiefs scored three oral Vanicr on Monday at home, the joyed in my five years here. Through- unanswered three pointers to tie it up, game beginning at 1:30 p.m. My pre- " out the rest of the school year, I will be an d.they took over from there. The fi- diction? The score will be 80 to 21 for reporting to you about athletic events na i SCO re was 55-49 with Mike Suess our Cougars! By the way, the Seniors happening at our school and how stu- as our high scorer, registering twelve lost to the Juniors two weeks ago by dents cope with life at Courtice Sccon- points. Even though we lost, it put us one point on a controversial call. We dary. in the best position possible for the have protested and we will be awarded This past week had its highs and pi a yoffs. With à record of four wins a re-match soon, so stay tuned!!! lows in the athlete's comer with the anc j three losses, it put us in fourth The Midget Boys Basketball team basketball and volleyball teams com- pi acc behind Brock, Central and Port played their one, and only playoff peting in their respective leagues. p C rry. With our first playoff match game against Harwood on Friday. Yes, Since I am a member of the Senior against G.L. Roberts on Monday, a this was a disappointing season for the Boys Basketball team, I give you a run w j n would mean that we would most Midgets since their record was one win down on what happened on Wednes- likely pj a y Brock in the semi-finals, and seven losses. They lost their day when we competed at Central Col- Here's the catch! We only lost to playoff game against the first place legiate. The Central Chiefs have been Brock by four points the last time we Harwood team, who had a very well our rivals for the past five years, Last pi a yed them and they have recently rounded team. Hopefully, those that year was a disappointing year when we j os t their number one center who didn't get .much court time on Friday got thrashed by them in the LOSSA scor ed the bulk of their points. Our will learn from the experience and will come back strong next year. Basketball has hogged the spotlight this week, but we mustn't forget our volleyball teams. All the girls' teams registered victories on Wednesday bv Mandv Hollis bit of time but most students are into over Uxbridge and Charles Gamier, How time flics A corny but true the swing of things now that exams are *^. t dlc highlight of the day was the V V? TT mC I CS ' , J - ° r nv( . r Ac in other vearc there are nnite Midget team s Victory Over Uxbridge cliché. Here we are^already m our sec- over- As which pu[ [hem in * sccond place Central School Girls Capture Volleyball Championship News from St. Stephen's icated this article to things that can semi-final match on Wednesday at keep you warm. A number of activities Brock against an opponent to be have taken place. The OAC students it cy avc e P otcnlia t0 gj r ] s ' volleyball team at Central Public School emerged as the Bowmanville Junior School MnYights 'a^most'madeTse of "the If y° u think this week was exciting Champions after going undefeated in a recent tournament. Team members include, front row, (1-r), Kath- blazing fireplaces. All had a great time in , thc world of Cougar athletics, just leen Gilhooly, Michele Freethy, Laura Spoelstra, Rebecca Matthews, Megan MacLeod. Middle row, (1- and our OAC's went home with a few wait next week when you find out how r ) January Musclow, Morgan Elliott, Amanda Dorigo, Stefanie Davey, Adrienne Dey, Carrie Butler, more memories. This past weekend our bad ly we crushed other teams I hope, Ba ck row, coaches David Hogg and Dale St. John. Grade 11 's went for their annual trip to an y wa y s - So untl1 ncxt wcck - C - YA! the camp. Fun and friendship keeps everyone warm up there. Friday, February 12 was our Valentine's Valentine's Dance with a 50-60's top ten countdown. We were all able to keep warm doing the Twist. A lot of students students held their breath for fear it would ond semester and February is shaping a few new students who've joined our , mcn P, *n sccona place m ono semester ana reoruary is soaping J league play behind first place Brock. up ,0 be quite a busy monlh. It took a Tto Midgeo veill play jei, LOSSA Teachers to Attend Development Day On February 26th On Friday, February 26 the elementary elementary teachers of Northumberland and Newcastle will be attending their annual annual Professional Development Day, held at two sites - Port Hope High School and Cobourg District Collegiate West. This day is organized by the local elementary federations and concen trates on teachers' personal develop- be cancelled due to inclement weather, ment in order to enhance their role in but it went on as scheduled and cvery- the teaching-learning process. one had a great time. T Q hcthcmc for 1993 is ™ness in Tq hdp pu[ u$ in the mood> our t^ C v '• 1 r prom committee sold carnations for eachmg is an occupa on with one of ^ alenfme , s Day _ It addcd a fcslivc the highest levels of stress. In difficult h S ce bright flowers throughout socioeconomic times many students re- , . . ° ° quire even more care and nurturing to allow them to leant. This raises the dc- The OS AID t-shirt logo contest is mands of an already demanding pro- now over and the winning logo will be fession. printed on T-shirts that will be for sale. "Wellness in the 90's" is a day dc- We'll be able to keep warm with our signed to offer teachers a number of new T-shirts or beautiful sweaters that methods of dealing with the rigours of are now available with the school their daily lives. .. crcst> Teachers will be attending a key- To cool off after all these activities, note address by Dr. Donald Ardcll, OSAID is planning two ski trips. The world renowned authority on long term trip to Quebec after the March break wellness strategies, who will be speak- Has been cancelled and OSAID has doing doing in conjunction with the board's cided to stay local. Trips have been goals of staff well being. In addition, proposed to Devil's Elbow and Blue teachers will be attending workshops Mountain, designed to enhance their personal , „ , well being. So all in all, February is promising Displays of books, instructional ma- to be a busy month. Hope my tips help tcrials, and classroom programs will to keep you warm, also be an integral part of the day. See you next month! •if v <03 We're Goins HoS Wild! Be sure you get your copy of The Canadian Statesman, on Wednesday, March 1 Oth Count the Piss... You might win a haml Watch for further details in The Canadian Statesman Your Community Newspaper Since 1854