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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1993, p. 19

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I r Section Two "Wr The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 24,1993 V A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle • 1K| Editors: Jack and Hazel Cra»o -987-4201 vv-'v% Newcastle Bowlers Take Part in Big Brothers Challenge U Taxes are due February 26! ! £ We extend congratulations to Wallace Wallace Boughen, of Ncwtonvillc, on being being awarded a Canada 125 medal for ;his service to the community. On Friday Friday .February 19, at Northview Community Community Centre, Oshawa, Wallace was tine of the many to be presented with a medal by MP Ross Stevenson. V On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, accompanied by Evelyn North- tup were luncheon guests of Joe and Marg Hockin, Oakville. Robert Hock- Jin, London, and Marg and Douglas Hockin, Rexdale, were also visiting itheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin. ÿ' In the afternoon, the Powells and Mrs. Northrup enjoyed a birthday celebration celebration in honour of Gwen Toms Manchester, Manchester, of Oakville, hosted by her sev- Jbn children. V On Wednesday evening, February T7, the Orono & District Fiddle Club entertained a full house at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall, Winner of the entertainer's entertainer's prize was Mark Sullivan ajid the fifty-fifty prize was won by Norma Ransbcrry. Norma and Mac Ransberry and their family are sponsoring sponsoring their 13th annual Kidney Foundation Foundation Dance on Saturday, March 6. Some of the Newcastle residents who attended Orville and Isabelle Challicc's 50th wedding anniversary reception in Orono United Church on Saturday, February 20th were Stan and NVylma Allin, Dorothy Branch, Jean Rickard, Jack and Hazel Crago. We extend extend congratulations and best wishes! The Newcastle Senior Citizens met on Thursday evening February 18 in the Newcastle Community Hall. Winners Winners of the card games were: 1st Helen ' Nesbitt, 2nd Aleck Moffatt, 3rd Mary -Thompson, 4th Allan Downes, 5th Lil Bbldcrstone, 6th Marion Scars. Lucky draws were won by Morley Flintoff, • Leslie Alldred, Aileen Turner, Wilma Scott, Jack Barkwcll, Jean Rickard, Bpmcice Milligan, Mary Thompson and Thelma Lane. Next meeting will be March 18. Hope, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley have May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark, returned safely from a three week vac- On Thursday, Mrs. Pauline Storks tion in Port Charlotte and Lakeland, and Mrs. Raye Friedlander attended Florida. the Ganaraska dinner and general On Monday, March 1, in the Lions meeting at the Port Hope Legion. Room of the Newcastle Community On Friday Mrs. Pauline Storks at- Hall the Historical Society meets, tended the MEA finance meeting in Guest speaker will be Robert Schcaffer Toronto. who will talk on rural mills. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Birthday greetings to Shaun Couch Mrs. Ron Burley were Alec and Mari- and Nathan Coyle. lyn Martin. Anniversary greetings to Bill and Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marilyn Couch on their wedding anni- Harry Wade were son Bill, Port Hope versaiy of March 1. All the best! and grandson Greg Wade, Fraservillc. Special congratulations to Mrs. Sug Saturday visitors were Mrs. Dave Jury Wing Woo who celebrated her birth- and Karen, Leskard. day on Saturday, February 20 with a party in Toronto. All the best, Mrs. Woo! On Sunday Lioness Wilda Williams, Williams, Jean Rickard, Pauline Storks St. George's Anglican Church On QuinquagcSima, February 21, 1993, the rector, The Rev. D.W. Hall, celebrated Holy Communion at 8 and 11. The flowers at the Alter were in and Kay Powell attended a brunch in memory of Helen Famcomb, given by jhc Lions Centre, Belleville, célébrât- her husband, Reginald Le Gresley. Lenten Bible Study, led by Oakley Peters, has been changed form Wednesday evenings to one o'clock Wednesday afternoons, with the first session today in the Parish Hall. As it .is Ash Wednesday an additional Mid- ing the 5 th charter anniversary of the Belleville Lioness Club. On Tuesday the Seniors Bowling League enjoyed their monthly Pot Luck Luncheon in the Lions Den and their afternoon of cards. Card game , _ . winners were 1st K. Powells, 2nd wcc ^ Service will be held at seven this Vance Cooper, 3rd Jean Holmes, 4th evening. During Lent there will contin- I . . ■ > "■ , *• * _ Tom Wilson, 5th Jack Holmes and 6th Wylma Allin. Lucky draws were won by Ron Burley, Jean Holmes, Olive Little, Albert Pearce, Art Compton, Doug Wright, Kay Kimball, Marie Gibson, Walter Murphy, Loma Crockett, Crockett, Jack Holmes and Wylma Allin. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. John Scott visited Fred and Bernice Bernice Henderson, Ncwtonvillc. Glad to uc to be two services on Wednesdays, at 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. This coming Sunday, the First in Lent, Holy Communion will be at eight and Morning Prayer at eleven. United Church On Sunday, February 21, 1993, at Newcastle United Church, two beautiful beautiful plants in memory of Ervan Rainey were placed by Jean and Glenn Allin The bowling lanes at the Newcastle Community Hall were rumbling on Saturday, February 13, during the annual Big Brothers challenge between youth bowlers in Newcastle Village and Bowmanville. A total total of 24 bowlers from various age groups were participating in the event. Snow is Piling Up in Hampton Area report Bernice is progressing well and families. Lay Reader Gail Rickard since surgery in Oshawa General Hos- also introduced guest speaker Iris Ow- pital. Mrs. Eileen Reid, Bowmanville, and her daughter, Patsy, Calgary, were Saturday luncheon guests of Mrs. Gladys Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Port Hampton by Michelle Balson - 263-2240 Outstanding Citizens to Receive Canada Commemorative Medal ens who told of the wide variety of programs held at Massey Centre , Toronto. Toronto. This facility has residences for single pregnant mothers, day care Isn't all this snow something else? Ferguson. No one won the Special, along with counselling programs. This The kids of Hampton had yet another The Draw winners were Evelyn Grel- is one of the Mission and Service out- snow day. The schools were open but ley, Muriel Butson, Wilma Goyne, reach ministries of the United Church there were no buses running on Mon- Ruby Cochrane and Meta Swain, of Canada. The anthem by the Senior day. Do you remember this many days Choir was Let the Lower Lights Be off because of snow? I'm sure J .\ Gord Mills, M.P.P. for Durham East is holding a special ceremony on Monday, March 1st, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. at The Town of Newcastle's Town Hall to honour persons in the riding who have made a significant contribution contribution to their fellow citizens, their com- i 1 ftiunity or to Canada. ; | < A Commemorative Medal marking i ■ the _125th Anniversary of the Confed eration of Canada has been approved by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and L*-„>. will he given to those who have been f selected. y. "There are so many people in. the riding who arc worthy of this Award. Mr. Mills said. It was very difficult for me to choose only 25" I ; In honouring the Award recipients, the Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman has agreed Jo be the special guest at the ceremony to hand out the Medals and the Certificates, Certificates, along with Mr. Mills. "It is indeed my pleasure to be a Rad of the Commemorative Medal Ceremony. I am looking forward to being being in Durham East with Mr. Mills to honour his constituents who have contributed contributed in such a positive manner to their communities," the Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman said. V The following 25 citizens will be the recipients for The Commemorative Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of The Confederation of Canada: y Mr. Roy Forrester, The Orono PAYING TOO MUCH for Business Insurance? Call 623-0331 ▲▲▲PINE RIDGE ^^INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanville Oshawa-436-6239 Weekly Times, P.O. Box 209, Main Street, Orono, Ontario, LOB 1M0, Mayor Diane Hamrc, Town of Newcastle, Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, Mrs. Anna Strike, 8 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A2, Ms. Leila Worry, 47 Church Street, Orono, Ontario Ontario LOB 1M0, Dr. E. Joe Pinto, 122 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K8, Mayor Howard Hall, Township Township of Scugog, Box 780, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry,.Ontario L9L 1A7, Ms. Roxy Barnes, Community Care, 98 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1R4, Mr. Sam Curcalz, 21 King Street East, Newcastle, Ontario Ontario LIB 1H3, Mr. Ed Mason, R.R. #1, Ashbum, Ontario, LOB 1A0, Mr. Roy Grierson, JD Cochrane Court, 61 Ash Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1R4, Mr. Vcm Garlick, 150 Trudeau Drive, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 4J5, Reeve Terry Staples, Manvcrs Township, Township, R.R. #2, Janctvillc, Ontario LOB 1K0, Mr. Gary Polonsky, President, Durham College, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7L7, Mrs. Patricia Bamicott, 9 Bluffs Road, Box 730, Group 7, R.R. HI, Newcastle, Ontario, LIB 1A3, Mr. Sterling Mather, P.O. Box 93, Newcastle, Newcastle, Ontario, LIB 1H2, Reverend Ed Schamcrhom, 190 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1T9, Mr. Gary Edgar, Mississauga's of Scugog First Nation, R.R #5, Port Perry, Ontario, Ontario, L9L 1B6, Mrs. Phyllis Baker, 11 Cabot Court, Wilmot Creek, Newcastle, Newcastle, Ontario, LIB 1A7, Mrs. Muriel Krizanc, 1663, Nash Road, Building D, Unit 6, Courticc, Ontario, LIA 1S8, Ms. Mary-Lou Walker, Box 32, Janctvillc, Ontario, LOB 1K0, Mr. Paul Arculus, 47 Robinggladc Drive, Scagravc, Ontario, L0C 1G0, Mr. Sidney Sidney Basil in care 3775 Regional no, Ontario, LOB 1M0, Mrs. Beatrice Campbell, 68 King Street East, Apr. 202, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3X2, Mrs. Viola M. Ashton, 6092 Solina Road, R.R. //I, Hampton, Ontario LOB 1M0, Mr. Rotxrl Martin, 29 Orchard Orchard Road, Port Perry, Ontario, L9L 1G4. we Burning with the solo part taken by could all tell a story or two. Glenn Allin. Lois McLeod thanked the Wednesday's Euchre Card Party guest speaker. has some fine results. First place hon- Guests arc requested for the Guess ours went to Barb Cochrane with a Who's Coming to Dinner. ' World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 5 at Newcastle United Church. Newcastle Village Community Bowling Ladies League Believe it or not, some people were camping this past weekend! The First Hampton Scouts were north of Havelock Havelock at a hunting camp. They slept in snow shelters they built themselves. All arrived home safely, ten fingers score of 82. In second place with 80 and ten toes still intact. Scout leader was Daisy Haines. Next was Betty Fred Ford says the secret is just dress- ; Kuyer with 76. This was followed by ing for the weather. Many thanks go Lois Yellowlecs and Vi Ashton, both out to the adult helpers who went with with scores of 74. Barb Cochrane also won the Most Lone Hands with five. Marian Martin 181, Beth Stacey Thc Most Honcst Pla y cr was Doreen 182, Tammy Crosscy 179, Loma The Enniskillen U.C.W. met at 9:30 INFORMATION CENTRE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECONSTRUCTION OF PRINCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE (Liberty Street to Simpson Avenue) Tho Corporation of the Town of Newcastle plans to reconstruct Prince Street from Liberty Street to Simpson Avenue as pari of the 1993 Construction Program. Design proposals have been prepared and a schedule established with construction tentatively proposed for commencement on May 10,1993. Tho proposed works will Include road excavation, placing granular ; road base, curb and gutter, storm sowers, wotormnln and hot mix : paving. Sidewalks will bo constructed on both sides of tho street. You are cordially Invited to attend an Information Centro on ! Wednesday, March 3, 1993, at the Newcastle Administrative Centro, ;40 Temperance Street, Dowmnnvlllo, between tho hours of 3:00 p.m. ; and 7:00 p.m,, In Mooting Hoorn 1. I Plans for tho proposed reconstruction will bo available lor Inspection : and staff will bo present to answer questions. Input from tho public Is respectfully requested. Waller A. Evans, P. Eng,, 4 _, THE TOWN or- J z-1 Newcastle ONTARIO Dnlool Publication: February 2*1,1003 Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle, 40 Tempérance Street, Dowmnnvlllo, Ontario L1C3AC Crockett 230-198-181, Linda Norrish 186-276, Susan Gilfoy 195, Carole Brady 177-187, Betty Major 211-183, Melody Chapman 175, Shirley Adams 210-243-238, Mary, Picrik 210-219, Marilyn Major 20 l v ,"Shelly Rivers 209- 213-178, Bernice Henderson 236, President Joyce Virtue chaired the Frances McKenzie 230. meeting in the absence of our President Seniors Lois Nimigon who is recuperating at Stan Alhn 179-161, Lil Boldcrstonc home from recent surgery. Joyce wcl- 165, Ruby Brunt 240, Marg Burley corned everyone and opened the mcet- 208-176, Vance Cooper 200-166, Lor- ing with a reading "So Little Time", na Crockett 193-243, Marie Gibson The minutes of the last meeting 190, Roy Hayward 163, Alice Hopson were read and approved. Several thank 166, Lonn Pardy 211, Albert Pearce you cards were acknowledged, and 153-158, Eleanor Perrin 193-186. others signed for some of our people Youth Bowling - Seniors we like to remember. Kelly Holmes 124-102, Amanda Thc treasurers report was given by Storks 111-116, Julie Brown 180-140, Phylis McGregor. Barbara Howe Nick Brown 139-125, Jenna Higgins passed the box for our collection of the 119, Doug McCurdy 202-204, Melissa least coin. Plans were finalized for the Carroll 112-133, Nathan Coyle ^142- repair and painting of the Sunday 149, Jack! Green 123-138, Kristi School room, several names are on the Brown 116-106, Josh Chiusolo 101- volunteer list. Several ladies finished a 120, Jeff Sparrow 116-156, Brent Roo- warm quilt to be given to thc men's zenboom 148, Robert Walton 105, hostel. At this time thc meeting was Lyndscy Holmes 205-123, Melissa turned over to thc Program Committee Kwashcn 102-157, Richard Martin of Joan Ferguson, Merle Avery and 168-191, Rene Mathias 106-166, Ruth Stcngcr. Ruth opened with a Cassy McSwain 113-205, Shannon reading followed by Hymn 520 with Saxby 175-179, Michelle Alldrcad Marie Sharp at thc keyboard. Merle 149, David Barr 188-172, Steven took Scripture from Romans 12-9-21. Grant 191-180, Chris Mathias 131- Joan read "What Is Love" - Merle read 179. "Thc Healing of thc Heart". Intermediate Thc offering was received and dedi- Dwaync Johns 98-129, Tim Hales catcd by Joan - Merle then introduced 126, Cole Pickcn 88-83, Ben Koslik thc guest speaker - Laurel, a Public Ed- Scan Higgins 113-105, Michael type of abuse is of great concern. It has McSwan J2, Andrea Robertson 108, taken many years for rape and incest Doug Walton 109-100, Brett Griffin victims to be able to bring their cases 83-111, David Guthrie 154-180, Ryan to light. They were often not believed McCracken 110-147, Nick Shkordoff or were even accused of being thc 95-124, Brian Troiman 119-100, Chris guilty one. And this unfortunately is Bugclli 116-85, Shannon Couch 152- still happening. We can only hope and 102, Glcndon Prccce 95-90, Brant Pray that thc law will deal differently Saunders 102-103. with lire guilty. Juniors Advance notice - the U.C.W. arc Paul Shkordoff 59, Saralt White planning n musical evening with the 137, Kyle Anderson 96, Erika Landry Sr. Citizens Choir form Oshawa com- 82, Darryl Lucyk 89, Lara Shkordoff ing to entertain us in April. Ross Mct- lUC,_Juson Gritnu_70 t Adam Wilson calfc will be Master of Ceremonies. this week at Merle thc Scout troop. The Pathfinders from our area went to Camp Samac this past weekend. There were eleven girls in all. I was informed informed that there were other Scouting and Guiding patrols there as well. On Saturday, the girls enjoyed a challenging challenging survival test. One group even attempted attempted to make hemlock tea. Later „ w . ,, ■ - ,-- that evening, the Pathfinders began PreoifW j m J' making their own ponchos. Everyone had a great time, safely. The third year Brownies have recently recently completed the Signallers Badge. Monday, February 22 is the birthday of Lord and Lady Baden Powell. Scouting Scouting and Guiding around the world will be celebrating this week. Many of thc kids will wear their uniforms to school. The Brownies celebrated Thinking Day on Tuesday with cupcakes and refreshments. refreshments. Guide leader Elizabeth Bateman has told me that a shipment of Girl Guide Cookies is in. Please give her a call at 263- to receive your box of delicious, delicious, well priced cookies. Please pass the word along that there will be a Teen Dance this Friday, February 26th. The dance will run from 7-11 p.m. complete with a door prize. I almost forgot to add, it will be held at the Hampton Community Centre. Centre. A reminder of the last Community Cushion Concert Series which will be Happenings in Enniskillen Area Saturday, March 6. This is held in the gymnasium of Hampton Junior Public School at 11:00 a.m. The performance will be The Join Hand Puppeteers. The story is set in the Amazon Rainforest. The use of large colourful animal puppets puppets will encourage laughter and audience audience participation. There arc no reserved reserved seats. Well that's all I have for you this All arrived home week. Until next time, stay safe and warm! SITING TASK FORCE Low-level Radioactive Waste Management GROUPE DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs The Community Liaison Groups In Port Hope, Hope Township and Newcastle are preparing a list of qualified local individuals, consulting firms and suppliers interested In submitting bids for environmental, social, and technical studies. These studies are related to the removal removal of low-level radioactive wastes from temporary storage sites in these three communities, and the remediation of the sites after cleanup. cleanup. Companies with offices or operations in these areas are Invited to submit a one-page outline of their skills and relevant experience to: The Siting Task Force Secretariat 580 Booth Street, 9th Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A0E4 FAX: (613) 996-6206 These firms will then be placed on the Secretariat's master bid list for upcoming projects In their area of expertise. Please Include a contact name, address, telephone number and fax number. All tenders, bids and contracting will be executed through the Department of Supply and Services of the federal government. 69, Bailey Ducita 79, Aslilcigh Storks Bible Study 82, Grant Marcotte 64. Avcrys. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 1993 FIRST INSTALLMENT 1993 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The FIRST INSTALLMENT of the 1993 INTERIM TAX NOTICE Is duo for REALTY AND BUSINESS TAX First Installment PAYABLE FEBRUARY 26TH, 1993 Please Pay Promptly to Avoid Penalty II you hnvo not rocolvod your Interim Tax Noilco, please lolophono tho Municipal Tax Olllco at 623-3379, 1993 Taxes are PAYADLE ONLY at the locations dolallod on tho Iront of tho Tax Noilco. Fnlluro to receive n Tax Noilco does not eliminate tho responsibility for tho pnymont of taxes and penally. C3.NM.I72 H. L. Swan Tax Collector GO Itain Service Expansion Oshawa West to Oshawa East Study Completion of Draft Report GO Transit has completed its draft environmental assessment report for the extension of allday allday GO Train service from the Oshawa GO/VIA station to tho eastern end of Oshawa. Subject to the comments received as a result of this notice, and the comments received from other review agon- cios, GO Intends to submit tho final version of tho draft report to tho Ontario Ministry of tho Environment for formal review and approval. You can review the draft during office hours Monday to Friday at GO'S head office or tho clerk's office of those municipalities: municipalities: Roglonal Municipality ol Duilinm 005 fiosslnnd Rond East, Whitby 0 30 n m. lo *1:30 p.m, Town ol Whliby 575 Roasland Rond East, Whitby 0:30 a.m. lo *1:30 pin. City ol Oshawa 50 Conlro Slroot South, Oshawa 0:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Town ol Nowcnsllo •to Tompornnco Slroot, aowmnnvillo 0:30 n.m. to *1:30 p.m. OO Transit 1120 Finch Avonuo West, 2nd FI,.Toronto (Downsvlow) 0:15 a.m, to *1:30 p.m. If you wish to common! on tho draft, ploaso do so within 30 calendar days, Submit your comments In writing by March 26,1993 to: Orog Aehboo. P.Eng,, Senior Project Engineer, OO Transit, 1120 Finch Avonuo Wosl, Toronto (Downsvlow), Ontario M3J 3J0; telephone (-110) 005.0211 ext. 211, lax (410) CO 5'0000 OO Tamil Is i/ig interregional public limit sen ice lot Toionlo ml mon, opeiated by the Toronto Area Transi l Operating Authority, a Crow n agency ol the Province ol Ontario I TRANSIT Ontario

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