) The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, March 3,1993 15 Colorful Display Depicts Historic Scenes in Town of Newcastle Public Speaking Contest in Hampton Hampton Michelle Balson - 263-2240 Time does pass quickly. We are now into the month of March. Before you know it, April will be here, and so will the warmer weather. Someone actually actually mentioned to me the other day that there will be a major snow storm in April! Can you imagine that? Think positive, that's what I say. At Wednesday's Euchre Card Party, Party, Ruby Smith was on the right track. She tool first place honours with a score of 88. In the spotlight of second place was Doreen Ferguson with 82. Next was Art Compton with 77.' This was followed by Ruby Cochrane with a score of 74 and Evelyn Dewell with 72. Loma Swain had the Most Lone Hands of four. The Most Honest Player was Marg Hall. The Special was won by Grace McGill. The Draw winners were Bernice Wells, Nellie Wright, Ruby Griffin and Grace McGill. Tyrone News By Jacqueline Vaneyk A week in Florida's warm weather really does wonders for health and morale. I understand we missed a major major snowstorm; Florida received heavy rain and thunder for a couple of hours on Monday. The annual public meeting held by Bethesda Cemetery Board had a small attendance from the community, but much interest was shown by other cemetery cemetery boards. Gary Carmichael from the Cemeteries Branch of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Relations spoke to us about the new Cemeteries Cemeteries Act, an update of the 1952 act. His information and comments were helpful to us all, and Gary put a human human face on a sector of the Public Service. Service. A great deal of visiting and sharing sharing of ideas took place over coffee after the main presentation. Many of the cemeteries in thsi area are run by small volunteer boards, and all help is appreciated. The Church Auction of Saturday evening raised over $2500! There were bargains to be had and the crowd bid well, urged on by Amot Wotten, your friendly neighbourhood auctioneer. auctioneer. Coffee, cold drink and goodies added to the atmosphere. The organizing organizing committee was Arlene Rowan, Heather Myles, Chris Brock, Jake Koene, Kathy Real, Joan Webb and Ted Brock. They had done a lot of work so things would run smoothly. Everyone had a good time and we raised some very welcome funds for the church. A big thank you to those who donated goods and talents, and especially to those who bought!. Elise Roy is home from the hospital; hospital; Carole Byam and Julie Knowlton arc still in at the time of writing. We hope they are all up and around by the time you read this." Upcoming events include: World Day of Prayer Service at Hampton Church on Friday, Mar. 5 at 1:30 p.m.; Tyrone United Church Council meets on Tues. Mar. 9 at 8 p.m.; UCW meets Wed. Mar. 10 at 7:30 p.m. No Smoking Restrictions At Recreation Complex I would like to bring to the attention attention of the public that in our local Recreational Complex there arc no restrictions restrictions on smoking. In this day and age, when we realize realize the hazards of smoking to our health, and the problems arising from second hand smoke, I cannot believe that there is not any enforcement of the no smoking bylaw. I recently read an article in your newspaper where our mayor said something to the effect that there is no use putting laws into effect that we cannot enforce. She was referring to smoking in malls, I believe, not the arena. 1 think this is a copout. Other places enforce these rules. I have been in other arenas where people have been asked to refrain front smoking if they didn't notice the signs and it didn't seem to cause a problem. Our own Bowmanville parents go outside the arenas to have a cigarette when signs arc posted, usually in the lobby area. Unfortunately, some arenas do not have signs in the skating area and therefore the parents and spectators light up during games. At a game recently in Bowmanville,the Bowmanville,the stencil of a cigar was so vile in the lobby area that we inquired about it to one of the staff. Ho said there are no signs, but the employees are not allowed to smoke, although they have to put up with the publics smoke, lie said he wishes more people people would complain and get this changed. I think that though on one hand we have a beautiful recreational complex which is modem and up-to-date, wo are very far behind in this aspect. There are people who actually get sick from second hand smoke, and others whose enjoyment of sports is spoiled by having to put up with the smell. Besides, what kind of an example are we trying to set for our youngsters who frequent tills facility? If this is published please do not use my name as 1 do not wish to take on all the smokers who feel they have rights loo. We have put up with their smoke long enough. Olsytnwtlcd Cltlun c.c Mayor Diane llarn Mary Tillcock Hampton Junior and M.J. Hobbs both held their Public Speaking Contests Contests last week. I was to help judge the M.J. Hobbs speakers last Monday. However, because of the snow it was rescheduled for Tuesday. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, I didn't plan for a snow date and couldn't make it. I hope to have more details of the winners in a future column. column. At Thursday's Girl Guide meeting, the girls were busy making crafts. Four of the Guides made little blue Herons (birds). The girls will exchange exchange these with other Guides at the International Guiding Camp. This will take place in July near Guelph. Guides from around the world will be attending. attending. Also that evening, a banner with names and messages was made by the Hampton Guides. This too will be brought to the International Camp. If that isn't enough, the Hampton Guides went camping this past weekend. weekend. They braved the cold by sleeping at a lodge in the Haliburton area. Actually, Actually, Camp Adelaide to be exact. The girls enjoyed numerous winter activities activities including hiking, snowshoeing and sledding. They also earned their Astronomer's Badge. Many thanks go out to leaders and parent helpers who help make it all possible. I heard the meal was scrumptious at the Stew Supper held by the Hampton Hampton U.C.W. this past Saturday. Everyone Everyone left with a full tummy. A Men's Breakfast was held on Sunday, February 28th. All this talk about food is making me hungry. The guest speaker was JudgST-E--Richard Lovekin of Newcastle Village. Please note that the World Day of Prayer will be observed on Friday, March 5th. All are welcome to attend at 1:30 p.m. at the Hampton United Church. One final reminder. The Hampton United Church will hold its Annual Church Parade on Sunday, March 28th. Well, that's all I have for you this week. Tune in next week for a report report for the Women's Institute meeting. meeting. Until then, stay safe and enjoy. In the foyer of the Town of Newcastle Municipal Administration Building, there is a display of color photographs and short essays on a number of heritage buildings within the town. Photographer and writer writer Steven Wiggins, a member of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), is one of the people who volunteers time and effort to research historic and architecturally significant buildings. The LACAC group is appointed by Town Council. The buildings Mr. Wiggins has recorded include structures in rural and urban settings, some of which were built in the early 1800's. Town of Newcastle Mayor Diane Hamre, who is shown with Mr. Wiggins, expressed delight in having the display display at the town hall. 1990 GMC SLE 4x4 Maroon, V8, air, loaded, 22,000 km. «IB.990 1992 Silverado 4x4 Blue/Blue, V8, loaded, 10,000 km $20,900. 1991 ChevSIO Ext. 4x4 Black/Silver, V6, auto, air, 41,000 km. Slfi.flflS. 1992 Tracker Yellow, 4 cyl., std., 15,500 km. $11.000. mmMB tes®* i aeKti< 1991 GMC Safari SLT Grey, loaded, mint, 37,000 km. $10.000. 1991 Chev S10 Ext. 4x4 Black, V6, air, sharp, 82,000 km. $10.000. 1992 GMC SLE-S15 Red/Grey, V6,5 sp„ 17,000 km. $14.900. ifièülOti 1991 Jimmy 4x4 ■ ( Blue, V6, air, auto, loaded, 2 dr., 25,000 km. SI8.B00. 1988 Chev 1/2 Ton Brown, V6, auto. 97.990. 1992 Chev S10 Ext. Toni, VO, nlr, lull lond, 03,000 km. SIO.POQ Whito, ohoit box, clop oldo, VO, L londod. 1992 GMC 1 Ton Van Red/Black, V8, loaded, 27,000 km. $19.900. 1991 Astro Silver, V6, air, 8 psg., 43,000 km. 815.900. 1992 Astro CL Ext. Blue/Silver, loaded, 18,000 km. $19.000. 1992 Chev Long Box Ext. Cab Bue/Blue, loaded, 350 820.900 1990 Astro LT 'Blue, V6, loaded, 77,000 km. $14.990. 1988 GMC Safari Grey, V6, 5 passenger, 84,000 km. :$9.990. 1989 Chev Red/Sllver, V8, air, cassette, 53,000 km. 810.000. 1991 ChevSIO Ext. Blue/Silver, V6, loaded, air. -8I2.9W, 1990Sunbird GT . Bluo, loaded, 5 sp„ nlr, 48,000 km. $10.998. 1989 Silverado Ext. 1 Ton Blnck/Tnn, long box, trnllorlng, loaded, 09,000 km. 818.000. 1990 Ford 3/4 ton XLT Dlnck/Groy. VO, londod, 53,000 km, 1992 Cadillac Deville White, blue leather, 21,000 km. «30.999. 1992 Olds 98 Elite Silver, loaded, 15,000 km. 826.900 1992 Olds 88 Blue, V6, loaded, 17,000 km. 1992 Olds 98 Touring White, blue leather, loaded, 14,000 km. 820.900. ■ s-AaiëL. .J 1992 Geo Silver, Std., 5,700 km. 97.999. 1991 Olds 98 Elite Blue, loaded, 25,000 km. «21.990. y' 1990 Olds Supreme SL Blue/Silver, loaded, 66,000 km. 912.990. 1990 Cadillac Fleetwood Maroon, loaded, mint, 28,000 km. 827.B00. 1991 Pontiac Firefly Silver, auto, 20,000 km.. : W,fH. JSS ' • JSS5L. ■ --q 1988 Bulck LeSabre LT Maroon, loaded, A m 1 9Î^5m?5^Brôugham Groy, londod, mini, 50.000 km, 813,9004 1992 Cutlass Supreme SL White, loaded, 19,000 km. $18.999 1992 Lumina Euro Maroon, loaded, 21,000 km. $19.999. 1988 Celebrity Grey, V6, air, auto, 83,000 km. 87.990. 1991 Lumina Euro Grey, loaded, 29,000 km. $14.999, 1991 Lumina Euro Maroon, loaded, 31,000 km. 814.909, Si 1991 Lumina Z34 White, loaded, 29,000 km. 917.999. 1991 Grand Prix Grey, V6, loaded, 41,000 km. 914.899, ■a* 1- .tilth 1991 Lumina Euro White, loaded, 43,000 km. 814.999. 1991 Olds Cutlass Int, Maroon, loaded, 25,000 km. 817.999. 1991 Chevy Sprint Silver or Whito, nulo, 30,000 km, $9.999. legal Groy/Sllvor, londod, 00,000 km. $9.990 . aanwBBiM ss mm&timmmMKatmBBBk 1992 Geo Storm Silver, std., air, cassette, 22 000 km! $10,900 1991 Cavalier Z24 Grey, loaded, auto, 37,000 km. ; 612,900, r 1991 Corsica White, V6, air, 40,000 km. 612.009 1992 Beretta GT Maroon, auto,air, loaded, 26,000 km. 813.900, ■ dwj 1991 Cavalier Grey, air, auto, 16,000 km 69,999. i I- ■+■*** • **. |W fl h 2^-. f. JWa- 1991 Cavalier Grey, auto, air, 69,000 km. ra 89.995. 1990 Corsica White, V6, air, auto, 54,000 km. $9.995. 1989 Sunbird White, air, auto, 31,000 km. 99.498.!; to 6§ (R JP 7 ^** -- 1989 Cavalier Z24 White, loaded, auto, 59,000 km. 99.995. 1991 Pontiac Sunbird y Ditto, nlr, auto, 50,000 km. hi 1990 Corsica, Groy, VO, nlr. 87,995.!;! • ?