I 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, April 21,1993 Hampton by Michelle Balson - 263-2240 J As the daylight hours grow longer, longer, the schedules get busier. Hampton is no exception. The Hampton Guiding Guiding Parent Association is busy preparing preparing for their Yard and Bake Sale on Saturday May 1st. This will be held at the Hampton Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Donations Donations may be' dropped off at the Centre Centre on the Friday before, from 3 - 5 p.m. or 6:30 - 8 p.m. Also, please note that there arc a few tables available available to rent. Anyone interested may contact Beth Knowler at 263-8335. Hurry, they won't last long! The Hampton Sparks enjoyed vis iting the Enniskillen Sparks for last week's meeting. On Thursday, April 15th the Guiding leaders attended their District meeting. Boy, do I have a scoop for you. I heard through the grapevine that there will be a special two week cookie sale at Christmas. , These won't be the usual chocolate and vanilla Guide cookies but chocolate chocolate mint wafers! Wednesday V Euchre Card Party is still going strong. Marie Moses was the first place winner with her score of 85. In second place was Eileen Eileen Warder with 80. Next was Bernice Bernice Renton with 78. This was fol- Happenings in Enniskillen Jj by Betty Wright Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe were Ryan and Krista Howe, Saintficld, Ricky, Michael and Gregory Howe, Ncwtonvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lcadbeatcr attended attended the funeral of our cousin Mrs. Enid Lcadbeatcr of Sutton on the Lake, Ontario on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat and family, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Alderson, Brooklin, Mr. • and Mrs. Wally Griffin enjoyed bmnch on Sunday, celebrating April birthdays. Shcelah Browver came in 3rd both for her group and solo for her jazz dancing at the Kiwanis Festival at Stratford, Miss Rhonda Russel, Bowmanvillc was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Browver. A number from the area attended the 2nd Chocolate Lovers Bmnch (with a Ncopolitan flavour) on Sunday, Sunday, April 18th with two sittings at the Soprattino's Restaurant on Cclina St., Oshawa, presented by the Al- zeimers' Disease Rpsearch. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shannon and family, Lindsay were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and Laura. On Saturday Mrs. Ted Worry went to Maxine Hoskcn's 80th birthday birthday tea at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Speakman. Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Mr. John Naylor, Columbus were Sunday evening evening Dinner guests of Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Borman. On Friday evening, April 16th at St. Paul's United Church, Scarborough, Scarborough, Fred Billctt put on a concert of song and poetry, a tribute to Reva Billctt. About 100 people attended with both sons and families in attendance. attendance. Those from this area attending were Mr. Keith Billctt, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Bowmanvillc, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, R.R.i/1, Bowmanvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGill, Julia and Andrea, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale McGill and family. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman were Saturday evening evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bowman and family celebrating Eric's Birthday. Many Happy Returns Returns of the Day, Eric. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Demers, Kingston, Miss Vicki Robinson, Mr. Kevin Avery, Lindsay were Sunday luncheon guests with Myrtle and Ella. Miss Alison Comollicr attended, the birthday party for Miss Andrina Matliic on Saturday. Many Happy Returns of the Day, Andrina. On Monday evening April 19th, Mothers Fellowship was held at the home of Ruth McGill with Amanada Hoskins being our guest speaker, telling telling of her trip to Africa and England. Happy Birthday goes to Miss Emily Emily Forster on celebrating her 4lh birthday on April 23rd. I - Oshawa Senior Citizens Club Annual Spring Concert at our Church at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be available at door. Seminar Offers Help For Cancer Patients And Their Families Helping cancer patients cope with the stress caused by the disease is as important us the treatment of the disease disease itself. Additional Therapies in Cancer Care is an evening seminar for cancer patients, their families and friends, which will focus on the areas of relaxation relaxation techniques, visualization, music therapy and other proven methods of reducing stress, Presented by Palliative Care Services Services of Oshawa General Hospital, this event will be held on Wednesday, Wednesday, May 5 from 7 • 9:30 p.m. at the Oshawa Public Library, 65 lingo! Street. Guest speakers at this seminar include include Dr. Margaret Hovanec, a consultant consultant psychologist who has worked extensively with cancer patients at the Princess Margaret Hospital and tlie Toronto Bay view Regional Cancer Cancer Centre, and Jennifer Jonas, a registered registered music therapist who has extensive extensive experience In applying therapy to assist both children and adults in a variety of sellings. Registration lee is SI5. Refreshments Refreshments will lie served. II - May 15th Sunday School Anniversary Anniversary Dinner Beginning at 4 p.m. until all are served. III - Enfield United Church Annual Annual Quilt Show and Bazaar 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Small Admission Charge. IV - May 16th - Sunday School Anniversary Service will be held at 9:45 a.m. Please note change in time. Note: The Enniskillen Stewards with help from the U.C.W. are planning planning a Yard and Bake Sale to be held in June. When doing your Spring Cleaning if you find anything suitable suitable for the sale, please put aside. Date will be announced at a later time. lowed by Daisy Bell with her score of 76 and Ada Richards with 74. The Most Lone Hands was won by Fred Watson with five. Grace Murdoch was the night's Most Honest Player. ■ Harold Swain won the Special as well as a Draw. Other Draw winners were Lorna Swain, Meta Swain, Verna Verna Robinson and Daisy Bell. The Scout, Cub and Beaver organizations organizations had a Parent and Son Banquet Banquet on Friday, April 16th. District Commissioner Lavcme Muirhead and President of the West District, Dn Jones attended. A wonderful pot- luck dinner was enjoyed by all. The young men provided the entertainment entertainment for the evening. The Beavers performed a song. The Cubs did a little little skit. The Scouts, however, needed some audience participation. Being the good guys that they arc, A1 Davidson, Davidson, Doug Browing and Peter Rit- zic volunteered. They were then tied to chairs Indian style. Joan Ritzic and Barb Pokorski gladly proceeded to cream the men with pics! I'm sorry I missed that one. Any pictures? A thank you to the participants for being being such good sports. The Hampton Stewards Beef Supper Supper turned out to be a 'sold out' event. This was held this past Sunday at the Hampton United Church. There are a few Church notices. There arc still some "Branches, Lunches and Suppers on the GO" left. These wonderful United Church Cook Books have time tested recipes in them. Anyone interested may contact contact Karen Dair at 263-8886. Please note that there will be a teaching seminar, "Jesus The Liberator" Liberator" on Saturday, April 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bring a bag lunch with you, refreshments will be served. Well I think that's all I have for you this time. I have to save something something for next week. Until then, stay safe and enjoy. 's Institute Holds Annual Meeting April 12th The Maple Grove W.I. met in the C.E. Hall on April 12th at 6:45 p.m. with 17 members and one guest present. This was a Pot Luck Supper. When everyone enjoyed a variety of first course dishes and delicious desserts desserts after we had repeated our W.I, grace. Mrs. A. Vandergaast, Pres, was in charge of the following business. ' The Roll Call was 1. Pay your dues, 2, Bring the recipe of the dish you brought for supper. We had decided to keep our fee at $12. The recipes will be compiled and given out at our next meeting. Minutes were read and approved and Treasurer's report given. The District Annual will bé held, at Blackstock on May 11th with registration registration at 9 a.m. and dinner is $6. Mrs. W. Brown agreed to do the 'In Memoriam', assisted by Mrs. A. Vandergaast. Delegates to District Annual arc Mrs. A. Vandergaast, Mrs. H. Bradley Bradley and Mrs. H. Prescott. The collection and Pennies for Friendship were received. A humorous skit entitled 'Checks and Unbalances' was given by Mrs. H. Prescott and Mrs. R, Metcalf. The Annual Meeting reports were given as follows:- Minutes - Mrs. R. Metcalf, Auditors Auditors Report - Mrs. S. Found, President President - Mrs. A. Vandergaast, Public Relations - Mrs. H. Crydcrman, Donations Donations - Mrs. R. Metcalf, Program Co-ordinator - 'Mrs. W. Brown, Tweesmuir History - Mrs. W. Smit, Resolutions - Mrs. R. Metcalf, Good Neighbours - Mrs. H. Crydcrman. Mrs. W. Laird seconded all the reports reports given. Mrs. P. Ford of Solina, District President, conducted the Election of Officers. Mrs. Ford declared all offices as vacant. Mrs. R. Metcalf was Secretary for the election. Mrs. W. Wihlidal gave the Nominating Nominating Committee report. Mrs. Ford conducted the election as follows: Past President - Mrs. H. Bradley, President - Mrs. A. Vandergaast, 1st Vice Pres. - Mrs. S. Found, 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. F. Kelsey, Secretary Treasurer - Mrs. R. Metcalf, Assistant Assistant Secretary - Mrs. E. Burke, District District Director - Mrs. H. Bradley, Alt. District Director - Mrs, H. Ecwucs, Branch Directors - Mrs. P. DcVos, Mrs. i R. Bubar, Mrs. A. Noordstra, P.R.O. - Mrs. H. Crydcrman, Alternate Alternate P.R.O. Mrs. H. Prescott, Pianist - Mrs. W. Laird, Auditors - Mrs. S. Found, Mrs. G. Bessc, Good Neigh bours - Mrs. H. Crydcrman, Mrs. W. Wihlidal, Curators - Mrs. H. Smit, Mrs. A. Noordstra, Resolutions - Mrs. R, Metcalf, Mrs. W. Polak, Program Program Co-Ordinator - Mrs. W. Brown, Press Reporter - Mrs. W. Brown, Group Leaders - Mrs. G. Bessc, Mrs. A. Hall, Mrs. A. Noordstra. Mrs. Ford conducted the installation installation service. It was moved and seconded that we give $50 to the 4-H Club for the year and they give a financial report at our meeting later in the year. The 4-H Club arc holding a Summary Summary Day on May 17th at 7 p.m. at the Base Line Community Centre. A suggestion was made that we have our Pot Luck Supper in May of 1994 instead of in April. Group Leaders picked their topics for the coming year, and the Mary Stewart Collect was repeated after which dishes were done Press Reporter Win Brown. YWCA Workshop Offers Assistance To Find Social Services You Require Personal crisis, relationship or family family conflicts? Need help? Find out what services arc available in . the community and choose those best suited suited to your needs. Local health and social services professionals will be on hand to share their resources and help you learn more about other services in the community. community. The day includes a film depicting depicting an untapped resource, your inner inner strength. This YWCA workshop will be held on April 24 at the Bowmanvillc Lion's Centre. Starting time is at 9 a.m. and will finish at 4 p.m. Lunch is brown bag, and refreshments will be offered. The afternoon's focus will be on group work and is optional. Pre-registration is necessary through the YWCA's Bowmanvillc office located 133 Church St. or telephone telephone 623-9922 for more information. 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