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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1993, p. 7

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k Education The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, April 21,1993 .13 News and Events from The Pines Senior Public School The last two months have been very busy ones at The Pines both academically academically and athletically. Once again, The Pines Panther has been prowling victoriously across the Board! Think Bowl by Crystal Thompson and Alisha Alldread This year, fourteen students from The Pines trained diligently for the Think Bowl contest sponsored annually annually by the Board. The winning team was chosen from The Pines and consisted consisted of Georgina Katsiapsis, Jenni- ca Fcmstrom, Grant Esler and Scott McDonald. We were also honoured by having the third place team chosen chosen from The Pines. These members were Jenny Ellis, Amanda Rogers, Deepak Angl and Jeff Finlay. These two teams faced strong competition from Bowmanville Senior P.S., M.J. Hobbs and Dr. Hawkins P.S. Congratulations Congratulations to all! These two teams will now be competing against the winning teams from the eastern half of the Board in Baltimore on May 6. The morning will be spent solving problems and the afternoon will involve the dramatization dramatization of their solutions. The winners winners from this competition will compete compete in a provincial Think Bowl competition. Mrs. Yeo is the coach of this team and Ms. Wilson is helping to prepare the team for the dramatic presentation. presentation. Good Luck in May! Basketball by Trevor Richards and Lacey Piels The Senior girls basketball team, coached by Mr. Windsor, brought further glory, to The Pines by winning the silver medal at the tournament at Bowmanville High School. The girls' expertise and sportsmanship were a credit to the school. Team Members were Amanda Rogers, Georgina Katsiapsis, Katsiapsis, April Lewis, Cindy Ross, Christina Reed, Holly Piels, Jenny Ellis, Julia Turner, Jennifer Jones and Leslie West. The Senior boys basketball team, coached by Mr. Walters, also showed their prowess by winning third place in the tournament. The members of this team were Trevor Baker, Jeff Parry, Matt Staley, Ricardo McLean, Bryan Landry, Ian Crookshank, Trevor Trevor Richards and Scott McDonald. Their perserverence and sportsmanship sportsmanship are to be commended. The Junior girls basketball team, coached by Ms. Powell-Holt, are to be congratulated for a job well done at the tournament on March 31. Hard-working team members included included Tanya G oral, Kelly Vance, Laura Spencer, Lyndsey Holmes, Shannon Hannigan, Karric Armstrong, Karen Cannon, Vicky Robbins, Stephanie Spencer, Carrie White and assistant coach, Christina Reed. The Junior boys basketball team, coached by Mr. McKelvey, put on an impressive display at the tournament on April 1, bringing home the silver medal! Winning members were Gray Powell, Chris Peldiak, Adam Colville, Colville, Ryan Muizelaar, Jason Knox, Neil Thornton, Jonathan Armishaw, Adam Aitchcson, Dan' McDonald, Steve Barber and Justin Malley helped with the team. Floor Hockey Tournament by Neil Towler and Nick Sellers The first annual co-ed floor hockey hockey tournament was hosted at The Pines on April 14. It was a highly successful day with all teams displaying displaying great skill, enthusiasm and sportsmanship. sportsmanship. The Grade 7 team brought more honour to The Pines by winning winning the silver medal. Team members were Dan MacDonald, Colin MacDonald, MacDonald, Tara Amott, Lyndsey Holmes, John Annishaw, Steve Foster, Foster, Vicki Robbins and Jason Knox. Congratulations! The grade 8 team fought valiantly but ran into some very stiff competition. competition. These team members were Scott MacDonald, Georgina Katsiapsis, Scott McKay, Andrea McManus, Leslie West, Holly Piels, Amanda ' Rogers and Trevor Baker. Mr. Scott and his group of willing AROUND THE SCHOOL BOARD by Bob Willsher, Ward III Trustee, N/N Board of Education 1993 budget discussions arc continuing. continuing. The Board expects to be able to approve the budget at the April 29 meeting. Building budgets arc never easy, whether it is for your household, household, business, or in our case, the school system. The current economic situation makes it even more difficult for everyone. I have found this year's process just as stressful as past years. The problem of meeting the needs of the students and keeping costs down becomes becomes more difficult as the number of external and uncontrollable factors increases. These factors exist for everyone everyone but just seem to be more numerous numerous for the board. But in those areas where we can make a difference I believe we have been making progress. Our planned approach to maintenance, energy consumption and waste reduction arc but a few areas. Although I know some taxpayers don't agree, the board does operate on an efficient level in terms of the use of human resources. How can wc tell? Like oth- Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ZOLTAN MOLNAR, late of tho Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality Municipality of Durham, Deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars particulars of such claims to the undersigned undersigned Administrator on or before the 12th day of May, 1993, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have been received. received. Dora Crocker, Administrator, by R.l. MORRISON, 1040 Adelaide St. N., London, Ontario, N5Y 2M9, Solicitor. 16-3S Tenders GRASS CUTTING Tenders are being accepted by tho Tyrone Athletic Association for grass cutting and trimming for Tyrone Park. Phono Carla Stevens Stevens 263-8842. Deadline April 23,1993 at 4 p.m. 16-1SN <a Ontario Hydro ONTARIO HYDRO CONTRACTOR PREQUALIFICATIONS LAKESHOREAREA FOR - WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONS - METER READING Ontario Hydro Invites Interested, Indopondont contractors lo submit submit an oullino including capability and resources, for the provision ol the above services on an as required required basis and ns applicable to your business, Tho work Is located located In Ontario Hydro's Lnkoshoro Aron. Proposals lor both requirements will bo rocolvod up lo 4:00 pm. local Unto on Thursday, April 20, 1003. Ilior requirement may bo oh Inlnud Monday lo Friday, 0 3C am. to 4:30 p,m, Irani: (or lor in spoclion only) Ontnrlo Hydro tlcugog Rond Bowmnnvillo, Ontario L10 3K0 Telephone; 410 023-2601 or Ontario Hydro 600 Dali Street „ , Cobotng, Ontario K0A 4 K0 Telephone; 410 370-3311 cr organizations and businesses the most reasonable comparison is to other other similar organizations. In a recent report to the Operations Operations & Finance committee wc found that our board was operating at a cost per student level below the average of all boards in Ontario. Let's have a look at some of these comparisons. The following information shows the area of the board's operation followed followed by our cost per student and the average cost per student for all boards in Ontario in brackets. Business Administrations $84 ($136), General Administration $39 ($64), Instruction $4,950 ($5,354), Plant Operation & Maintenance $687 ($798), Transportation $396 ($328), Capital $513 ($193), Debt Charges $42 ($86), Computer Services $68 ($42), Miscellaneous Expenses $87 ($167). In total it costs our board $6,866 per student and the average of all boards is $7,170. What docs this information mean to local taxpayers? I hope it gives some assurance that, on a comparative comparative basis, the board is operating in a very cost effective manner. For example, example, in the area of administration,which administration,which often is the most targeted group, our total administration costs arc $123 per student compared to the average of all boards of $200. That's nearly 40% less. Although our capital costs are higher, this is a reflection of the significant significant growth our board is experiencing. experiencing. Similarly, our transportation costs arc higher as a result of the largely rural nature of our board. T he computer costs arc somewhat skewed because wc charge all of our computer computer services into one account while others charge them back to the individual individual function that uses the service. Docs this mean wc cannot do better? better? Absolutely not! There arc many opportunities to reduce the cost of education. education. In last month's column I mentioned a few suggestions from our provincial organization. I have also previously mentioned our efforts to combine services with the separate school board and the town. But, wc will have to lake a serious look at the level of service wc currently currently provide if wc arc to make a significant reduction in our costs. To achieve these changes, it will require the cooperation of our employee groups and parents. For many this . will be difficult but necessary. I would like lo remind you that; on Tuesday, May 4th Dick Malow- ncy, Director of Education, will be speaking at the Pines Senior Public School. His topic will be "Excellent Schools". I know you will find this interesting and I encourage you to attend. attend. On Monday, May 10 at Newcastle Public School the school's PTA will be hosting an Information Night with the topic being "Future Directions." I will be there along with trustee Debbie Debbie Nowlan and Superintendent Trudy Trudy Lum to share with you some of the changes that will be occurring in education. Please mark your calendar for 7:30 p.m. Happenings at Waverley Public School Buzzing About Spring News We're back!!! The Waverley Ncwstcam is back again and wc arc bursting with topics. So here wc go!! In March, Waverley held an Awards Assembly. Tabs were given for various sports and clubs. They were given to members of the winning winning dodgcball teams, the volleyball teams, Library helpers, Fish Club helpers, lunch helpers and classroom helpers. Carly Edwards acted as our school photographer and look quite a selection of pictures. The grade six, from Miss Pitcher's class provided entertainment for the assembly. Wc arc having our annual Book Fair, on Monday, April 26 ending on April 29. Mrs. Anyan, our librarian, will be in charge. As part of the grade 6, Environmental Environmental Study unit, the students are working hard and researching as much as they can about Australia. They are planning an Open House for parents and friends to enjoy the centers, centers, some skits and a taste of peach mclba. On April 6, Sandra Beech, a Canadian Canadian recording artist and Juno awards winner, visited Waverley School and . performed for grades 1-4. Sandra has been appointed Self-Esteem Ambassador Ambassador lor the Canadian Menial Health Association. Sandra is from Ireland and writes most of Iter own songs. She also sings Irish folk songs. She plays percussion percussion and the harp. Sandra started to sing in front of audiences at the age of three and a half. About ten years ago, she stopped siuginp for adults and now performs only lor children. Sandra sings in schools, concert hulls, on T.V. and in studios. Sandra likes lo include her audience audience in her songs. On April 21, the juniors are having having a pizza hot lunch. Parent volunteers volunteers will he serving the pizza and drinks, On April (t, forty-eight students from die grade five classroom went lo see Joseph and die Technicolor Oreamcoat, It was held in Toronto at die Elgin Theatre. The students, first, watched how the production was made, They had time lo ask some questions, After they went lo dinner at the Baton's Center and finished the evening watching the performance of Joseph and the Technicolor Dream- coat. Everyone had a great time. I-Iopc you enjoyed this month's- topics from Waverley and wc hope you had a great Easter! ! Carly Edwards Andrew Woodhouse Leanne Youngman Darcy Wintonyk Kylie Peltier Joe Earle Jennifer Johnston School Bd. Briefs Trustees voted to contract representatives representatives of the Ontario Secondary School Federation to discuss providing providing summer school starting in 1994. Since 1989, students in this board have enrolled in surrounding boards for summer courses at the secondary level. The move cnine when the board and the teacher's federation could not reach agreement on salary rates for summer and night school credit courses. Women's Issues Focus of Seminar Meet and network with other women in the area at a special evening evening wine and cheese reception Thursday, May 6 featuring guest speaker The Honourable Marion lloyd, Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Women's Issues in Ontario. Proceeds from the ticket sales will go to n new bursary fund for women in tills region to lie used at the annual Rycrson Women's Week seminars held in Cobourg In co-operation with Tho Northumberland and Newcastle- Board of Education. The evening Is a prelude to a full day of seminars on May 7, again, at the Best Western Cobourg Motor Inn and they Include "Leadership Into tho Year 2000," and "The Balancing Act • Work and Family Challenges." If you are Interested, please call the Employment Equity Officer or the Communications Officer at The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education al -t I6-372-6K71. volunteers arc to be congratulated for both coaching and organizing a very successful day. Easter Dance by Richard Adams On Thursday, April 8, there was an Easter Dance held after school at The Pines. Despite many people going going away for the long weekend, the dance was fairly well attended and those who were there enjoyed the DceJay and the great music! Future Events The Pines is going to be creating a Natural Environment in a section of the school yard. This area will eventually eventually be a mini-park filled with trees, shrubs, flowers and walkways. We hope that it becomes a natural sanctuary sanctuary for wildlife. Any natural contributions, contributions, (perennials, etc), would be gratefully appreciated. The Grade 7 and 8 students of Room 219 have been busy designing and building an indoor pond, water- fo'untain and frame to house twenty- eight goldfish, koi and pond plants. They are to be commended for their co-operation in planning and constructing constructing the entire structure. A very special Thank You to our custodian, Mr. Phillips, for his expertise, guidance, guidance, patience and good humour throughout this learning experience! The school badminton teams arc busy practising for the tournament in late April. Stay tuned for further details! details! Plans arc under way for the trip to see Romeo and Juliet in Toronto on May 13. The Grade 7 visit to Ottawa on May 25 is busily being organized and promises to be another excellent educational educational and entertaining field trip. GORD and NANCY BARNES Assoc. Broker Sales Associate HOT TUB FOR 12 in ■ 1320 sq. ft. beauty on 170 ft. lot. Beautifully decorated, walkout greenhouse kitchen to 21 x 20' deck and tub. Central air and gas heat. $139,900. Remax Apple Realty Ltd. Home: 623-6860 ^80 Athol St., Oshawa Office: 576-3111 IB3BI HOCKIN TIME FOR A CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE 2 bedroom bungalow in pristine condition condition in Wilmot Creek Retirement Community. $79,900. Marg Bain. 150ACRE FARM on paved road. Brick house and bams in excellent condition. $475,000. Bob Stevens. COMMERCIAL CORNER IN BOWMANVILLE 2-storey, brick building. Large parking area. $295,000. Brad Hockln. Celebfilînç Our 20th Anniversary 123 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 416-623-4115 HUGE RAVINE LOT On a quiet crescent, 4 bedroom semi. 1 1/2 baths, walkout basement and attached garage. $125,900. Marg Bain. 1/2 ACRE LOT 3 bedroom bungalow with separate quarters above double-car garage between between Oshawa and Bowmanville. $139,900. Brad Hockln. HOUSE -BARN- 2.58 ACRES Fenced property with 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 storey home. Spectacular view of lake and countryside. REDUCED - $167,500. Marg Bain. NAME THE TYPE OF BUSINESS Completely redone commercial building building in downtown Bowmanville. Paved parking. $174,500. Brad Hockln. HOME OF DISTINCTION 4 bedrooms, beautiful bay windows, French doors, stained glass, gumwood trim. $249,000. Marg Bain. SPACIOUS-GRACIOUS 3 years new, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, 2 baths, $16,000, in upgrades, central air, private yard. $169,900. Mary Lou Mintz. """"" ' 1 1 1 ' ' ' -I- ' 11 - NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE NRS EDVAN REALTY LTD. J 85 King Street W. Newcastle 987-4733 214 King Street E. Bowmanville 623-4445 NEWCASTLE 87' LOT Largo country kitchen and cozy liroplaco in living room, 3 spacious spacious bedrooms. $134,900. Dorothy Hartford**, Broker/Owner OLDER HOME 1/2 acre lot, close to 401. Now tool and lurnaco, largo portion restored, 38 x 26' barn, garden shod. Asking $149,000. For more Info call Murray* or Glenda* 987-4733. PERFECT LOT-$204,900. Professionally decorated 4 bedroom homo In newer N, end location In Dowmnnvillo, Main floor family room nnd Inundiy, French doors, beautiful kitchen, many upgrades, Call Donna Fletcher*. SUPER HOBBY FARM 10 acres with outer buildings. 4 bedrooms, bedrooms, family room and liroplaco, separate dining nnd largo oat-in kitchen, kitchen, finished roc room. Lots ntoro. Asking $229,000. Call Glenda* or Murray* 987-4733. ORONO AREA 1.3 ACRES 5600 sq, It, ranch bungalow n possible two family dwelling G bedrooms, largo principle rooms on belli iovols, Garages up and down Now asking $329,000. For appt. to view please call Wilma Entwlalo* 623-4445. Suœe&à, 987-4733 623-4445 FOR CREATIVE LIVING Groat potential - toa room, crafts, antiques, otc, 2 storoy brick, now gas lurnaco and roof, walkout bnsomont, doiachod double garngo. $157,900. For Info Murray* or Glenda* 987-4733. EVERYTHING YOU WANT! Groonhouso kitchen, separate living room and dining room, main lloor family room, 2-cnr garngo, 3 bod- rooms and 2 1/2 baths. Nicely docomlod docomlod Newcastle $105,900. Call Rlnsko Wagonaar* 263-8044. HAMPTON AREA- MECHANIC'S DREAM Adorablo bodrooms, oxirn largo 160' x 150' pmlinlly hedged country lot Shop/gnrngo with 12' ceilings, 200 amp sotvieo t detached garage building building Asking $109,000, Coll Wilma Enlwlale*, Sale» Rep^

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