I Happenings in Yelverton The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Wednesday, April 28,1993 17 By Harvey Malcolm Miss Valerie Malcolm is currently home from Australia where she has been living, spending some time visiting visiting her Dad - Murray Malcolm who is now recuperating in St. Joseph's Hospital in Peterborough. She also visited her sister Lana and her husband husband Andrew Coghill of Woodstock and other local family members in our community. While attending the Home Show' at Toronto's Exhibition Grounds this week, wc were pleased to meet Agnes and Alan Howe, former residents residents of our community, now living in Slonffville. They appeared quite chipper! Sorry to report Mrs. Elizabeth Glasbcrgcn of Whitby, matriarch of the local Glasbcrgcn families is currently currently confined to Whitby Hospital. All. join in wishing this fine octogenarian octogenarian lady a speedy recovery. When we dropped into visit Murray Murray Malcolm this week in St. Joseph's Joseph's Hospital in Peterborough we were pleased to find him sitting up in bed and looking quite chipper. He will be undergoing therapy, in the weeks ahead. They say one "swallow" docs not make a Spring or 3 or 4 "swallows" an alcoholic - but it sure makes a good start in that direction. Today, Tyrone News By Jacqueline Vaneyk On Sunday, April 18 Tyrone United United Church was pleased to have Susan Gcngc from Oshawa as our guest speaker. Sue carried oil the Easter season with a helpful message on faith. April 25 was our Rural Life service service with Lloyd Kellogg of Welcome as our guest. Lloyd spoke on the suggested suggested theme of rocks and trees, and how wc relate to them. The service was followed by a lovely lunch and fellowship hour. Our thanks to the Worship committee for their hospitality. hospitality. The annual spring canvass for the church is under way. You will be receiving receiving a letter and an envelope soon, if you have not already done so. Your responses are greatly appreciated. appreciated. Our church is celebrating the 125lh anniversary of the church building with four services, the first being January 2, 1994. Wc arc in need of pictures, newspaper clippings, clippings, etc. to be displayed; also a chicken pic recipe." Remember the suppers? Wc also need information about Bcthcsda and Long Sault churches. Those on the Anniversary Committee are Marion Hoar, Pal Drysdalc, David Craig, Bessie Vaneyk, Vaneyk, Ted Brock and Jake Kocne. ■ April 19th, we have observed our first Bluebird for the season and listened listened to his welcome, gurgling call. Hope they set up house keeping in the low cost housing that wc have provided rent free for the summer months. Just received a postcard from our nomadic brother and his wife (Ralph and Ruth Malcolm) who are currently cavorting through the wilds of Italy, checking out all the ancient ruins they can find. Personally, wc could never get too excited about a bunch of old ruins, guess, wc are-not archeo- logically inclined. All one has to do to be satiated on same, is take a drive along some of our Manvcrs roads to sec old derelict farm buildings which have deteriorated to wreck and ruin defacing the wholesome natural Farm Equipment Dealer Named to Board of Assoc. At the 47th Annual Meeting and Convention of the Ontario Retail Farm Equipment Dealers' Association' Association' (O.R.F.E.D.A.) Mr. Alex Ricn- stra, of Rienstra's Garage, Newcastle, Ontario was elected 2nd Vice President President for O.R.F.E.D.A. for 1993. --. ..T.^.LlLLiTL-l tliol no W Alex Rienstra O.R.F.E.D.A. is a non profit voluntary voluntary Provincial Association founded founded in 1945. O.R.F.E.D.A. is the recognized recognized voice of the Farm Equipment Dealers, making presentations to the Provincial Government, supplying trade publications, regular Dealer Bulletins, conducting training seminars, seminars, insurance counselling and legal representation to its members. O.R.F.E.D.A. through its "Computer Division" is selling, installing and servicing Dealer in-house computer systems. O.R.F.E.D.A. also operates the "Outdoor Power Equipment Division" Division" (O.P.E.D.) for Ontario Power Equipment Dealers' services. O.R.F.E.D.A. is affiliated with the Canadian and North American Equipment Dealers' Association. » 1992 OLDSMOBILE 98 ELITE Silver, fully loaded. " ^ QQQ only 15,000 km. 1991 OLDSMOBILE 98 ELITE (3 available) (1) Blue, loaded, 31,000 km $17,500. (2) White, loaded, 35,000 km $18,500. (3) Grey, loaded, 81,000 km $16,500. m ■ i ] ► ti 1991 LUMINA EURO (3 available) (1) Grey, loaded, 34,000 km $13,900. (2) Maroon, loaded, 31,000 km $13,900. (3) White, loaded, 4G,ooo km $12,900. , OUANML CHEVROLET « GEO • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC LTD, Hwy.#2EastEnel nnr aftc of Port Hope 885-4575 beauty of our rolling hills of Manvcrs. Manvcrs. Apparently, some folks have no sense of pride in their immediate surroundings. surroundings. Each year Mother Nature throws a curve and annually succours us into another goof. This year was no different. different. An old rural saw states emphatically emphatically not to believe Spring has arrived arrived until those spring-evening songsters - the frogs have been frozen frozen in three times. Not only have we not to date even heard one solitary Germil stmt his stuff vocally to his lady love, but if he got the cold shoulder it was from his lady love not the weather lady. Each autumn our Scottish instincts prevail and wc cart our choicest potted annuals down into our dark, dank cellar where they cither hibernate or die until the following following Spring. As usual on the first nice day of Spring wc in our wisdom or lack of it, lug the dormant and the deceased plants upstairs again to the great out- of-doors. Of course they do extremely extremely well as long as April showers persist persist - which isn'rtoo long. But when that Arctic blast returns, that's another another thing. Carry the hanging plants into the garage each evening and cover cover the rest. The net result is usually wc forget one evening, or else a cold snap arrives unannounced - and there goes your pride and joy. Congratulations to Mr. Merrill "Dimples" Van Camp of Blackstock on being presented recently with a 25 year Service award by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and on having this smiling countenance grace the pages of The Canadian Statesman - "large as life and twice as beautiful". Wonder if he has been taking lessons from Kim Campbell?. Looked real good, Merrill! Congratulations to Vince and Francis Jackson of Bethany who will be quietly observing their 50th Wedding Wedding Anniversary this weekend. On Thursday April 22nd the U.C.W. Ladies of the Lindsay Presbytery Presbytery met at Yelverton "United Church for their annual Rally. Some 56 ladies and one lonely man, (I said lonely, not homely) - our Minister Ross Bcnns, The Yelverton U.C.W. served refreshments to those in attendance attendance from early mom till the party was over. On Thursday April 22 evening the Scugog Shores Naturalist Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carmichael, Carmichael, Ncstlcton, Ontario. Following Following a short business period and a brief discussion of the arrival dates of various bird species, Ken provided some very entertaining and colourful slides of the Warbler family, and various various locations where one might be fortunate in sighting some. Various dates were suggested for future outdoor outdoor bird sighting tours. These were Saturday, May 15, Saturday, June 17th, and September 23rd. Wc arc very fortunate to have someone in our midst who is so knowledgeable about our bird population and an expert expert bird photographer who is willing to share his knowledge with us. Concert Band Provides Entertainment for Volunteer Awards Members of the Town of Newcastle Concert Band provided the musical embellishments for the Volunteer Volunteer Recognition Evening held Thursday, April 22, at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Over 80 local residents received awards for their volunteer activities at this first-ever awards presentation. Citizens Citizens with between 5 and 50 years of service as volunteers were recognized. Courtice_fiB2__^ Flea Markets Auction Barn FREE PARKING FREE ADMISSION Featuring: f HWY. «2 ■ BLOORST. y | HWY. 1401 ° • Antiques, collectables, sports cards, memorabilia, flowers, plants, crafts, jewelry, ceramics, clothing. • Wall coverings, draperies, carpets. • Electronics and accessories, CDs, tapes, records, Nintendo games.' • Fresh fruit and vegetables, baked goods, meat and perogies. Butcher on premises. • Psychic readings • woodcarving • coins and notes, bakery • Small appliances • candies • Tommy's Gigantic Dollar Store Qy gp -j JjQ VENDORS m iijjj ■3 rciïHiiïi LxUju ti Lull! LÜ HOJUN PALACE RESTAURANT Try our All You Can Eat Buffet./j We can comfortably scat up to 100, Adults *3.95 Children Served 11:00 tun. until 2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday Specializing in Szechuan and Cantonese Cuisine. Let us cater your Wedding Banquets or Birthday Parties or any large gathering. For Take Out or Delivery call 697.I8Q6 Hours: 11 a,in, to 1 a.m, 7 days a week 73 King Street E., Bowmanville w V) it King SI, ■ (Hwy. H2) 1 Hwy. 401