Wfflk NAME Oiiat for your car or hofne! STATIONERY GIFT SET Seniors day partY 'Excludes advertised sale Items, prescriptions, tobacco, baby diapers, baby formula, stamps and lottery tickets. Further restrictions may apply at Home Health Care Centres and Food Basket outlets. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993 mswffÊÊm ..'.--.EK'Sj? H nil all merchandise purchased by Seniors and their accompanying family members FREE • Eight to be won In each participating Shoppers Drug Mart store. • Approx, retail value $30.00 each. • Chances of winning depend on the number of entries received. • Only one entry per person. • Draws will take place at 10 a.m., 11 a.m, 12 noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. • Open to Senior Residents of Canada only. • See rules and regulations In store for details. TELEPHONE: SIGNATURE:, xSHOPFERS DRUG 6WURT SENIORS DAY ENTRY FORM ^ Editors: Jack and Ha/.el Crago- 987-4201 On April 21st we received snow to remind the snowbirds who arrive home from Florida that we do experience experience winter weather in spring. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith have returned returned from their southern vacation. Evelyn and Reg Meadows are also back in the village, Bill and Eileen Allin are also home, Welcome, everyone! everyone! Many Newcastle and àrea residents residents enjoyed the Oshawa Barber- shoppers, The Horseless Carriage- men's annual show, Grandpa's Attic at Eastdale Collegiate on Friday and Saturday evenings. On Tuesday, April 20th, the Newcastle Newcastle Seniors enjoyed their after- bowling luncheon and social afternoon. afternoon. Winners of the card games were 1st Albert Pearce, 2nd Marg Burley, 3rd Vi Hayward, 4th John Scott, 5th June Wilson, 6th "Walter Murphy, 7th Helen Nesbitt.and lucky score R.B. Rickard. Draw winners were: Stan Allin, Ross Allin, Ron Burley, Helen Nesbitt, Walter Murphy, Murphy, Marie Gibson, Hazel Murphy, John Scott, Marion Allin and Loma Crockett. On Wednesday evening, the Oro- no and District Fiddle Club played to a capacity crowd at the Newcastle Community Hall. Their next evening of entertainment will be May 19. A ■ great social night! Recently, Mr. Norm Gyaltsan of Newcastle IGA donated money (raised from in-store promotions) to the churches of Newcastle. Home- 1 town Proud is the motto of IGA and the people of the churches appreciate this gesture. When persons are supportive supportive of one another, the community community is a better place in which to live. Birthday greetings to Carol Gray, Joe Smith, Evert Vicrhout, Bill Call, Vincent Norton and Jenny Lynn Brunton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. spent Sunday Sunday in Beeton. The ladies attended a baby shower for Jayna Coulter at the home of Sandra and Harley Sherman while the gentlemen were entertained at the home of Jayna's in-laws, Marilyn Marilyn and Dana Coulter. • We arc looking forward to the next meeting of the 'Newcastle Village Village and District Historical Society. On Monday May 3rd in the Lions Room of the Newcastle Community Hall, videos of interviews with Reg Le Gresley, Sid Rutherford, the Reverend Reverend George Penning and Harold Gibson will be shown. Everyone is welcome! Seven thirty is the time. On Monday evening, April 19, the Newcastle Lioness directors met in the Lions Den of the Newcastle Community Community Hall. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Judy Powell, Bowmanville, grandson Russell Hunt, Pontypool and Albert Pearce. On Wednesday evening Albert Pearce, Jean Rickard, Evelyn North- rup and Kay Powell attended an information information night and presentation about Scott's Oquaga Lake House, in Deposit, New York. This was held at the Oshawa Arts Resource Centre. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Brcnton Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell attended the 15th anniversary anniversary of Lakcficld Lioness Club. On Tuesday, April 20th the following following Newcastle Lioness attended the 35th charter anniversary of Bow- dP manville Lioness K. Stephenson, Betty Betty Adams, Marilyn Martin, Betty Blakcr, Jean Rickard, Marion Knapp and K. Powell. Mr. Douglas Buckley, Ridgctown, visited last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Last week Mr. Harry Wade and Jack Gordon went to Kitchener to attend attend the funeral of Mr. Gordon Grose. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wade and son Derek of Frascrvillc were also guests. Last, Tuesday Maxine Fclgatc, Claremont, spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. On Sunday Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Ncwtonvillc visited his mother. mother. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley, Steven and Allison Oshawa. Also present were Mr. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, Ajax. This was a celebration for Adam's eighteenth birthday. Mr. Doug Smith reports that cousin cousin Art Toms has sold his Toronto home and is moving to Bobcaygeon. Art was a Newcastle native and attended attended the High School Reunion last June. Miss Candy Storks is home from Fort Frances while she, attends a conference conference in Toronto. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a Newcastle Hydro meeting last Tuesday. Tuesday. Congratulations to Mr. Brcnton Rickard on receiving a volunteer award from the Town of Newcastle on Thursday evening. Community Hall Board On Monday, April 19, Penny Kearney and Douglas Smith were reelected reelected to the Board for a two-year term. Close to 50 villagers were in the Council Chamber for the election which was conducted by Regional Councillor Ann Drcslinski. Town Councillor David Scott acted as scrutineer. scrutineer. Mrs. Kearney defeated Cathie Abraham 25 voles to 17 and Mr. Smith defeated Brian Green 32 votes to 15. Under the Deed of Gift made by Mr. Chester Massey in 1923 one man and one woman arc to be elected and one woman and two men arc to be appointed by the Council. These appointments appointments will be made later this month. The present appointees are Diana Grandfield, Sierd DeJong and Brcnton Rickard. Mrs. Drcslinski and Mr. Scott represent the Town Council. Council. Gabriellc Worsley is the Secre- tary. At the regular monthly meeting which followed the elections, the Board was pleased to learn that its recommendation, that Mr. Rickard and Mr. Fred Couch be given Citizenship Citizenship Awards in recognition of their long service to the Hall, had been accepted. Each of them has accumulated accumulated over 25 years on the Board. The awards were presented in the Town Centre on April 22. That story is covered elsewhere in the paper. The Board granted Small Miracles an extension of their 3-day a week lease of the East Room to June 30. Mrs. Kearney presented a simplified simplified rental schedule for the Great Hall and other rooms, and recommended that 25% of the fee be paid on booking, booking, a non-refundable deposit of 50% to be received 60 days in advance of the event and the balance before occupancy. occupancy. This recommendation was adopted by the Board. This decision was prompted by the fact that twice in the last month renters of the Great Hall had failed to show up and honour honour their commitments both of which had been made some months ago. The likely loss to the Hall was well over $1000. Mrs. Grandfield reported that the last of three shipments of kitchen equipment had arrived, and that the re-organization of both kitchens was about complete. The total cost had been $2,407.12. She also reported that the fabric for the Great Hall curtains curtains had been delivered and production production started. It will take approximately approximately three weeks to complete the stage curtain and the thirteen window curtains. curtains. Installation should take place before the end of May. The search of matching glass for the Great Hall entrance entrance doors at a reasonable price has also been successful and a rough estimate estimate obtained. The rest of the meeting was taken up with housekeeping items including including the Fire Department report and the monthly safety inspection report. St. George's Anglican Church On Sunday, April 25th, at St. George's Anglican Church, Holy Communion was celebrated at eight o'clock and Morning Prayer at eleven. eleven. The flowers at the altar were given given by Fred and Nell Yates in memory of loved ones. The annual St. George's Roast Beef Dinner was enjoyed with plenteous plenteous food and delicious pics. On Sunday, May 2nd, Holy Communion Communion will be held at both eight and eleven. United Church Earth Week was recognized at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, April 25th. Lay Reader was Mrs. Marjorie Paterson and Reverend Stiles' sermon was titled, If You See Christ on the Road - Embrace Him. Songs by the Junior Choir were enjoyed. Coffee hour was held after the service. Contact Francis Jose if you have sports equipment or shop tools, furniture furniture etc. (suitable for Camp Quin- Mo-Lac). The Music and Worship Committee Committee is appealing for voices for the choir and musicians who play instruments. instruments. The U.C.W. is asking for recipes for their cook-book. Official Board meets Tuesday, May 11 at 8 p.m. in the Board Room. May 2nd is Camping Sunday. Newcastle Village Community Bowling Ladies League Loma Crockett 236, 211, Tammy Crossey 202, Gladys Henry 179, Beth Stacey 200, 211, Marion Martin 194, Betty Major 185, 247, Bernice Henderson 177, 177, Frances McKenzie 221, Mary Pierik 227, Norman Moffatt 191, Shelley Rivers 189, Kathleen Poole 220, Marilyn Major 178, 218, 230, Melody Chapman Chapman 190, Linda Norrish 178, 212, Nancy Bell 212,178,190, Susan Gil- foy 188,179,199, Carole Brady 202. Seniors Marion Allin 150,162, Stan Allin On Sunday, April 18, the Clarke Museum Board of Directors hosted a reception to launch the museum's museum's 23rd year. Dorothy Duncan (right), executive director of the Ontario Historical Society, was special special guest speaker at the event. She thanked volunteers for their contribution to preserving Ontario's heritage. heritage. Pictured from left are: Ross Campbell, vice-chairman of Clarke Museum; Mark Jackman, curator; Donna Robins, chairman; Ann Drcslinski, Regional Councillor Ward Three; and Dorothy Duncan. Happenings in Hampton ; by Michelle Balson -- 263-2240 J Trout season opened last Friday and the Hampton Scouts made use of it. The young men spent this past weekend camping and fishing in the area. A fish fry was also in the plans. I hope they brought some hamburgers too. All arrived home safely, a little water-logged, though. As my daughter cheerfully reminds reminds me, rain is good, Mom. It makes the grass and trees grow. Of course, she usually adds a few more ands than that. The Hampton Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers will be planting planting trees for Canada on Saturday, May 8. The young men will be seek- 165, 177, Marg Burley 185, Ron Burley Burley 182, 280, Vance Cooper 177, 234, Loma Crockett 189, 198, Marie Gibson 174, 173, Roy Hayward 168, Jean Holmes 166, 170, Alice Hopson 183, Olive Little 206, Albert Pearce ,185, Eleanor Perrin 162, 237, Stan Powell 188, 166, John Thome 151, Tom Wilson 177. Thursday Night Mixed League ! Wes Forget 219, 255, 244, Ken Boyd 206, 183, 260, Jean Hall 201, 242, 176, Tom Kindratiuk 203, 223, Dorclla Chard 178, Jackie Kindratiuk 272, 233, Fac Forget 204, 265, Chris Nicholson 182, 219, Ken Jury 206, 192, 209, Ted Ritchie 179, 207, Garry Garry Saxby 246, 230, Bill Brown 180, 215, 181, Lynn Murphy 186, 197, Kathryn Brown 243, 177, Joe Forget 247,181, 223, Rick Murphy 192, Joe Mcndonca 187, Betty Richards 208, 210,195, E. Mercer 187. ing pledges for this. Not only will you help the ecology of the community, community, but 60 per cent of each pledge will stay with the Scouts section. The planting will be done at the Stephen's Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area. If you wish to make a contribution, you may contact any Scout or call leader Fred Ford at 986-0352 before May 3rd. The Wednesday Euchre Card Party had some fine results. Barb Cochrane was the first place winner with her score of 95. In second place was Ace Richards with his score of 87. Next was Muriel Burrows Burrows with 82. This was followed by Nerlp Masters and Bernice Renton tied with 79. The Most Lone Hands of four went to Aileen Turner. The night's most honest player was Alice Beech. George Allison won the Special. George also won a draw prize. Other draw prize winners were Harold Swain, Lorna Swain, Doreen Ferguson, Carl Ferguson and Muriel Butson. A Men's Breakfast was held Sunday, Sunday, April 25, at Zion church at Mitchell's Comer. The guest was a spokesperson for the Cancer Society. Society. A quick reminder of the Yard and Bake Sale being sponsored by the Guides. It's this weekend, Saturday, Saturday, May 1st, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be other vendors as well. Plan to attend. There is something for everyone. Of course, it's being held at the Hampton Community Centre. An Adult Dance is planned for the Centre as well. This will be held Saturday, May 8, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. A disc jockey will spin out the tunes. It's a great chance to meet neighbours and maybe even win-a door prize. Advance tickets can be purchased by calling Beth Knowler at 263-8335 or Lee Campbell at 263-2018. Well, that's all I have for you this week. Until next time, slay safe and bring an umbrella along. If you are new to Bowmanville... ft? § WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you. with Housewarming Gifts and information about your. new location. Call Your Hi Neighbour Hostess Mrs. Audrey Kehoe at 623-0395 -qy 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, April 28, 1993 Section Two Clarke Museum Board Launches 23rd Season t