4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, April 28,1993 -- Education -- New Slate of Officers for Women Teachers Association Happenings at B.S.P.S. School Basketball The Junior boys' and girls' basketball basketball teams played their tournament tournament two weeks ago. Both teams played their best., The girls' team finished up with second place. The boys' team ended up with 1st place. Both teams would like to thank the fans who came out to cheer us on. A special thanks goes out to Miss Geisbergcr, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and Mr. MacArthur for taking the time to coach us. Nicolas Vickery Class 76. Our World A small while dove A soft pink petal A crisp autumn leaf A quiet burning candle A bright morning day and dark cold nights A tall strong tree A woman and her rights A dimly lighted moonlight A ripple oceanshore A hope of joy and happiness A child that is poor A furry white kitten A man kind and old A tiny little turtle A baby that is sold A brown wooden chestnut A whisper in an ear A waterfall of bubbles A home filled with fear A rainbow filled with colours A blite bird and its wings A mountain stream of water A woman beaten over things A silky white dress and long golden hair A humming birds song A mother who doesn't care A world filled with slaves Cold ground and open graves Smoking which causes cancer > Riots and bombing and raids HIV Positive the virus which causes aids The world is falling apart where did it start? A world almost dead A world filled with dread By Amanda Barchard - . Class 76 B.S.P.S.• Leant the basics of babysitting from the pros. "What Every Babysitter Should Know" teaches you child care, basic first aid and how to handle an emergency. You'll get a neat certificate too. Call St. John Ambulance for details, or ask about the course at your school. 668-9006 ; St. John Ambulance The annual banquet for Unit 1 members of the Northumberland & der), Ardyth Moorcraft, KarenLee McKay, Deb Reynolds, Jean Ann Newcastle Women Teachers Association was held at the Base Line McPhee, Muriel Blaker, Nancy Forrest, Lois Adtms and m die front Community Centre on Wednesday, April 21st. The proposed slate of row, *°*J]' ^ m^L5°^nï Pt y ii;Bin C C pb d new officers for '1993-94 included the following (back row, not in or- Ann Matthews, absent, Elizabeth Bennett. Happenings at Bowmanville H.S. Professional Activity Day for Parents -^.ifPeed the tirdi... (UPPenCe a bag" j> «Mj^ïntrodudng... fch ir \ Broiler Chicken Mix and a laying mash only $ 6.98 25 Kg. We also have Pigeon feed. Cat and Dog Food also available Bragg's Wild Bird Seed Div, Bragg Custom Farming Ltd. Growers of Quality Seed R.R. 4, Bowmanville 623-9198 Jmumilft Is Cane. Rd. 3 Caneettlan BL OOWMANVILU llwy nntOT" =»* r æJL Parents, More Than Meets the Eye Do parents impose stereotypes on their teenagers? Yes, it is a common mistake that most parents make. Even though it is truthful that "You'll thank us when you're older," kids still do not appreciate this traditional, hand-me-down approach to communication. communication. Parents and teens go through a difficult time when the adults arc fumbling for control and the kids arc grasping for it. During these power struggles many stereotypical stereotypical statements arise. "You think you know everything! We don't know anything!" is a typical typical rebuttal to teens when they try to correct their parents, or prove them wrong. Teenagers arc seen as know- it-all bullies who try to dominate everyone's everyone's brain cells. Parents do not un derstand that the teenagers arc only following the example of the parents. Once this is pointed out by their children, children, the reply, "You get it from yourself" is bom. Several times when 1 tell my mother that she and I arc alike, she denies it by making the comeback, "You develop your own personality and habits." It is hard for her to grasp the concept that iter genes arc passed to me, whether invited or not. I know I am my own person, with my own ideas and values, but a certain amount of my mother and father has virtually rubbed off on me. Conflicts with clothing, hair styles, choice of friends, and choice of activities arc often depicted by, "We wouldn't get away with that when we were teenagers!" It should not be expected that teens in the 60's and 70's could mingle with those in the 90's. Music and movies, even books, have changed over the past twenty to thirty years. Different lifestyles lifestyles demand different tastes. Parents may get discouraged, and I cannot blame them. They use the candid phrase, "We can't tell you anything!" to prove their point, which is justified. Parents arc right: it is useless to deny it. But until we "grow out of it," and our bodies stop fighting World War IU with our minds, then parents will continue to be told they are wrong. We know that puberty is just "a phase" but to them it is more like a disease. Parents go through phases loo! They are called mid-life crises, arc they not? When parents arc in a slump, teens seem to be on a perpetual perpetual high. Trying to tell your parents anything then is like engaging in a conversation with the wall - they just do not listen! They work overtime on nagging, yelling, and the more than occasional, occasional, "We dp everything around her, you don't do anything to help." Any chores you have done in the past are not enough. They expect more until eventually you run the household. I exaggerate only to prove that parents believe the majority of teens arc lazy, irresponsible, and care only about themselves. I cannot be certain and I may not be right, (Mom and Dad I admit it), but teenagers do have their reputations to defend, do they not? As parents and teenagers, let us work together to communicate and understand one another rather than throwing useless tradition in each other's faces. Parents, let us save it for when our children are teenagers, O.K.? By: Mandy Harvey Parents can also learn from Professional Activity Days. That's vhat a group at the Enniskillen Public School discovered last Tues- lay, April 22, during a "Professional Activity" evening. A group of ibout 80 parents attended a variety of workshops which arc similar o those that teachers might attend during one of their typical PA Days. Some of the topics included strcclproofing, whole language, un with math and computers. Here, Rod Crawford, a grade five cacher at Enniskillen Public School, is bringing parents up to date )n developments in home computers. The PA evening for parents vas a first for Enniskillen Public School. DAZZLING DEALS! 25% OFF Our Mo. 1 Best Selling Interior Point M.S.R. $36.00 Benjamin Moore's finest latex. Eggshell, Flat Enamel most colors 22% OFF* Our Popular flqaapearl Latex Soft Gloss M.S.R. $38.70 rum» i Ik. wt nod Benjamin Moore's xÿfcni ** J me 3w-vi , j DRnjomm nwiv » finest latex "Pearl Finish" * most colors fl vary versatile product. It's not expensive! It's Ideal! ideal [paints $ 15 95 #3600 Latex Ceiling Paint #6ioo Latex Eggshell Finish #5000 Latex Semi Gloss * most colours *23 95 Meet Josie Josie is an alert, hardworking 4 year member of our staff. Josie is well known around town for her work with Jr. C Hockey and enjoys playing bingo. Josie lives in Bowmanville with hubby Fred and has two children. flBERNETHY'S PAINT and WflLLPflPER 55 King SI. W *13-5431 Bowmanville Hours: Mon, - Thors. 8 - 6; Fri. 8 - 9; Sat. 8:30 - 5