6 The Canadian Statesman a %We«#4kT, Bowmanville, Saturday, June 5,1993 Deadline for Weekend Edition -- Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Classified Advertising Rates and Policies Up to 20 Words $8.63 All Classified Advertising is Each Additional Word 45< Payable in Advance Display Classified 81t per agate line VISA and MasterCard are Accepted In Memoriams $8.63 plus 45t per line of verse All Classified Ads include G.S.T. Logos, Boxes, Artwork. $15.00 £2S±£i=r5=5^ Please phon. 623-3303 (or "Too utefc dualled.' Cdlln.ll m placing your clarified older. Card of Thanks Articles for Sale Cars for Sale THE family of the late Barry Shackelton wish to thank their many relatives and friends for their support and assistance. The sympathy cards, charitable donations, flowers and food have been gratefully appreciated. appreciated. Thanks to Rev. Frank Lockhart Lockhart for the beautiful eulogy, to Mr. Doug Dewell for the music, to Trinity U.C.W. for the lunch, and to Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for their guidance. Thanks also to Dr. Stone, nurses, ambulance crew and staff at Memorial Hospital Hospital Bowmanville for the care given to Barry. Coming Events Scuba Diving in Town? Yes! Now you can learn how to scuba dive in your community. P.A.D.I. Instructor is forming a class to be held at Newcastle Fitness Centre in August. 'For more Information phone 623-0253 Summer Low Impact Aerobic Classes Keep fit through sumnier Tues. & Thurs., 7:15-8:15 p.m. Bowmanville Rec Complex $45. for 10 weeks starting Tues., June 11 till Aug. 31 Optional fitness appraisal, $10. For more info, ana to register phone Lesli at 697-2082. 1993 Molson Indy race tickets with garage passes. Phone 416-. 986- 5407 after 7 p.m. Colorado Blue Spruce & Birch Clumps Still ideal time to treat yourself by planting these beauties. See our selection at 35/115 southbound below Orono Main St. merge. 983-5877 GOOD quality corn for sale. Also cedar fence rails. Phone 987- 4429. HEIL gas furnace (new) $1,000.; older spool bed and springs. 3/4 size, $100. Phone 623-5749. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINI BLADES CARNIVAL Newcastle Memorial Arena FREE ADMISSION June 3-6 Games, rides, family fun times JUNE 3 and 4 - 5 p.m. -10 p.m. JUNE5-10a.rn.-11 p.m. JUNE 6-Noon-4 p.m. 22-1SNW Bowmanville Kinsmen Carnival Bowmanville Rec. Complex AMATEUR TALENT NIGHT Friday, June 25th, 7-10 or Sat., June 26th, 7-10 Weather Permitting * Prize Money * IF INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING CALL Garry Thompson 623-2765 Wayne Hodge 623-5258 22-1 SNW MODERN 8 piece large dining room suite, black oak, used 4 times, too big for new home, paid $3,800. asking $2,000. o.b.o. (705)277-3938. MORTAR mixer on wheels, 7 1/2 h.p. Kohler engine, $500. Phone 416-342-3809. NINTENDO including gun, plus 4 games, best offer. Phone 987-1327. OFFICE furniture - Nearly new, Discontinued business. 22 - 6 ft folding tables, 22 office chairs, 8 ft. conference table, office desk. Phone 987-5626 or 987-0594. RAWLEIGH Products - Medicated Medicated ointment, black, pepper. Golden Pride Products for health - Bee pollen, bee propolis, green barley. Phone Jackie 623-4801. VAN Eyks concrete ornaments, fountains, bird baths, planters and much more. 9320 Long Sault Road, Bowmanville. Phone 263-2691. WHAT a bargain! Did you know that you could place a 20 word classified ad in all 3 papers - The Canadian Statesman, The Newcastle Independent and The Canadian Statesman Weekender - for only $14.45 ($13.50 + .95 GST). You can reach almost 20,000 homes twice weekly. So ... if there's something you would like to advertise phone us at 623-3303 (Visa of MC accepted on phone orders) or drop into our office located at 62 King St. W., Bowmanville. Motorcycles u■■m■■■■■ 1981 Suzuki, GS 400S, 23,000 km., mint, certified, $895. Phone 623-6338. 1987 Yamaha FZ 750, asking $1,650. or best offer. Phone Neil 623-6069. Wanted to Buy ANTIQUE hardwood chest of drawers. Phone 263-2719. Notices THE ENVIRONMENT FAIR WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE WINNERS OF THE FOLLOWING DOOR PRIZES: Animal Alliance of Canada (green logo sweatshirt) R. Baron, Bowmanville. Callrich Services (water conservation kit) L. Lundquist, Oshawa. The Canadian Statesman (one year subscription) G. Nemisz, Courtice. Doggie Dooley (one Doggie Dooley) J. M. Komarnicki Durham College (travel mug) M. Tippins, Bowmanville; M.A. Dolstra, Bowmanville Muskoka Festival Theatre (ticket for their "Weekend" draw) N. Anta, Whitby. Region of Durham (composter) N. Hazelton, Oshawa; (composter) L. Watson, Oshawa. Larralne Roulston ("Pee Woe and the Magical Compost Heap") V. Gobolhoff, Courtice. Shaklee (Basic H) R. Ricci, Port Hope. WEED Foundation ("Stop the Whitewash" T-shirt) D. Irvine, Oshawa. Visual Arts Centre (one year membership) C. Morrison, Bowmanville, 1989 FORD Taurus L, 88,000 km., p.w., p.s., air-conditioning, cruise control, radio cassette, etc., fully loaded. Certified $7,797. Phone 432-3478. Trailers 1971 HOLIDAY 22 ft. tandem trailer, loaded, 3 way fridge, stove, oven, toilet, shower, sleeps 6, $2,000. Phone Doug 623-1927. . Sales YARD SALE Sat., June 5 8 a.m. -3 p.m. 5647 Main St. (Corner of Millson Hill Dr. and Main St.) Orono Household Goods, Books, Clothes, etc. For Rent AVAILABLE June 15, two bedroom bedroom triplex, close to downtown, shops and school, $650. month lus utilities, first/last rent, lone 987-5432. nvutivuuirutiiiiiM lUIlkUNIKlWMMil Filc'nds of the Environment Foundation ion\ Mnmslfc T """xy •*'*** 22-1W DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Available Immediately 725 sq. ft. commercial space plus 275 sq. ft. basement storage. Drywall, large bright, windows, handy parking. parking. $800, monthly Includes utilities. 14 Silver St Phone 623-3303 13-tfSNW For Rent BACHELOR apartment, downtown downtown Bowmanville, $400. monthly plus hydro, no pets, references, first and last required, required, available immediately. Please write to. Advertiser 1596, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C3K9. Real Estate for Sale HAMPTON custom home, 1,200' sq. ft. raised bungalow to be built on half acre lot. Phone builder for details 263-8574. Camping Grounds ! NEWCASTLE at lake -Available now, two bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, parking, air-conditioning, air-conditioning, $500. plus electric. Phone 623-0066. BACHELOR apartment, avail able immediately, bedsitting, • kitchen and full bath, suitable for one person, $400. monthly plus utilities, first/last. Phone 623- 1396 or 576-8560 BOWMANVILLE - Three bedroom, bedroom, second floor, fridge/stove, yard and parking, $750. utilities included. Phone 623-4834. COMMERCIAL - 7 room older house in prime commercial location. location. Suit antique type business, available June 1st. Phone Peter, at Peter Kowal Real Estate, 623-2453. FAIR rent, great apartment, terrific terrific landlord, spotless one and two bedroom apartments in quiet new building. Phone Joan at 623-8737. NEW three bedroom townhouses for rent in Aspen Springs on Martin Martin Rd. south of Hwy. 2 from only $825./month plus utilities. Detached Detached home, $925. monthly. Also rent to own programs are available. Gary 697-1555, Tor. 587-7045. OLDER two storey home on King Street, Bowmanville with four bedrooms, garage, large yard, references required. Phone Peter Kowal Real Estate, 623-2453. ONE bedroom basement apart- ment suitable for working class male, centrally located, first/last, utilities included, available im- mediately. Phone 697-2787., SMALL one bedroom apartment in older building. Newly decorated, decorated, on outskirts of Bowmanville, $371. per month plus utilities. First and last required plus references. references. Phone Peter .Kowal Real estate, 623-2453. THREE bedroom townhouse, fridge, stove, garage, #1 Bridal Path, Bowmanville, $950. plus hydro. Phone 436-1010. THREE bedroom townhouse, close to Waverley Public School, $725. monthly plus utilities, available available August 1. Phone 1 (416) 496-8969 Larry or Heather. TWO bedroom apartment on large rural lot with fenced-in pool. All appliances including washer/dryer, washer/dryer, $530. plus heat and hydro, hydro, available July 8, 2 km. west of Bowmanville near bus stop. Phono 623-6257. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT Seasonal Trailer Camping Beautiful $912.-1993/94 7 km. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 on Cone. Line 4 1-416-786-2562 Services MAGIC Mike - Available for any occasion - birthdays, anniver- saries, etc. Phone 69/--1891. • QUALIFIED seamstress, 20 years experience. Wedding parties, parties, graduation dresses, general. sewing and alterations. Phone Mrs, Malcolm 987-4486.• WOULD you like to see your name in' print? It's easy - Just drop into the Canadian Statesman Statesman office, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville, to order business cards or your own personalized address cards. For more information information phone 623-3303. APPAREL by CHERYL Alterations Dressmaking - Lingerie Sewing for Special Needs Decorative accents for home 623-3589 38-tfW, 39-tfSN GREEN CLEANING BY GRANDMA'S COMPANY Offers "KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF SERVICE" for all Residential Residential Home Owners and their properties. properties. We are flexible people and our services extend to ovens, fridges, walls, laundry and ironing. ironing. All cleaners are police security security checked. BONDED, INSURED, CHAMBER MEMBER. 725-9177 (24 Hour Answering) 16-12SNW OtyûŒl Financial Corporation MORTGAGES Serving Durham Region for over 20 years 1st and 2nd's to 95% Debt Consolidations Prime Rates • Pre-Qualifying 571-2880 Investor Inquiries Welcome! Daycare DAYCARE available in my home, S. T. Worden School area. P.A. Days, summer vacation no roblem.. Reasonable rates, one 435-0275. R rc Ph E.C.E. teacher, home childcare provider,- offers summer care for school age child, preferably girl, 6-10 yrs., planned activities, 623-9571. ENERGETIC mom with eight arms, six eyes and the ability to do ten things at once has room to care for one or two more! Large fenced yard, nutritious meals and lots of fun! Phone Laurie 623-6069. ■ HELP! We want playmates. Large yard, sandbox, playhouse, crafts, love, laughter and more! Receipts. Please phone our mommy Ann, 623-5591. RESPONSIBLE, caring mother mother of two will babysit in my home on quiet court, Baseline and Waverley Waverley Road area. Phone 623-5695. J.C.P. Day Care Langmaid Rd. off Taunton Rd. Government licensed. For 45 Children OPENINGS FOR SUMMER MONTHS In your neighbourhood. We offer creative summer activities activities for toddlers, pre-schoolers and school age children. Field trips and special events are included included in the program. Snacks and meals included. Beautiful country setting. Open Mon. - Frl. 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 433-$ & Personal Soulmates Network for Sincere Singles of Faith Profiles Network for Discerning Singles • no home sales visits • no big agency fees • no pressures or "consultants" on commission • you select from profiles with photos, regularly mailed to your home • free mail and call forwarding FOR A FREE PREVIEW AND INFO PACK PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-668-1409 anytime FREE MEMBERSHIP?* • Men, tell our operator if you were born before 1935; ladies, tell our operator if you were born betwèen 1947-1967 for your free membership. LIMITED TIME OFFER m "Better Business Bureau" 20-4W Boats I _J Johnson OUTBOARDS BOATLAND CANADA Downtown Bowmanville • Grumman Boats • OMC Accessories and Parts 623-9373 20-4SNW Work Wanted Carpenter 25 Years Experience Decks - Fences Finished Rec Rooms 10% Senior's Discount Free Estimates Phone 436-1421 Handyman with Truck Decks, fences, painting, yard work, lawns, clean-up. Reasonable Rates Snowplowing in Winter Phone Tom anytime 697-2351 LANDSCAPING Specializing in interlocking stone, walkways, driveways and patios, retaining walls, fencing, trees and shrubs. ■ For Free estimate call Sean 436-7155 M.L.H. Services. Specializing in decks/privacy fence, interior painting/drywall and roofing. Free estimates. Phone 987-5626 or 987-0594. DURHAM ENVIRONMÉNTAL SYSTEMS Sales • Installation • Service For all your Heating • Cooling • Ventilation Needs Specialists |n Earth Energy and Air Source Heat Pumps FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATIONS ANYTIME Bowmanville 623-2956 Oshawa 434-2018 22-tfW, 23-tfSN Business Opportunities START your own career in a fast growing business. Sales experience experience or training not necessary. For appointment phone 797-3074. Help Wanted ALASKA JOBS! Earn up to $30,000 in 3 months Fishing Salmon, also construction, canneries oil fields plus morel For immediate response Phone 1-504-646-4513 ext. K230 24 hours WANTED ENERGETIC INSIDE STAFF who like to have fun while working! Will consider mature adults or students. PART-TIME Apply within: Newcastle Village only 39 King St. E. SQUARE BOY PIZZA & SUBS 22-1W z If you would prefer to pick up your at our office, copies are available each Friday at noon. Please direct all enquiries to 62 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3303