The Canadian Statesman KJce/Unde*, Bowmanville, Saturday, June 12,1993 11 There arc over 30 strawberry "Pick-Your-Own" farms in Durham/ York/Victoria counties representing approximately 450 acres. This season's strawberry crop has been through some "harrowing" blossom blossom threatening frost, but we should still have a very good crop. At some farms, the "King Bud" (first bud) was killed but research has shown that when the first bud is re- ' moved, the other buds will compensate compensate and yields won't suffer. This year's cool, wet weather could delay the strawberry harvest. Depending on weather, it usually takes 30 days from strawberry bloom to harvest. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food berry specialists across the province report that the first estimated dates for strawberry harvest are: June 17 - Simcoe, June 22- Bowmanville, June 23-25 - Kemptville-Ottawa, July 7-14- Thunder Bay. For strawberry growers, who are promoting early harvest by utilizing a "row cover" over the strawberries, harvest may be seven days earlier. Strawberries, which were not Pltch-ln mulched with straw over the winter, also have a "head start" on plant and fruit development. These unmulched strawberries would be more prone to frost and freezing injury, but earliness earliness of harvest can be increased by 7- 10 days. Call your favourite local strawberry strawberry farm for updates on harvest. Strawberry pickers often have a favourite variety, which may be destined destined for fresh use, jam, freezing or canning. In Ontario, a co-ordinated small fruits variety trial system has been set up by research scientists at the Horticultural Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Kemptville, C.A.T., New Liskeard C.A.T., Ridge- town C.A.T., O.M.A.F. and grower organizations. This well organized and coordinated coordinated trial system introduced the small fruit industry to potential new cultivars from Canada, U.S.A. and overseas. It also provides important data for the various strawberry breeding breeding and cultural research programs in Ontario. Strawberry breeders attempt to incorporate incorporate disease and insect resistance resistance into new cultivars. Berry characteristics, characteristics, that affect yield, firmness, skin strength, colour and processing quality, are also important. The following following "June bearing" strawberry varieties varieties are popular at Central Ontario berry farms: - Annapolis is an early-season cul-, tivar introduced by Agriculture Canada, Canada, Kentville, Nova Scotia in 1984. Berries are large, firm, medium red, and glossy with a good flavour. Annapolis Annapolis is good as a frozen pack, and for fresh use. - Veestar, introduced in 1967 by the H.R.I.O., is the most popular ear- r- f -- ^ - - - - 1 Œfie Canadian Statesman 62 King St. \V. Bowmanvill Box 190 623-3306 L1C 3K< Bowmanville L1C3K9 SAVE MONEY BY USING OUR | HANDY MAIL-IN ORDER FORM i DEADLINE MONDAY 4:30 p.m. 1 I Name: i i Address: i i i i i Phone: (Bus.) !; ii (Res ) i: DATES AD TO APPEAR I i CLASSIFICATION [ The Canadian Statesman j up to 20 words for $6.42 i additional words ... 300 each j ; Extended Market Reach ] For a Total Circulation of 36,500 j The Canadian Statesman, j The Newcastle Independent and i. The Weekender j up to 20 words for $14.45 i additional words ... 680 each j Please Print Ad Below including Phone Numbers j I' |i I Please Mail in Cheque or Money Order Or Use Your VISA or MasterCard VISA/MnstcrCnrd No. Expiry Onto ly strawberry variety in Ontario. The berries are medium red, bright, attractive attractive with firm flesh and very good flavour. - Redcoat was introduced in 1957 from Agriculture Canada. Berries are medium red and attractive, but. are somewhat soft. The internal colour is light, especially if picked prematurely. prematurely. Redcoat is suitable for jam, but the frozen pack is only fair. Once the leading commercial cultivar in Ontario, Ontario, Redcoat has now been superseded superseded by newer, larger, firmer cultivars. - Kent is an early-midseason variety variety introduced in 1982 from Agriculture Agriculture Canada in Nova Scotia. Its berries are large, moderately firm and very dark red. Kent is popular because because of its high yields, and performs better in northern and eastern Ontario. Ontario. - Honeoye is à mid-season variety introduced in 1979 from Geneva, N.Y. The large, bright red, moderately moderately firm berries have a tender, skin. Honeoye has been recommended as a P.Y.O., fresh market cultivar throughout Ontario. - Cavendish is another mid-season cultivar introduced by Agriculture. Canada, Nova Scotia, in 1990. Cavendish Cavendish has quickly gained popularity due to its extra large size. In variety trials, some Cavendish strawberries have weighted in at 25 grams! The berries are also firm with a bright medium medium red colour darkening with maturity. maturity. - Governor Simcoe is a mid to late season berry, introduced in 1985 by H.R.I.O. The berries are very firm with a bright medium red skin. The firm berries have a good shelf life and Governor Simcoe is popular with pre-picked strawberry sales. - Micmac is a late season berry, introduced in 1977 by Agriculture Canada in Kentville,' Nova Scotia. The berries are large, medium red and fairly firm. - Blomidon is a late season variety introduced by Agriculture Canada, Nova Scotia, in 1984. The large berries berries are firm, medium red and glossy with an excellent flavour. - Bounty is another late season berry introduced from Nova Scotia. The berries are medium-dark red with good flavour and are good for freezing. The Berry Hotline 1-800-263- 3262 provides daily updates on the availability of berry crops from local Ontario farms between June 1 and table Pick-Your-Own and Farmers' July 31. Market Guide" available for free at For more information, refer to your nearest Ontario Ministry of Ag- Foodland Ontario's "Fruit and Vege- riculture and Food office. Corrugated Cardboard Puppet at Visual Arts Centre ~ "§j Artist Paul Wailty shows this figure which is made from many layers of corrugated cardboard. He cut all the pieces by hand, using a hobby knife, and laminated them with glue to hold them together. Together with drapery cords and metal dowels, this two-dimensional figure was "originally conceived as a puppet," Mr. Waitly said. His work, along with that of various other artists, is on display at the Visual Visual Arts Centre in Bowmanville. The show is based on recycling items for art. All Advertisements include G.S.T. J . ' \ l ■ .b:\ ' SSr • \ ■ v * Weddings, Anniversaries and all occasions 3 books to choose from (books may be taken overnight) FREE Wedding photo and write-up in Canadian g ta Usman with each invitation order