The Legend of St. Mary's, Lifford The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, July 14,1993 5 Manitoba 4H Members Tour Local Farms During Exchange Trip One of the last of this area's pioneer pioneer churches, St. Mary's Anglican Church, on the 10th Concession of. Manvcrs Township, stood beneath the tall pines in its surrounding cemetery, cemetery, for 140 years. The building and naming of St. Mary's is a moving story. Happy Birthday Hi! My name is Brandon Paul Lane. I turned one year old on June 25, 1993. My Daddy and Mommy (Paul and Kellie) had a BBQ to celebrate celebrate my special day. My grandparents grandparents arc Ted and Gail Lane and Mike and Carol Johnson. My great grandparents grandparents arc Norm Johnson and Harold Harold and Ada Cooney. I would like to send everyone a big thank you for all the great gifts and for coming to my parly. Love Brandon XOXO Graduate TRACEY LYN LUXTON Tracey Lyn Luxton graduated June 4th from Trent University on the Dean's Honour List with à Bachelor of Science Honours degree. She will be continuing her education at Wilfrid Laurier. Tracey is the daughter of John and Carol Luxton. Attention! I Persons interested in forming an Evangelical I | Community Church reflecting contemporary, | thoughtful Christian Faith in the Iiowmanvillc/Ncwcasllc Village area, please contact Rev, George Bell 721-9411 In 1852, the village of Lifford was the centre for families living on small farms cleared from the wilderness. For ten years, when a clergyman was available, church services had been held in the home of Alexander and Mary Preston. The Prestons had emigrated emigrated form Ireland in 1837 and prospered prospered in Manvcrs, and by 1851 had built and moved their growing family into a large stone house. Col. Isaac Preston, Alexander's brother, donated land for a church and cemetery, and the white clapboard clapboard building was erected in "work bees" by the people of Lifford, to at last provide a place of worship for the community. When Rev. William Logan was appointed to the Lifford Church, it was proposed that he should use the Prestons' old house until a house could be built for him. Mary Preston insisted that it would be unseemly for the clergyman to live in a meaner dwelling than theirs, and she and her husband offered their new house for his use, moving with their family back into the old log one. from this move, she contracted pneumonia, pneumonia, and died on June 6th, 1852, at the age of 37. The church was still unfinished, but temporary flooring was laid and the first service held in St. Mary's was the funeral of Mary Preston. To commemorate her devotion devotion to the church and to the welfare of the congregation, the church was named St. Mary's. For the past five years, the devoted devoted congregation of St. Mary's, many of whom are descendants of the original original families, have been engaged in the redcdication and restoration of this lovely pioneer church. In the early hours of Ash Wednesday Wednesday this year, St. Mary's, Lifford burned to the ground. Since then, the congregation of St. Paul's Anglican Church in Bethany has been generously sharing their church with St. Mary's. On June 6th, in the spirit of their predecessors, and of Mary Preston, the congregation returned returned to Sunday morning services during the summer at 9:15 in the Church Hall across from the cemetery. cemetery. Decoration Day will be held, as always, on the first Sunday in August. August. The people of St. Mary's are looking looking at ways of re-building and have established the "St. Mary's Building Fund", to which donations can be made at the Toronto-Dominion Bank in cither Lindsay or Bethany; or donations donations can be sent to the Treasurer, Fred Marshall, R.R.l, Janetville LOB 1K0. Receipts will be issued. Happy 1st Birthday ,,' * ,i* - * I •• " ; • v ■ 'W ,n ♦ Vi :< ~'V-: • • i ' jr;; , ■ mat Come and Worship with us Sunday, July 18th, 1993 at 11 a.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 623-3432 Temperance and Church St., Bowmanville Rev. Harvey Osborne b.a., m.dv. 623-0009 St Mtl'0 Knflilitan Church Temperance St. S„ Bowmanville SUNDAY, JULY 18TH, 1993 TRINITY VI 8:00 n.m. Holy Communion 10:00 n.m. Holy Communion Rector-The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. The Salvation Army Bowmanville Citadel 75 Liberty St. S. CHURCH SERVICE TIMES 9:30 a.m. - Family Christian Education (Sunday School) 11:00 a.m.- Holiness Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Darlington Provincial Park Como and join us at a Community Church whoro Christ makos tho dilloronco. For more Information call 623-3761 Corps Ollicors/Pnslors: Captain Willrod Harbin Wul's SttUtfr Church Oronnist: Mr, Douolns Dowoll Church Socrolnry: lloton Mclnnoa G23-73G1 SUNDAY, JULY 18TTI, 1993 10:00 n.m. Morning Worship - Rov. Inn MncRuiy St Paul's is invited to worship with Trinity United July 25-August 22 lit 10:30 tun. Nursery Coro for Pro-School Children Every Sunday Ifyou'ra now to Bowmanville, we Invite you to tnnlto 81.PnuVe your church home. A group of 11 4-H Club members from Melita District in Southwest Southwest Manitoba concluded a visit to Durham East last Thursday, July 8. The group is shown above, along with Durham East 4-H Club members at the Blackstock United Church last Wednesday when they attended the 4-H Go for the Gold Competition. As well as seeing seeing the sights in Niagara Falls and Toronto, the group toured local More Than 300 Volunteers At Family Respite Wiener Roast tamis and stayed with local farm families. The Durham East 4-H members will be travelling to Manitoba July 28 to begin the second half of the exchange. Durham East 4-H Club members raised funds for the trip through cheese sales, a car wash, and sponsorship by Evergreen/Utica Evergreen/Utica Fann Equipment and Agriculture Employment Servic es. Hi! My name is Christine Carter and I celebrated my first birthday on April 26, 1993, at my home in Bowmanville Bowmanville with my Daddy and Mommy, Mommy, Dave and Sue and my big brother brother Matthew. My Gramma and Poppa Hartley, Nanna'and Grampa Carter, Aunts and Uncles and my special cousin Nicole, also helped me celebrate celebrate my first birthday. Thank you all very much for the beautiful gifts and for coming. A special thanks to my brother Matthew for being so good with me and for sharing all his toys. A new record was set last month at Wind Reach Farm, Ashbum by Family Respite Services! The agency's agency's second annual wiener roast was attended by almost 300 volunteers, clients and staff, an increase of 33% over last year. This is the largest number to participate in any agency activity in its 15-year history! The numbers reflect not only a growing acceptance of integration of people with handicaps in the community..,but community..,but more importantly, a recognition recognition of abilities rather than disabilities. disabilities. It was obvious to everyone that all kids act the same when it comes to appreciating the adventures of farm life. The petting zoo, swings and hayridcs were highlights for many who had never had the opportunity opportunity to take part in these activities before -- adults as well as children. Lucky prizes were won by Dale Rutherford, Bowmanville; Amy Blackwood, the McDaniel family, and Robert Bcrezowski of Whitby; Sara Haugh, Ajax, Elizabeth Vandcr- Business Group Holding Meetings On Third Tuesday With several successful meetings behind them, the Clarington Business Group hopes to draw more members of the business community to the monthly breakfast meetings. Every third Tuesday of the month, the Clarington Clarington Business Group meets at The Bowmanville Restaurant & Tavern, 231 King Street East. All meetings commence at 7:30 a.m. sharp. A cost of $8.00 per person includes breakfast. breakfast. Any amounts of surplus funds will be donated to local charities. The aim of this group is to have informal monthly "Breakfast Meetings" Meetings" to share and promote business services and experiences with other businesses in the community. For further information contact Nancy McNamara at 436-3187, Bonita Bonita Cunningham at 623-0677, or Sandra Sandra Thornhill at 987-1748. The next meeting is July 20,1993. Field Crops Club Holds 4th Meeting At Cavan Plant by Dianne Bowman The fourth meeting of the 4-H Field Crops Club was held on July 6 at Agrico Plant, Cavan. Our visitors for this meeting were, the 4-H Manitoba Manitoba Exchange delegates. The meeting meeting was opened by our President Tom Bcnschop with the 4-H Pledge. Our Secretary did the Roll Call and Minutes. The remaining portion of the meeting we toured the plant. They showed us the different fertilizer, fertilizer, how they mixed it, and the fertilizer fertilizer spreaders. It was interesting to see how they mix fertilizer and get it ready for the fanners' use. We all enjoyed enjoyed refreshments after the tour. Thank you to all at the Agrico plant for an infonnative evening. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Our next meeting is the Judging Competition on July 21, 1993 at Blackstock Fairgrounds at 6:00 p.m. luit, Hampton; Elizabeth Stocking, Uxbridge; Eileen Waltham and Geoph Curl of Brooklin; Kelly Lcpp, Columbus; Angela Stowell-Smith, Port Perry; and Allision and Craig Hilbom of Pickering. Expert chefs from the Canadian Progress Club, a service club in Ajax-Pickering; provided the bar- beque as well as the manpower. Various Various Durham Region businesses sponsored sponsored the event, including McDonalds, Miracle Food Mart, Buns Master, Tim Horton Donuts and Halenda's Meat. This special event is held to provide provide a evening outing for potential volunteers, volunteer families and client families. The location is an inspiration inspiration to all who experience Wind Reach Farm. The 105 acre-site is the fulfilment of a dream for founder Sandy Mitchell who has cerebral palsy. palsy. He is living proof that focusing on capabilities, coupled with determination determination and the desire to live an independent independent lifestyle, can make a dream become reality. Integration and participation participation arc the keys. This philosophy philosophy is reflected in the slogan of Family Family Respite "Together we're stronger". If you too would like to share your family and lime, and be part of someone's dream for independence, call 668-3812 and ask for Mary Wilson, Wilson, Co-ordinator of Volunteer Services. Services. Baha'i Faith Voices Concerns with MPP Recently, the issue of religious persecution of the Baha'is in Iran was raised with Cord Mills, MPP Durham East, by representatives of the Baha'i communities of Clarington Clarington and Scugog. This issue of human rights was also raised with Ross Stevenson, Stevenson, MP Durham. Properties and assets have been seized, employment denied or revoked, children forbidden education and no travel outside Iran permitted. A local Baha'i family has not been allowed to visit their parents The United Nations has identified an official Iranian government policy to undermine the Baha'i Faith, both within and without that country. The local Baha'is wished to express their concern to our government officials and send deepest sympathies to their brethren in Faith in Iran. f GARDEN PEAS % A special variety of tender young peas freshly picked, shelled, washed, blanched and individually flash frozen. Available Now at the harvest price of s 9.75 for U) lb. MacMillan Orchards Ilwy. 2 between Ajnx and Whitby 686-0388 Mon. • Fit. 9 a,m. - 8 p.m. Sut. «ntl Sun. 9 n.m. - 6 p.m. Sut. nr I n (Happy 40th (Dicliandftnne Vooijs jufy IStfi, 1953 -1993 Love, and (Best 'll Hsfies front l fie/(unify Jan Farrow, daughter of Glen and Lynda Farrow, granddaughter of Clinton and Acy Farrow of Newtonville and Hilda Call and the late Bill Call of Newcastle, graduated in June from! Clarke High School as an Ontario Scholar and celebrates her 19th Birthday on July 19th. Jan will be attending Waterloo University in the fall. Congratulations and Happy Birthday. We're very proud of you! Dad, Mom and Ryan fHappy 40tft' (Peter Congrats, aCC tfie (McArthurs THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM DURHAM REGION NEW HOURS OF OPERATION FOR LANDFILL AND RECYCLING SITES The Oshawa, Cartwright and Scugog Transfer and Recycling Sites will be open Tuesday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. effective July 1, 1993. The sites will be closed Sundays, Mondays and all holidays. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS The Pink Garter SIDEWALK SALE SPECIALS! Wed., July 14-Sat., July 17 We'll be open 9 a.m. -10 p.m. with these great savings and many more! * Short Sets *9.99 * Cotton Dresses $ 9.99 * Sleepshirt $ 9.99 * Stretch Knit jegr$ - 19i99 - Dresses Now *10.00 * Swimsuit Clearance *9.99 Hurry in ... Savings like these won't last! ^25 BONI) ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5740 SALK •SALE •SALK Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, Phm. How many hours of sleep is typical and normal for people over the age of 601 It seems that 4.5 - 6.5 hours Is normal for this age group, The major cause of sleep problems In the elderly Is sleep apnea. An apnea Is any pause In breathing longer than ten seconds but usually lasting around one minute. For persons having trouble sleeping, It Is best to establish a bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Time spent relaxing before going to bed also encourages sleep. Exercise during the day not only helps people to sleep, but also appears to promote the deeper sleep of stages three and four. However, don't exercise less than two hours before bedtime because It can stimulate the body too much making It more difficult to fall asleep. Of course, If all else falls you can follow the advice of Mark Twain: "If you can't sleep, try lying on the end of the bed ... then you might drop off". Service levels vary from one pharmacy to another. If you feel you want more out of your pharmacy, check wills us, Pharmacist Orthotlsc Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (416) 623-7611