t 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, September 15,1993 Section Two Happenings in Enniskillen By Betty Wright Sunday afternoon was gray and cool outside, but warm inside as approximately approximately 80 friends gathered in the Sunday School room to say "farewell" "farewell" to Reverend Kelly (Bonnie). Ralph Worry extended best wishes and introduced Reverend David Jones who brought best wishes from Presbytery. Kathy Belbin, from Presbytery, Presbytery, was also present. Fred Griffin brought best wishes from Enfield community and presented Bonnie with a colonial wooden clock and hand-quilted table runner. A gift from the 1st Enniskillen Scouting Group was presented by two representatives representatives at which time they thanked Bonnie for all her support. Ruth McGill then read a very appropriate address and Merle Avery presented Bonnie with a painting by Gregory Maude, a comforter and pillow shams, a church plate and cookbook. A delicious lunch followed and lots of chit-chat. Everyone wished Bonnie well in her new surroundings of Kcc- watin, Ontario. Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Mrs. Murray Axford, Melanie anti Julie, Julie, Mrs. Ron Clemens, Mrs. William Axford were amongst the guests at a Surprise Shower for Stephanie Axford Axford on Wednesday September 8lh at the home of Mrs. Mike Sorichetti, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nimigon were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ostrowski, Hailey and Christopher, Christopher, Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Raglan, Gene Poulin and Sharon Go- heen, Enniskillen were recent visitors of the Edgar Wright's. Misses Jackie and Kim Lyon were Craft Show Held at Bowmanville Museum m. <s • : ML» f ■ fHUSt* t 5 * ' * < 3BK Brian Klynd, of Bowmanville, was one of the 24 craftspeople who exhibited their crafts at the annual Bowmanville Museum Craft Show. Here, he shows off some of the items he had for sale at the show. Charles Taws, the curator of the museum, told The Statesman approximately 300 people attended the show and sale. THE DURHAM REGION DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL IS NOW REQUESTING: APPLICATIONS for MEMBERSHIP on the DURHAM REGION LONG TERM CARE PLANNING COMMITTEE A Long Term Care Planning Committee is currently being formed. As a dedicated volunteer you will become part of a skilled and innovative regional planning team made up of both consumers and providers of long ferm care services, and other interested people. Through ongoing community liaison, your team will develop a progressive plan for a coordinated and accessible long term care system which will meet the needs of the Durham Region as a whole. If any one would.like more information or an application package, please contact the Durham Region District Health Council by calling (416) 433-4262. The office is open weekdays between 8:30 and 4:30. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 15,1993 Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and Laura. Harry and Marion Clark, parents of Ward Clark, were guests of Ward and Gail Clarke, Sarah and Wade. Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton, Co- bourg, Gail Simpson, Linda Cryder- man, Bowmanville, Deanna and David David Comer, Lori and Jeremy Landon, Oshawa were visitors of Mrs. Len Stainton. Robert Doxtator, Peterborough, was a Saturday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Somberger, Jessica and Alexandra. Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Bortolazzo went on a bus trip from Madoc to the Blue Jays game in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty were amongst the guests at the christening of baby Shannon Rac Chambers, infant daughter of Carl and Dolores Chambers at Saint Joseph's Joseph's Church in Bowmanvillc with Reverend Leahy officiating. After the service, everyone returned to the Chambers' home for a barbeque. On Saturday, the Enniskillen U.C.W. had a very successful bake and flea market sale at their booth at columbus. Mrs. David Bortolazzo and Kylie were in the wedding party for Dan- na's cousin, Susie Woods, who married married Courticc Edmonds on Saturday at Albert Street United Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Anne Comellicr played in the Darlington Softball Tournament on Friday night and on Saturday and they came in 2nd place in the A Division. Division. Dorothy and Elwyn Dickey, Elva Orchard, Bowmanvillc, Thelma McKee, Elva Walker, Lena Olbrich, Michigan were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton, Brian, Sherri and Cassandra Stainton dropped in for the evening. Alison and Paul Comellicr went to the Blue Jays game in Toronto on Saturday with Opa and Oma Comellicr. Comellicr. For two weeks plus this past weekend the Country Men's Lobb Ball League participated in a Round Robin playoff format and ended with these results: A Championship - Courticc defeated Solina Combines, B Championship - Solina Nailers defeated defeated Hampton Cowboys, C Championship Championship - Solina Conabys defeated Hampton Restaurant, D Championship Championship - Enniskillen Jensen defeated Pincridgc, E Championship - the Hampton Tonys defeated Burketon. There is going to be a final dance and presentations at Orono Arena Hall on October 2nd. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Dick' Howe accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson, Beaverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bcwdlcy, to London, Ontario. The occasion was a four-day annual reunion of Mr. Dickson Sr.'s R.C.E. Railway Vote-: rans. On their return home Sunday,' September 12th, all of Dick's and Barb's children, their spouses and eight grandchildren were gathered to celebrate their parents' 40th wedding anniversary. Other guests included were: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Szili, Toronto; Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cashin, Marcie Tordiff, Orono; Barb's parents parents Tom and Myrtle Dickson Bcwdlcy; Bcwdlcy; brother Jim Dickson and wife Margaret, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb were evening visitors. FED DP WITH DISK ELECTRIC HEITIH6 MID COOLING HUS?? We have the answer to your next hydro hill! Install an Enertran Earth Energy Heat Pump. ENERTRAN \ OOtOWt COÏM l MUOCUCH KM/ - Saves up to 70% on heat bills. - Saves up to 50% off electric hot water bill. - Ontario Hydro rebate may be available - up to $1500.00 cash. Call for details. - Low, low cost financing. - Many applications are possible - (heating/cooling, pools, hot tubs, farms, greenhouses, floor slab heating, etc.) Extended Warranty Available [ ] DURHAM ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS For all your heating & cooling needs w $■ call the specialists todayl .ApproachinLA RoforoncQS & free estimates available. SALES / SERVICE / INSTALLATION Oshawa Bowmanvill 434-2018 623-2956 Isabelle Challice Quote - "Courtesy is the eye, which overlooks your friends' broken gate. Ncighborliness is the hand which helps him to mend it." Attention all euchre players! The Town hall card parties re-open this week, Wednesday, September 15, at 8 p.m. in Orono Town Hall. Ladies to please bring lunch. Congratulations to Miss Stephanie Clapdorp, who was crowned "Miss Durham Central", last Thursday night at Orono Arena. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Lake- field, were Saturday evening guests of her sister, the O. Challiccs. Another successful fair last week, and despite threatening weather several several days, luck stayed with us and even Sunday turned out pretty well. Congratulations to the hard-working folks that make it happen! We in our home here, arc suffering suffering the sad loss of my husband's only remaining brother Warren, (Mill- brook). He came home from Peterborough Peterborough hospital Friday noon and passed away Saturday, September 11. Funeral was held Tuesday, September September 14, from Comstock Funeral Home, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott and Mr. Clarence Burley attended the birthday party on Saturday for Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Ncwtonville. Mr. John Robinson, Corona, Ontario, Ontario, has spent a few days visiting family in Orono. Congratulations to our Yelverton scribe, for his "stick-to-itis" "40 yrs." - is a mighty long time, (Must surely surely suffer writers cramp!). Orono Church News Choir sang "Christ is Calling" as the anthem on Sunday morning; and also rendered "Bloom Where You're Planted" at a gospel service, over at the Arena, Sunday afternoon. Our ushers were, Cindy Ross, Gary Ross, Laveme Heard and Don Lycctt. Announcements: Board of Stewards meet Monday, September 27 at 7:30 p.m. U.C.W. #4 meets Tuesday, September September 14,8 p.m. main hall. Leskard U.C.W. - arc planning a Community Pot-Luck supper for Wednesday, September 29 at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Orono House Committee - Meets Tuesday September 28, 7 p.m. followed followed by Orono Pastoral Charge Official Official Board at 8 p.m. Orono Stewards Fall Supper - ■ Mark yourcalendars for Saturday, October 23. Two sittings 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Roast Beef dinner - more details later. Kirby Announcements: Anniversary Sunday: Sunday, September 26th. The ladies of the congregation arc asked to bring salads salads and/or dessert. If you have any questions, please contact Annie Fish er (983- 9565 ) or Iris Lambicr (983- 9449). Kirby Anniversary Service - Will be on Sunday, September 26th., 9:30 a.m. Guest Speaker will be Reverend Marcus Lise, of Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church and Chaplain at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Special music will be provided by violinist, Albert Moher, accompanied by Mrs. Leigh. A barbecue begins at 12 noon. We invite our friends, neighbours and visitors to attend this special service. service. Birthday Greetings to: Carla Worry Worry - September 14, (Orono), Tom Henderson, September 15 - (Kirby). Food Banks: We have an urgent appeal from the Salvation Army in Bowmanville. The shelves arc almost bare. The most needed items are Peanut Peanut Butter, dried milk, tuna, etc. Because Because of school lunches, items individually individually packed would also be appreciated. Donations may be left at the front doors. They arc distributed in our area. Bulletins: The bulletins will now be typed on Thursdays. Please have all information in to the secretary by Wednesday evening. These Days: Issues for September/ October now available. Extra copies arc available for a suggested donation of $1.00. Explorers: This year both boys and girls, aged 8-11 arc invited to join Explorers. Their first meeting will be Wednesday, September 15th, 6:30 - 8 p.m., Kirby Church. Our leader is Mrs. Rosalyn Allin. Sunday School: Classes begin on Sunday, September 19th at regular worship times at both churches. Teachers: arc needed at Orono for ages 11+, 9 and 10, and 6 and 7 years old. If you can help contact Norccn Nixon at 983-5076. Bible Study: will start at Kirby on Wednesday, September 29 at 8:00 p.m. in the church basement. The Minister will bring some suggestions for resource materials. Please bring your bibles. This group will be of an informal discussion type and is, of course, open to anyone from Kirby or Orono, any church or no church, who wants to attend. A day time Bible Study group will be starting in Orono at 10:00 a.m. on Thursdays, beginning beginning October 7lh. 4 The Canadian Statesman Carrier of the Week Angela Reitsma Route #15 Since October, 1991 This week's carrier will receive FREE BURGER, FRIES, DRINK and an ICE CREAM-TREAT compliments of: DARI DREAM Soft and Hard Ice Cream Ice Cream Cakes and Pies Char Broiled Burgers and Fries OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 a.m. -11 p.m. 623-3081 215 King Street E., Bowmanville jj All Our Send us your favourite Holiday Recipes â by Friday, October 22nd. We're going to publish them in our JH Holiday Favourites" Cookbook in November. PLEASE SIMI) THEM TO: James Publishing Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 190 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K9