! t I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 22,1993 7 r Isabelle Challice - ( Quote - "Happiness is a plant, that will grow in any soil, that's watered by love and service, but withers in the hot sun of selfishness" - "William- Riley". Mrs. Joan Shupak and daughter Karen, Islington, spent Fair weekend visiting their cousin, Mrs. Hilda Tam- blyn. Mrs. Jennie Bowins returned home, after spending several days last weekend, visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haaslam and daughters, Oshawa. Mrs. Audrey McNaul, Oshawa, Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. D. Bailey all enjoyed a trip to Aylmer, Ontario, and visited Mrs. Ruby (Porter) Staples. Staples. All enjoyed supper with Mrs. Staples' daughter Shirley (Mrs. Jack Ball). Spent the night at "Bed and Breakfast" and arrived home next day. Last Sunday night dinner guests of O. Challiccs, included Mr. and Mrsi Murray Brown and Debra, Peterborough, Peterborough, their friends Dim and El- ize, Springville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Harmer and little granddaughter Corinne Corinne Tregunna, Montreal; Don Chal- licc and friend Betty all from Oshawa, Kerry Lynn Challice and friend Robert, Lindsay, Mrs. Nancy Heckbert and four girls, Oshawa, Mrs. Donna Sutherland, friend Brian . and her daughter Jo Anne, Bowman- villc. Excellent crowd at 4T Srs. Complex Complex monthly meeting on Thursday night, September 16, and all enjoyed a delicious pot-luck dinner. We were very happy to have Hattie Wilson out and Mrs. Francis Sutton. Joyce Gray is new secretary, replacing replacing Isabelle and Ivison Tamblyn who volunteered to' help out with card parties and several volunteered to help him. Happy birthday sung to September birthdays - those celebrating, celebrating, Ed Cousins, Gladys Ogden, Art Clough, Nola Bridger, Jim Woodward, Woodward, Jack Miller, I. Challice and Charlie Stapleton. Mrs. Jannc Song Lee (nee Tamblyn) Tamblyn) and son Christopher left Friday morning for their home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, after visiting her parents Bill and Marie Tamblyn, and other relatives in area. Orono Town Hall Card Party Twelve tables of progressive euchre euchre at the first fall card parly, held Wednesday, September 15, in Orono Town Hall. Everyone appreciated the newly painted interior, that had been done in summer. Following high scores May Tabb 102, Marion Scars 83, Shirley Gordon Gordon 81, Lil Boldcrstonc 80, Reg. Elliott Elliott and Robin Alldrcad tied at 76. Low score - Olive Little. Lucky draws - May Tabb, Clara Mcwlman, Inez Boughcn,' Robin Alldread Alldread and Gladys Ogden. Important notice - Euchre every Wednesday night 8 p.m. and something something new, lunch will be provided! More Fair News We told you last week of the surprisingly surprisingly long and excellent Saturday fair day parade. Friday's school parade parade was another good one, sure loads of children (our future, for tomorrow's tomorrow's world). Very attractive floats, Orono, Kirby and St. Francis of Assisi schools. As usual loads of decorated bicycles and lots of "little horses" to carry the overall theme "Horsing Around." Old Time Fiddler's Contest This part of Friday night's program program is always a favorite and Mac Ransberry acted as M.C. for evening. Open Class - 1. April Verch, Pembroke Pembroke Ontario, 2. Murray Krouis, Pcnctanguishcnc Ontario, 3. Michael Le Moire, Douro, Ontario, 4. Ray Sullivan, Toronto. Duet Class - 1. April Vcrtch and Jon Pilotzkc, Eganville Ontario, 2. Scott McArter and Luke McArter, Ayr Ontario, 3. Norman Andrews and James Lowery, Orono Ontario. 18 years and under - only one contestant contestant - Jon Pilatzke, Eganville. Over 60 years class - 1. Edward Langlois Oshawa, Ontario, 2. Earl Giles,. Scarborough, 3. James Low- cry, Orono Ontario. 12 years and under - This was an exceptional class of very talented young folks, and all were really worthy worthy of prizes! 1. Mattcw Johnson, Stratford Ontario, 2. Luke McCarter, Ayr Ontario, 3. Scott McCarter, Ayr Ontario. The youngest Fiddler - David Kir- stcin, Ancastcr Ontario and he won a beautiful trophy donated by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans. Other trophies - donated by Harold Harold and Jean Moffat - Open Class, Donated by Calvin and Dorothy Cra- go - Duet Class and Prize monies, Donated by Bill and Mary Bunting - 18 years and under, Donated by Hope's Video, Newcastle - Over 60 years class, Donated by Norman and Ruth Andrews -12 years and under. Antique Car Competition "1930-39" - John Phifer, "1940- 49" - George Kennedy, "1950-59" - Tom Luke, "1960-69" - Don Short, "1970-76" - Ralph Kelly, "Best Antique" Antique" Car - Jim Cartier, "Club Pick" - Terry Hardy, Orono, "Presidents Choice" - Clark Dickicksol ( a "1959 DeSoto"). Crystal Pages Lectures On September 14, 20 lively people people attended the first in a series of six Fall lectures being held at Crystal Pages, the book store in Orono. Shirley Berbec, discussing astrology, astrology, made the point that many budding budding scientists of the middle ages were noted astrologers of their time; Kepler, Copernicus and Galen to name just a few. Fleurette, speaking on Native Spirituality, said that we must teach our children to love all the peoples of the world. Nothing else will save us and our earth.' - --- On September 28, Modem Day Plagues - chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and abdominal disorders will be discussed by Dr. John Hawry- lak, Homeopathic, naturopathic and chiropractic Physician. 7:30 p.m. 5367 Main St., Orono. $8.00/lecture. Refreshments. "Horsing Around" Parade One of the longest parades seen here in a long time, on Saturday, September September 11. Both colorful and musical, musical, and in so many cases very imaginative! imaginative! Following arc some of the results - 1. Best Musical float - "Country Cloggers, 2. Best Group float - 1st Kirby Brownies, 3. Best Jr. float - "Orono Play group, 4. Best Farm Tractor - Charlie Gabourie, West Gillford, 5. Best implement entry - Ross Allin, 6. Best Jr. Farmer entry - "Apple Blossom Shoppe", 7. Best Musical Group - Kendal L.O.L., 8. Best Non-Musical Group - Sea Cadets, Cadets, 9. Best Rider and Horse - "Orono "Orono Brownies (adults), 10. Best Rider and Horse - Crystal Thcrtell, (Child), 11. Best Horse drawn entry - A real beauty "Surrey with The Fringe on Top." - owned by Allan Downes, 12. Best 1950 and back vehicle - Jim Cartier, 13. Best 1950 and newer vehicle vehicle - Greg Forget, Newcastle, 14. Best Customized vehicle - Terry Hardy, Hardy, Orono. Orono United Church News With Reverend Russell enjoying a holiday, the message was brought Sunday morning by Richard Morton. Sunday School commenced this morning, and children's story was capably capably given by Bob O'Neil. The choir rendered "Life is A Gift," by H.S. Livingston. We welcome the Sunday School teachers and children who are reluming reluming for the new season. Teachers still needed for ages 11+, 9 and 10 years and also 6 and 7 years olds. If you can help in this worthwhile work, please contact Norcen Nixon 983- 5076. Our deepest appreciation to Dick Morton leading our service today. As Reverend Mervyn Russell is away on holidays. In case of emergency, emergency, please call Reverend David Black at 786-3190 Food Banks. We have an urgent appeal from Salvation Army in Bowmanville. The shelves arc almost bare. Most needed items peanut butter, dried milk, tuna etc. Because of school lunches, items individually individually packed would be appreciated. appreciated. Donations may be left at front doors. (Boxes are provided). Items arc then distributed throughout our area, Explorers - This year boys and girls arc invited to join Explorers. They meet Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Kirby church. Our leader, Miss Rosalyn Allin. Remember church bulletins arc now typed on Thursdays. Have your materials in plenty of time. Bible Study: Will start at Kirby on Wednesday, September 29 at 8:00 p.m. in the church basement. The minister will bring some suggestions for resource materials. Please; bring your bibles. This group-will be of an informal discussion type and is, of course, open to anyone from Kirby or Orono, any church or no church, who wants to attend. A day time Bible Study group will be starting in Orono at 10:00 a.m. on Thursdays, beginning beginning October 7 th. Kirby Anniversary service will be on Sunday, September 26th., 9:30 Jy; i) /A/// A'S/ f ( Cs All Our Send us your favourite Holiday Recipes Ê by Friday, October 22nd. We're going to publish them in our Holiday Favourites" Cookbook in November. PLEASE SEND THEM TO: James Publishing Co, Ltd. P.O. Box 190 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K9 E a.m. Guest Speaker will be Reverend Marcus Lise, Ass. at Rchoboth Christian Christian Reformed Church and Chaplain at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Special Special music will be provided by violinist, violinist, Albert Moher accompanied by Mrs. Leigh. A barbecue begins at 12 noon. We invite our friends, neighbours neighbours and visitors to attend this special special service. Birthday Greetings to: Paul Richter - September 19 (K), Kyle Colville - September 21 (K), Carlos Tamblyn - September 23 (O), Lome Hardy Sr. - September 24 (0), Brad Copping - September 24 (O). Anniversary Sunday: Sunday, September 26th. The ladies of the congregation are asked to bring salads salads and/or desserts. If you have any questions, please contact Annie Fisher, Fisher, (983-9565) or Iris Lambier (983- 9449). Community Announcements Orono Playgroup - a group of young mothers and their children will hold a Yard Sale on Saturday, September September 25th, 8:30 - 3 p.m. at Orono United Church. In case of rain, it will be held in the main hall. Leskard U.C.W.: - are planning a community pot-luck supper for Wednesday, September 29th, 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Orono Stewards Fall Supper: Mark you calendars for Saturday, October October 23,5 and 6:30 p.m. for their annual annual supper. More details later. 55th Anniversary Party Durham Complex Srs. Citizens hall, Station Street, Orono was beautifully beautifully decorated Saturday, September September 18, on the occasion of the 55th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples. Their granddaughters granddaughters and family gave the party and sent out the invitations. Isabelle gave grace before the meal. Beautiful flowers, gifts and cards were received by the happy couple, Lawrence and Vera. About sixty-five friends, neighbours neighbours and relatives signed the guest book. Everyone enjoyed the tasty buffet dinner and of course this was topped off with delicious ice-cream and wedding cake. An interesting video of "times gone by" and fun displays of children and grandchildren entitled "Do you remember?" were much enjoyed by all present. Guests present from Whitby, Oshawa, Peterborough, Port Hope, Bethany, special guests included Gibsons Gibsons from Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Trimble, Windsor. Congratulations Vera and Lawrence Lawrence from your many friends! Social News Mrs. Edith Taylor, Orono, and Mrs. Anna Marie Thomson, Oshawa were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Draper and family, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice spent .several days this week visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Fonder, Fonder, Bolton, Ontario. Mr. Dick Morton gave sermon, Sunday morning at Orono United assisted assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Barnett and Bill Tamblyn reading scripture readings. readings. Parents and Grandparents This is Sunday school news - (all denominations). I'm sure that you know that the children no longer say the Lord's Prayer in school, but arc you aware that there is no religion taught in public schools at all. Even at Christmas and Easter teachers arc told to steer away from religion (if this is possible). This situation is not the fault of the teachers, school or Students Honor Former Clarke Principal er f . i»., _ j I i .* , i . S * J ■ j T ' If V ,;t m Jennifer Chaffey, Prime Minister of Clarke High School, presents a print to the school's former principal, Hugh Hubbs on behalf of the • studenks. Mr. Hubbs, who retired in August, had been at Clarke High School since 1987. He also received the gift of a school yearbook. One of Mr. Hubbs' achievements at Clarke High School was in the field of ensuring that students achieve computer literacy. Mr. Hubbs was honored at an assembly held at Clarke on September 17. even school boards, these directions come from the Ministry of Education. Education. If you want our children brought up with Christian, beliefs and culture it's up to us. Now, more than ever it's important to bring or send your children to Sunday School, it doesn't matter which one you choose, but please don't let this side of your children's children's education be neglected. Fair News Welcome to our special celebration celebration of Thanksgiving today which is part of the 141st annual edition of the Durham Central Fair. This service was prepared and sponsored by the Clarington East Ministerial at the invitation invitation of the Durham Central Agricultural Agricultural Society Fair Board. In keeping keeping with the tradition of fall fairs generally, the theme this year is harvest harvest thanksgiving. Clarington East Ministerial consists consists of clergy working and living in the eastern portion of the Municipality Municipality of Clarington who choose to participate participate in the fellowship and activity of the association. President is Reverend Reverend Don Stiles. Secretary is Reverend Reverend David Black. Participating in the service this afternoon afternoon are: members of the Choir, Ken Richards, Father Vic Valles, all of St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Catholic Church; Reverend Markus Lise, chaplain, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Hospital and Associate Pastor, Rchoboth Christian Refonned Church, Gord Leek St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Orono, Reverend Robert Hartley, St. Saviour's and St. George's, Newcastle Newcastle Anglican Churches, Reverend David David Black, Newtonville/Kendal/ Shiloh United Churches, Reverend Dr. Mervyn Russell, Orono/Kirby United Churches, Reverend George Mahan, Newcastle Pentecostal Church, Reverend Don Stiles, Newcastle Newcastle United Church. WARMING! 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