2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, September 29,1993 N.D.P. Leader and Candidate Welcome Party Faithful in Oshawa ■JP - « F H / (TO v z z >> ¥' J< 'A. 4 v / i ; 7 . /1 V 1 ■■ U V CLARINGTON STOVE CENTRE and PERMANENT POOL and PATIO Come and visit our stores and view our lines of wood, gas, propane and pellet stoves • HERITAGE • F.X. DROLET • NAPOLEAN • TRIUMPH • REGENCY • HAUGHS We are open 6 days a week CLARINGTON STOVE CENTRE and PERMANENT POOL apd PATIO BEACHCOMBER SPAS DEALER Sales & Service 1646 King Street East 20 Strathy Rd., Unit 4 Courtice and 404-0583 623-5375 Cobourg 372-5062- Across from Northumberland Mall Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Sub. Delivery G.S.T. Total Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our ofliccs after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will bo given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. $20 0 $1.40 $21.40 Category 2 Subscribers within the Municipality ofCluringlon. $20 $5 $1.75 $26.75 Category 3 Subscribers outside the .Municipality ofClarington in Canada. $20 $25 $3.15 $48.15 I-Nome:. j Address: 1 Postal Code: Subscription Order Form Telephone No.:. ; ^ ew Q 1 or I Renewal LI I Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. VISA/MC Number:. . Expiry Date:. lilt Caratott Wmatt P.0. Box 190,62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C3K9 Second Class Mail Permit No. 1561 Dr. Paul Herron D.C. is pleased to announce the opening of his new Chiropractic Clinic (formerly Dr. Edwin G. Mann's Chiropractic practice) on October 4,1993. Dr. Herron will be relocating his practice from 39 Pamela Court to the Scugog Professional Building 98 King St. W. Bowmanville, L1C 1R4 For an Appointment, Please Call HERRON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC 623-5509 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Resident Concerned About Marsh Excavation NDP party leaderffiVudfcy McLaughlirfffcentre) chatted with supporters at a Tuesday morning rally in Oshawa. The federafnding in Oshawa is traditional New Democrat territory, with the party having gained 44% of the vote there in 1988. Durham Riding candidate Lucy Rybka-Becker (right) hopes to upset upset the Conservatives here. . . NDP Leader Visits From Page One McLaughlin said too many small businesses are having a difficult time getting start-up or expansion loans. She wants to see that change. "We're not talking about handouts handouts here. We're just talking about a loan to get started." With regard to international trade agreements, she stressed her party's opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement. "There's not a person in this room who doesn't want belter trade." But the NDP must take a stand against NAFTA because it is a bad deal for Canada, she said. One man in the audience pressed her to support a reduction in cigarette cigarette taxes as a means to wiping out illegal smuggling operations. McLaughlin would only say that it was an interesting concept, but that she wasn't convinced cutting the tax would stop the smuggling. "We have to be careful that we're not encouraging people to smoke," she said. Lucy Rybka-Becker said that the first priority in Durham Riding should be getting people back [vp work. "People are paying taxes wher they work. Full employment in spires confidence . and employed people are more likely to make purchases." purchases." Opposition to Link Homes on Preston vale Rd. Two proposed link homes on Prestonvale Road are facing opposition opposition from area homeowners. Two letters -- one from William and Pamela Jones, and one from Kurt and Sylvia Graichen, of Prestonvale Prestonvale Road -- request that the municipality reassess the situation. The Jones' letter states: "We, as residents of the area, feel any type of house construction other than single single family homes on lots of 70 feet or less frontage detract from existing existing homes." The letter from the Graichens suggests that link homes, and the way in which their construction is being handled, are an affliction to be put up with by adjacent property owners. "My main concern would be the drain on property value in our area due to every available small lot being being crammed with link homes. Not to mention older houses being bought out and demolished, therefore therefore stretching the blight of link homes." The letter goes on to say, "Please pay attention to the wishes of myself myself and my neighbors because we do pay our taxes and wc arc the ones who have to put up with the proposed changes in our area." Both letters arc being referred to the Director of Planning and Development Development for inclusion in the review of the issue. A Cedar Crest Beach Road resident resident is imploring council members to carefully consider what could happen if St. Marys Cement excavates excavates the WcStside Creek Marsh in Bowmanville. "As a representative of the human human race, please use your sense of what is.right to come to a decision in favor of people," Robert Morrison Morrison wrote In a letter to Clarington Council. "Regardless of what decision is EDO Put on Hold From Page One the councillors want to develop a list of qualifications a new CAO would require. These qualifications would then be taken to an executive recruiting firm once the council has agreed to proceed with hiring. During discussion on the resolution, resolution, Mayor Diane Hamrc told council council how she felt about the resolution. "This is a knee-jerk reaction," Mayor Hamre said. She predicted it will "waste precious valuable time" that has already been spent on the selection of an EDO. Then, referring to the local press coverage of the last week's skirmish in the council chambers, Mayor Hamre warned councillors "we're being watched very carefully." She also warned that the credibility of the municipality could be on the line with the passing of the resolution. While Councillor Hannah rejected rejected the idea of the resolution being a knee-jerk reaction, he did say he wanted the process of hiring an EDO to happen as quickly as possible. possible. Prior to overturning the decision originally made last April, Councillor Councillor Ann Dreslinski had asked the council to reaffirm its efforts to hire an EDO before the end of the month. However, that motion was defeated defeated during a recorded vote four to three. Councillors Hannah, Hooper, O'Toole, and Novak all supported a delay in hiring the economic development development officer. taken, there must be protection for residents' rights," he added. Morrison staled he will take legal action for any changes regarding the quantity and quality of water supplying supplying his well, the effects of blasting blasting on his newly-renovated home and further lakeshore erosion . "In years past, some officials made the short-sighted decision to allow quarrying in spite of the formal formal objections by the residents at inat time. Many oi me concerns of those residents have come to pass. It is my sincere hope that current officials officials -- municipal, regional, provincial provincial and federal -- will not once again put business interests ahead of the rights of residents." Council referred Morrison's letter letter to the Director of Planning and Development for inclusion in an upcoming upcoming report on the West Side Creek Marsh proposal. Suggest Ban on Artificial Flowers at Cemetery A Port Perry resident who likes the look of the Bowmanville Cemetery Cemetery wants Clarington Council to think about banning artificial flowers flowers at the cemetery. "To drive through the grounds and observe just one section covered with artificial flowers distracts one from the beautiful appearance of the grounds," states the letter from M. Moore in this week's council agenda. agenda. "I would like to sec just an artificial artificial wreath, made of pine for the winter months," she added. Clarington councillors have sent the letter to the Director of Community Community Services for review and to have a report prepared. Hy-Lynde Ridge Pumpkins U-Pick... We-Pick Saturday. October 2nd until Wednesday. October 6th 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. ,4673 Concession Rd. 6.1 km east of Newtonville Road. Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary October 9th, 1993 L John and Betty Sierhuis Love, Lome and Tim, Marjnn, Gregory and Krista HEADACHE SUFFERER? READ THIS Some recently published facts about headaches In Ne wsweek Include: Q An estimated 45 million Americans sufferfrom chronic, recurring head- aches. Q They make more than 50 million office visits a year to doctors and '• spend mbre than $400 million on over-the -counter pain relievers, \ a . Industry loses at least $55 million a " yeardue toadsenleeism and medical medical expenses caused by headaches. headaches. Ifyousufferfromrecurrlng headaches, these facts may confirm what you already already know. What you may not know Is that Chiropractic care has proven Itself Itself effective in the treatment of headaches, headaches, without the use of drugs or therapy. Their success Is simple, they treat the CAUSE of many headaches, a misalignment of the spine, usually In the area of the neck, which Irritates or places pressure on the nerves In that area. Once this Irritation or pressure Is relieved, proper nerve flow Is restored. The difference between Chiropractic and other treatments Is this: If the cause of your headache Is due to Irritation to the nerves then Chiropractic Is the only health care profession that could . correct the SOURCE of the problem. If the source can be corrected, the headaches do not usually return. Proof of this Is found In the Chlroprac : tic InNew Zealand Report, In which people who suffer from chronic, recurring recurring headaches were fourid to have one or more misalignments of the cervical (neck) area, Of those people, 85% of the females and 50% of the males were relieved of their headaches or their condition was Improved Improved through Chiropractic care. We are not saying that all headaches headaches are a result of these misalignments. misalignments. Headaches can have other causes Including disease, stress, eye trouble or alcohol abuse. What Is obvious obvious though Is that headaches are NOT caused by an aspirin deficiency. If you suffer from headaches on a regular basis, you owe It to yourself to call Dr. Hawrylak at-(416) 623-4004 Immediately. We may be able to help you. ,DR. JOHN HAWRYLAK, D.C., N.D. • 168 CHURCH ST. • BOWMANVILLE, ONT L1C 1T6 • (416) 623-4004 The Oshawa & District Chamber of Commerce and The Canadian Statesman present an.,. ELECTION FORUM - DURHAM RIDING - Wednesday, September 29,1993 Bowmanville High School 49 Liberty Street North Bowmanville 7 to 9 p,m. t Join our panelists as the candidates answer the questions on every voter's mind. When October 25 comes along the political future of this country is in your hands, Be an informed voter. \o