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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1993, p. 23

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 3,1993 7 Residents Receive Environmental Citizenship Awards Quote - "Forget your hurry, pause awhile, Lose your frown, and wear a smile, Spare time to give a word of praise, Think in minutes, not in days. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan, Yclvcr- ton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Gcrrilt DcJongc, Brighton, attended the anniversary Sunday service at Oronb United Church. Several folks from Orono in hospital, hospital, Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, Oshawa hospital, Mrs. Stella Carson in Bowmanville Bowmanville hospital, Mrs. Gladys Greenwood in Oshawa. Mrs. Vera Downey and her sister, Bowmanville attended the anniversary anniversary church service in Orono, Sunday morning, where the guest speaker Reverend Clifford Elliot is a relative. Congratulations again to the hardworking hardworking committees who successfully successfully held our roast-beef dinner, where we cleared well over $1900.00. Welcome to newcomers Mrs. Carolyn Carolyn Priestly (nee Jones) and her daughter who have recently purchased purchased the Archie Martin home, Church Str. The Martins have purchased purchased a new home in Scugog River area. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice were Saturday evening dinner guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munnckc, Cavan, other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Munncke, Millbrook Sr. Citizens. A happy birthday party for little Miss Pamela Draper's 12th birthday, Sunday October 31, at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Draper, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Guest list included her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Marie Thomson, Oshawa, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Draper, her greatgrandmother greatgrandmother Mrs. Edith Taylor, Orono. Orono. "Intended for last week" Orono's "grand old Town hall" was the scene of celebration and visitors visitors Sunday, October 24, when "Open House" was held. Sporting a brand new "face-lift" all bright and freshly painted, the visitors visitors enjoyed the different displays. An excellent print of Orono Main Str. 1923-1933 on view, also Town clock being repaired! Helen Schmid, local historian, had a very interesting display display of accounts, pictures of bygone years! A large colorful poster of the "hollywood feeling" movie filmed here "The Dead Zone". Many locals enjoyed the excitement and fun of the crews for that big event, back in 1983. The original architect George Martcll, Port Hope, and the bricks were made and purchased from Port Hope. The lot cost before hall was built $225.00 and on display bills for original chairs (still in use) $188.00 for several dozen; plus lamps. Plans for the clock tower were obtained obtained in 1922 and were initiated and paid for by Frank Hall. A Mrs. Nichols Nichols left money in her will 1934 for the construction and installation. A delicious luncheon was served to the visitors. Social News Mrs. Nancy Heckbert, and daughters daughters Rcbbcca, Rachel, Jessica and Jennifer, all from Oshawa, were Monday evening dinner guests of their grandparents and great grandparents, grandparents, the O. Challices. Town Hall Card Party Thirteen tables of cuclire played at the weekly Town Hall card party, Wednesday, October 27, and following following results. High scores - Ray Hayward and Mark Marchant tied at 83, June Wilson Wilson and Evelyn Marchant tied at 82, Rob Robinson and Margcritc Cooper tied 77. Low score - Walter Murphy. Lucky Draws - George Dodson, Ruth Grady, Ray Hayward, Eva Smith, Vi Hayward, Jean Allen, Carl Gimblctt. iiy Cards every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Lunch is provided. U.C.W. Regional Rally Oshawa regional .fall rally was held Tuesday, October 26, in Kirby United Church, with an excellent attendance. attendance. As the many U.C.W. members arrived arrived they were greeted by ladies of Kirby Church, and all enjoyed a delicious delicious luncheon of muffins, cheeses, fruit, cookies, tea and coffee. A large display and sale of many interesting books, gifts etc., were much enjoyed by the ladies. Presiding for the evening, Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk, and welcome from Kirby U.C.W. was given by Mrs. Isabel Isabel Hamm. A delightful time of fellowship and music was enjoyed by Janet Cringle on piano and singing led by Lois McLeod. The overall theme "Women Changing Their Roles in the Church" was presented by guest Reverend Carol Kilby, and she was introduced by Kendal U.C.W. A real fun, as well as educational presentation was directed by our guest, and all felt we had a part in the roles we play in our churches. Appreciation to speaker given by Newtonvillc U.C.W. Roll Call was answered by a good number of U.C.W. and was presided over by Shelley Wright and Leone Fisher, and regular business period followed. Sixteen U.C.W. ladies from Orono answered the roll call. 90th Birthday Party A very happy celebration took place Saturday, October 30, at the home of daughter Mrs. Valeena Barnes, Oshawa, of the celebrant Mr. Ted Copping, a long time resident of Kirby area. Mr. Copping was celebrating celebrating his 90th birthday and friends and family came from far and near. He received plaques of congratulations congratulations from all forms of government and beautiful tribute from Mayor Diane Harare's office. Lovely cards, and gifts from his guests. Over fifty guests present from Raymond, Alberta, Simcoc, Delhi, Hamilton, Waterloo and Peterborough. Peterborough. Mr. Copping is a life time resident resident of Kirby area, and a long time member of Kirby Church. Congratulations Congratulations from your many friends in ■ this area! Orono United Church News Orono United celebrated their anniversary anniversary Sunday, October 31, with special guest speaker Reverend Clifford Clifford Elliot, from Toronto. Our guest gave a delightful children's story, and was introduced to congregation by Clerk of Session Marie Tamblyn, Vëry special music for the occasion occasion was brought by our local famous "Country Four Quartet", comprised of Lead - Jack Allin; Tenor Don Staples; Staples; Baritone - Mervyn Scott (in place of Merrill Brown, no,w in U.S.A.) and Bass Glenn Allin. Their excellent renditions of 1 "When There's Love at Home" and "You'll Never Walk Alone" brought forth many a mixed emotion! Our choir rendered "No Man is an Island", by Whitney and Kramer. Birthday greetings to - Carole Lee - November 4 (K), Olive Millson November November 5 (O), Laveme Heard - November November 6 (O). Food Banks: "please remember" our food bank. Donations may be léft at the back of the church. They are taken to the Salvation Army in Bowmanville Bowmanville for distribution in our area. Our greeters: Larry and Jane Lunn and family, Our ushers: Pamala and Gord Werry, and Judy and Alan Plummer. Our Nursery supervisors: Jackie and Marie West. Mid-week Senior Worship Service Service - Wednesday, November 3, 11 a.m., Durham Seniors' Lodge, Station Station St. in the assembly room. All seniors arc invited to attend. Explorers: Wednesday, November 3, 6:30 - 8 p.m., Kirby Church. Our leader is Mrs. Rosalyn Allin. Will There Be Church Beyond Tomorrow? - A one-day event for all Pastoral Charge Official Board Members Members on Saturday, November 27, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Newcastle United Church. Please put that time aside. Registration forms and letters addressed addressed to all board members arc available at the front door. Please pick them up so that we don't have to mail them. Anyone interested in the future of our churches arc also invited invited to attend and registration forms can be obtained cither from Reverend Russell or Marlene Riscbrough. Sacrament of Baptism will be held during the service on Sunday, November November 14th. Interested parents arc asked to contact Reverend Russell (983-5502) during the coming week. Remembrance Day Service will be held on Sunday, November 7 at regular church times. A parade and service at Orono Cenotaph will be held on Sunday, November 7,2 p.m. Kirby House Committee meets on Tuesday, November 9, Stewards and Session meet at 7 p.m. The House Committee meets at 7:45 p.m. For all members of Session, Trustees, Stewards Stewards and representatives from Sunday Sunday School, Mission and Service, Quinte "CAN", Ministry and Personnel, Personnel, Manse, and Presbytery. This is an important meeting as we will be discussing our budget for 1994. Regrets Regrets can be phoned to Marlene at 983-5702. • ? -Vc ? ,, -i Four Clarington residents were among a dozen Durham Region residents honored with Environmental Environmental Citizenship Awards last month. The local recipients are shown above with Oshawa MP Mike Breaugh and Jim Richards, manager of the McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Preserve and a former award- winner. From left are: John Veldhuis, Niva Rowan, Mr. Breaugh, Mr. Richards, Helen MacDonald and David Scott. The awards were presented at the Oshawa City Hall on October 20. Tyrone United Church Women Hold October Meeting October 13 the ladies of Tyrone UCW gathered in the CEB for our meeting with Carol Southwell and Ann Plcasancc as our group. The ladies ladies had their devotional period ahead of the business. Carol read a Chinese Proverb and gave a short note on the author of the Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Hymn no 19 "Now Thank we all our God." We sang. Ann read "National Thanksgiving." Thanksgiving." Group for November is Bessie and Jackie Vaneyk. The Executive is responsible for the Pot Luck lunch for December. Arlene Rowan moved we buy seven seven pair of blinds for our rooms and everyone agreed. Jackie proposed having the piano turned and all passed this motion. Treasurer Carol Southwell gave her report. Jackie Vaneyk moved we give one day's pay to the UCW, the same as last year. Bessie Vaneyk seconded seconded this - all in favor. Elsie read the Oshawa Presbytery Report - October 26 in Kirby Church in the evening and October 28 in Ajax St. Paul's United Church. Bessie reported on Leadership - and stated the help for the kids at North Minister Church and asked that the UCW help. Offering was received and dedicated. dedicated. Ann reported the 4-H crafts will be held on October 30th at 1 p.m. at Archibald's Orchards,. Then Ann introduced a well known young man, Tim Southwell, who is a musician at his school. The music teacher and choir look a trip to Hong Kong by way of Hawaii, where the weather and scenery were really hard to leave. He showed slides and gave a commentary on all the slides. The mountains were beautiful and the apartment buildings were almost unbelievable. unbelievable. He had a great display of articles and pictures that meant a great deal of work to keep straight. Everyone really enjoyed his trip and had a great many questions for him which were answered with ease. Ann thanked Tim with a small gift. All enjoyed our pumpkin pie and cream and our cup of tea and chat. Next meeting November 10th, 7:30 p.m. YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET • GEO • OLDSMOBILE DEALERS WHEN EVERYTHING IS GOING UP fJV PRICE, WE'RE LOWERING OURS. 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