18 The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville Work Wanted Auctions PLOWING, DISCING, CULTIVATING Large or small jobs ALSO HAY FOR SALE Round or Square Bales First or second cutting 263-8078 Visa Accepted CARSEY'S PAINT & PAPER 10 Years Experience Interior, Exterior Quality Work & Materials Drywall Repairs and Hanging Very Reasonable Rates 987-3798 CJ's RENOVATIONS Over 10 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN Decks, Fences, Rec Rooms, Sheds, Garages, Siding, etc. FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 623-4154 Rick Watts Carpentry Basement, Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations. Custom House & Cottage Framing, Deàks & Fences. Free Estimates References 623-9709 Rivers Backhoe Service Specializing in Residential • Snowplowing - Trenching • Back Filling • Watér and Sewer Free Estimates 697-1923 No Job too Small, Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293,983-6221 HOLROYD'S HEATING AIR CONDITIONING OIL-GAS-ELECTRIC Installations - Service Cleaning - Parts Plans HAMPTON 263-8501 Home Maintenance Yard & House Cleanup Painting - Electrical Plumbing-Siding Windows - Roofing Eavestroughs Minor Repairs No job too Small. 263-8940 I & T CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 years experience, House Trim, Stairs, Decks. Additions and Custom Homes. All carpentry related work Ivan Jones TonyFarnara Orono Coutice/Hampton 983-5303 433-4700 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING • Pump repairs & installation • New work •Repairs •Furnace Cleaning •Free Estimates for Friendly Expert Service Call 983-6214 Auction Sale! "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 Miles North of Hwy. 401 (Exit 399) Featuring every Wed. an excellent excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, collectables, primitives and the unu- suals. So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "True" auctions with no buybacks buybacks or reserves. "Consignment "Consignment and estate selling our specialty". specialty". Phone us today. Preview from 1:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Services, 416-683-0041. LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALES BARN LTD. Special Stocker Sales at 10 a.m. Oct. 27, Nov. 10 Selling Mixed Calves & Yearlings Nov. 3 Selling Vaccinated Calves Only These sales sponsored by Peterborough-Victoria County Cattlemen's Association Northern Sales Network. Consignments Mandatory. Out of County Producers Welcome. Consign to Wayne Telford 705-292-9531 ******************** CARL HICKSON OWNER & AUCTIONEER 705-324-9959 705-324-2774 Sat., Evening, Nov. 20 Breeder Cow Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn Ltd. R.R.2, Lindsay Selling bred and springer cows. Consignments invited! Contact Carl Hickson, res. 705-324-9959, Sale Barn (705) 324-2774, Doug Armstrong 705-277-3870. Sat., Nov. 13,11 a.m. Public Auto Auction at Peterboro Auction Center Peterborough 2 Miles East on Hwy. 7 About 40 cars, 7 trucks, vans, 4X4's, many late model. Call now to consign your car, truck, van, RV, boat. Consign early. Call (705) 745-5007, Orval McLean Auctions. Sun., Nov. 7,12 Noon (Viewing 11 a.m.) MacGregor & West Auctions Antiques, Collectables, Guns & Household Effects Orono Town Hall Main St., Orono Auction features a varied selection selection of antique furnishings in original original and refinished condition, wardrobes, wardrobes, washstands, mise, dressers and chests of drawers, oak sideboard, blanket boxes, chairs and rockers (pressbacks, parlour, etc.), mise, tables, desk, old bottles, postcards, gra- niteware, "Marcus Berine" violin, oil lamps, crocks and jugs, rugs, plus a fine selection of glass and china, Barnett crossbow, scope and arrows, 4 shotguns, etc. This is only a very small list of the many rare and unique articles in this Sunday's sale. Something for everyone. (NOTE: Winter location location and 12 Noon start time). Call for all your auction needs. MacGregor and West Auctions, Mike MacGregor, (905) 987-5402, Junior West (905) 983-5556. MCOUimUITS Help us with our Mission of financial independence for Canadian Small Business. If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of small business people, give us a call. LGC is a leading accounting franchise organization with an innovative system to meet the needs of the Canadian entrepreneur and we are planning to open an office in Newcastle and Bowmanville. If you are an existing practitioner or are considering starting your own accounting practice, we invite you to learn how affiliation with LGC could benefit you. Fax your resume to (905) 682-1058 or call Ron Robertson at 1-800-361-8805 or write to 110 Hannover Drive, St. Catharines, Ontario L2W 1A6. , Saturday, November 6,1993 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. COMING EVENTS BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 12, 13 & 14 Brantford Civic Centre. Exhibits, Equipment, Crafts, Seminars, Prizes, Carving Competition. Friday; 4-9p.m., Saturday; 10-6p.m., Sunday; 10- 5p.m. Admission $5. Exhibitor Info. (519) 449- 2444, General 1-800-563-6858. BUSINESS OPPS. HECK OF A DECK Offers: Home Based ground floor opportunity - Low investment - excellent return - Protected Territories - Terrific training - Brand name products. Dealer inquiries 1-800- 461-3651. WATKINS THE BEST Home Business of the 90's. Join us and increase your earnings. Call (613) 546-2550. RUN YOUR OWN CORSINI Prestigious Fashion Business Anywhere in Canada. Affordable Designer Silk Clothing Collection. Make money Full or Part Time. Free Information Toll-Free 1- 800-567-5760. CAREER TRAINING FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train at home for careers in: Accounting; Airconditioning; Bookkeeping; Business; Electronics; Law Enforcement; Medical Secretary; Paralegal; Travel; etc. 263 Adelaide St. W. (5A) Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: November 20-26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. COMPUTERIZED TAX PRACTICE: Learn Income Tax Preparation featuring basic and computer courses. Free brochure. Call 1-800- 563-EARN; Fax (204) 254-6172; Write: Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0W1. FOR SALE BOOKS BY MAIL. Latest titles from all major Canadian publishers. FREE catalogues. Contact: Heritage Books, 866 Palmerston Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6G 2S2 (416) 533- 6816. HELP WANTED SALES REP. (RETIREE) drug/variety stores to sell eyeglass accessories and earplugs. Monthly cycle, flexible territory. No investment required. Ed Maloney (905) 945-2242 Hear Saver Limited MISCELLANEOUS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast: easy method. Guaranteed? FREE information. Call 1-800-667-0050 Extension 770. Studio A25. POETRY CONTEST $12,000 in prizes. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or less to : National Library of Poetry, Box 704-ND, Owings Mills, Md 21117. PERSONALS THINK MORE CLEARLY Come out of the fog of drugs and environmental toxins. Read Clear Body Clear Mind. 150 Rideau St, Ottawa K1N 1N6, $30(613) 562-0431. ADOPTION ADOPTION - PREGNANT? Affectionate, musical couple would be thrilled to adopt infant. Working vvith licensed professionals. Call COLLECT Evenings (after 7p.m.), Weekends (416)226-4502. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'll take it! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967 (24 hours). OWN YOUR OWN Park Model Home in Sarasota Florida, from $34,000 Canadian in a resort! Discounted weekly inspection visits for interested buyerç! Sun and Fun. 1-905-871-4908. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Special. Keep the factory busy during the Winter months and take delivery in the Spring. Save up to 25%. Call 1-800-668-8653. ONTARIO MANUFACTURER has a limited number of pre-sized steel buildings for sale at EXCEPTIONALLY REDUCED PRICES - 40 x 80 value $9,971. Now $7,698. Call Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11,924; 50x90 $16,954; 60x126 $25,883 - other sizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today!