* U 6 The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, November 6,1993 Native Perspectives Conference Opens November 12 in Oshawa PORT DARLINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOC. ANNUAL MEETING -- The Port Darlington Community Association will hold its annual meeting on November 22 at 8 p.m. at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. One of the highlights will be the election of an executive committee. To celebrate "1993 the International International Year for Indigenous People", Durham College and the Mississau- gas of Scugog Island First Nation are co-sponsoring a conference, Native Perspectives, to be held at Durham Award winning chef David Wolf- man. Saturday will begin from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with the opening ceremony and an address by Gary Edgar, Chief of Scugog Island First College Main Campus, 2000 Simcoe Nation. During the day, participants Street North, Oshawa, on November will attend a series of workshops. An 12 and 13,1993. Aboriginal nouvelle cuisine lunch will be prepared by the Durham Col- The Native Perspectives Confer- lege Food and Beverage students un- ence goals are; to help celebrate the der the direction of Olympic gold year for Indigenous People; to pro- medallist, chef David. Wolfman. On vide an opportunity for individuals to experience, share and leam the traditions, traditions, ceremonies, history and goals of native people (most of the presenters presenters are Ojibway, members of the bands of the United Indian Council); and to promote awareness of Scugog Island First Nation. The conference opens Friday, November November 12 at 7:00 p.m. with traditional traditional and contemporary native drumming, drumming, singing and dancing performed by the Eagle Heart Drummers and Singers. Beginning at 8:15, there will be a demonstration and sampling of Aboriginal cuisine prepared by 1992 Olympic medallist • 1993 Evian FIRST AID TIP ,fiPCu*r\. FRACTURES • Steady and support the injury. 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Commented Elizabeth Elizabeth McArthur, Equity Consultant at Durham College. "It is quickly becoming becoming the little conference that grew." A marketplace featuring aboriginal aboriginal arts and crafts, clothing, pottery and artwork will be open throughout the conference. Several renowned artists artists will display and discuss their work. The marketplace will be open to the public, at no. cost, Saturday, November 13, from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. For more information on the conference conference contact Elizabeth McArthur, Durham College 721-2000 Ext. 2409 or Kelly Ewing, Scugog Island First Nation (905) 985-3337. CVfS STAft?- LITTLE HARgOUR Vk TRADING COMPANY QUALITY CASUAL WEAR AT AFFORDABLE PRICES M-2. KINS ST. 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