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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1993, p. 26

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, November 17,1993 Section Two A Weekly Report from the Village of Newcastle Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago - 987-4201 About January, 1991, Newcastle Village residents were informed by Canada Post dial they were recipients of improved mail delivery. I quote from a letter received about that time "Community Mail Boxes arc a contemporary contemporary mode of delivery that address address today's changing lifestyles and today's economic realities." We translate that sentence that today's today's delivery is as confusing as today's today's lifestyles and depression. Ever since its inception, we have received another person's mail, even though die postal codes are different for each set of boxes. Last Monday's mail was a true surprise. surprise. IGA flyer for die previous week, Canadian Tire flyer for die previous previous week, two old Gazette papers and a piece of mail which said Photo Do Not Bend, which belonged to our counterpart (which we delivered because because we didn't want to bend it to put it in the return slot), along with some odicr flyers which we've forgotten. But, most were too old to be of any value to recipients. Maybe this mode of delivery does address today's economic economic realities. No one can spend the money on goods advertised in flyers dtat are obsolete! Is diis improved mail delivery? On Saturday, November 13, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Don- . aid Stiles united in Marriage Lori Lee Luxton and Jeffrey Dawson, of Bow- manville. The bride is the daughter of Ron and Joy Luxton, grand-daughter of Grace and Lawrence Gaines. On Tuesday after their bowling session, the Newcastle Seniors enjoyed enjoyed their monthly luncheon in the Lions Den. Winners of the afternoon card games were 1st Jean Holmes, 2nd K. Powell, 3rd Stan Powell, 4th Wilma Scott, 5th Lil Bolderstone, 6th Eva Smith, and 7th Walter Murphy. Lucky Draw winners were Jean Holmes, Wylma Allin, Bertha Fisher, Ruby Brunt, Jack Holmes, Marie Gibson, Gibson, Albert Pearce, Alice Hopson, Dorothy Branch, Art Compton and R. B. Rickard. ' :: Birthday greetings to Barbara Crowtlier, Helen Nesbitt, Janice Rickard, Rickard, Ric Pearce, Jeremy Wight and Dclann Chard Miss Janice Rickard, Queen's University, University, was home for the weekend with her family, Dave, Pearl and Jeff. Some members of the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society have been very busy restoring the historic historic Memorial Library Room in the Newcastle Community Hall. On Saturday, Saturday, December 4, and Sunday, December December 5, from 2-4:00 p.m. the doors will open to the public. Last Thursday night, Jean Rickard and Kathleen Powell, of Newcastle Lioness Club, and Colleen Lush and Elizabeth Anderson of Bowmanvillc Lioness Club, attended the District Lioness Lioness Meeting in Frankford. On Tuesday Evening, Mr. Harry Wade attended the Oddfellows Lodge . Grand Master's Official visit at Durham Durham Memorial Temple, Port Hope. Mrs. Mabel Wade remains a patient patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. On Wednesday Mildred Pye- Finclr, Scarborough, spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono, were evening visitors. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood enjoyed enjoyed Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wood and Travis, Osliawa. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Gladys Gladys Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowed and Jim, Starkville. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, accompanied by Helen Mar- kle, Oshawa, attended the Amadeus Choir Concert at the Church of the Annunciation, Victoria Park. Daughter Daughter Beth Powell Marklc is a member of die choir. The Newcastle and District Chamber Chamber of Commerce are presenting Swing Into Christmas on Sunday, December December 5th, at 2 o'clock in the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall. This concert by Alan Mote and his band is free, but you are asked to bring a non- perishable food item for the local food bank. On Saturday evening, many Newcastle Newcastle residents enjoyed the supper at Ncwtonvillc United Church. Following Following dinner, Mr. Ian Savage, accompanied accompanied by pianist Helen Wpod, led in a sing-song and also sang some solos. The Ncwtonvillc ladies, directed by Jean Arnold, then presented another play. This supper and performance will be repeated Friday, November 19. Mrs. Dale Hunt and boys, Ponty- pool, were Friday overnight visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Wednesday night at the Newcastle Community Hall, the Orono and District District Fiddle Club entertains and on Thursday evening November 18 at the Hall, the Senior Citizens meet for their evening of cards. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Inch, Welcome, Welcome, and daughter Lisa Clifford, Oshawa, were Sunday evening visitors visitors with Wilma and John Scott. Mrs. Nancy Pearce, Jennifer and Melanie, Lindsay, visited on Sunday with Mrs". Margaret Pearce. Last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, accompanied by Kathleen Kimball and Lena Graham, enjoyed dinner with Mrs. Ruby Beare, Port Pcnry, and her sisters Elsie of Oshawa and Mabel and her husband A1 of Scarborough. Kay, Lena, Marg and the Wallace girls were all Ncwtonvillc childhood friends, and they enjoyed the day reminiscing. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldrcad visited visited on Sunday evening will) his sister, Mrs. Ellen Ormislon, Courticc. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, also visited. Mrs. Eileen Reid, Belleville, has been visiting her sister May Burley and brother Arthur Clark. Mrs. Katy Tomlinson, Trenton, is now spending some time with May and Art. Mrs. Jean Simpson, Pickering, spent Sunday with Lena Graham and enjoyed anniversary Sunday at Newcastle Newcastle United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin enjoyed .the weekend in Guelph visiting daughter daughter Marie and her husband, Ross Brownlee and son Gordon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Frankford, spent the weekend weekend with Mr. Arthur Bedwin and Fred, Lake Shore. On Saturday night, Terry and Jean Graham, Brenton and Jean Rickard attended attended Frankford Lions 40lh charter anniversary. Mrs. Jean Graham is training a canine canine which will become a vision dog for the blind - an interesting and rewarding rewarding job. Newcastle Lions News The regular meeting of the Newcastle Newcastle Lions Club was held in tire Lions Lions Den, at the Newcastle Communi ty Hall on tire 10th of November. Twenty-six Lions and one guest were present to enjoy a meat-loaf dinner supplied by the Newcastle Lioness Club. . . After dinner, Lion Peter King introduced introduced the Zone Chairman for Ten South, making his official visit, Lion Dick Lovekin. Lion Dick commended the Newcastle Newcastle Lions for making reports on time and in good order. He also spoke on visitation, newsletters and the environment. environment. He commented that the reason reason for his elaborate dress was to give his home club a preview of the image he presents to oilier clubs in the Zone. Lion Howard Quinncy was asked to thank Zone Chairman Dick, and took the opportunity to reminisce about times past when the club had gleaned a good chuckle from speeches he had made at other occasions. A memento memento was then given to Lion Dick to commemorate his visit. A project to supply a local person suffering from cerebral palsy with a McCaw Voice Synthesizer was proposed proposed by the Newcastle Lioness Club. It was decided to buy the equipment for this person and share the cost with the Newcastle Lioness Club. A proposal from Square Boy Pizza to run a Christmas Toy Drive in conjunction conjunction with the Lions Club was accepted accepted in principle and left with die committee to pursue and implement. The proposal to finish the ball diamond diamond project at Ncwtonvillc Public School was given the green light and should be finished this Fall. A request from the Brownsdalc Bingo Committee for bingo cards was considered and a decision to donate such cards as needed was passed. The Stag Committee reported that all systems are go for die November 26th Stag at die Newcastle Community Community Hall. Most tickets arc sold, but some tickets are available from any Newcastle Lion. Or interested parties may call Lion Frank Hoar at 987- 4266. Because die Lions Slag falls in the same week as the November 25tii meeting, that meeting has been cancelled. cancelled. Remembrance Day Service On Thursday morning at the cenotaph cenotaph on King St., Newcastle, Acting Padre Sterling Mather led die Remembrance Remembrance Day Service which opened with die singing of 0 Canada. A student from St. Francis capably read die scripture, Hebrews 12 verses 7 to 15. A Newcastle Public School student, an excellent reader, read Psalm 27, verses 1 to 6, followed by prayer by Mr. Mather. The hymn Onward Onward Christian Soldiers was sung before before Last Post, Two Minutes' Silence and Reveille. Regional Councillor Ann Dreslinski read die names of the fallen and also brought greetings from die Municipality of Clarington. About "20 wreaths were laid. The Lord's Prayer and God Save die Queen concluded concluded die programme. Comrade Douglas Walton thanked all die attendants, attendants, especially die school children and teachers. SL George's Anglican Church Following Early Service on Sunday, Sunday, November 14, die sidesmen met for breakfast in the Parish Hall. At Morning Prayer, the Reverend Robert Hartley spoke from die pulpit on a text from the Gospel for the day, St. Mattiiew 22, Render Unto Caesar. The flowers at the altar were given by Hilda Call in memory of her husband husband Bill, and dicir parents. The sides men were Messrs. Beaton and Wynn. On November 21, Holy Communion Communion will be celebrated at eight and eleven. SL Francis of Assisi Parish On the evenings of September 14 and 21, Sylvia Vanhaverbckc presented presented a very informative liturgical workshop workshop on the history of our Eucharistic Celebration witii an in-depdt look into the different parts of the Mass (the Gathering, the Table of the Word, die Table of the Eucharistic. This was very well attended. October 4th, die feast of St. Francis Francis of Assisi, marked die fifteentii anniversary anniversary of our parish in die Village of Newcastle. This was celebrated with special liturgical devotions in memory of our patron saint and culminated culminated widi. a Eucharist celebration of Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 3rd, when the new Parish Council was installed and presented to the worshipping worshipping community. A reception followed followed in the church hall. During the months of September and October, the following children were welcomed into our worshipping community through the Sacrament of Baptism: Jessica Ann Pfanzelt, Erica Rose Ncuwirth-Whilley, Nicholas John Mulders, Paul James Dargic, Brcanna-Maric Cranlcy, Erin Elizabeth Elizabeth Charron. On Tuesday, November 9di, at 7:30, thirty children from Mrs. O'Neill's and Mrs. Robinson's Class Celebrated die Sacrament of Confirmation, Confirmation, This was conferred by the Most Rev. James L. Doyle, Bishop of Peterborough. The Children were presented presented with momentocs from the CWL and a reception followed: Our Childen's Liturgy Program is now back in full swing after a summer recess. So too are our two choirs, parish parish council, CWL and various other committees and groups, including a newly-founded Bible Study Group. Submitted by Anita Kinney. United Church On Monday evening, November 8, the Sunshine Unit of die UCW met, witii Shirley Coyle presiding. Evelyn Northrop, Marg Burley and Shirley' presented die worship on Advent. An enjoyable craft period followed when Jean Rickard instructed attendants on the making of Advent wreathes. Pres- 1 • idem Carole Noble conducted some business and reported on die Oshawa UCW Prcsbylcrial held at Kirby Church. On Sunday, November 14, 1993; Newcastle United Church celebrated ■ 169 years of Christian faitii and love; Two beautiful azaleas in memory of • Harry Jose and given by Erla and Francis Jose, adorned the sanctuary; The Wilmot Creek choir members, at- 1 tired in their white and red, rendered four selections. Look for die Silver' Lining, Let There Be Peace. The 1 Sound of Music and Battle Hymn Rev. Donald Stiles welcomed all. Mr. Charles Ewart introduced his fa-, thcr-in-law, the Hon. E. R. Lovekin who was guest speaker. Richard gave some of the early history of die,, church, some gleaned from Saddle; Bags to Seventy-Five, Written By Marion Rickard Fair, hi 1925 Presby- . tcrian and Methodist churches united „ and Mr. Lovekin predicted larger unity unity for die future. During coffee hour following die service, Richard's motii- cr, Helen, witii her husband, Ross Anderson, Anderson, visited widi die many friends present. On Saturday, November 27, a pres- entadon Will There Be A Church Beyond Beyond Tomorrow? will be made at Newcastle United Church beginning at 10 o'clock to 3 p.m. Register now! Van Belle Floral Shoppes ... much more than a flower store! 4 STORES k| „ Highway No, 2 King St, W„ Oshawa .-SlmcoeSt.N., Oahawa «100 Dundua St. W,, Whitby Trademark ol Van Hollo Gardono Ltd, Your Pontiac • Buick • GMC Team gives you what you want for a price that fits. It's that simple. 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