i ! Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, November 17,1993 Isabelle Challice - News and Views from Elizabethville Area Quote-"He who works with his hands is a labourer, he who works with his hands and his head, is an artisan. artisan. But he who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist." Sympathy of the community to Mrs. Jane Boughen and family, in the sad loss of their loved one Ted Boughen passed away Sunday, November November 14, visiting hours at Morris Funeral Chapel, Monday 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. and funeral was held Tuesday November 16, at 1 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, Salem, Salem, were visitors, with their cousin, Mrs. Edith Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott, spent last weekend weekend visiting Mrs. Dolly Haixis, a patient patient in Brantford hospital, following surgery. She is Alfred's sister. At last weeks meeting held Monday Monday night, in Armories, it wits decided decided to proceed with organizing a Youth Centre, here in Orono, possibly possibly in the "Old Mill", Main Street. More details later. Mrs. Margaret Challice, Mill- brook, spent past weekend visiting Orville and Isabelle Challice. Our local areas have been severely severely hit with sick and shut-ins. We arc glad to report Mrs. Gladys Greenwood Greenwood is home, after a long stay in hospital. Mrs. Norma Ransbcrry is a patient in Sunnybrook hospital, Toronto. Toronto. Her many friends send speedy get well wishes. Carlos Tamblyn is a patient in Oshawa hospital. Mrs. Edith Gordon is still in hospital. Let's hope for better news next week! Mrs. Nancy Heckbcrt, Mr. Kevin Ridell, Rebecca arid Jenny Heckbert were all supper guests of the O. Chal- liccs Sunday evening. Mrs. Jennie Bowins is slowly recovering recovering from a long weeks illness cold, tonsillitis etc. Town Hall Card Party Fourteen tables of progressive euchre euchre held Wednesday, November 10/ 93, in Orono Town Hall and following following results - High Scores Bernice Moffat 81, Hilda Caswell 79, Myrtle Alldread 78, Norma Moffat 76, Lil Bolderstone and Charlie Campbell 72. Low score - Arthur Bedwin. 8 Lucky draws - Shirley Moffat 2, Helen Thom, Evelyn Marchant, Wanda MacNeil, Jean Allen 2, Bertha Bertha Fisher. Cards every Wednesday night 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Sr. C's Meeting Thursday, November 11 the members members of Orono Sr. C's (Senior Citizens) Citizens) held their monthly,meeting in.. 'ono I.O.O.F. hall with 35 inembers' and guests. The ladies lodge catered to the delicious full course turkey dinner and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. A vote of thanks given to ladies ladies for catering. There were no birthdays to celebrate celebrate and the afternoon was spent playing euchre, with following winners winners - High score Hazel Pigott 100, Tom Wilson 83, Violet Dunlop 82. Pearl Clarke (Low Score). Lucky cup prize - Hilda Caswell. Our next monthly meeting will be in form of pot-luck dinner December 9 at noon hour. Orono United Church News ■ The very beautiful sacrament of baptism was celebrated at Orono United Church, Sunday, November 14, with following babies presented, Dylan Oscar James Buckley, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Buckley, Leskard, Cody Daniel L amers, baby son of Brian and Loma L amers. Reverend Mcrwyn Russell officiated officiated at the service and following the baptism the Minister carried the babies down through the corigrcga- tion, to welcome them as members of the church. Books for Christmas!! There will be a book and handcrafted religious art display at both Kirby and Orono on Sunday, November 21 and 28th. You will be able to order any of the books or art work and have your order order available in time for Christmas. Judy Plummer and Marlene Rise- brough will be in charge of the display. display. Mission and Service Committee meet on Tuesday, November 16, Orono Orono Church 7 p.m. Kirby Announcements Mothers and Tots Program: Will be starting at Kirby United Church on Friday, November 26th at 9:30 a.m. Anyone with pre-school children children is invited to come. For further information phono Karen Lowery at 983-5734. Regal Card Co.: Heather Johnson has proposed that the people of Kirby Church sell products of this company to our friends and families. We would receive the profits as a fund raiser. Heather is willing to collect the orders and place an order for us. If you would like a catalogue please sec her. Crushing, Not Cursing Dear Te ter; I hnyc just read this week's Statesman Statesman and noticed an error in my Queen's Park Report that may offend some people, "Take for example the sparrow- menacing, top C-cursing - wow nol!!! My report as sent read, top C- crushing it seems as if someone left out the letter "r" which has given a really different meaning to what 1 said. 1 don't know if you should print a correction, perhaps It would be as well, After all, Dianne never curses in my knowledge, Thanks a lot, i. (lord Orono Announcements Choir Practice: Wednesday, November November 17, 7-8 p.m. Lower C.E. Hall. We are practising the well- loved Christmas music and our new Christmas Cantata. If you like to sing, please join us. U.C.W. Annual General Meeting: Thursday, November 25, begins with a pot-luck dinner at 6 p.m. Each unit will be required to submit a report. All women of the congregation arc invited. Cradle Roll Lunch: The parents of children three and under are invited to meet with the Minister and Cradle Roll secretary, Gail Empey, at Orono after church service on Sunday, November November 21sl. We will talk about the plans we have to keep in touch and will have the book display available. Coffee, muffins, juice and cookies will be served. Community Announcements "Friendly Visitor Program" - Community Care, Durham Region, is interested in hearing from any adults or teenagers who would be interested in becoming a friendly visitor to a shut-in person in the Orono area. Orientation Orientation to this service is provided along with periodic information events. If you are interested, please call Roxy Barnes, 623-2261. Hot Lunch Program: Orono United United Church is considering offering a hot lunch program as part of the Durham Durham Region Community Care association association Outreach Programs. Community Community Care have requested that we ask anyone who would be interested in having these lunches or having someone someone else they know having these lunches to contact Roxy Bamcs at 623-2261. There is at present no firm commitment to go ahead with the program at Orono United Church. The responses will give an indication if putting on the program will be worthwhile. Orono House Committee meets on Tuesday, November 23, 7 p.m. followed followed by Orono Pastoral Charge Board at 8 p.m. For all members of Session, Trustees, Trustees, Stewards, and representatives from Sunday School, U.C.W., Mission Mission and Service, Quinte "CAN", Ministry and Personnel, Manse and Presbytery. Please refer to your letter dated September 1993 if you arc unsure unsure if you should attend. Please phone regrets to the Secretary, Marlene Marlene Riscbrough. These arc important meetings as we will be discussing our budget for 1994. "These Days" - Subscriptions for 1994 arc now being taken. The cost this year is $6.25. If you wish to subscribe, subscribe, please give your name and money to Inez Harris or Marlene Riscbrough. Don't forget those in hospital or homebound who may wish to receive it. Will there Be Church Beyond Tomorrow? Many people are worried about the future of our congregations. As you know, all arc experiencing financial financial difficulty; and concern has been expressed about attendance on Sundays Sundays and our outreach into our communities. communities. The problems and challenges we face at this time arc not unique to our pastoral charge. Most United Churches in our Presbytery arc experiencing experiencing similar pressures and concerns concerns - and opportunities - to some degree or other. A special one day program has been arranged for all Elders, Stewards, Stewards, Trustees, and other interested persons from Ncwtonville, Kendal, Shiloh, Orono, Kirby, and Newcastle United Churches to begin to explore ways and opportunities to revitalize our congregations in terms of increasing increasing church and Sunday School attendance, attendance, improving outreach ministries, and expanding financial support. This exciting and inspiring program program will be held Saturday, November November 27, 1993 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Newcastle United Church. For the sake of our church, our members,, and our community: All people who are concerned about the future of their congregation arc urged to attend. Christian Community Concerns Committee presents Activities and Films especially for Christmas at Orono United Church on Sunday, December 5, 1993 7:00 - 8:35 p.m. The Stable Boy's Christmas, Christmas Christmas Carols, A Visitor for Christmas, refreshments - surprises, a program : for all ages - don't miss it!!! Minister: Minister: Reverend Dr. Mcrvyn Russell -, office 983-5502, Home 983-5208. By Edna Thlckson There was a smaller crowd than usual at church on Sunday. Mrs. Hancock Hancock welcomed us at the door. After the usual prayer and hymn, Rev. Sedgwick read the first lesson from Matthew about the parable of the 10 girls. The choir sang arid for the expression expression of worship, June Smith, Marilyn Marilyn Gardiner and the Taylors sang, along with the congregation. Mr. Sedgwick's sermon was on "A Family Decision." On Tuesday afternoon, the Women's Women's Institute met at Milford and Jean White's home in Port Hope, with 13 attending. President Irene Beatty opened the meeting with greetings from the convention she had attended last week. There wasn't too much business, but we discussed several items from the convention Irene Beatty and Margaret Margaret Walker had attended and they News from Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm Welcome home to Ms. Eileen Lyons who has just returned after spending a few weeks visiting with Miss Valerie Malcolm in Australia. Sorry to report that a former Ycl- vertonian Myra (Mrs. Clarence) Page of Lindsay at time of writing is currently currently in Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay to correct a medical problem involving her heart. A speedy recovery recovery to Myra. Miss Betty Whittaker enjoyed dinner dinner on Sunday at the homo of her niece Eileen and hubby Howard Malcolm, Malcolm, on the occasion of her 93rd birthday. Best wishes arc extended! It was.an early observation of Eileen's birthday as well. A number of Yelvcrtonians have More Fraud at Jays Games Than Entire System of Welfare To the Editor: According to Mr. Mills, there is more fraud committed (by corporate executives) at the Blue Jays' baseball games in Toronto than in all the welfare welfare offices across the province of Ontario (Report from Queen's Park , November 3,1993). If Mr. Mills and Law professor Neil Brooks, have evidence to support support this claim, perhaps Mr. Mills'can tell us what he and his government are doing to put a stop to this fraud. C. Christodoulou 13 Summerfield Crt, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C2E8. (905)623-5458. or will be .attending a day or two ot the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. Keith Gobcl is showing some of her Charolais herd. From our own observations, observations, there appeared to be a full house of almost every beef breed this week. Somehow, we missed seeing Princess Margaret who also attended. Dale and Nancy Stinson and girls enjoyed last weekend in Ottawa visiting visiting their friends Andy and Ellen Norris Norris and family who operate a restaurant restaurant there. It was also a special occasion for the Norris family as their eldest son and brother observed a special religious ceremony - his Bar Mitzvah. A large turnout of friends and relatives joined in this special event. Hunting season is currently opened in this area. It appears that some residents arc doing it the hard way. Two deer within a few miles have been knocked off by automobiles automobiles with dire results to all parlies concerned. brought an excellent report. The program was supposed to be by Beryl Dckokcr on international affairs, affairs, but as it was exam time, she was, unable to be here and sent two excellent excellent tapes on life in foreign countries.. Next meeting at Vivian Quantrill's on Dec. 7th. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of the late Mcrwyn Benson Benson and Annette Savory who died recently, recently, with both funerals on Friday. On Thursday evening a friendship, gathering met at Garden Hill Church, with Rose McMurray as chairlady. The program consisted of readings,, singing, etc. Six residents of the area, Peggie Della-Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. Fudge, Gwen Taylor, Susan Peacock and Judy Taylor gave a summary on who they were and what bvrought them to Garden Hill to live. This was very interesting. Some of the locals, 1 June Smith, Beryl Cruse, Winnie Finnic, Finnic, Bonny Aiken, Joan Bcbcc, etc. filled in with poems and singing. Lunch was served at the close. Mrs. Lcwko had her daughter Anne and Nick Long from Rochester for a few days this week.. Jackson and Susan Peacock visited their son Mark and Linda, New Lowell, Lowell, and brought home their two boys, Aaron and David, for a week. Marie and Bill Tcrbcnche visited here on Sunday. June Moore had her second three- day treatment in hospital last week. Mrs. E. Morris had her operation last Friday and came home on Thurs-: day. Alan and Helen Peacock have had a bad case of the flu this past week. • 0j Install a high efficiency gas, oil or propane furnace and receive UP to $500 TRADE-IN on your old furnace when you purchase a CARRIER FURNACE Hlgh-efficlency gas furnace can save you up to 65% on your heâting bills! Heating & Air Conditioning BowmanviUe/Newcastle 436-3212 • Oshawa/Whitby 428-0333 DUNN'S in the Oshawa Centre >X tfsèT't a : .. r - :J ■ if .m '• | . _ hj. - ; During The Oshawa Centre Construction Sale! W" w >v ... W cc 65 GOOD REASONS TO BUY THIS SPORTCOAT SAVE $65.00 Special purchase for a limited time: This fine quality, 100% wool, muted Glen Plaid single- breasted sportcoat can be yotirs for $65 less than its regular price. Beautifully tailored and styled - it's the winter's best bargain. Reg. $195.00 NOW $129.95 London Fog OUR OUTERWEAR IS SEC0ND-T0-N0NE We have the most extensive selection of top quality, designer and known brand name outerwear in the area. Select from charcoal, navy and black Reg. $250.00 NOW $189.95 London Fog TOP QUALITY and LOW PRICES make our LEATHER COLLECTION THE BEST Affordable luxury is what we promise, and that's what you'll get with any one of our superbly-styled leather jackets - because we pride ourselves on beating our competitors' prices. Choose from a variety of styles in the season's favourite colour. (Many famous designer and brand names) Reg. $395.00 NOW $197.50 ?, V ' 1 "■ ' " 1 " " jgp _ «raff f Sri ÿ 4.#/ ■ :.v ; . § HPBHP ,aL i • •> i ' - » V' v i . j • • '*• m ■ •. ^ ^ x ^ _ : - / -v'-v",-', 1 V f . MaM . "!' ; -;Y f ;::rT We have all the top designer and brand name suits you'll find elsewhere. The same quality, selection and style. The only difference is we offer it all for less. Their $600 suit, for instance, will only cost you $297.50 here. The identical one. Same label. You'd be crazy to shop anywhere else, wouldn't you? Reg. $600 NOW $297.50 Reg. $500 NOW $247.50 Reg. $400 NOW $197.50 .* r-'iA 8§| fijl VISA MASTER CARD AMERICAN EXPRESS A S/// FOFUVLHY MAN Htott a/ t Si 'i i si/t s ! Hi >v a u OSHAWA CENTRE OPEN: Mon. - Fri. 10:00 - 9:00; Saturday 9:30 - 9:00 2 LOCATIONS j£3^l Now in our temporary location 3 doors north of The Bay, upper level and our Super Store opposite Bi-Way DUNN'S Oshawa's Favourite Men's Store