ftc-srx'f The Independent, Canadian Statesman Weekender, Bowmanville, Saturday, November 20,1993 7 Farm Registration Process to Around the Town Begin Under Stable Funding Toronto - The Farm Registration and Farm Organization Funding Act, commonly referred to as stable funding, funding, is now law in Ontario and farmers will be receiving registration packages over the next three months. This legislation, which is supported supported by detailed regulation, institutes a funding mechanism to provide general farm organizations with the kind of financial financial support they need. Their efforts efforts in analyzing industry needs and providing policy advice to the government government have benefitted all Ontario farmers farmers and should have a "stable" source of funds to continue their work. Under the Act, all Ontario farm business with gross income on $7,000 or more as reported for income tax purposes in their most recent business year, are required to register with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and provide a refundable, annual $150 fee that the Ministry will forward to the accredited general farm organization selected by the registrant. Accredited organizations initially recognized by the legislation are the Christian Farmers' Federation of On-' tario (CFFO) and the Ontario Federation Federation of Agriculture (OFA). Other general general farm organizations may apply for accreditation under the Act. The Union Union des cultivateurs franco-ontariens will be named as the eligible francophone francophone organization to receive special funding for the first three years. : Provisions under the regulation also help empower farmers at the local local level. Each farm organization is required to provide twenty-five percent percent of their net revenues to their local organizations. This will help establish effective representation at the local level and ensure that organizations remain remain sensitive to grassroots concerns. . "Stronger financing to local organizations organizations will allow them to be more involved involved in planning and projects that benefit the community as well as farmers. General farm organizations have traditionally been key players in stimulating economic activity in rural communities. By increasing local resources resources to farm organizations, the legislation legislation supports die revitalization of rural communities as well. At the same time, the legislation's requirement for farm businesses to register with the Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food will mean better service to the entire farming community. Because Because the registration information will be subject to the protection offered through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The legislation allows only valid registration registration numbers, registered business/ partnership names, contact names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers be given to the general farm organizations with the payment. All other information collected will be re-, tained by OMAF for its internal use. After registration, and within ninety ninety days of their registration due date, farm businesses have the option of requesting requesting a full refund of the fee from the appropriate farm organization. Individuals Individuals who object on religious grounds to providing a cheque to an accredited organization and/or registering registering their farm operation with the Ministry may apply to the Farm Organization Organization Accrediation Tribunal for an exemption order. The tribunal will sit only as required. required. A maximum of seven individuals individuals will be appointed to the tribunal and will sit in panels of three to determine determine exemption orders and accreditation accreditation application. The registration system will be phased in over the winter. months. The first group of farm businesses will receive their registration forms and explanatory brochures in December December 1993. The fifth character of the farm's postal code determines package package reception date and registration due date, as follows: Fifth postal code character A-J receive mail early December, December, 1993 and registration due date is January 15, 1994; Fifth postal code carrier K-S receive mail early January, 1994, and registration due date is February 15, 1994; and Fifth postal code character T-Z receive mail early February, 1994, and registration due date is March 15, 1994. For example, example, if the postal code is K1J 2B3, the due date would be January 15, 1994. Registration of farm business should be completed by April 1994. At that time, uninterrupted access by eligible farm businesses to selected Ministry programs, such as the 1994 Farm Tax Rebate Program, will depend depend on having a valid farm business registration number. Registration packages provide refund refund information details. Farmers can call (416) 326-9900 or if they have not received their package within thirty thirty days of their registration due date. VON SEEKS VOLUNTEERS - The Volunteer Services of the Victorian Order of Nurses - Durham Branch is always on the lookout for friendly, dedicated people from the Bowmanville area. These people are needed to volunteer their time to visit with senior citizens, socially isolated persons, and disabled people throughout the Durham Region. If you can spare an hour and a half each week, this opportunity might be of interest to you. For details, please contact the VON volunteer services at (905) 434-2350. ■■•■■•eeeeee YULETIDE AT THE MILL - From November 12 to 20, the Visual Arts Centre will hold its popular exhibition and sale of small paintings suitable for Christmas gifts. The 100 paintings will be among the attractions of the Yuletide at the Mill event which takes place November 19, 20 and 21. This also happens to be the weekend of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade. The Visual Arts Centre's Yuletide program will include handmade crafts, pottery, weaving, jewellery, live performances, homemade baking, and even a hotline to Santa. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required to remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks in front of, and beside their properties within 12 hours after a fall of snow, freezing rain, or hail and to keep them clear. These requirements apply whether or not a house or any other building is erected on the property. If you fail to clear and keep clear the entire surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the Municipality will remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of such removal to the property owner's realty taxes. Clearing snow and ice makes the Municipality's sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice. AT ALL TIMES will be appreciated. Important: Failure to comply with the provisions of By-law No. 93-144 may result in prosecution. *T . Note: No further notice will be given. MUNICIPALITY OF jf ylciIÏTlfftOTl cs - Ind. 2996 ONTARIO *H y Vsj Ml. / ^ SANTA DAYS ARE COMING!! to NEWCASTLE * IYMXI DRUG Thursday, December 2 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, December 3rd 9 am.-6 pm. Saturday, December 4th 9 am.-4 pm. UNBELIEVABLE ASSORTMENT OF INSTORE DRAWS FREEH HAVE THE Kl PICTURE TAKEN WITH SANTA. Please call ahead for your ihhh-- ■itt f/f* DRAW PRIZES ... • Apotex Gift Certificate $25 • Bonne Belle Makeup Gift Basket $20 Value. • Caroline Gift Basket $20 Value • Clarion Makeup Gift Basket $20 Value • Cover Girl Makeup Gift Basket $20 Value • Degree Duffle Bag • 3 Gift Certificates from Gillette I Ladies' - $20 2 Men's - $20 each • Gillette - 35 mm Camera • Sally Hansen Manicure Gift Basket $20 • L'Oreal Hair Products Gift Basket $20 • Lifesaver Sweatshirt • Mars T-shirt • Myoflex Duffle Bag • NHL Black Jacket • Pepsi T-shirt • Pepsi Hat • Reeses - Telephone • Seldane Sweatshirt We've got so much, for so many, for so little. So don't go crazy racking your brain for what to get your relatives, and friends for Christmas. Just stop in and check our prices and selection. We're sure you'll find just the thing! NEWCASTLE * mflXI DRUG 50 Mill Street North at King Street Newcastle Village VISA 987-3435