I entre Holds Open House The Optimal Health Chiropractic Centre held an Open House Saturday, Saturday, January 22, for persons interested in learning about chiropractic, chiropractic, treatments, laser acupuncture, massage therapy and the holistic approach to health care. Members of the staff who were on hand to greet the visitors are pictured above. Seated are office managers Michelle Michelle Bemey and Julie Stephenson. Standing are Dr. Katherine Wood, D.C., Cher Toal, RMT, and Dr. Dianne Lott, D.C. Absent is Gabriel Frasson, RMT. The clinic is located at 152 Church St„ in Bowmanvilie. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Temperance and Church St, Bowmanvilie 623-3432 SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1994 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sunday School and Nursery Minister: Rev. Harvey Osborne, B.A., M.Div. 623-0009 &t. Jo&ti's * Anglican Cfiutcf) : Temperance St. S„ Bowmanvilie SUNDAY, JANUARY 30TH, 1994 EPIPHANY IV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying-On-of-Hands for Healingne Rector - The Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B. A., S.T.B. Bm Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanvilie, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 A Rev. Frank Lockhart M.A., M.Div., M. Th. Wednesday, January 26th 6:15 p.m. Annual Congregational Meeting Pot Luck Dinner SUNDAY, JANUARY 30TH, 1994 10:30 a.m. "Christian Unity" All welcome Church School for all Children gt. haul's titttitttr C&uttf) Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JANUARY 30TH, 1994 11:00 a.m. "We've Only Just Begun" Nursery Care for Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanvilie, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home. Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, b.sc. Phm. Alcohol and many drugs are a bad combination. Ovcrsedatlon is one of the problems that may occur. Alcohol and A.S.A, can produce a more pronounced stomach Irritation. This can be dangerous dangerous especially If you have had or have a history of a peptic ulcer. Avoid A.S.A. with 8-10 hours of alcohol consumption, It Is better to breathe In through your nose than your mouth. Your nose filters, moisturizes and warms the air before It goes to the lungs. Use your mouth for exhaling, food and Diking. Women arc victims of a very disabling form of discrimination ... Arthritis, It affects three times more women than men. Anal Itching Is annoying and can be caused by some common food Items, like coffee, tea, cola drinks, beer, chocolate, and tomatoes. Itch can occur I • 2 days after a certain threshold level Is reached In the body. Ask our pharmacists for help In relieving this problem. Courteous, helpful and discreetThat's our pharmacists... here to help you with your medication needs. 'Pharmacist Orthotlst Bowmanvilie Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanvilie, Ont, Free Deliveries (905) 623-761 News from Solina W.l. The January meeling of Solina W.l. was called to order by the President, President, Margaret Ford, at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 13/94. Margaret read a poem. We than sang the opening opening Ode and repeated the Collect. Minutes were read and treasurer's report given by Alma Langmaid. The minutes of the last Executive meeting were read including plans for our Casserole luncheon, March 23. Correspondence was read and dealt with. Marion Broome gave the Friendship Friendship Report and Lois Ycllowlees reported reported on Luncheon Tickets for March 23. A letter from the Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture and Food re: the Country Quilt Fcst August 12-21 was read. Joyce Hancock offered to design the 36" wall hanging with the "Home and Country Emblem", etc., and a welcome message for the new W.l. Office in Guelph. A letter from President Eberle reinforced reinforced the idea that "We Can Make A Difference". A wonderful letter from Olga Porter of the Bilton W.l. in England was read. Best wishes from Olga were given to our W.l. for a successful successful '94. Members and guests enjoyed this letter greatly. Faye Vice read a letter and Christmas Christmas card from Lai Ching whom we have supported. The Roll Call, "What Do Birds do for you?" brought many interesting, informative and comical ideas. Birds give us much enjoyment. Viola Ashton of the East Group, read a "Parable of Nature" from the Bernice Noblitt book, which stated "that Life is a dream and is strength and freedom". A good book to enjoy. Pat Best gave the Motto, "The Forthcoming Marriage best ground bears weeds as well as flowers." Pat conveyed the value of weeds to the environment, to man and animals and that quick growing weeds help stop erosion. Pat also noted noted that a pigweed has 100,000 seeds no wonder they cover gardens, etc., so quickly. A sing song with Faye at the piano piano taught us new words for "smile a while," with actions. I love "Gently Sweet Afton" prepared us for the remainder remainder of the program. Pat Best introduced Margaret Carney, Carney, a member of the Durham Region Field Naturalists and author of a weekly bird and nature column in the Oshawa Times. Margaret showed us beautiful pictures of local winter birds and gave an informative talk on these delightful winter friends as well as the importance.of saving wetlands. Alma Langmaid thanked Margaret. Margaret. Viola Ashton closed with a Poem entitled "The New Year." President Margaret reminded us to bring a Valentine to exchange February February 9, make it, bake it, or buy it, for our next W.L meeting. The meeting closed with the singing singing of the' Institute Grace and O Canada. Canada. A social hour continued in the lower hall where everyone enjoyed the lunch and fellowship. A.C.W.W. draws were organized by the Baker's Group and completed following lunch. Donna Barkey PR.O. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie. Wednesday, January 26,1994 7 Happy "85th" Birthday, Gram Engagement Announced Ron and Nancy Thompson, Bow- manvillc, arc happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Deborah Deborah Anne, to Ken Gazlcy, son of Mrs. Carol Gazley also of Bowmanvilie. The wedding will take place June 3, 1994, at St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvilie. Lila Gledhill Love from The Corbetts, The Masseys, The Singletons and the McCallums. Mutual Premier Investment Funds 100% No-Load & Full Service • Mutual Premier Mortgage Fund • Mutual Premier Bond Fund • Mutual Premier Blue Chip Fund • Mutual Premier American Fund • Mutual Premier International Fund • Mutual Premier Growth Fund The choice is yours. Call and get the Premier Advantage. Please call Office/Fax 623-4038 John Willoughby Res. 623-3108 Licensed with Mutual Ule ol Canada/Mutual Investee Inc., two companies ol The Mutual Group. Important Information about Ihese Investment funds Is contained In their simplified prospectus available from Mutual Investco Inc., through an olfice ol The Mutual Group. Please read It carefully belora Investing. Unit values, yield and Investment return will lluctuate, Vcmc and Diana Rowe, Newcastle, Newcastle, arc pleased to announce the forthcoming forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Lori-Ann to Chris Bauman, son of Byron and Sharon Bauman, Bow- manvillc. The wedding will take place on April 2, 1994 at Newcastle United Church. Graduate James Myles Mr. and Mrs. Don Holmes wish to congratulate Gwen's son Jamie for successfully completing his third year at Mohawk College in Electronics Electronics Engineering Technology. Jamie will be accepting a position at Unique Systems in Markham. Best of luck, Jamie. You make us proud and also proud are Jenn and Grandpa Howard from Orono. NOTICE Persons interested in forming a new Evangelical witness in Clarington please call George Bell 697-0552 Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec fIBERNETHY'S ANNUAL JANUARY SALE 1950 -1994 It was January of 1950 when the late Jim Abernethy first opened the doors of Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper. Come help us celebrate 44 Years! SAVE OH ALL GALLONS of Benjamin Moore or Ideal Paints Benjamin Moore's Top Quality Latex Eggshell Finish IDEAL #7000 Latex Primer or #3600 Latex Ceiling Paint f most colors *29" U$t Price $37.25 15 44 WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS (IP TO 40 % OFF' * Off Book Price Fabric not included. MOST IN-STOCK WALLPAPER CLEARANCE PRICED FROM $A99 single ■ roll EiABERNEWS V PAINT and WflLLPfiPEi? OB io«m«mti PAINT and WALLPAPER 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanvilie JJ® Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 - 6; Fri. 8 - 9; Sat. 8:30 - 5 Is'"" 183 Queen St. Port Perry, Ont. (905) 985-8234 HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. and Sat. 9:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Friday 'til 9 p.m. Sun. 12-5 p.m. ANNUAL WINTER FURNITURE SALE JANUARY 15 TO FEBRUARY 15