The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 2,1994 15 Articles for Sale WHEELCHAIR, new, small - medium adult size. Phone 263-4430. DOGS or cats? Save money yet best quality kibble, dog/cat food, Puss n' Boots; birdseed. Country Country Treasure 8207 Hwy.35/115, 905-983-5436, WHAT a bargain! Did you know that you could place a 20 word classified ad in both papers - The Canadian Statesman and The Independent Independent - for only $10.12 ($9.45 + .67 GST). You can reach approximately 22,000 homes weekly. So ... if there's something you would like to advertise advertise pnone us at 623-3303 (Visa or MC accepted on phone orders) or drop into our office located located at 62 King St. W., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. PADDY'S MARKET NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Free Delivery on NEW A large selc ;tion of new and - ' used parts . Authorized dealer of \ Admiral and Inglis HOURS Mon Fri 9 a m. 6 p m. Sat 9 a m, 3pm Taunton Rd. East of Courtice Rd. RR#1 Hampton, 263-8369 5-tfSN For Rent PIANO LESSONS Never too young or old to enjoy ... private and small groups available. Margrit 697-2951 3 5-1SN Daycare E.C.E, teacher has room in established established home daycare. Playroom, Playroom, fenced yard, receipts .given for tax deduction and the love of a family home environ- ment. Phone 623-3495, EXPERIENCED daycare available available in my home, full or part-time, meals and snacks provided, all ages welcome. Phone Sharon 623-4890, EXPERIENCED daycare, mother of three, reasonable rates, nutritious meals and snacks, planned activities, country country setting, Green/Nash Rd. lone 623-7933. % EXPERIENCED mother will babysit babysit in my home, fenced yard, close to schools and park, Hwy. 2 and Trulls, 435-0902. LOVING mom will provide quality quality daycare in my homo, close to schools and parks, all ages welcome, welcome, reasonable rates, 987-3957. Livestock RIDING LESSONS for children and adults, beginners through advanced Horses boarded $160-$240 monthly Phone 623-7336 4-IISN Pets BLACK Lab, fomalo, CKC registered, registered, 10 months old, housebro- ken, $200. Phono 987-1761. DOG Training Classes - Puppy and adult. Next classes begin January 1994, Mangden Dog Training, Ruth Ann Millor, 623- 0507. Terribrae Pet Food and Supplies Prolosslomil Dog Grooming 73 King Slroot West □owmnnvlllo 623-1752 "Tito convenient pince to shop" Folii'tini'y Is Unapt anil Stpoko i nlm BOWMANVILLE - Three bedroom bedroom apartment available immediately, immediately, close to downtown and schools, first and last month's required, required, second month free, $770. monthly, heat, hydro, parking and appliances included, 623-7986, BOWMANVILLE - Three bed room, two bathroom, new home on quiet court, appliances, family room, deck. Lovely large lot perfect perfect for garden lovers, $900. plus utilities, first/last, available April 1st. Phone Kelly 697-1626, evenings. BOWMANVILLE, townhouse, condo end unit beside greenbelt, three bedroom plus garage, available available immediately, $749. plus util- ilies. Phone 1-(905) 349-3883 CENTRAL Bowmanville apartment, apartment, clean, quiet, adult building, building, $357. includes fridge, stove, heat. Apply Advertiser #1637, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C 3K9. CLEAN, bright, lower two bedroom bedroom apartment in Courtice, $700./month includes heat, hydro, hydro, fridge, stove, first/last, references. references. Non-smokers please. No pets, 983-5815. COMMERCIAL property t, available Snowmobiles 1974 Motoski, 399 electric start, $550. or best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. 623-6035. Cars for Sale 1990 PONTIAC Sunbird, 4 door, auto, air-conditioning, sunroof, sunroof, one owner, lady driven, $5,900., excellent condition. Phone 697-1286, Instructions Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS Anyone having a claim against The ESTATE OF FLORENCE GERTRUDE DORLAND late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on November 23,1993, file same with the undersigned not later than February 28, 1994, after which time complete distribution distribution may be made by the Executors Executors having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, this 26th day of January, 1994. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AND MERLE AILEEN AVERY, EXECUTORS. By their Solicitors Hamilton & Associates P.O. Box 39 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3K8 on King St.; first/last, available now. For more information please phone 623-4858. COMMERCIAL space for rent in new modern building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft., $350. per month, Ed Vanha- verbeke/Associate Broker, NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. Phone 987-3211. DUPLEX, Bowmanville, two bedroom, appliances, storage, close to downtown, utilities included, included, $735./month, available February 1, 987-4966, leave message. FAIR rent, great apartment, terrific terrific landlord, spotless one and two bedroom apartments in quiet new building. Devonshire Place, 145 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville. Phone Joan at 623-8737. KENDAL, one bedroom basement basement apartment, appliances, pool, horses boarded, close to Ganaraska, $500. monthly, 983-9373, LARGE one bedroom apartment near Bowmanville Mall, available March 1st, stove, fridge, ample parking, $475,, 623-5532, LARGE three bedroom house with den on one acre treed lot, two car garage, children and pets welcome, $1,150. per month plus utilities, immediate occu- pancy. Phone 697-0666, LUXURY one bedroom apartments apartments for rent, in prestigious building in Newcastle Village. Stove, fridge, air conditioning, sheers. Reduced to $600. per month plus utilities. Phone 987-3211. NEWCASTLE - Three bedroom apartment, $695./month, references, references, first and last. Phone Reta 987-5337. NEWCASTLE at lake - Three bedroom apartment, $605 plus electric; Two bedroom, $425. plus, heat/el.ectric, both available immediately' 623-0066. ~ - ' ODDFELLOW and Rebekah Centre, Church St., Orono, Wheelchair accessible. Phone 983-5859. OFFICE space available, downtown downtown Bowmanville, two units at 200 sq. ft., $250. each includes 2 parking spaces and utilities or 400 sq. ft., $450. with 4 parking spaces. Elevator available. Phone 623-4172. ONE bedroom apartment, Pon-, typool, $325. plus hydro, ■ first/last, available immediately. Phone (705) 277-2403 or 987- ■ 4658.' TWO bedroom apartment, King St., Bowmanville, large living room, modern kitchen, plus appliances, appliances, $600. monthly, references references required. Phone 623-2381. TWO bedroom basement apartment, apartment, water and parking included, included, no pets, available February 1st, $475. monthly. Phone 579-7643. TWO bedroom home to share in Bowmanville, $500. monthly. Phone 697-1528. TWO bedroom, central location, Bowmanville, no pets, first/last, $450./month, available now. Phone 623-7438. ONE bedroom apartment, Newcastle Newcastle Village, fridge and stove included, $475. monthly plus utilities, utilities, first/last, available immediately. immediately. Phone 987-4682, after 6 p.m. ONE bedroom apartment, fresh ly decorated, includes heat, hydro, hydro, water, three car driveway and use of yard, $450. monthly, located in Newcastle. Phone 987- 1468, after 5. ONE bedroom apartment avail able immediately, downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, parking, $450. plus hydro, hydro, no pets, references, first/last. Reply to: Advertiser 1653, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Statesman, P.O. box 190, Bowman- ville, L1C3K9. ONE bedroom basement apartment, apartment, available February 1st, $500. monthly, all inclusive. Phone 697-2787. ONE bedroom upper apartment available now, $383. per month plus utilities. Phone alter 6 p.m. 623-5868. ORONO - Hwy. 35/115, one bed room, stove, fridge, references, first/last, $500. monthly includes utilities, (905) 983-5436. QUIET one bedroom apartment, Liberty N„ Bowmanville, heat, hydro, water, appliances included, included, first/last, references, no pets, March 1 st, 623-7446, ROOMS for rent, $70./week, Bowmanville by the lake. Phone 697-2123. THREE bedroom semi, close to schools and downtown, $850. monthly plus utilities, available immediately. Phone 987-7214. TOWNHOUSE, three bed rooms, fridge/stove, garage, garden garden walkout, no pets/smoking, minutes to 401, April 1, $850, monthly plus utilities, 430-2285. ACCOMMODATIONS with TV, fridge, linens, utilities, parking included, included, Hwy. 115, take-out Food on premises, weekly/monthly rates. 983-5219. AVAILABLE immediately, immaculate, immaculate, large two bedroom apartment, balcony walkout, 4 eiece bath, A-1 location, no pets, irst/last, references, 623-7263, A-1 OFFICE SPACE Bowmanville - Close to 401 1000 sq. ft. • A/C Security • Fully Finished 579-1626 15 -tfs Help Wanted APPLICATIONS are being received received at Heavy Haulers Truck Stop Snacks and Fuel Bar located located at Waverley Rd,/Baseline, Bowmanville. We are looking for people who are highly energetic, motivated, a friendly personality and a strong willingness to work. BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATOR BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATOR required for temporary temporary assignment in Newcas- tle/Bowmanville area commencing commencing approximately April 1, 1994. Must be versatile and experienced experienced in Windows, Lotus, WordPerfect WordPerfect and AccPac, or similar computer programs. Property Management experience would be helpful. Potential for longer term employment. Please provide provide written resume to: Advertiser Advertiser # 1654, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K9. SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent, Newcastle Village from $39 "CHECK OUR RATES" Now Available 10' x 20', 10'x 15', 10'x 10', 5'x 10' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 5 . 4SN Fine dining restaurant in Bowmanville is looking for PART-TIME EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Phone 697-2475 . 5-1 SN MODERN OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT At 214 King St. E. 1000 sq. ft. available Immediately and additional 500-1000 sq. ft. on May 1st. OFFICE/SECRETARIAL/ RECEPTION facilities all available if required, Ample parking. Phone NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. 623-4445 s-is Plonso ylvo. /■'ipiviuy IhV ityMI'f «! C,I'M,hr- •/ Kllto. DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Available Immediately 725 sq, ft. commercial space plus 275 sq. fl, basement storage. Drywnll, largo bright, windows, handy parking. parking. $800. monthly Includes utilities. 14 Silver St. Phone 623-3303 13-IISN VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Hospice Durham requires a part-time (12 hrs. per week) coordinator to develop a community-based volunteer program In Clarlngton. The successful applicant will have: • experience In community and/or palllntlvo caro nursing • sound assessment and Interviewing skills • knowledge of community ngonclos and rosourcos • valid driver's llconso and car, and bo nblo to work indopondontly. Wo thank all applicants, howovor only those to bo Intorvlowod will bo contacted by February 10, 1994. Plonso submit rooumô to: Executive Director HOSPICE DURHAM 850 Champlain Avo„ Oshowo, ON LU 8C3 5-1S I BEAUTIFUL downtown Orono, large two bedroom, 3rd floor, fridge and stove, (irst/last, references, references, $575. plus hydro, January January 1/94. Phone 983-8159 day- lime, 983-9475 after 5. BOWMANVILLE - Available immediately, immediately, two bedroom triplex, $600. monthly plus utilities, (irst/last. references, 987-5432, BOWMANVILLE - Large, clean, bright, one bedroom apartment, apartment, available March 1st, A-1 location, location, f/s, no pets, first/last, ref- erences, 623-7263, BOWMANVILLE - One bed room apartment, upstairs ol house, fridge, stove, heat and utilities included, available February February 1, $498., 983-5428. Real Estate Wanted WANTED - Handyman's Spe- •cial, good down, payment, V'.T.B. mortgage. Phone 983-5646^; Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE - Five level side split, 2,000 sq. ft. home, Bowmanville, gas heat, inground pool and many upgrades, $179,900., 623-5765. Help Wanted ALASKAJOBS! Earn up to $30,000 in 3 months Fishing Salmon, also construction, canneries oil fields plus more! For immediate response Phone 1-504-646-4513 ext. K230 24 hours Darlington Mushroom Farm has an immediate opening for a part-time (Fri., Sat., Sun.) Sales and Office Clerk to handle public sales and basic accounting functions. Experience should include a knowledge of computer invoicing. Please apply in own handwriting to: Darlington Mushroom Farm R.R.#4, Bowmanville L1C3K5. Darlington Mushroom Farm has an immediate opening for a full-time highly skilled and flexible individual. Qualifications should include a knowledge of refrigeration and electrical plus an all round maintenance trouble shooting ability. This job also requires personnel skills in supervising staff. Please send or deliver resume to: Darlington Mushroom Farm R.R.#4, Bowmanville •L1C3K5. EXCELLENT incomel $200 - $500. weekly. Assemble products products at home. Fully guaranteed, no experience. Phone 1 -504-641 - 1114, Ext. H1229,24 hours. Wanted to Buy I will buy your unwanted items. Before you throw out or hide them in your basement, phone me at 728-8485, please leave message. Employment Wanted Auctions l---- sât^Fëb?576!3Ô , p!rîr™™ Pethick Auction Barn Hayden, 2498 Cone. Rd. 8 R.R.#1, Bowmanville This week we have a large assort. assort. of air, impact and hand tools from a local tool distributor that has gone out of business as well as our regular sale of fine antique antique and modern furniture and collectables. Tools to include air, impact, hand tools, socket sets, wrench sels, air sanders, impact drivers 1/2", 3/8", pipe wrenches, hammers, etc., a large assortment. assortment. Furniture to include dining room suite, living rm. suite, bedroom bedroom suites, oak table and chairs, oak bow front china cabinet cabinet and lots of other interesting and unusual pieces, something for everyone. Viewing from 5 i.m. Terms: Cash, cheque or Visa. For more info, call 1-905- 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K, Powell Auctions. Thurs., Feb. 3, 6 p.m. Warner's Auction Hall Hwy. #2, Colborne Selling contents of Roseneath home including 16 hp. riding lawn mower in new condition with only 14 hours on, Allis Chalmers tractor tractor with buzz saw, qty. lumber and trim plus more new furnishings furnishings from 1994 furniture show, household includes nice oak dining dining rm. suite only 4 yrs. old in excellent excellent cond., h.g. fridge, stove, Auction Sales RESIDENTIAL cleaning woman available as needed, weekly, to clean, your home. Thorough Thorough basic cleaning at reasonable reasonable rates, trustworthy, Lianna 987-0545. auto, washer and dryer, chest freezer, upright piano, double pedestal oak desk, dishes, housewares and mise, household household articles, good used rocker and swivel rocker, coffee and end tables, new articles include round oak table with matching chairs, cast iron bed with porcelain porcelain and brass trim with new box and matt., 3 new bed sofas, 3 new dinette tables and chairs, new coffee and end tables, occasional occasional tables, mise, articles include include 2 wheel utility trailer, Ski- boose for behind Ski-doo, dishes, dishes, knick knacks, lamps, mirrors, mirrors, plus numerous articles all sold with no reserves starting at 6:00 p.m. Visa and MC accepted, Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 905- 355-2106. Thurs. Feb. 10 Warner's Auction Hall Hwy. #2, Colborne Selling equipment, tools and stock from a closed service station, station, Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 905-355-2106. Work Wanted BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington Street Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repairs, all types of glass and mirrors available. FREE ESTIMATES 24 hour emergency plate glass replacement. Locally owned and operated. Finishing Touch Painting ' Interior - Ekterlor Free Estimates Phone , 623-8183 Homefield Deck Building Services Complete Decks and Patios Installed. 20 Years Experience. Reasonable Rates Phone 434-0367 I & T CARPENTERS Licensed, 25 years experience. House Trim, Stairs, Decks. Additions and Custom Homes. All carpentry related work Ivan Jones Tony Fanera Orono Courtlce/Hamp- ton 983-5303 433- 4700 JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 43, Bowmanville Snowmobile seats recovered or repaired. Also new canvas covers, colour of your choice. 623-4654 CARPET and VINYL RESTRETCHES REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Competitive Rates 623-5248 CJ'S RENOVATIONS Interior & Exterior Repairs Renovations, Decks, . Fences, etc. Free Estimates Payment Plans 623-4154 ask for Kelly FENELLA Well Drilling.- Wa,ter wells drilled, pump installations, reasonable rates, free estimates. estimates. Larry, 416-373-0484 or Harry Wacfe, Representative, 416-987-4531. LARRY QUINNEY PAINTING and DECORATING Interior and Exterior Over 15 years experience FREE ESTIMATES Phone 263-8535 Rick Watts Carpentry Basement, Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations. Custom House & Cottage Framing, Decks & Fences. Free Estimates References 623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING •ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293,983-6221 Sewing Machine Sales/Service/Parts TUNE-UPS FROM $26.95 BOWMANVILLE FABRICS 65 King Street West Bowmanville 623-1241 DUFFY HOME IMPROVEMENTS Patrick Duffy 623-0599 3- 4 sn DRYWALL, PLASTER TEXTURED CEILINGS and MOULDINGS New Work and Repairs Don Robinson Jim Robinson 433-2161 432-0041 2-4 SN DAVID HILLS BUILDING SERVICES • DESIGN • DRAFTING • CONSTRUCTION NEW HOMES-ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES FREE CONSULTATION 5-1SUJ DURHAM T.V. & ANTENNA • Antenna Installations, Repairs and Removals • Do-lt-Yoursolf Antenna Supplies • T.V., Stereo and VCR Repairs 151 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville 623-9955 53-tlSN Carl Brink BUILDER OF FINE HOMES • Additions and » Renovations 987-4818 Newcastle, Ontario .. 5-1SN Sat., Feb. 5,11 a.m. Estate of the late Stan and Jessie Shelley R.R.#3, Campbellford, Ont. At north end of Campbellford, go east on Con. 7, Seymour for 4 kms. Large quantity of dishes; some ant. pieces; depression glass; antique hat pin holder; antique buffet; Kenmore apt. size dryer; Kenmore washer spin dryer; Moffat Moffat ft refrigerator; Hotpoint 24" range; Moffat port, dishwasher; electric appliances; Fairbanks Morse deep freezer; Kelvinator deep freezer; microwave stand; glass washboard; 3 antique chairs; coal oil lantern; crocks; wooden cupboard, china cabinet; antique oval extension table and 5 leaves; 6 wooden kitchen chairs; Candle stereo and 2 spkrs.; ant. parlour table; chesterfield; chesterfield; 3 arm chairs; swivel rocker; 2 recliners; oval table; Hitachi Hitachi 26" colour television; antique antique secretary china cabinet; pictures and frames; bed chesterfield, chesterfield, like new; books; chesterfield chesterfield and chair; mantel clock; liquor liquor cabinet; hall tree; 2 pressed back chairs; chest of silver; Morris Morris cabinet gramophone; old records; tub stand; double metal bed; 2 chests of drawers; dresser dresser with mirror; bedding; wooden hall tree; ant. rocking chair; toilet pcs.; ant. washstand; cedar chest; 2 double metal beds; sewing sewing cabinet; exercise bike; Singer Singer electric sewing machine; 3/4 bed; hall tree; floor lamp; lawn chairs; quantity of hand tools; hardware; fishing tackle; gas lawn mower; hedge trimmer; 6' wooden step ladder; garden tools; Weed Eater 1700 gas trimmer, trimmer, like new; 1985 Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue, loaded, good cond., approx. 98,000 orig. kms., cert.; 1981 Chevrolet 1/2 ton truck, 305 V8, p.s., p.b., with cap, as is; Bonair BA1000 hard top camper with stove and ice box, good; Sterling 14 ft. aluminum aluminum fishing boat and trailer; Johnson 9.9 hp. outboard motor; Suzuki 250 four wheeler (2 wheel drive), good; Ski-doo 340 Nordic snowmobile; Turf Trak 11/38 riding riding lawn mower, 11 h.p., like new; Turf Trak 5/26 roto tiller, 5 h.p., like new. Many more items of interest. interest. Please Note: Everything in this sale has been kept in good cond. Car, truck, boat, camper, etc. will sell at 12:00 p.m. Sale will be outdoors, so dress accordingly. accordingly. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. No reserve. Owner. and Auctioneer not responsible responsible for accident or injury day of sale. Roy and Rod Williams, Williams, Auctioneers, Campbellford, Campbellford, (705) 653-3533. Lunch available. Fri., Feb. 4,6 p.m. Cornell's Auction Barn The property of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Little Britain plus 2 apartments from Lindsay. Round oak pedestal table with 3 leaves, Moffat 2 door refrigerator and matching 30 in . electric stove, Moffat automatic washer and dryer, all appliances only two years old, Challenger airtight stove,'chesterfield and matching chair,, refinished flat top farm scales, apartment size chest freezer, 6 pc. modern bedroom suite with 2 single beds, antique dressers, spool bed, Woods apartment size upright freezer, 6 pc. modern dinette suite, portable portable colour TV, walnut magazine rack, bed chesterfield, coffee and end tables, modern dressers and chests of drawers, coal oil lamps, cutter, 6 hp. snow blower, 4 model 84 Cooey shotguns, Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, 4 - 22 rifles, 410 shotgun 30-30 Springfield Savage with 4X32 Bushnell scope, 303 Enfield, qty. ammunition. Guns to be sold at 8:30 p.m. Plus a quantity of china, glass, household, and antique antique items. Don and Greg Cornell, Cornell, Auctioneers, R.R.#1, Little Britain. Phone or Fax (705) 786-2183. Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville Selling the interesting contents from a local home, along with some attractive new traditional furniture from a business close out. Fridge, stove, tables, chairs, deacon's bench, drop front desk, small oak roll desk, small oak desk, 3 tier round wood plant stand, single canopy bed, crocks, cast iron crimper and corn cooker, pattern carpets, occasional occasional tables, china cabinet, 8 pc. oak dining suite with buffet hutch, 6 pc. cherry finish bedroom bedroom suite with 4 poster queen bed, also 7 hp. snowblower and many other items. Plan to attend this Friday night. Terms: Cash or good cheque with I.D. Auction- eer; Frank Stapleton. 786-2244. "Kahn Country Auctions" Every Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd. Pickering 3 Miles north of Hwy. 401 (Take Exit #399) Featuring every Wednesday an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. So join us every Wednesday and participate in one of Ontario's "True" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: Cash, cheque (with proper proper I.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1:00 p.m. "Consignment and estate estate selling our speciality". Call us today - Kahn Auction Servic- es, 683-0041. Tues., Feb. 15,10 a.m. Restaurant/Bakery Auction at Orval McLean's Auction Center, Lindsay Under instructions from a secured secured creditor we will supplement and liquidate the complete assets assets of a modern restaurant/bakery restaurant/bakery by auction featuring Taylor Softec Master control soft ice cream machine. Bakery equipment, restaurant equipment, equipment, glassware, tables and chairs, seating for 108, etc. Most items between 1 and 2 years old. Office equipment and furniture also vehicles. Don't miss this excellent excellent opportunity to purchase good clean equipment. List next week. For flyer call Orval McLean Auctions, (705) 324-2783, Lindsay. Lindsay. Sat., Feb. 5,10 a.m. Warner's Auction Hall Hwy. #2, Colborne Selling the estate of the late Ray Kemp plus contents of home of D. Jennings, both of Brighton. Good clean sale with antiques, collectables, modern home furnishings, furnishings, etc. Partial list includes exceptionally nice 9 pc. dining room suite in excell, cond., burled walnut Knectell china cabinet cabinet also in excell, cond., several antique parlour tables, nice ant. walnut bedrm. suite with high boy chest, dresser w/mirror and matching night stand, double bed with ' brass hd. and ft. board, pressback rocker, mise, antique side chairs, old radio, 6 board, dovetailed pine blanket box, floral floral pattern loveseat. in excell, cond., set of lyre back .chairs, sofa and chair, fur coat, wringer washer, auto, dryer, small quantity quantity old tools, old crosscut saw, other old saws, 2 crocks, 2 old 22's, 1 repeater, 1 old single shot marked Germany, old Springfield muzzle loader, old 10 ga. double barrel, depression glass, qty. crystal and other glassware, collectables, collectables, silver plated tea service service with tray, Winston Churchill Ltd. Edition Royal Doulton figurine, figurine, qty. bedding and linens, plus mise, articles all to be sold with no reserves. Visa and MC accepted. accepted. Gary Warner,Auctioneer, Warner,Auctioneer, 905-355-2106. Sun., Feb. 13 Exceptionally Nice Art Auction With original oil paintings, plus quantity of prints by various artists artists to be held at Warner's Auction Auction Hall, Hwy. #2, Colborne. Watch next week's paper for details. details. Gary Warner, Auctioneer, 905-355-2106. AUCTION SALE ON: Saturday, February 5th, 1994 AT: Lions Community Centre, Bowmanville 26 Beech Ave., (Take Liberty North to Concession West, 2nd Street to Beech Ave.) PREVIEW: 6:00 p.m. SALE: 7:00 p.m. Sharp PARTIAL LISTING: Jewellery 10 Kt. -14 Kt -18 Kt. - gold chains, bracelets, rings with diamonds, rubles, sapphires, emeralds and birth stones. Ladles earrings and more. Selection of ladles' and men's watches, diamond tennis bracelets, silver jewellery. Crystal and Doulton figurines, porcelain dolls, signed sports memorabilia, comic books, gold and silver coins, Batman coin, Star Trek pins, Cape de Montes, jewellery boxes, rocking chairs, coffee and occasional tables, pine bench, cedar chest, bow china cabinet, bird cages, Oriental vases, fish bowls, Ginger jars, marble and" mahogany finish console tables, 4 pc. - 3 pc. nesting tables, Tiffany style floor, table and hanging lamps, Halogen lamps, Regina vacuums, Blssol carpet steam cleaners, cameras, universal remotes, whirlpool hot spas, silk shirts, cordless phones, answering machines, walkmans, CD stereos, stereos, microwave, VCR, TVs and more. Lagostina cookware sets, din- nerware sets, pressure cookers, juicers, cappuccino and espresso machine. Goose down duvets, satin sheets, comforters, feather beds, pillows, and duvet covers, exercise steppers, Ltd. Edition prints and decorative pictures and more, Too numerous to mention. Auctioneer's Note: This Is a large sale. Try not to miss. Sale conducted by KINGSWAY AUCTIONS LTD. Terms: Cash or cheques only with and credit card. Tel. 1 (905)625-2669. ily with 2 pc. of I.D. such as driver's license 5-1 SN Wanted to Buy FREE PICK UP ON Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 44-tlS Services • Weddings • Anniversaries 0 mm convortod to Video Foreign films convortod to and from any country. 'Videfr HàKeteàù H'te<xàwic& 436-2992 3-4SN Financial Corporation MORTGAGES Serving Durham Region lor over 20 yearn l 1st mid 2nd's to 95% Debt Consolidations Primo Rales • Pro-Qualifying 571-2880 Investor Inquiries Welcome! 9-tlSN